#so this particular matchup makes one rock-paper-scissors trio but like. lizard-spock-scissors
mantisgodiveblog · 5 months
The header looks great! Dandelion head looks adorable in your art style and in blue! A bit sad you found out Loop’s name in the manual, but a fair trade to see you discover the manual! Odile trying to curb Bonnie’s chaos is adorable! Bonnie loves bullying Isa for being a rock type, little hypocrite. But maybe check everyone’s weaknesses again- it’s an interesting detail. Clearly, Loop is a Lizard type. Odile, shopping for supplies: *loop sfx* what the- Siffrin! I know this is your fault somehow!
Thank you! We've got a dot card that we're using for these icons, and we're slowly rotating through the colors - the background color for one card becomes the accent color for the next. We've got six colors in total, so we're hoping to rotate through all of them by the end - this game is six acts long, after all.
If Loop's name is revealed in a particularly entertaining manner in-game, we'd hate to miss it. Let us open up the statuses real quick, we sort of paused writing up the liveblog post mid-conversation, so we should have it on hand...
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Huh. HUH! This is gonna really fucking suck for the King fight. We assumed that her weakness would be Scissors, since Paper is weak and Scissors is neutral, so we guess we didn't read too close. Damn. It's really gonna fucking suck in the King fight if our only time stop curer dies.
Odile shows up in the King's room on Day 1 after Siffrin spends some memories to teleport there directly from the start and just kind of stands there holding an accidentally-stolen jar of jam as the teleportation registers. She knows that this is Siffrin's fault because they're the only person who's actually prepared and not just panicking about the teleportation directly to the king. Also, what the fuck, Siffrin, how did you do that and why?
Loop is weak to Rock and Scissors and strong against Spock and Paper. We see. It all makes sense now. Someone who can draw human faces please draw the epic Loop-Spock-Siffrin showdown.
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