#so today i grab all the assessment forms for Friday for my partner and I
chemmerson · 1 year
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adgradlife · 7 years
Alumni Spotlight - Sara Scarlett
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Name: Sara Scarlett
Major at UT: Public Relations
Graduation date: May 2017
Current Livelihood: Social Media Coordinator, Chevron Corporation, San Ramon, CA
What is your position at Chevron and what does your role entail?
I am the social media coordinator for Chevron. In addition to drafting and publishing content on the corporate Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram, I also do a lot of work with analytics. I generate reports that measure engagement to optimize our content and convey strategy to key business partners. I also assist with data visualization to show the business value of social media.
How would you describe the company culture?
Chevron really takes care of its employees and supports work/life balance. I will highlight a few things:
9/80 schedule: We work the 9/80 schedule which means I work 9 hours each day (instead of 8), but then I get every other Friday off. It’s so nice to have those Fridays off for weekend trips, appointments and time to relax.
OE Moments: Before each meeting, no matter how big or small, we start off with an Operational Excellence “OE” moment that improves understanding of safety, health, environment, reliability and efficiency in the workplace and at home. For example, when the wildfires struck in Sonoma, my coworker shared tips for fire safety after dealing with evacuating her elderly parents from the area.
Ergonomics: Upon starting Chevron, all employees get an ergonomic evaluation which assesses your workstation to be sure it fits you properly. Everyone has a sit/stand desk, but these evaluations could result in a different chair, mouse, keyboard, etc. When they found out I was left handed, I immediately received a left-handed mouse to use!
RSI Guard: To reduce repetitive stress injuries (RSI), Chevron has a software installed on the computers to encourage employees to take breaks from their tasks. A window will pop-up, freeze your computer and lead you in stretches for a few minutes.
What is the most rewarding part of your job?
Chevron has a loyal employee base and a lot of them like to show their sense of pride on social media. It is really rewarding for me to see them share stories as replies to our posts.
Were you in any organizations at The University of Texas at Austin and if so, what positions did you hold?
For my first few years, I was a member of the UT Women’s golf team. After stopping to focus on internships and school, I got involved with Texas Sweethearts spirit group and Texas Tower PR as a member of the Health Alliance of Austin Musicians account.
How did UT impact your life and career? Did the Stan Richards School or any other organizations at UT help you with what you’re doing now?
Attending college 1,500 miles away from my hometown made me the independent and ambitious woman I am today. I love that I now have a large network of people- most of whom I have never met before- simply because I am a Longhorn. Just yesterday at our Chevron gym, I got a “hook ‘em” from another employee and we bonded over our love for the University. As far as my career, the Stan Richards School helped me tremendously. I am confident in my abilities and potential because of the great hands-on education I received.
Which professors were the most memorable to you and why?
Professor Wilcox was my first Richards School professor and played an integral role in my time at UT. His passion and experience are one of the reasons why I decided to study public relations. Professor Hunt’s Strategies class is also very memorable to me. I worked with a real client and learned some important tips from the industry.
Why did you choose to study public relations?
I’m both a right-brained “creative” thinker and left-brained “logistical” thinker. Public relations intrigued me because I can combine both of those skills into one career.  
What do you love (or don’t love) about living in the Bay?
The Bay area is a great place to live! I love that it is close to so many different climates- Monterey, Napa and Lake Tahoe are all a short drive away. I’m a big foodie too, and there are hundreds of incredible restaurants in the area. The weather is hard to beat too!
What are your short-term and long-term career goals?
My short-term career goal is to learn Tableau and other platforms for better data visualization. I strive to be a constant learner so for a long-term goal I want to continue broadening my knowledge. I’m not exactly sure where I will be or what I will be doing, but I’m going to see what sparks my interest along the way and set more short-term goals.
What is your favorite thing to do outside of work?
We have a great Texas Exes chapter in SF so on game days I enjoy going to our bar and rooting for the Longhorns with other alum! I’m also big on bucket lists. I’ll grab a friend and try a new restaurant, hike, museum, etc. and cross it off my bucket list!
What publications/sites/newsletters do you subscribe to and find are most helpful in your occupation?
The first thing I do every morning at work is read The Skimm. It gives me a good sense of what is going on in the world in a short read. As far as social media reads, I’ve found TechCrunch to be the best.
What is the hardest part of your job?
I would say the transition from school to working full-time has been the most difficult. I can no longer go to the grocery store or watch Netflix at 2 p.m. on a weekday. Initially, I got really exhausted and had trouble focusing for 9 hours, but I have since adjusted. My secret is a cup of coffee in the morning and a cup of tea in the afternoon!
What is the most interesting project you have worked on so far in your career?
I’ve only been in my role for two months so it’s been a lot of learning and development. We are starting to scope out our 2018 strategy this week so I’m looking forward to being part of that!
Where do you see the industry going?
It is such a vital industry. Many people across the world still lack basic forms of energy. Even for us in the United States, the industry enables us to do so many things. Telephones, prosthetic limbs, cameras, jet fuel… none of this would exist without oil and gas!
What advice would you give to a current student in the Stan Richards School?
Remember that your internships are just a very long interview. Be sure to ask questions, take on additional assignments and work hard! My current job sprouted from an internship and I know a lot of other companies hire through internships as well.
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