#so this is my contribution to the hunger games renaissance
butcharondir · 2 years
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hunted by the narrative
hares on the mountain, traditional folk song // art by jen mazza
sparrow for a heart, abigal lappell // art by barbara bokoto-tomala
newcastle, traditional folk song // artist unknown
if i was a painter, lisa o'neill // art by claudia barbu
ashamed, deer tick // art by nicolas samori
i wish my baby was born, traditional folk song // artist unknown
hard wired, shakey graves // art by miles johnston
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esli-art · 1 year
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"You need to get out of here. Go find mom. I know, I'm so sorry. Go find mom!" - Katniss to Primrose
My little contribution to the Hunger Games renaissance on tumblr 🥲🤍
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avenger-hawk · 8 years
Tagged by: @someone-who-is-there, @shisuicune and @eeliiii
Thanks to all of you ✨🐰🐙🐟🐣🐦🐬✨
(veeeery long post under the cut)
@someone-who-is-there‘s questions:
1. Name three people you admire. 
Margherita Hack, an astrophysicist, animal rights supporter, political activist and self-proclaimed atheist (but when she talked about space you could see how spiritual she was). 
Samantha Cristoforetti, astronaut, the first Italian woman who went to space, he first person who brewed a coffee in space, also the first person who cosplayed in space (she’s a Trekkie, she brought her Star Trek uniform with her)
Giordano Bruno, philosopher and cosmological theorist who hypothesized many planets, star systems and universes (a sort of multiverse as it’s called today), in the Renaissance, when they still believed that everything rotated around the Earth, who believed in reincarnation and pantheism and who was burnt alive for heresy in Rome.
2. Using one word, how would you describe your friends?
Noisy. Sometimes I forget why we’re friends, even~
3. What is the sound you love the most?
Birds chirping, it makes me happy.
4. What fictional character do you wish you could meet?
Uh I’m not sure, I could go for an obvious Naruto universe character but wouldn’t it be too obvious? Also which one would I choose? There are too many..from the Uchiha clan and outside, like Team Taka. So I’ll choose Data from Star Trek Next Generation, an inspiring positive universe and a very human android.
5. What’s the worst thing you did as a kid?
I’ll choose a worst-funny thing. When I was baptised I was a little older than other kids (my mom wanted to wait but she was pressured and eventually she accepted) and I never had sweets because my mom was attentive to healthy food. But I was restless during the ceremony and it was a collective baptism with random kids, in this huge ancient church with catacombs, so some random lady gave me a candy to make me shut up. I went on a sugar high and when the priest took me in his arms and put my head on the baptism water tank (how is it even called haha) I freaked out and thrashed and yelled at him to put me down saying things like “let me go I’ll kick your ass”...something that my parents didn’t teach me, but kids are sponges so how knows where I learned that from~
6. What’s the toughest decision you made this year? 
Shave my head on new year’s day, to get rid of the hair pulling impulse with a shock treatment and let hair regrow properly. Stress comes in many ways, and when you bottle it up eventually stuff will happen. Currently they’re super short except for a couple of bangs in the front. The toughest thing was to say it, not to do it, as it was regarded as an irrational decision while to me it was completely rational, although hard. I suspect the hardest part will arrive in summer, when I won’t be able to wear beanies and hats or a wig. And uh, I’m mentioning this in detail for the first time, so it’s kind of important I guess.
7. What makes you nostalgic? 
I’m not very nostalgic of the past, I’m more nostalgic of things that haven’t happened yet, and probably never will.
8. What superpower would you most like to have? 
Mind reading/manipulating, including animals so I could communicate with them. Basically the sharingan, plus animals.
9. What do you want new people you meet to think about you? 
Uh I don’t really care but sure I don’t want them to think I’m stupid or incompetent.
10. What’s the moment you left childhood behind?
Sometimes I feel like I haven’t left it yet, sometimes I feel like I never was one, as I always overthought things.
@shisuicune​‘s questions:
1. Your favorite childhood memory?
I’m not sure if I have one favourite. But when I think about my childhood what first comes to mind is me playing in the garden with tiny toys, making up their adventures in my head, the grass and flowers as a forest. Also I have a memory of me playing in the garden of some cool elegant house, knowing that inside there is a party. I remember the garden very well and the other kid vaguely. But my parents said they never took me to such place so~
2. How do you take your coffee/tea?
I don’t like tea and I take my coffee dark and bitter as hell~
3. Favorite books?
The Little Prince (A. De Saint Exupéry), Fictions (J.L. Borges)
4. Which fictional character(s) do you see as a role model, or has influenced you significantly in your life? :3
I tend to admire characters who think independently, have strong feelings that run deep, have visionary ideas and aren’t afraid to to whataver it takes towards their goal.
5. If you could change the ending of any work of fiction, which would it be and how would you change it?
Naruto of course. This is what I’d do more or less~
6. If a genie granted you 3 wishes, what would they be?
To have their powers myself so technically I’d have unlimited wishes~
(oh and world peace and no more animals killed)
7. Do you have any pets? If so, what are their name(s)?
I have 2 dogs called Toffee and Paolino, 1 cat called Mordicchio (like Futurama’s Nibbler), 1 occasionally visiting cat called Matisse (I didn’t name him, I prefer Van Gogh haha), aaand I set up a table in my garden for birds to come by and eat, I consider them my pets as well since they call me if I’m late in giving them food. 
8. If you could live (or regularly visit) any place in the world, where would it be?
So many places, Japan, Northern Europe (uh watching Vikings kinda made me dream of those places), Prague again, the UK and not just London, also New Zealand and Australia. 
9. Your favorite movie(s)?
Dark City, Cloud Atlas, Interstellar, Moon..there is definitely a pattern that has to do with (un)reality.
10. If someone were to write a biography about you someday, what should it be titled?
“Reality isn’t real”...or, something taken from an AFI song.
@eeliiii ‘s questions:
1. What are your hobbies?
Reading, writing fanfictions (also an original story-not a fanfic), making sugarpaste figurines, taking walks and watching birds. Oh and thinking about..everything. Just 20 minutes ago I tried to direct a fly towards the open window but it was stuck on the glass and wouldn’t realize that the real open part was close to where it was, and I thought it was a metaphor for reality. Luckily the fly found its way, in case anyone’s wondering.
2. Going to repeat but I’m curious~ Who are your favourite fictional characters?
Sasuke, Itachi, Madara, Shisui, Karin and Team Taka from Naruto, Renji and Byakuya from Bleach, Sesshomaru from Inuyasha, Light Yagami from Death Note, Takagi from Bakuman, Arya Stark from Game Of Thrones, Kara Thrace from Battlestar Galactica.
3. How do you think we’ve come upon to existing in this world?
Well I do believe in evolution but I also agree with those theories saying that human evolution was “boosted” by an alien civilization's contribution. Also, these “aliens” might be the creatures that ancient humans considered deities and mythological characters. 
4. You have a week to live– what are you going to do?
Say goodbye to who matters, probably say sorry to those I owe it, and spend the remaining time enjoying the weather, my pets, trees and flowers, birds and the night sky to which I’m sure I’ll return. 
5. What songs do you sing/hum~?
Anything that pops in my head. If it’s a metal song I just hum the melodic parts tho. Speaking of which, I was humming Roman Sky by Avenged Sevenfold. Which is about Giordano Bruno, so that’s why I had that song in mind.
6. What type of weather do you like most?
All except for excessive heat. I live in a sunny place and I enjoy that, and I also enjoy a gray day with a light rain.
7. What are your favourite colours?
Dark ones, like blue, green, grey.
8. If you get to pick what sort of world to live in– What’s your ideal kind of world would be?
Star Trek TNG world: a future where the Earth is no longer plagued by world hunger, poverty and wars, where the first encounter with an alien race put everything -different races, orientations, beliefs, cultures- into perspective and humanity united under one peaceful flag. No longer driven by materialism and violence, no longer in need to work for enriching themselves or corrupted companies, humans’ use their intellectual abilities to improve themselves through arts and science and knowledge. They build spaceships that allow them to explore the universe, devices that replicate food and objects they need and allow them to communicate with people from other planets, hologram decks where they can create AUs and scenarios from the past, wear costumes and live adventures from books or anything they want.
9. Favourite Artist?
Escher! I love Escher. Also Italian Futurism, Surrealism, and Pre-raphaelites (except for D.G. Rossetti).
10. What are your sinful pleasures?
Writing and reading fanfiction, especially darkfics, especially rare pairings darkfics~
My questions:
1 What was your favourite childhood game?
2 What character would be easier for you to cosplay, as for physical resemblance? 
3 What’s your favourite moment in Naruto?
4 What’s your favourite ice cream flavour?
5 Other than naruto what’s your favourite anime/manga?
6 What’s the most expensive thing you ever bought?
7 What’s your pet name, if you have/had one, or how would you call it if you had one?
8 How would you decorate your house/room with no budget (or logic) limits?
9 What’s the weirdest thing you told someone during an argument?
10 What’s the thing you dislike most in fanfics?
I tag:
@admiral-izusasu, @wynillustrates, @renamon15, @tsukiko-hibiki, @eeliiii, @lusciousitachi, @komiya-kun, @kakashitachi, @loonelybird, @verrottweil, @diaboluslapis, @rockabelle and whomever wants to do this~
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fromwatercomeslife · 5 years
Watering myself day 1
My other desires besides desire for food(hunger) to focus on during the watering renaissance;
Desire for link to unseen and ultimate power: fitrah for Iman
Desire for comprehensive,congruent contents of mind aligned with externally perceived truth:emotional healing
Desire to know answers,to understand questions and ask new ones: curiosity
Desire to have an emotional apparatus that is dynamically stable(flows with external disturbance and recovers to new equilibrium): emotional stability
Desire to experience new things(feelings) in life: discovery
Desire to finally accept my worldy assigned container and receive the partial control i have been given over it: self-love
Desire to see what my body at it’s best(youth and energy can do: athlete
Desire to prove to myself that there are no superior or inferior cultures/races just different responses to different environments and history versus updated responses: universal human being
Desire to be immersed in what it means to be atleast 50% of the world by thinking in their language and adopting their nuances: hyperpolyglot
Desire to be the master of the flying machine by reducing it to ‘no big deal really’: subconscious competence
Desire to own as few posssesions attached to my-body as possible so that once I clean my body,all is pretty much done: minimalism
Desire to embrace myself as a woman and allow myself to value hygiene and beauty grooming as much as the traditional female: femininity
Desire to find a friend like Eva Winston Rashad in real life,someone I actually admire and will allow to subdue me: company
Desire to have daily discipline that i am affectively committed to: productive habits
Desire to dissolve ‘the voice’ so there is no discrepancy between ‘that spiritual person almost a hippie’ and the feeling of me: mindfulness
Desire to want success: ambition in addition to my aspiration
Desire to be,to be okay with the ordinary,to be okay with now with it’s routine nature: TO BE
Desire to complete all faculty requirements(including masters thesis) by october 28th): good student
Desire to break free from the limitations of my internalized parents and reliance on their sacrifices: independence
Desire to not be disgusted by human animal traits eg shitting and menstrual blood: humility
Desire for the whole of me to merge in current age(5+8+4+1+1+4+2+2) and exposure(olla bulle+county+isiolo+nairobi/kenya+ makongeni-thika/kenya+ china/asia+ nairobi/kenya+serbia/europe): international adult
Desire good,regular,peaceful sleep: body and mind reset
Desire to collect sunsets across the globe: adventures
Desire to be a good friend without it feeling like work: relationships
Desire to perfect a go-to smell good(not too strong though) regimen: grooming
Desire to have and note down insights on memorized Quran: word of God
Desire to be THE big sister I never had: unconditional best friend/mentor
Desire to write a book that shares all my insights just incase i can’t narrate them myself especially to my children: contribution to human knowledge
Desire to have a pre-wedding,wedding,honeymoon and marriage life that actually mean something to me; denouncing the unofficial template that is emptily adhered to(my life is about my people and my feelings and minimalism...achieve more with less): till death do us part let’s make babies and raise them!
Desire to find a way to relate to my family in native lands and cultures not by disowning my global outlook and status but by allowing us to be different from each other,non superior or inferior: the present and the past
Desire to set up a personal family and relatives fund: rich
Desire to co-own with family as the leading manager, a chain of ‘experiential’ baby stores all across kenya such dexyco: business income
Desire to influence the kenyan people and population by adopting the tried and tested methods of people like ba nura and politicians: power to make things happen
Desire to find a way(if i ever decided to move to another country besides the one to which I am considered a legal citizen now): Global networks
Desire to have MY own taste in clothing and design: wardrobe styling by Amina
Desire to laugh out loud: silly comedy
Desire to love my feet: pedicure junkie
Desire to firmly take up my place as the pride of our community(don’t shrink yourself): self-esteem
Desire to value respect more than attention: principled individual
Desire to be intentional about all my actions and how i do them: know why
Desire to take responsibility for what matters from my parents: from father financial provision and budgeting as well as decision guide and approval and from mother house-keeping and physical care of others
Desire to look younger than my age: skinny body and smooth skin
Desire to not play in games to which I am forced: comparison with ‘the assistant minister’s’ kids - i compare myself to noone but my ideal self! I am free from you! No coming down to your level - academically,global,adulting,income
Desire to discover all that computers and the internet can offer: awareness of the virtual reality
Desire to learn more about my ancestors: traditions they held and who they were as people
Desire to be my own person not just my dad’s daughter or my mum’s first born child: BEING myself(no fears,no doubts,no asking permission- all forms of deviation)
Desire to be comfortable speaking to my partner’s family members: how to be an in-law (love with respect)
Desire to be okay with having the upper hand in a conversation,that i don’t always have to make myself look dumb or unexposed etc in a conversation to make the other person feel better about themselves: self-worth
Desire to be clean: CLEAN well
Desire to clearly state and live MY life philosophy: what does life mean to me?
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