#so uhh yeah. I can be obnoxious and gross sometimes lol
lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Do you have any tan lines? Nope. Have you ever wished you could stop time? Yes. I’ve also wished I could speed it up. Is there any pictures on the wall you're in? Yeah, there’s several. Who was the last person who called you? My mom. Did you make any money today? No.
Have you ever fallen and twisted your ankle? No. What was the highest place you've ever jumped from? I haven’t jumped from anywhere. Have you ever gone swimming in a river? No. Ever been so unfortunate to slip on wet rocks? Nope. When was the last time you got completely soaked by rain? It’s been a long time. One of the times that comes to mind is when my mom, aunt, a former friend, and I were at an outdoor festival and we got caught in an unexpected rain storm. It just started pouring down hard and we were not prepared at all. We had to run back to our car, which was parked a good distance away and yeah we were absolutely soaked. 
Is there something you really want to buy at the moment? I’d love to be able to book a beach vacation getaway. Would you ever consider culinary school? No. I’m not a cook and have no interest in trying to become one. Do you ever watch the clouds, to see if they look like objects/animals etc? I did when I was a kid sometimes. When was the last time you didn't want to get out of bed? That’s me everyday. It’s a real struggle. Are you excited for anything coming up in the near future? No. My foreseeable future consists of more doctors and appointments and struggles and spending most of my time in bed. Speaking of dancing, do you know any real dance moves? I know them, but I can’t do them. Do you save cards from your birthday/x-mas, etc? Yes. What was the last souvenir someone got you? A shirt. Do you have a favorite remix of a song? One of my favorite covers is Adele’s cover of George Michael’s “Fast Love” that she preformed at an award show in honor of him after he died. I can only describe it as hauntingly beautiful. I really wish she would have released a studio version of it. When was the last time you printed something off? I don’t recall; it’s been awhile. Are you one of those people who can learn music/songs by ear? No, I wish. There was a guy in my piano class I took my senior year in high school that could do that. It was really cool. Has the power gone out recently? No, but I have a feeling it will happen soon. It always does when we have a lot of triple digit degree weather, which is what this week has consisted of. Do you like driving at night? I don’t drive, but I like nighttime drives. Like, whenever I travel I love leaving really early when it’s still dark out. It’s a different experience. Does seeing roadkill make you sad, or just grossed out? Both. Does wearing heels make you feel sexier? I don’t wear heels. What do you think is the most saddest sounding instrument? The piano can sound that way. What day do you go back to school (if you're in school)? I’m forever done with school. When was the last time you've gone shopping with a friend? It’s been a few years. Do you ever go out to dinner with your Mom? We haven’t physically gone out to eat for dinner in quite a long time.  What is your favorite kind of salad dressing? Ranch. Have you ever bought fireworks? Not me personlly, but my dad and brother do every 4th of July. Do you really pay attention to the ratings on movies? Sometimes, but I ultimately decide if I want to see it or not. Have you ever snuck in to a theater/dance/bar etc? No. If given the chance, would you go to Ireland? Sure. Who was the last person/website to send you an email? I don’t feel like checking. Has your phone ever rang and scared you? Yeah. I’m such a jumpy person anyway. If you have a cat, does it ever "converse" with you? I don’t have a cat. If given the chance, would you ever fly in a fighter plane like the F-16? No. Are you afraid of standing on the edge of hills/skyscrapers/cliffs etc? Uh, YES. Do you have a favorite species of wild cat (tiger/lion/cougar etc)? No. Do you support the funds designed to protect endangered animals? (Like WWF). I haven’t done much myself to support them, but I’m glad they exist. What type of a drunk are you? (Obnoxious, calm, emotional, violent, etc) I was a chatty drunk. I feel like I was annoying, ha. I was also the sad drunk. Do you have an absolute favorite name (boy or girl)? I love the name Alexander. Are you good at pronouncing foreign words? Uhh, depends. If you're not already, when do you plan on getting married? I don’t want to get married. Can you tolerate the smell of cigarette smoke? Nooo. It honestly makes me sick, like I get lightheaded and dizzy, I get nauseous, and I get a really bad headache. When listening to music, do you usually tap your foot etc to the beat? I sometimes tap my fingers and hands. Have you ever literally cried on a friend's shoulder? No. Was there something that "made your day" today? It literally just turned midnight, so today is just now starting. Do you have a favorite kind of chocolate bar? White chocolate. Are you happy that it's summer? Ugh, no. It’s hot and miserable. Is there anything that you should be doing right now? I’m about to make my nightly bowl of ramen.  Has anyone had expectations that you just couldn't live up to? (finishing this a couple hours later...) That’s how I’ve been feeling. Are you currently in a relationship? If so, how long have you been dating? Nope. Would you ever consider being a DJ at a party if you were paid? Nah. Have you ever tried those electric toothbrushes? Wow, this question makes it seem like they’re so futuristic and rare lol. Yes, I use electric toothbrushes. Are you or anyone you know devoted to "being green"? Not overly so, no. When it comes election time, do you vote (if you're old enough)? Yes. What was the last movie you watched that was on TV? I watched Fear 1994 on Netflix recently if that counts. How long have you had an account on bzoink? I don’t have an account on bzoink. Do strapless bras work for you? I don’t like them. I only wear them if I have to, like with a dress. Do you have a favorite hair elastic that you use almost always? No. Has anyone told you that they wanted to marry you/ were planning on it/etc? No. When you were younger, did you have a yoyo? I did. I couldn’t do any tricks, though. What was the last video game you played, if any? Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Has anyone ever called you nerdy? Yeah. Have you ever had to call 911? Yes. Has there ever been a tornado near where you live? No, fortunately. Are you a rollercoaster addict? Noo. I’m a big scardy cat. Do you feel comfortable enough to wear short shorts? No. I’m very self-conscious about my legs. About my body in general, really. If you have iTunes, do you find the Genius recommendations helpful? I don’t even recall what that is; I haven’t used iTunes in almost 10 years. Are you quick at looking up numbers in phonebooks/ words in dictionaries? Phonebooks, wow.  I haven’t used a phonebook or actual dictionary in yearsssss thanks to the Internet/Google.  Have a favorite actor/actress from Old Hollywood? (Marilyn Munroe, etc) Lucille Ball. Out of Biology, Chemistry and Physics, which are you the best at? None of those. Is there a friend you can always talk to about anything? I don’t have any friends. Can you stand spicy foods? Not anymore. :( It’s gotta have like barely anything like McDonald’s or Taco Bell mild hot sauce type of stuff. It’s wild because I used to be obSESSED with spicy food. I put hot sauce on everything and had a high spicy tolerance. Then a few years ago I developed a sensitivity and I can’t even have red pepper flakes now. It sucks. What's your opinion on people who stretch their ears? Hey, do what you want. I’ll admit the really stretched out lobes freak me out, though. Do you think tattoos are expressive art or unattractive? To me they can be either one, it just depends. What is your school mascot? -- Do you find black and white photos to be pretty? Yeah. Food you make doesn't taste as good as food made by others, true? Sometimes. Especially foods like sandwiches for some reason. I think they’re way better when my mom or a deli makes them.  Is there a certain color that doesn't look good on you? I don’t think I look good in anything, so. Have you ever heard anything interesting about Nova Scotia, Canada? Not that I can recall. Have you ever seen a bear in the wild? No, thankfully. Do you know when you will get to see your significant other next? I’m single. What's the book you're currently reading? ”Such a Good Girl” by Willow Rose. Is your room currently a disaster? No. If going to a concert, do you prefer it to be outside or in a stadium? Definitely in a stadium.
Do you have a case for your camera? I use the camera on my phone, which I do have a case for. Can your cellphone take a beating? I’ve dropped it a few times and so far so good. Is there a month you prefer over others? October and December. Do you ever buy lottery tickets? Just a couple of times. Can you recall the most disturbing movie you've ever seen? A Clockwork Orange is one. Are you more of a tape or a glue person? Tape. Of course, it does depend on what I’m doing. In some cases, glue is the better option.  Has anyone you know gotten mono? Not that I know of. What is/or was your graduating year? I graduated UC in 2015. Have you had a weird dream lately? All my dreams are weird. Have you ever gotten an autograph from someone famous? Yes. Do you own a pair of slippers? No. Do you ever watch VHS movies anymore? No. I don’t even recall the last time. Has your computer ever decided to completely erase itself? No, but I’ve lost stuff because of viruses back in the day. :(
Only when the power goes out do we realize how much we rely on it, true? It definitely becomes quite apparent quite quickly. Have you ever picked an apple off the tree and eaten it? No. Can you say yes / no in different languages? ”Si” and “No”, ha. Are you good at styling your own hair? No. Especially not anymore since I just don’t have the motivation or energy to do anything with my hair, which is why it was always up in a bun. I finally just cut it really short and have been wearing a cute wig if I go somewhere cause that’s all I can to do right now. I am sad, though. It was so long.   Out of the traditional superheroes, which one is your favorite? The Scarlett Witch and Iron Man. What color is the shirt you're wearing right now? Black. Have you ever been lost? Physically and figuratively, yes.
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suckitsurveys · 4 years
What’s your favorite accessory?: Earrings. I’m always wearing them. I also almost always have a hair elastic on my wrist. I also love a good 90′s style choker.   What is the last article of clothing you bought?: A swim suit for my niece’s birthday. What does that article of clothing look like?: It’s a reversible tankini. One side is half one shade of blue, half another shade, split down the middle, and the other side is black with lightning bolts in those shades of blue. it’s really cute.  Which is better: candy necklaces or Ring Pops?: Candy necklaces.
What’s your favorite kind of soda?: Root Beer and Dr. Pepper.
What program do you use to play your mp3s on?: I use Spotify on my phone for music. If you’ve taken the SATs (or PSATs/ACTs/etc), what was your score?: I don’t remember. How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?: A lot. Do you honestly care how much the woodchuck could chuck?: Not at all. What time do you wake up every morning?: On work days I get up around 7. I’m supposed to technically start at 7 but I don’t have to check in til 7:10 and I’m working from home so I sleep til the very last minute lol.  What was the last movie you rented or bought?: I rented Frozen 2 for my niece and I to watch when she slept over last week.  Do you play Dance Dance Revolution?: I have before. If so, what’s your favorite song to play?: I don’t remember any of them. What do you think of the Kool-Aid man?: Oh, yeah. Do you like Dane Cook (he’s a comedian)?: I am embarrassed to admit I used to love him. Then I realized how unfunny and unoriginal he is.  Have you had a song in your head today? What is it?: I have a bunch of songs from Tik Tok constantly playing in my head lately. Have you ever humped someone to greet them in school?: Uh, no.  Who would you rather have sex with: Prince or Billy Idol?: I’m okay.  What was the last concert you went to?: Vampire Weekend in Salt Lake City almost a year ago.  What is the next concert you are going to?: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha fuck 2020. What is your favorite board game?: Clue. Do you think Jade Puget is really awesome?: I have no idea who that is.  What’s your favorite punctuation mark?: ? What foreign language do you take in school?: I took Spanish for 3 years in high school and a year in college. Have you ever read any of the Chronicles of Narnia series?: Nope. Do you hate Harry Potter as much as I do?: I don’t hate Harry Potter, I just don’t care about it. How many times have you seen the movies in the Star Wars series?: I think I’ve only seen the first one the whole way through.  What is your favorite anime?: FLCL. Do you own a lava lamp? Blacklite? Fiber optic lamp?: Nope to all the above. Do you write it as “favorite” or “favourite”?: Favorite. How many bracelets do you own?: I don’t know exactly, but quite a few. How many bracelets are you wearing?: None. The hair tie I usually have on my wrist is in use.  What’s your favorite flavor of Pocky?: Matcha.  What’s your favorite way to wear your hair?: I love space buns! I don’t do it often, but I love them. What brand of gum do you most often chew?: I haven’t had gum in years. Do you believe in the Zodiac somewhat?: Somewhat. I think it’s very interesting how i exhibit the traits of my sign.  What’s your Zodiac sign?: Virgo! What’s your Chinese astrology sign?: Snake. If you were to attend an art school, what subject would you major in?: Film or TV. How old is your PC?: Old. Do you have any 16-bit video game systems in your house? (ie Sega Genesis): No. My husband plays those games on his computer. When was the last time you got some film developed?: Uhh. I have no idea, it’s been several years. What was on that roll of film?: No idea. If you were to get a tattoo tomorrow, what would it be of?: I have a few ideas. I wanna do a half sleeve of creepy creatures and a sort of half leg of the other 4 BoJack characters to add to my BoJack tattoo.
When you turn 18 (or already have), what did/will you do on your birthday?: I turned 18 13 years ago. If i remember correctly, we just had a party in my dad’s yard. Can you use a hula hoop?: I mean, sure. Not correctly, though. . What is the longest distance you’ve ever walked?: Not 100% sure.  Do you wear eyeliner?: Sometimes. Has anything been bothering you physically lately?: Yes. How about mentally?: Always. Do you already have an idea of what you wanna do for college?: I already went. What’s your favorite kind of fruity candy?: Sour Patch Kids. How long do you think you could do jumping jacks non-stop?: Lol not long. What do you usually use your tokens on at the arcade?: Skee Ball! What’s your favorite kind of fruit?: Pomegranates, watermelon, bananas.  What’s your favorite kind of Coca-Cola or Pepsi (Vanilla, lemon, lime, etc.)?: Cherry. What do you think of eyeball jewelry?: Sounds gross. What kind of deodorant do you use?: Secret. Have you ever had a lemonade stand?: I think so? What’s your favorite font?: I don’t know. There’s so many.  What size and color do you use with it?: -- What’s better: glitter or rhinestones? GLITTER. If you were given a $50 gift card to an art store, what would you buy?: I have no idea, I’d have to look around.  Do you like taking pictures of yourself?: Eh. Are you fairly photogenic?: Sure. What was your first job?: At a cafe. If you could have wings, what kind would they be (bird, insect, bat…)?: BAT WINGS. What do you order at your favorite fast food place?: My favorite is Popeyes and I usually get the mild chicken tenders combo, unless they have some sort of special tenders, then I will get those. What kind of sauce do you get with chicken nuggets?: BBQ or honey mustard.  Do you like making sandcastles at the beach?: Sure. If you had a tricycle/big wheel when you were a kid, what did it look like?: I had a green big wheel.  Did you have streamers in the handlebars of your bike?: Yes. Would you put streamers on your bike now?: Yes. What is your favorite McDonald’s toy you’ve ever had?: There was one year they had Inspector Gadget toys where each one was a differerent part and if you collected all of them you could build him. I also loved the Barbies and Beanie Babies.  What was your favorite toy that you broke when you were a kid?: A lot of my Barbies got destroyed by my cats when I was a kid.  How do you like your hamburger?: In my mouth. What’s your favorite kind of juice?: Apple or lemonade. What is your favorite belt you own?: I don’t own any belts. What is the most obscure thing you’ve found at a thrift store?: I don’t know. It’s been a long time since I’ve been to a thrift store. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen while taking a walk?: I’m sure I’ve seen a lot of weird shit. How often do you go for a walk?: Ugh, I really should more often. What does your discman look like?: Discman? Wow, this survey is really old. What is your favorite kind of Pop Tarts?: Brown sugar. When was the last time you colored in a coloring book?: The other day.  If you were able to sell your soul to someone, how much would you charge?: Lol. What would you buy with the money?: -- What instrument’s sound makes you smile?: Drums. Do you like to be tickled?: Yes. Does tickling turn you on?: Yes. Not so much full on ticking, but light touches.
What brand of condoms do you usually use?: We have some Magnum brand ones, I think they’re called. What was the last CD you bought that you really liked?: I don’t even remember the last CD I bought. When was the last time you had a papercut?: I have no idea. Who’s one person you absolutely hate and why?: My BIL because he’s a piece of shit. What makes you think a person is absolutely obnoxious?: If they’re full of themselves, ignorant, negative about EVERYTHING, pretentious. Basically my brother in law. What was your favorite Pokemon?: Pikachu. Call me basic; I love that little lightning rat.  Did you watch the Power Rangers when you were little?: Yes. What’s better: Ben and Jerry’s or Dairy Queen?: I feel like you can’t really compare the two? If you could go over to someone’s house right now, who’s and why?: Randal’s because I miss himmmmmmmm. Are you good at playing ping-pong?: Nope. Do you like to chew on things?: Sometimes. What’s a nervous habit of yours?: Playing with my hair or picking at my face. Do you like to paint your nails?: I like to get them done. I haven’t in AGES though.  Would you be able to fit in a kiddie pool?: Yeah? What makes you giggle with glee?: Lots of things! When you read the comics in the paper, what do you go for first?: Garfield! 
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