#but feel free to blorbo tag at your leisure!
butcharondir · 2 years
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hunted by the narrative
hares on the mountain, traditional folk song // art by jen mazza
sparrow for a heart, abigal lappell // art by barbara bokoto-tomala
newcastle, traditional folk song // artist unknown
if i was a painter, lisa o'neill // art by claudia barbu
ashamed, deer tick // art by nicolas samori
i wish my baby was born, traditional folk song // artist unknown
hard wired, shakey graves // art by miles johnston
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bloodrevel · 3 months
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Get To Know My Tav!
Thank you to @sporeservant for making this tag game! Behold, my beloved blorbo:
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Senna Holimion ◦ Half Wood Elf ◦ Outlander ◦ Druid Ranger of Mielikki
What is your Tav’s…
Favourite Weapon: Dryad Shortbow.
Style of Combat: Entangling people in vines then filling them with arrows, or wild shaping into a wolf and tearing out throats with her teeth 🐺
Most Prized Possession: A pipe that used to belong to her dad.
Deepest Desire: To belong somewhere. To be loved by people who love her, all of her, without trying to cage or control or change her.
Guilty Pleasure: Eating way too much fine cheese. She would do just about anything for a wedge of Waterdhavian cheese.
Best Kept Secret: She's achingly lonely because she's been travelling on the road for years and hasn’t allowed herself to get close to anyone ever since losing her first love.
Greatest Strength: Loyalty. She would do literally anything for those she loves.
Fatal Flaw: A tendency to withdraw/close herself off when she's feeling upset.
Favourite Smell: Petrichor, fresh earth, pine trees, wolf fur, roses, old books.
Favourite Spell or Cantrip: Cantrip = primal savagery, spells = entangle, melf's acid arrow and erupting earth.
Pet Peeve: When people are indirect / don't say what they mean.
Bad Habit: Always pushes herself to the limit and doesn't know when to quit.
Hidden Talent: Writing and drawing. She carries a journal everywhere with her, and it's filled with thoughts and observations about her travels as well as intricate drawings, mostly of flora and fauna, but eventually lots of Gale as well.
Leisure Activity: Playing the flute, drawing, running free in wolf wildshape, baking with Gale, climbing into the treetops to relax and smoke her dad's old pipe, reading fairy tales.
Favourite Drink: Her favourite alcohol is strawberry wine, her favourite hot beverage is raspberry-infused tea.
Comfort Food: The hearty venison stew her dad used to make. Gale makes it for her sometimes, to remind her of home and cheer her up when she's had a bad day.
Favourite People: Her dad, who was gruff and reserved but a big softie deep down, and loved his daughter more than anything. Shadowheart, who is like a sister to her, someone she can confide her deepest secrets and desires to (as well as the shallowest ones lol). Jaheira, who she respects and looks up to a lot (she cried when Jaheira started calling her Cub because her dad used to call her that.) Astarion, because he brings out her playful side and she loves letting loose and getting up to mischief with him. But most of all, she adores Gale; the way he truly sees and understands all of her and loves her exactly as she is, his kindness, his patience and dedication, his charm and wit, his sense of humour, his intelligence, thirst for knowledge and nerdy love of books and magic, his ambition, passion and attention to detail, his love for Tara, his love for his mother, the way he shows love, all his quirks, strengths, weaknesses, successes and follies; all of him.
Favoured Display of Affection (platonic and/or romantic): She loves kissing; lazy make out sessions by the flickering campfire, passionate, searing, desperate kisses where she and Gale can’t keep their hands off each other or get close enough; all of the kisses. She also loves a big warm bear hug and craves physical affection in general.
Fondest Childhood Memory: Picking berries with her father in the woods, with warm sunlight filtering gently through the trees.
Free response! Is there anything else about your Tav you’d like to share? She has a rose tattoo on her neck that represents the part of the Cloakwood where she grew up, as wild roses grew abundant in the area.
her pinterest board
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yesloulou · 1 year
Hey! I love your gifs and also the fics you share!! Do you have any favourite writers? In particular who post on tumblr, I’ve never really liked using ao3 :( thanks for all your amazing gifs and edits and for keeping us fed even when daniels not driving!!! ❤️ (p.s. my app crashed in the middle of writing this once already so I hope it didn’t send half written lol)
anon you're so sweet ahhh ty for this ask 😵‍💫
tell you the truth it's always strange (in a good way ofc!! but still strange) for me to get compliments for making gifs bc like, im literally doing something so fun? it just didn't (still kinda doesn't) make sense to me that I get all these kind and wonderful compliments simply for some random leisure activity that i LIKE to do... but then I started to realize maybe life doesn't like, need to be hard, you don't always need to like suck it up in order to produce something of value. you can enjoy what you do and still contribute to something. this realization (and watching our blorbos doing what they love in their vroom vrooms every week) inspired me to finally quit what used to be my dream job last week. i am now enjoying my time off to figure out my next step literally like mr daniel ricciardo lmao. grad school me would've thought this was batshit insane but again like daniel im in a very good place rn and i want to thank everybody here for this 🥹 your girl is no longer suffering for money and she's decided never to do that ever again. she's free 💖
soz this is literally not what your ask was about but since you've decided to like my stuff this is what's also gonna come with im so sorry 😚
ok cool now onto the fun stuff! there are so so SO many talented ppl here, every writer i've ever reblogged from i recommend them wholeheartedly!! since you liked my fic recs i'll assume we're into similar tropes and characterizations sooo in terms of personal favs here are my fav writers in alphabetical order
@mysticalbreadcollective just know i got myself an ao3 account bc this bread story became registered users only. here is their fic tag annnnd also this perfect one shot on tumblr <3
@officialmood ik you said you don't like using ao3 but believe me you will want to read everything she writes ie time traveller max and SCWC and many many more. SCWC actually prompted the most unhinged fic rec i've ever made (it was on anon at first soo)
@powerful-owl em's fic tag aka what i call how on earth am i reading these for free. her ao3 where the hunger game au resides which has been described as "like it's laced w drugs or something"
@toastandvegemite ok buckle up
almost fic tag (every time i go in there i feel like im visiting disneyland eataly anthropologie and my fav club all rolled into one) (the way the phrase 'almost fic' actually gives me mood boosts now bc that's what she tags her writings with)
and very importantly hybrid au (where daniel is a quokka hybrid) (which may or may not get written) (but there is fan art already somehow)
again ty for this lovely ask i'd like to know about your fav writers too let's stay in touch!!
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omamorens · 2 months
wip wednesday!
technically it is friday for me but ell @serenescribe tagged me in this the other day and honestly the next chapter is coming along nicely but i had to pause writing to finish my d20 zine submissions (surprise?! spoilers??? i cant wait to share my work!!). anyway, please enjoy this little snippet!!
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Reaching the History section, she slowed her steps, appreciating the scent of unopened knowledge in the air, the effect of it calming to some degree, and she browsed the spines of the books before her leisurely, fully ignoring the dragonborn following after her.
Cultures of Spyre, Dunes of the Red Wastes, Solesian Society…
“I haven’t done anything wrong, Abernant.” Oisin’s tone was icy, cutting an impatient edge through her skimming.
Adaine stopped in front of a shelf, leveling him with a glare. “Nothing?”
Oisin was still, fins pulled back and tail stiff. “Not in the past week at least.”
“Wow.” Her tone was ironic to the word, still in disbelief over his gall. “You broke a personal record. Congratulations. Should we have Arthur Aguefort give you a medal for it?”
“No thanks.” He grins dangerously, all fangs and sharp teeth. “After being unfairly criticized, I might just break my week-long streak.”
There was a heat in his gaze, anger now radiating from him in waves of chilly energy. She could practically feel the electricity of his presence, and she realized that her chest felt too tight, a nervousness making a home down on her abdomen. Was it fear?
“So tell me, dear Oracle. Is there an issue here or are you just deflecting?” His eyes narrow, pupils turning to slits, scrutinizing her. No, she was not afraid of him, but the possibility of anything happening when they were at each other’s throat did send a shiver down her spine. “Maybe it’s time to admit to yourself what your real issue is.”
“I’m perfectly fine, Hakinvar.” Adaine forced the nonchalance in her voice, her other hand balling to a fist, nails pressing deep into her palm. She had no issues aside from the one he directly caused. “Though it is touching to see you worried about me.”
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hostile and bickering inkblade is my lifeline and theres 10k+ words of them already doing just that. yes this me indulging and everyone is welcome to come along for the ride. but the end is near and im a bit melancholic about it…. sue me. tagging @recycledraccoon to do this too if u want… and really anyone who wants to do it, feel free to tag me in ur wips too!!! i love reading other works especially of my favorite blorbos!!
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amethysttribble · 2 years
List ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media, and tag ten people!  
Thank you so much @himemiyaaah for the tag, I’m sorry I took forever to do this! We’re organizing these by piece of media
Celegorm: by god, if you look at his character for a little bit, there is so much going on with him! He’s friends with Orome, he has a magic angel dog, he’s super close with Curufin despite the age difference, he’s friendly with his cousins and he gets Finrod killed, he’s an elegant speaker, his followers commit the most abhorrent crime of the kinslayings, he’s assaults Luthien, he’s close with Aredhel, he’s a renowned hunter and failure as a military general. There’s so many layers and contradictions and I love him. (Silm)
Elwing: She is my baby girl, and once I write my ‘conversations between Elwing and Maglor’s Wife’ fic, it’s over for you bitches. She’s just... so resolute, and so sad, and so angry, and she turns into a BIRD and I don’t know what more you want from me. (Silm)
Curufin: Every time I write Curufin I black out and then pages upon pages of the most miserable words on the planet are recorded on screen, and I don’t know what that says about me (Silm)
 Percy de Rolo: this tragic white-haired anime boy with a gun has entranced me, mind body and soul. He really misses his family, you guys T_T (Critical Role, C1)
 Veth Brenatto: This woman is one of the most fascinating characters at the Critical Role table, and that she gets reduced to “Caleb’s mom” so often is fucking criminal, I LOVE her and want her to be happy and blow shit up (Critical Role, C2)
Hubert von Vestra: listen... I’m a sucker for the loyal (male) retainer to the driven at all costs, morally questionable (female) leader. And also they were platonic soulmates. Hubert is a spooky vampire who lives on devotion, and I fucking love him. (fe3h)
Catherine Morland: I recently remembered why Northanger Abbey is my favorite Austen book, she’s just a fucking hoot, I wish I could be her (Northanger Abbey)
Sanji: Sanji, sanji, sanji, WHAT am I to do with you? The most character of all time, so well written sometimes, so poorly written on others. He is forever and always my One Piece blorbo (One Piece)
Catelyn Stark: This woman... Need it be said how goddamn amazing Cat is? I’m not sure it does, my the unbridled tragedy of her watching lose her family one by one, how war steals her young son from her and she is forced to watch, rattling against the bars of the patriarchal cage, and she STILL has a higher on page kill count than Robb? She was already perfect and then she died and cam back a wraith bent on revenge, no one is doing it like her. (asoiaf)
Shimura Shinpachi: MY FUCKING SON! The most important Gintama character and also the most underrated, he’s just a sweet lad, doing his best!! He’s so good to Kagura, and so good to his sister, and so good his friends, and he just wants to be a samurai but also he’s a son of the new age, and he’s trying so hard and I LOVE HIM. (Gintama)
Again, can’t do 10 people, I can give you 5. @agroupofcrows, @aipilosse, @arofili, @shrikeseams, @shiroandblack, feel free to answer or ignore at your leisure!
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shayberri789 · 4 years
Okay Here's my 'About'
I edited an old dead post to add my 'about' here because Tumblr recently did something (July 2023) so that the way I had this set up before didn't work on mobile.
Without further ado:
Hi, welcome. Call me Shay or Regal, both are my names. Pronouns she/her and I'm aroace. I'm friendly and nice feel free to interact with me, I'm always happy to receive asks. Just don't be a jackass and we can be friends :)
If you found me because of a post I made, don’t expect them with any frequency or consistency.
Most posts are general reblogs but occasionally I’ll go through the tag of one of my fandom and spam my followers - you’ve been warned. I do tag for them, though - see below for my tag system; browse or filter at your leisure.
UPDATE! I'm on Cohost!
NEW USERS! Please make yourself not look like a bot! You will be blocked and reported by me otherwise! Pfp, bio, header, reblog some stuff, that’s all you need! If you’d like, I have  a master post filled with links to help you settle into tumblr, which you can find here or in my bio.
Every now and then I like to send a boop to my mutuals/more active (or favourite) followers. New followers who interact with my posts within a couple hours of following me get a boop as well as a welcome :D
I don't answer asks asking for money, legitimate or not. I'll reblog legitimate fundraisers, but will not publish them. I'm sorry this is the one boundary I'm putting in place
Fandom Tags:
cosmere - for anything to do with the Cosmere
stormlight - The Stormlight Archive related (cosmere)
mistborn - Mistborn related (cosmere)
elantris - Elantris related (cosmere)
warbreaker - Warbreaker related (cosmere)
Tress of the Emerald Sea / ssp1 - Tress of the Emerald Sea related (cosmere, secret project 1)
Yumi and the Nightmare Painter / ssp3 - Yumi and the Nightmare Painter related (cosmere, secret project 3)
atla - Avatar the Last Airbender related (Including LoK)
bnha - My Hero Academia
sab - Shadow and Bone related
soc - Six of Crows
trc - The Raven Cycle
gansey my blorbo - since the boy has recently fully achieved blorbo status for me, I will tag things that inspire brainrot, my thoughts and other things relating to him here.
trc brainrot - my specifically trc original posts
aftg - All For The Game 
tlt - The Locked Tomb
tlt art - what it says on the tin: tlt fan art
Posts not about the locked tomb series that are about the locked tomb series - a joke subtag of tlt, for posts that have nothing to do with tlt but remind me of it anyway
tloz - Legend of Zelda related
linkeduniverse - Linked Universe related (tloz subfandom)
fma - Full Metal Alchemist
Cradle (occasionally cradle series) - the Cradle series by Will Wight
murderbot - The Murderbot Diaries
undertale - relating to undertale
deltarune - relating to deltarune
dctf - things related to DC. It stands for “DC the fuck?” because I know nothing about dc, everything ik comes from the like 3 movies I watched and tumblr interaction. I casually enjoy it, so I reblog it but don’t mistake me for a real fan or anything
swtf - same as above pretty much. pun for star wars and wtf bc I’m a know nothing (though my friend is doing their best to fix that). For any and all star wars stuff I end up reblogging from my mutuals n stuff!
dtph- Know nothing Danny Phantom Tag bc my friend teaching me about SW is also obsessed w DP and I get some enjoyment from it, despite knowing even less about it than SW. There is a convoluted pun behind the tag im not going to explain
I also tag for specific au’s/fics, so keep an eye out for those
other of my more rare fandoms are tagged
 us politics - because its impossible to escape us politics here, and because I care for my american friends, i reblog posts with us politics. This is that tag
usa things - for things that generally relate to america, mostly, and to the best of my knowledge
HOSH tag - For heartbreaking or Serious/Heavy topics/posts
liwi good tag - Opposite of the HOSH tag; light hearted and good things that remind me that Life is worth it��sometimes. 
shay posts - original posts
shay writes - my original writing
Regal Creativity - (previously Favourite Creativity) - my original writing that I’m particularly proud of
shay’s asks - ask tags
writing ref - writing references (when I remember to tag for it)
tumblr storybook - Cool bits of creative writing and stories I find. includes comics
tumblr poetry collection - new tag for pieces of poetry I come across that I like
Flash tw or tw eyestrain- the tags I use for warn for flashing images, or images that can be straining toblook at. I'm not always consistent but I try
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