#so they’re overqualified for the scientific and technological aspect of their job. and vastly under qualified for every other part of it
flareguncalamity · 2 years
Lt. Commander Killian: So what was your name again?
Nevularxi: I have not already told you. I’m afraid my name may not translate into your language.
Lt. Commander Killian: Oh yeah?
Nevularxi: I am named for a period of time on my home planet that surrounds the immediate aftermath of the second yearly equinox of our planet’s solar star. It’s the period following our fertile rainy season, and marked the beginning of the harvest in years of antiquity, as well as the coming of the colder, darker season which our species typically spends in isolation or hibernation. The period is considered to be a time of great liminality and spiritual importance in our ancient religions, although since the dawn of the modern technological age it has lost some of its transient meaning.
Lt. Commander Killian: …Okay, but i meant more like. how do I say your name.
Nevularxi: Oh, it’s nev-you-LARK-zee.
Lt. Commander Killian: Gotcha. by the way, your name in english is October.
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