#so uhhh yeah merry christmas happy birthday the answer is here
aurieeeeeenyx · 2 years
i actually have no idea what ask game this is for but based on recency i'm gonna guess the soft asks one askjdhgiaehr
18. do you still love stuffed animals?
i actually never really had stuffed animals as a kid? or like, i had them, but they just kinda sat forgotten in the corner of my room, so i feel like that doesn't really count. honestly i think i've developed more of an appreciation for stuffed animals now that i'm older. especially plushies i love plushies oh my god my friend got me this sushi cat plushie for my birthday that looks like a calico shrimp and i love it so very much
23. favorite piece of clothing?
i recently bought this jacket that was labelled as a bomber jacket but feels way too thin and slightly flowy (100% polyester) to be one. it's a little oversized and it's black with floral patterns and it has thick cuffs and a floppy collar and the pockets aren't that deep but i still love it
the cuffs are actually sewn tighter (like there's a little bit of it bunched up on the inside) and the extra material is a bit annoying sometimes so i'm trying to figure out how to get rid of it without loosening the cuffs
anyways this is the recency bias talking but i think it's one of the best things i've ever bought
30. what reminds you of home (doesn’t have to mean house… just things that remind you of the feeling of home)?
ohhh boy. uhh laughing with friends, afternoon sunlight, the smell in libraries and basements with wood flooring, a little bit of noise in the background (like a youtube video or something playing three rooms away), lots of pillows, dried pork shreds, storing things in containers that are not the original container's contents, staying up late at night on my computer, red bean jelly ice pops, watching jack edwards or mina le videos or just blasting random songs while i clean, honeydew ice pops, milk tea / brown sugar boba ice pops, having the windows open in the evening
lowkey that was a struggle haha i guess i don't have many things i really associate with the concept of home? i feel like i don't really notice unless i'm in the moment, or maybe i just tend to describe these kinds of things differently
thanks for the ask!!
send me an ask!
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forkanna · 7 years
WARNINGS: Hardons, grinding, touching, cunnilingus, nipple-play, foot worship, handjob, splooging, ejaculate-eating, analingus.
NOTES: Merry Christmas Eve! Welcome to the Bonus Level! It's gonna be really damn long, too, but I wanted the smut to be all in one spot. This way, if more uhhh vivid encounters are not your thing, feel free to skip this chapter entirely; it's just a fun little romp to enjoy after the long, hard road Kim and Knives have been down. No real plot, since that was all wrapped up in the chapter before. It's NSFW, to state the obvious. And I apologise for that double entendre at the very end lol.
Hope you've all enjoyed this fic and the crazy twists and turns it took along the way! Have to admit, I'm a little sad to see this one end, but all good things must, eventually. I'm going to find time to post the final level of "Bind Us" tomorrow, and then after that I can focus more fully on "Coven Of Oz". So I'm not going to be done writing! I will, however, miss the Pilgrimverse, but I've already gone on about that enough for a lifetime.
Happy Holidays!
                                      CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE: Bonus Sexy Phase                                                         [Status: Not A Phase At All]
Actually, the "happily fucking ever after" started a lot sooner after that than I expected. I finished the dishes, then got some clothes together for my own shower. Tidied up a little, since my place tended to turn into a dump pretty easily. When I finally heard the bathroom click open, I went to meet my Knives, smiling at how cute she looked with damp hair and a towel around her toned body.
"Happy birthday to me."
"Dork," she giggled, glancing at the clothes under my arm. "Your turn?"
"Yep. If you find something of mine to wear that fits okay, have at it."
"Cool. I didn't think about that; I should probably keep some stuff at your apartment from now until classes start back up."
"Could be a smart idea." Leaning in to kiss her cheek, I whispered, "I'll be quick, I promise. Wanna watch a movie or whatever before you have to head to work?"
"Or whatever," she said with a grin as I went into the bathroom. That did strike me as a tiny bit odd… but I shook it off and just got on with my shower.
Those same feel-good sunshiney thoughts followed me through my morning routine. NegaKim's sensibilities were offended, but I was learning to balance those with the happier state of being I was in now. Weird. Breakfast in bed with the hottest girl I'd ever- well okay, the only hot girl I'd ever been remotely interested in, was apparently all I needed to turn my frown upside-down. At one point, I even caught myself humming some lame pop song Knives had played for me at one point.
Maybe Princess Pine really did take over.
When I exited the bathroom in sporty shorts and a faded old Plumtree tee, rubbing at my face, I looked in the living room for Knives. Nope. A glance told me she wasn't in the kitchen, so I headed for the bedroom.
"Hey, Kni… well."
That was all I could bring myself to say. Lying on my bed was a very nude Knives Chau, leaning up on her elbows and biting her lip as her cheeks glowed, red fringe hanging down over one of her eyes. My first thought was that she was adorable. The second was that I couldn't see a certain piece of anatomy that we had been discussing not too long ago. Didn't take much thinking to realise it was tucked away for aesthetic purposes. A quick glance up at her face again showed she was watching me, so I cast my eyes down, seeing her crimson toes scrunching up nervously.
"H-hey," she whispered. "I, um… f-found something of yours to wear."
"What?" I took another look and finally spotted it: a silver necklace that I forgot I even owned. That was it. "Ah. Well, uh… nice. It's very nice."
"Is it okay? It's not like, a priceless family heirloom or something, is it? I could-"
"No, no," I laughed. Actually, it kind of was; it belonged to my mom, and her mom before her. But it wasn't 'priceless', just a fairly common silver chain. Not one I cared about a lot, but would have been sad if I lost it. "Looks good on you. Um…"
Again, she flexed the muscles in her calves, in her stomach. Trying to keep still, I think. "Um?" But instead of answering right away, I came over to sit on the bed. Clearly, she was seconds away from freaking out. My hand drifted over… and I stuck my finger into her navel.
"Hey!" she giggled, smiling in both amusement and relief. I withdrew my hand, just smiling down at her. "So… hi."
"Bonjour," I replied in a deadpan, and we both grinned. "Now, I know this sends a pretty hard-to-misinterpret signal, but… what's going on here?"
"What do you mean? I'm, like… presenting myself to you. I'm a present!"
Nodding, I leaned down lower and kissed the slightly-damp temple, and heard her sigh. Then I drew back a couple inches. "Got that part. Just… well, I know you've been kind of… taking it slow in that area. So I don't want to assume that because you're in your birthday suit, that means I'm about to bang you senseless or whatever."
Those three words, "bang you senseless," did make her gasp and look a little shyer than she already did. But she recovered pretty fast, biting her lip before she responded, "I'm not really sure, either. Just… I guess I partly wanted to see what you would do if you got outta the shower and found me like this."
"Like a test?"
"Well… more like satisfying my curiosity? Not really supposed to be a test like that. Sorry if it feels that way! But like… it's not just a test."
Though I was nodding, that didn't mean I was completely sure what she meant. But I wasn't trying to accuse her of treating me badly by testing me. In her maybe-partly-asexual shoes, I'd probably be doing that to any and all prospective partners. So I just pet up and down her bare hip. "Does that mean I pass?"
"Y-yeah." She swallowed hard, then smiled up at me. "I'm… pretty satisfied so far."
"Want to be more satisfied?" I waggled my eyebrows to show her I was joking… but I guess she was too nervous about the whole situation. Her eyes wandered down to my hand, then back up to mine. "Knives?"
"Uh… it's okay. We can find you something to wear."
"Not yet. Kiss me."
So I kissed her. I mean, when your girlfriend asks, you just do it. Unless you're in the middle of something huge, like negotiating a hostage situation. It was a good kiss, full of warmth and caring and the tiniest drop of heat. She rolled toward me a little, and I did the same, pulling myself more fully onto the bed as we began to embrace, to tangle our bodies and tongues. Man, was it nice. Every time was.
It didn't take that long for her to begin to squirm a little. At first, I kind of ignored it, but then I pulled back with a quiet snort of amusement. "Fine, go get your clothes. However you're comfortable."
"Not that, Kim," she whispered nervously. She glanced downward, then back up. "It's, um… if we keep going, I won't be able to keep it tucked back. That's all."
"What? Oh." My eyes tried to turn toward her thighs again but I kept myself from looking. "Morning wood strikes again?"
"Not morning wood this time. It's my…" Finally, a little of her usual light returned to her eyes as she grinned and whispered, "My Kim Pine."
"Get out."
"Awww," she giggled, forcing me to crack and smile as I rolled my eyes. "I thought that was a good one."
"Really isn't." As I pet up and down her hip, I whispered, "I don't care if I see it, you know. But if you do, we can trade? You can have these shorts, I have undies on."
Knives thought about it for a minute. Really thought. Then she whispered, "I'm okay with you seeing. I mean, after our conversation… I know you don't mind my body. Just hard for me to believe it sometimes. Does that make sense? It's not that I think you'd lie about this, just that I'm super nervous."
'And hurt from the last time you were in this kind of situation,' I thought to myself. But didn't bring it up. Young Neil was the past, and the two of them had settled things. Now was our time. Instead, I spent my energy kissing her lips again. "Would it help if I strip down, too?"
"Umm…" Her smile was vaguely coy. "Help me feel comfortable 'cause I'm not the only one who's naked, yeah. Otherwise, it's definitely not going to make Little Knives any more calm."
That was all I needed to hear. Now, let's get this straight: I don't generally like people seeing me in the buff. Even being in a swimsuit kinda makes me antsy, but it's the attire that suits the occasion, so I can roll with that. But I'm just barely less awkward about that than Knives is, and she has a legitimate societal reason to be afraid of people seeing her without her bits covered. With me, it's just the usual cocktail of beauty standards and low self-esteem. Still…
"Oooh," she cooed and clapped as I whipped my tee up and over my head, casually dropping it to the floor. My flush said it all, and she giggled. "Sorry, I can quit."
"Do you want to take these off? Make it an audience participation strip show?"
Biting her lip, she did hook one index finger over my waistband. That made me gulp; I was even less used to being stripped. But she pulled it away and pushed both fists against her chin. Too fucking cute. "Ohmygosh no, I couldn't."
"You sure?" A little nervous nod. So I stood back off the bed and pushed them down, shorts and undies in one go. The cool air made me shiver, but I forced myself not to think about that. Then I crawled back onto the bed to lie down next to her.
"Look how hot we are," she observed as she gestured down along our bodies. Not that I agreed, because I was lying next to perfection, but it was a nice thought. "Total lesbian fantasy."
Scoffing, I glanced down. "Pretty sure most lesbian fantasies don't include my overgrowth of firecrotch, or all these stupid freckles."
"Or a dick," she added. But it was a lighter tone than when either of us brought it up before.
"Hey, mine does."
Her nose bumped up against mine as she met my gaze. "You're weird, though. Weird enough to not mind someone even weirder." Then she really threw me for a loop by reaching down to brush her hand over my mons. "And I don't mind this. Like, that's how it grows, right?"
"O-ohhh," I let out shakily, having to swallow because my voice had cracked slightly. She drew back to blink at me, and I smiled. "Mm, yeah. I know. But if I have a date, I like to maintain a landing strip or something like that. Not just let the bush grow untamed. I wasn't expecting today to be when… anybody would be looking."
"I don't have to look!" she promised me with a nervous smile, removing her hand completely now. "Promise!"
"Well, it's fine. Um… are you sure you don't care about furriness levels?"
"Completely sure. I know the hair is clean. And even if it wasn't… well, I'd rather touch you when you're dirty than anybody else when they're clean."
That sent a throb downstairs that I had a pretty difficult time ignoring. So I kissed her again before I tried to talk. "God, you're pushing all the right buttons. Almost don't believe you've never done this before."
"Total noob," she assured me as she kissed back. We rolled slightly until I was on top of her, then again so that she was on top of me. After the first few seconds, everything else melted away, and I was just with Knives. My Knives, kissing and holding her close, basking in this moment.
Then I rolled to be on top again, and her legs shifted just differently enough from how they had been moved before. A thick something sprang up to be caught between my thighs, and I gasped; it was warm, and real, and definitely not my imagination. Knives let out a mewling noise below me, and I blinked down at her as her eyes fluttered open, waiting for what my reaction would be.
"That's you," I breathed with a smile, flexing my thigh muscles and squeezing her. She sucked in another breath then bit her lip, eyes slowly closing as she weathered the pleasure. "Wow…"
She started to say "I've never…" but then seemed to realise I would know that already, because she fell silent, peering up at me with uncertainty. Then I started to roll off. "Kim?"
"Well, I don't think you meant to come so close to putting it in, so I figured I would move." Settling in next to her, I petted up and down her stomach. On the way down, I bumped against it, and ducked my head. "Shit, sorry!"
After letting out a shaky sigh, she smiled over at me. "It's fine. I'm just… I dunno…" Licking her lips, she kissed mine quickly to give herself a moment to think. "This is dumb, but part of me was still worried you'd run away once you really saw it. Or felt it."
"I still haven't seen it yet. Well, through your panties, I guess."
"Do you want to? Look, I mean. I'm nervous, but if you wanted to…"
"Not if you're nervous."
Shaking her head, she kissed my cheek before whispering, "Not that kind of nervous. My words are getting all mixed up. Like… I'm excited, but also kinda scared you won't like it. And that's just because I'm scared about anyone looking, like, definitely not you specifically! Mostly excited, anyway. Does that make any sense?"
My face was stock still, eyes narrowed very slightly. "You're sure? Completely sure? I mean… I do want to, though. But only if you're-"
"Yes, silly," she giggled. But when my hand moved a little lower, she froze, so I stopped. Her sigh was obviously frustrated. "Okay, I know I keep reacting like that, but I really am okay. Just… can't help my squirminess."
"If I go too far, will you say 'stop'? Swear?" She gave a little nod, and smiled while biting her bottom lip. "Alright." Then I had an idea. Knives loved to talk. She could talk all fucking day. So as my hand drifted down again, I said, "I have a question."
"Go on?" she asked in a slightly higher pitch than usual.
"Um… so I'm not really sure how to talk about your dick. Meaning, I wanted to say before when I felt it pop up that it was 'so huge', but I didn't know… if you'd like me saying that, or if it would give you dysphoria. I guess."
Around the time my hand got to her hip, just to the side of where I knew I would find more, she answered, "Um… I dunno. But hey, look at you, learning the lingo!"
"Trying to," I snorted, wrapping my hand around the soft, warm skin. Her breath caught, then blasted outward in a gust. "Mmm… you like that?"
My lips pushed into her cheek. "So… if you want, I could say it's a pretty dick. Or maybe that it's a big clit? Since biologically speaking, it is."
"R-really?" she said in a tone that would have been conversational if she weren't shaking, eyes half-closed and bottom lip trembling.
"Yeah. I was reading about that last week, how like…" My fingers trailed down to press into the smooth sack. That was an interesting sensation, and she seemed even more surprised I was touching that than the thing above it if her squirming was any indication. "This is where it all starts, and we all have vaginas. And then some babies grow what you have, and some keep it the way mine is and work on the fine details. Or something like that."
A breathy little laugh as her thighs began to part. Very slowly, I began to kiss down her collarbone, along her chest. "Mmm… I think I… did hear something like that once… oh!" She blinked down at me when my tongue flicked over her nipple again. "Ohhh, wow, that's new!"
My lips drifted further down, over her stomach. "It's funny…" Nuzzled her belly button, and she twitched. Both all over her body and the hardness under my wrist. "This is easier for me now. Like… God, I don't think I could have done this before you were inside me."
"Did you have to phrase it that way?!" she laughed, and I laughed with her. We shared a smile for a moment, and then she looked away. "You're so close to me…"
"Mmhmm. But yeah, I mean, I wasn't… if I wanted to make anyone feel this good, it would have been you, but I still… it was too hard." She snorted, and I rolled my eyes. "Not like that, perv. I meant I couldn't just… um…" The words were being stubborn for me this time.
"You felt like I'd look at you, and you'd blush so hard you'd turn into a tomato?"
"Pretty much. That I might do this or that thing wrong and you'd feel annoyed instead of pleased. Or just that I'd look stupid for a half-second, which NegaKim would never allow. So even if we did this before you used the Micron, I would have been such an awkward idiot that it would have been pointless."
"Well, you're doing great," she breathed with a private smile only for the two of us. "My body feels like you love it right now." Another kiss, slightly closer to her center. "O-oh…"
Something about how she clenched her eyes shut made me reconsider. Not the whole thing, but going for the brass ring so soon. Should I climb back up to her other boob? Maybe just make out with her for a while until she feels relaxed again? But that would still leave her a little too well-placed to thrust just wrong and start our "first time" before we were ready for it.
Then I had another idea. A way that I could really up my game; one that I had disregarded once before as too crazy and weird, but would definitely prove that I was serious. When my lips disappeared completely, she let out a quiet "Hmm?" By the time she opened an eye, I was already kissing her big toe.
"Oh! What are you doing down there?"
"Showing your body that I love it." Another kiss, and she shivered. "What?"
"W-well…" Now I was curious about this. For some reason, it seemed to be really leaving her speechless. When my lips wrapped around two of the little digits, she squeaked, "Kim! What are y… why? That's so dirty…"
"Not right out of the shower," I reminded her as I flicked my tongue over the soft little toe-pads. Actually, it wasn't as horrible as I'd expected, even if it wasn't as much fun as her nipple. "I think you like it." But me accusing her of that made her flush and hide her face behind her hands, so I started kissing my way up her ankle as I said, "Or at least, you're surprised, but I don't know why when I was already kissing everywhere else."
"Because… I mean, you said feet weren't cute, right? And it's one thing to say my face is worth kissing, or my butt is. The D gives me mixed feelings. But this is…"
"Right." Said "D" was easy for me to see now. Kissing my way up her leg gave me such a fantastic view! Like the monolith in 2001: A Space Odyssey, rising up above me. Seeing it only made my thirst more real, but I was determined to pace myself. "But it's okay for you to say my toes are cute, and to make me say yours are. And like you pointed out last time, we both just washed, so nothing's really 'dirty' right now. Including…"
And I had arrived. Her erection was an inch from my face, and I was smirking up at her, waiting to see what she would do. Giving her all the time in the world.
"Ooh…" Her thighs twitched together a little around me, but then pushed themselves wider. "Okay… so… what do you think?"
What a question. I wanted to tell her it was the hottest dick I'd ever seen and that I wanted it in me, but somehow I didn't think she wanted to hear that. Like it would make her feel 'manly' or whatever, which was not the goal. Her cock wasn't the biggest, but wasn't the smallest, either, and it was pretty thick and smooth-looking. My mouth was already watering to taste her, which was weird because I didn't normally care about going down on guys.
But she wasn't a guy. Probably a big factor in why this was different. And if I'm really being honest with myself… I wanted to go down on her before I learned she had a dick. This just made it easier, since I already had some practice with fellatio and wouldn't have to spend some period of adjustment learning cunnilingus. Something about Knives just made me want to devour all of her.
Maybe it was because she's so sweet. The world's best dessert.
"I like it," I told her simply. Getting that out of the way. My hands pushed her thighs all the way open, and she obliged before I leaned down on my hands. Inspecting. "The size is just about right. Really soft, and kissable." When I did kiss the underside, she squeaked, so I didn't do it again right away. "This line that goes down the bottom of it… over your balls…"
As my fingernail traced the dark little seam, she sucked a breath in through her teeth. When I went lower, she let out a shaky, "OH! God, Kim, I…"
"Too far?" When she didn't reply right away, I brought my finger away from her butt to caress the side of her sack again. "Sorry. Just getting a really good look at my girlfriend."
"You're sure it's not ugly? I mean… any of that?" My cheek was rubbing against it when she added, "Oh gosh…"
"It's you. How could it be ugly?"
With a shaky laugh, she whispered, "Think I could handle it better when you were nibbling my toes…" When I gave it another kiss, she was able to just sigh instead of spazzing this time. "Mmm… see, I told you."
"Told me what?"
"That you were nice. I couldn't feel more loved and adored than this."
"Psh," I scoffed, reaching down to very gently squeeze her balls. I repeat: very gently. "I'm a cold bitch." But the little gasp got me to let go right away. "Sorry. That didn't hurt, did it?"
Her smile told me it didn't. But she still wrapped her legs around the back of my neck. "Nice. And nah, not really."
"Good." Then I took one into my mouth. I knew from a few fondles in my past that this was nothing, and totally doable for both of us. Again, she gasped, but seemed to relax into the sensation a little more. But I didn't play with it that way for very long; the point was to get acquainted with her, not start getting her off.
A little part of me felt guilty, though. She shot me down so many times that I started to really believe we might never have sex. And it was almost as if she could tell I was disappointed by that, and wanted to offer more of herself to keep me around… which she didn't have to do. At all. Then again, it could just be that she was comfortable enough with me now that the old reasons stopped mattering. Her whole sticking point was that she didn't feel enough like a woman with someone staring at her dick, or messing with it, which makes total sense. Not that it's true, just that I understand why she might feel like that. Now she could tell that I was in lesbians with her, not trying to use her and turn her into a "boyfriend", so that probably helped a lot with easing her anxiety.
So once I let the ball pop out, I gave the inside of her thigh a little kiss and crawled up to lay next to her. Very turned on, but doing nothing else but laying next to my girlfriend and petting her stomach.
"Oh?" she asked, rolling her head just enough to look into my eyes. "Done already? That was fast."
"What's to say? It's a dick. Kinda knew what it would look like more or less. But it's a nice one, and I love the hottie it's attached to. So… yeah, I'm good for now."
Her little smile told me everything. So many things at once. Her hips rolled as she kissed me, so I could feel it against my leg. Thrusting just a little. But I could tell this wasn't going to be like the last time, when she kept going at it so hard she splooged into her undies; just a little grinding for some vague pleasure.
"You could fuck me right now," I pointed out, tone more playful than serious. Her eyebrows went up, and I pecked her cheek. "Logistically."
"Y-yeah," she admitted, biting her lip as she glanced down between us. Then she leaned up to kiss my chin. "Mm… I'm having a great time."
"And thank you. For um… being okay with me taking it slow. I could tell you really wanted to go down on me."
My laugh was clearly shy. "That obvious? I mean… it could be fun. But only if we were both having fun."
"Yeah. You get it. And… I know I will when we do it. Like, no question!"
"Mmm." Another brief kiss. Then I pulled back, a sudden thought coming to me. "Your turn."
"To look. I mean, that only seems fair."
"Oh…" A little chuckle floated out as she looked away. "Well… if I did, my reasons would be a little different. Not totally different; I still want to see you. See how beautiful you are."
"You mean how hairy?" But I could follow her logic. "You mean… seeing a vagina up close and personal for the first time."
Nodding, she raised a hand to begin petting up and down my shoulder and upper arm. "Never have before. Unlike most girls who got to do the mirror thing."
"Yeah, I did," I admitted with a slight smirk, and she grinned. "Just looked fucking weird to me. But then again, I never much cared about dicks or vaginas. Kinda thought dicks were funny until I saw the most beautiful one in the world a couple minutes ago." Her grin turned bashful, and I had to kiss it again. But immediately afterward, I turned and laid back. "Alright, now is the time."
"Really?" When I nodded, she looked shy and indecisive for a moment. Then she kissed my neck, my collarbone… she was going to do what I did for her. Which I was not ready for.
But it was happening. Her lips moved to my nipple, and she decided to spend a lot longer on it than I had. My hands came up to thread through her hair as she paid it patient attention, and I let my leg drift outward, then raised an ankle to caress the back of her thigh. Maybe she was a quick study, or maybe she practiced on her own time, but either way I had zero complaints. This was incredible.
"They're so perky," she whispered as she moved to the other one and pressed into it with her teeth, just barely — but more than enough to make me moan in a higher pitch than I had been. God, those noises coming out of me were so embarrassing! "Mmm…"
"Fuck," I whispered. That was all I could get out until she started kissing lower. "Oh… oh, Knives…"
Once her lips hit hair, she drew back away and waited, staring up at my face instead of down. Silent permission was given when my thighs fell open, and she could inspect the female anatomy for the first time with an actual live specimen. It was really uncomfortable for me, but it wasn't because it was Knives. Just because I knew she was looking at me as an example of what a cis woman was, and studying it so closely. Probably memorising every detail. But I could put up with it if it meant something so important to my girlfriend.
"You're wet," she observed, still not touching. I nodded. "Did I do that?"
"Y-yeah." My hands drifted down to my hips, hesitated for a second, then moved to either side and began to gently pull myself open. "Does this help?"
Her eyes went round, and she actually pushed her fingertips into her mouth for a moment as she took in the change in what she was seeing. I had to look away after a second; too much, too weird, I was ugly down there, she had to be thinking that, or that it was too pink, or not pink enough, or-
Eventually, I felt a soft press of lips - not against my cunt, but the knuckle of my index finger instead. "You're so cute down here, Kim. Like a perfect flower."
"Ugh," was all I could respond, and I heard her chuckle — felt the rush of air, and had to suck in a breath from feeling it. "S-so, what do you think of seeing your first pussy? Besides it being 'cute' or whatever."
"Well, this isn't my first. I saw Tamara's when we were little. Way different experience, though." I laughed, and she grinned up at me. "Can I touch? Like, I kinda wanted to, but figured I'd just do some looking first."
My voice was trying for casual when I said "Knock yourself out," but I was shaking too much for that. Nobody had ever done this before. The couple of guys who tried just kinda looked at it and were like "hawt" and started licking it like a postage stamp. Totally failing to bring me more than distant pleasure. Knives was not just staring at me — she was appreciating. And now she was going to do it in an interactive way.
God help me. What was my life turning into? I went from still being vaguely bitter about Scott, to letting another of his exes, a Chinese ninja girl who was barely not a high schooler anymore, go down on me. On paper, it just sounded like a string of bad decisions. But in reality, it was saving me from a miserable life of being alone.
And she got off to a great start. Or was getting me off to a great start, I should say. About as rough as most of the other times I'd had this happen, but she was patient, and doing her best. After a minute, she popped her head up to ask, "Am I doing okay?"
"Yeah. God, Knives…"
"Give me tips, though. I'm, um… do you want me more here?" Kissed my lips. "Or up here?" Kissed my hood.
"Dude, wherever you want. But um…" I spent a minute trying to think. What should I tell her? "You can move your tongue around more. Like, when you're going up or down, hit more areas on the labia. That kinda thing." She tried it, and I moaned. "Nnhh…"
"Better?" Then she did something on her own, probably slightly inspired by my suggestion: swirled her tongue around my clit, pushing the tip up under the hood slightly.
"Oh!" she gasped, looking up at me again. "S-so that one did something!"
Rubbing my hand over my face to get rid of the sweat, I laughed breathlessly. "Yeah! Yeah, it did something!" We shared a grin, and she kissed my petals again. "Mhh, oh shit… Knives…"
And she kept going. I mean, damn did she keep going. The great thing about Knives being totally comfortable as long as she wasn't the one being pleasured, and me now being semi-comfortable with everything thanks to Princess Pine busting out of her cage, is that she could do whatever she wanted to my body and my general reaction was "Yes, thanks". Her tongue started to hit the areas I liked more often as she kept at it, and I had no more feedback to give other than loving every second.
It didn't take more than a few minutes before I felt my orgasm starting to rise. Still longer than when I jilled off next to her, but pretty quick thanks to how long I had been secretly hoping this would happen. Then she had to take a break to catch her breath, which wasn't surprising.
"Oh wow," she whispered.
"Yeah… wow." Clearing my throat, I reached down between my legs to caress through her hair. "You're so… Knives, I love you…"
"I love you, too," she panted with a smile as she licked her lips.
"Do I taste okay? I mean, that's a fucking weird question, but…"
"Fine, yeah. I mean, I don't know what this is supposed to taste like, but it's kinda… a little salty? Not like much of anything. But you smell really… I dunno, but it's strong and it makes me hot…"
"Yeah?" For my benefit, she rolled to her side slightly so I could see the proof. "Shit, yeah I guess it does!"
Dipping down to kiss me, she then raised her hand and started petting me with her fingers for a moment, giving her lips and tongue a rest. "Is this good?"
"Mmhmm…" My eyes were now switching between the hand petting me, Knives's eager face, and the erection that I wished I could somehow play with while she was working on me. Not even kidding, my hands flexed on the sheets, trying to summon it to them so they could touch. Me licking my lips probably just looked like I was trying to wet them, but it was from a burning desire to kiss, to taste.
Around the time her tongue fell to my clit again, I raised my leg to caress her body. Just wanting to do anything to show her how much I appreciated spending time with her, especially like this! What ended up happening was…
"Ooh," she sighed with a shiver, and gust of air onto my damp folds nearly made me lose it then and there. "That feels weird."
"Sorry!" I panted, lowering my foot. It was still on her knee, somewhat closeby, but no longer in contact with her warm length. "Didn't mean to… kick your dick."
"Well, it didn't hurt, I mean… it felt like you were touching me with your hand, but both of those are up there," she giggled. "So it weirded me out. Wasn't anything bad."
Still feeling a little embarrassed, I tried to relax into her mouth when it fell back to my clit. The level of skill was unreal for a newbie, but by this point I was just grateful that she knew what she was doing and had no desire to question it. And…
Well, yeah. That's the story of how she got me to my first orgasm as a couple, not counting just flicking the bean next to her that other time. I was already almost there, and it didn't take much more than her tongue on my button and her fingers sliding around my wet lips before I was screaming, arching my back, and generally doing all those orgasm-related things we do. And it blew my fucking mind.
Once she was sure that I was done, she pulled back and kissed the middle of my furry patch. "Good? Was it good? Seriously, I need to know…"
All I could do was nod. Taking that as good enough feedback, she grinned and climbed up to curl around me. Of course, it was impossible for me not to notice the arousal pressing into my hip, but for a moment I let it be there. The way she was teaching me. Had to catch my breath a little.
Then I turned to look into her gleeful eyes. Almost didn't want to say anything, she looked so cute and sweet there. When I let out a little chuckle, she grinned and whispered, "What?"
"Puppy dog tail." The slight crease in her brow made me elaborate, reaching over to briefly touch her dick with one finger. "This. It's like when a dog gets really excited and happy, and they wag their tail? That's what this is for you. Don't know why it took me this long to put those together."
"Oh… hey, yeah, I guess that's true." Shrugging one shoulder, she looked faintly pleased with the comparison somehow. Then I began to stroke it with that same single finger, and her eyes closed as she sighed.
"How about this? Just thinking out loud. This time, I'll give you a handjob. Not going to try to turn it into anything else, I promise. If you don't like it, we can go back to ignoring it for a while. If you do like it, maybe we'll try other stuff another day. But for tonight, just my hand, just the way we are right now."
Her smile did disappear, which gave me a pang of regret. I knew I was pushing again. But I was hoping that if I showed her I was comfortable with it, and didn't think it meant she was a dude, that she might get more comfortable with me doing stuff for her. And all I was doing was asking; if she told me to drop it, I'd drop it.
"You really like my dick, huh?" she asked in a soft voice. Couldn't really read her emotions when she said it, but I nodded, to make sure she knew I didn't dislike it. "Okay. Like I said, I feel weird about it, which is a whole other set of issues, but like… I love playing with your pussy, and I only tried it once. So I guess I get that it's the same for you with me."
"Maybe… don't even think of it as a dick."
"Then what? An egg roll?" My long, mortified groan only made her giggle a little. "Sorry. But it was kinda funny when I thought about it later. Lame, but kinda funny."
Delivering a long lick along her throat gave me time to recover from having to think about that shitty comment drunk-Kim made. It also gave me the added bonus of hearing her whimper. "How about… think of it as me flicking your bean? Okay, maybe that doesn't work that way, I dunno."
"No, I kinda see where you're going with that. I just don't have that kind of imagination that can completely pretend I wasn't born with boy-parts. But um… I guess a handjob isn't that different from me jerking myself off, which I've done plenty of times."
"Really? Plenty, huh?"
Biting her lip for a second, she then whispered, "Yeah. Usually just in the mornings when I wake up hard and can't get back to sleep."
"God, there's a show I'd love to watch." My hand slid between our bodies, wrapping gently around her. "You start like this?"
"Mm… yeah…"
"And then you're picturing what you were dreaming about?"
As I started stroking, she arched her back, lips parting slightly. "Ooh, yes. Or… s-sometimes nothing… before you, it was… mostly boys, but now I think of you…"
Well, that was unexpectedly flattering. Seriously, I felt butterflies in my stomach when I pictured this quasi-asexual girl thinking about me on the rare occasion she touched herself. Especially since there were tons of better, more attractive images to pull up in the moment, in my opinion.
"Tell me what you think of me doing," I purred as I began to kiss the side of her throat again.
"Nothing, usually. Just like… nnhh… how pretty you are, and… how much I like you… or sometimes…"
When she didn't say anything more after a few more seconds, I kissed again and whispered, "Sometimes?"
"W-well… I think about our first kiss… and h-how you did this for me…" A hard swallow, and she sought out my eyes. "It really confused me, especially since I thought I was straight before that, but it was so…"
"You made me come harder than I ever had before, Kim," she confessed with bare, vulnerable honesty. "It was like… an awakening, y'know? Another person can make me feel like that… I wasn't even sure anyone could since it had never happened. And it was a girl…"
My hand stopped for a moment, and I kissed her chin. "You're a woman. Sorry if that made you have a… crisis of faith, or whatever. But having a college girl make-out session doesn't even really make you bi. Just curious."
"Does this make me bi?" she asked, thrusting into my hand very slightly. My smile returned, and so did hers after a second.
"This does, yeah."
"And I wasn't in college yet when that happened." Another groan of annoyance at my past self made her giggle. "That's probably awkward for you to remember."
"Definitely." I gave her dick a little squeeze with my nails, and she let out a gasp and squirmed. "Jerk."
But she was still distracted by it. Licking her lips, she kissed my forehead before she told me softly, "I liked it. Wh-when you did that… the first time?"
"Did what? Jerked you off, or squeezed you?"
"Yeah. Well, both, but I meant when you squeezed me. It really made me feel this, like… I dunno… naughty feeling or something. Like I had been bad, and you were punishing me…"
"You want to be my naughty little girl?" I asked in a throaty voice, squeezing again. When she responded with a moan, I hissed, "Holy shit, you do."
"N-no, I…"
The slight distress and shame in those two words was already too much. "It's okay, Knives," I promised her immediately, stroking in a more normal fashion this time. "That's… yeah, that sounds like a whole other dimension of kinky. And we've had enough of different dimensions for a day or two. Besides…" Another kiss against her throat, tender and sweet. "I'd rather reward you for being so perfect than punish you."
"Not perfect," she managed to breathe. Her legs were falling open, she was on her back and completely mine to control. I'd never seen her this exposed before… and I hated the idea of anyone else seeing it. My precious little Knives was no one's plaything. Not even mine. And I'd be damned if I let anyone have her believe she wasn't the most beautiful woman in the universe.
"Perfect. All over."
Knives took my lips then, hungry and desperate, and I slid my tongue in until it immediately felt its mate and our mouths opened for them to dance together. Her hips started coming up to meet my hand and I went at it as hard as I could. Not that I even got myself off very often, so jerking a dick was using muscle groups I didn't normally exercise, but that drummer strength really came in handy sometimes.
"Ah!" she breathed a minute or two later. "Kim… I'm gonna… but it's gonna go everywhere!"
Tangling our legs as my arm pumped her throbbing flesh, I whispered, "Let it go everywhere. I want to hear you finish again." But she still seemed conflicted. So I added, "I love you so much."
Worked like a charm. Just like the first drunken night, I had Knives writhing and calling out, except this time she didn't bother to keep her voice down quite so much. We were together, and didn't have to worry about what Scott or anyone else in Julie's aunt's house would think. So she screamed my name as she sprayed upward, landing all over our abdomens and running down my knuckles. It was actually kind of spectacular.
It took her a little longer to recover from hers than it did for mine. All the while, I just kissed her hot cheeks and her lips, petted over her hair. Basically soothed her as best as I was capable, given that I was a cold, unfeeling bitch.
Or maybe I wasn't. Kinda figuring that out.
"S-sorry," she finally managed shakily as I pulled my hand off her half-softened cock. It was very sticky now. "Didn't mean… to do that…"
"It's cool," I chuckled very quietly, kissing her nose. That did get her to smile. "You know I've dealt with this before, right? Nothing new."
"But you shouldn't have to with me. One of the little perks of being a lesbian, usually."
"Bisexual. Both of us are. I think, anyway."
One of her shoulders shrugged, and she held up my hand to look at the mess she'd made. "Yeah. So… I guess neither of us should mind this if we're bi. But if you ever decide you do, just please tell m-"
"I said I wouldn't mind going down on you, Knives. And if I don't care about getting it in my mouth, I sure as fuck don't about getting it on my hand. Or stomach."
"Oh, here-" Shuffling down, she started licking the residue off my abdomen before I could stop her.
"Ugh! That's yours, you don't have to do that!"
"Hey, I don't mind. I, um…" Now she looked really embarrassed, and I didn't know why. Until she admitted, "I've tried it before. Like, when things started getting serious with Neil, and I was trying to decide if… I could handle…"
Nodding, I flexed my fingers, looking at the gooey translucent mess. "Ahhh. Yeah, I guess… I can understand that. Practice makes perfect. Or tolerant, or whatever." Then I shoved them in my mouth. A strangled noise of surprise came from down below, but I pretended to ignore it as I closed my eyes, savouring her taste.
"Kim," she breathed as I moaned. Once I was finally done, she was still merely sitting there, waiting for the verdict.
"Not bad. Definitely better than the other times I've tried it." Hoping it would hit the right note, and not just sound dumb, I combed through her hair with my clean hand. "Must be because it's girl-cum."
"Omigosh… you're just so- like, eating my cum, my toes, jerking me off, and-" A little moisture was collecting in her eyes, so I tried to head that off by being funny.
"Hey, let's not get carried away. I didn't eat your toes, they're still right where you left them." Well, I said tried. But she did giggle, although it was a giggle-sniffle, so I cupped her cheek. "Anyway… yeah, I hope you can tell by now that I'm kinda into you. Annoying little bundle of happy that you are, and I don't even know why you like me… but I guess there's no point in questioning that anymore."
Instead of answering with words right away, she just attack-hugged me and started smothering me with kisses. There wouldn't really have been any point in going "EW, YOU HAVE JIZZ-BREATH" since we both did by then, so I just contented myself with laughing and embracing her back, enjoying how close we could be.
"Love you," she finally whispered when she pulled back, eyes glittering.
"Ditto, kiddo. And thanks for the slug-trail on my hip there."
"What? Oh no, ew, I forgot!" Rolling away, we both looked at the little bit of essence that had been left behind there. "Um, sometimes afterward, a little bit keeps leaking out for a few minutes…"
"No worries, just clean it up. With a tissue!" I amended when her head started going for it. "Y-you don't have to clean it off with your tongue every time!"
Blushing, she went for the box of tissues on my bedside table and dabbed it away, then got the little bit on her tip before she tossed it. "Sorry about that."
"Happens, eh? And it's not like I minded. Just didn't want to have to change my sheets if we got any on there, that's all." Then we settled in against each other, still nude. Her knees trapped one of mine between them, and I smiled as I pet up and down her ribcage. "Now… we probably better get ready for work or some shit."
"Or take another day off?" she asked in a small voice, smiling. When I shook my head, she sighed resignedly. "Yeah. Two days in a row would be pretty bad."
Kissing her earlobe, I whispered, "Weekend's coming up. Then we can hang out as much as you want."
"Yeah. We'll grab a couple movies from work, make it a thing."
"Can I eat you out again?" When I choked, she gently patted me on the back until I was breathing normally. Then hissed, "Should I not say stuff like that?"
"N-nah, you're fine! Totally chill. And, um… I wouldn't exactly mind that. Or eating you out."
Rolling her eyes, she snuggled closer. "You don't have to keep doing that. Pretending like I have a vagina when I don't yet."
Though the "yet" threatened to throw me off track, since that was definitely a conversation we'd have to revisit once she had her degree, I made myself focus on teasing her. "Actually, I wasn't pretending that this time."
"What? But you said you'd eat me out. And I don't have…"
When her eyes went round, mouth hanging slightly open as her entire face turned red, I reached down to gently squeeze her butt just to drive home that she wasn't mistaken. "I'm mostly kidding… except that if I was ever going to try that with anybody, it'd be you. Just… not sure about it, that's all."
"I haven't done much back there," she whispered nervously, though she was smiling. "You putting a finger down there just now was like, whoa!"
"Imagine if I had a dick, too. And I put it in your sweet little ass." She was still red, eyes wide and staring off into the distance as she actually imagined it. "Mmmm, yeah…"
Her hands came up to press into her face as she let out a "KYAAAA!" of embarrassed excitement. Typical Knives. What I wasn't expecting was for her to say through the hands, "You did mention getting a strap-on before… and I didn't say 'no', I guess…"
"That's true," I said as I kissed the backs of those hands. Her legs flailed and I grinned from ear to ear. But she had to be told I was serious and not just teasing. "My girlfriend deserves to get fucked if she wants to. And I'm willing to go as fast or as slow as she wants. Not just with fucking, but with doing anything."
"God, I love you so much! I love you, Kim!"
"Yeah, yeah, love you, t-" That was as far as I got before my lips were otherwise occupied. Fine by me; she could do whatever she wanted and I would thank her for it. Dumb little ninja.
                                                              ~ Bonus Level 2 ~                                                                    [-2 PLOT]                                                                   [+2 KINKY]
"I mean," she gasped almost two full minutes of making out later, "still no idea if I'm gonna like that, but… we could try? Just for fun. I'm still a little curious about how it feels, just end up wimping out."
I had still been a little dazed from the long lip-lock, but then I grinned. "Wanna find out?"
"Now? Um… no." And the specific way she grinned and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear told me she was sure of it this time, even if the idea still flustered her. "Like yeah, I'm definitely… interested, just in finding out if I like it, but I'm feeling pretty good with where we are. Wow, I feel… good. So good, Kim."
"Glad to hear it," I told her with a lot more sincerity in my voice than I was used to using. Knives was changing that a day at a time.
"Although…" Her hands caressed the globes of my butt.
"What? Oh. No thanks, I never had any interest in anyone plundering my booty."
"You sure? I mean, you're all about me trying it…"
I laughed softly. "Well, bo- I mean, people with dicks have something back there. The prostate, right? I'm sadly prostate-deprived, so I really don't see myself getting a lot out of it. That's all. My G-spot is up front."
"Ohhhh," she breathed in a long dazed noise. One eyelid had twitched when I almost said "boys", but I think because I hadn't been calling her one directly, she wasn't that affected. "Well yeah, I know about that. From health class. But I think there's a bunch of nerve endings in the butthole, too — like the actual butthole, not the spot on the inside."
"Trust me, you really don't want to be poking around back there, anyway. A real deathtrap." I was still laughing, but now I was also thinking about it. This was probably the first time I'd ever pointed my mind at the subject and thought anything other than the words "exit only" in big flashing red letters. Fucking nasty. But I also never really cared when it came to other people talking about it or whatever. To each their own.
Meanwhile, Knives was still kneading my cheeks. Had she been doing that the whole time? "I wouldn't mind, really. Showers, right?"
"Showers," I sighed, having to admit that point. "Best shape it'll be in right now."
"Right! Just like, y'know… if you feel something coming, warn me? I guess?"
"Yeah," I snorted as she sat back and away from my face. Then began to shift my legs. "Wait. What are- Knives! Are you really…? I didn't mean now!"
Her smile faltered but didn't quite fade. "Well, yeah. Might as well while you're already clean, right? Just, um…" But then she put the legs down. "Okay, sorry, I um, I should have asked. That wasn't cool."
"Well… I guess somebody could interpret me admitting it's clean right now as encouraging you. But, uh…" My stomach was doing backflips again. "Come on. You'd really want to prod my pucker?"
"Hey, I've never tried doing it for somebody else, either. Barely did on myself. How should I know if I like it or not?"
My finger came up to point at her accusingly. "You… little liar. Acting like you weren't into any of this when really you just want to experiment on me." She bit her lip and looked cute, and after a moment I rolled my eyes and lowered my finger. "Fine. But the minute I don't like something-"
"Oh, yeah, totally! Just kick me or whatever."
"Okay." As she raised my legs up again, I snorted. "Maybe you want me to kick you. Kinky girl."
To that, she pouted again. "But you can be so gentle with these…" And she kissed one of the feet held so firmly in place by her hands around my ankles, making me shiver. By now, I was beginning to suspect I was right — that not every pout really meant she was sad. What an actress. "You proved it by teasing my dick with one."
"What is it with you and feet, anyway?" Again, she sought out the toe with the freckle for a kiss. Her favourite. And again, it made my face pulse hotter when she paid attention to it like that, even more when she took it between her sweet lips. "Knives…"
"Mmhhh," she moaned around it exaggeratedly, and I twitched all over. The best way to describe that sensation is that it felt both good and bad. Awkward, but not unpleasant; something a girl could get used to. If that was how Knives felt when I did it, maybe I could bite the bullet and add a kiss or two to my next foot massage. Pretty minimal sacrifice.
"Alright, alright," I burst out once her tongue was swirling around the toe with a little too much gusto. I definitely didn't want her to keep messing with my feet. Enough of that for one day. "Just… get on with it. Wish I had some lube."
"Lube?" she asked as she kissed my thigh. I tried not to think too much about how close she was to my ass. To all of everything down there, again, so soon after she just went down on me.
"Yeah, um… for the ass. It doesn't self-lubricate like the my snatch does."
Her smile was both soothing and worrying. "Well, I wasn't really gonna go all-in; just tease you a little. So we probably don't need that. But if you wanna wait until we get some…"
"Meh," I sighed, trying to pretend I was disinterested and totally calm. And failing; we both could tell I was nervous. But I decided not to say anything else and just let her have at it.
See, now I think I should have protested a little more strongly, or asked her to go slower. Because she started out kissing it. Started out that way, not graduated from a finger to her mouth. My breath caught, and I didn't know what to say. I was torn between feeling grossed out that she would do that, curious about what it was like, and feeling so loved because this incredible girl would actually stoop to putting her mouth on this dirtiest part of some random redhead. So that was about all I could do.
And I was crying out by the time her hands slid up my thighs, forcing my legs back. She attempted that for a minute, trying to figure out logistics, then lowered them again and said, "Can you, um, roll over?"
"Ugh… fine…" But as I was rolling over, I said, "This is weird, you know. Not judging, since obviously I'm just as weird for letting it happen, but like… what are we doing?"
"Playing," she breathed on one of my cheeks, prompting another shiver. "Awww, it's so cute, though!"
My entire face turned cherry red. For some reason, before that I had just been a little nervous — and completely shocked that this was happening at all. Now, she was really about to start pleasuring me in about the last place I thought anyone would. And she already liked it, without even really getting started.
Seeming to sense that I was flattered, even if it was in with all the other emotions, she kept going, her finger now tracing around it. Not quite touching yet. "Seriously… it's like a little star… I dunno, it's cute."
"Shut up, it can't be cute. It's a…" Swallowing, I tried to resist shivering from her teasing fingernail. "Ooh…" Failed step one.
"What if I put my dick in it? Like… would you be interested in finding out how that goes? You were talking about doing that to me earlier…"
"Oh my GOD. You haven't even put it where I want it yet!" I protested, my cheeks somehow getting even redder than my hair. Her breath caught, and I realised I might have gone a little too far. "I m-mean, when you're ready for that. Of course. Y'know…"
"No, I get it," she giggled as she kissed one of my cheeks. The lower ones, not the red ones. "Don't worry. I, um, I have thought about that, too… and I'd probably want to. When I feel more ready."
"Exactly. Which could be whenever, not right nahhhWHOA that's weird!"
For a minute or so, I simply let her get on with pushing her fingertip against the tightly-clenching hole. Which was clenched intentionally; I didn't want anything to go inside. Poking around the rim was about as much as I could handle, and only because Knives was so curious and I was unable to resist her. She made another comment about how cute it was, and I couldn't reply, even just to tell her that it was ridiculous.
Finally, she said, "Hmm, not much I can do without that lube, I guess. You were right."
"It's okay," I sighed as I took a deep breath, then let it out before speaking again. "We tried."
"We did. Most things, anyway."
That was the only warning I had before feeling a tongue squirming against the skin. I went totally speechless, not sure what to think at first. After a few seconds of putting up with that, and the odd sensations shooting through my stomach and down into my legs, I finally groaned, "Ohhh, that is just so wrong…"
"Hmm," was all she said when she had put the finger back against the now-moistened opening.
"Hmm, what? 'Hmm, we're obviously freaks now'?"
"Nah, just… okay, I don't wanna be super gross about this, so I won't give you a detailed um, description of what that was like. But it wasn't as bad as you probably think it would be."
The corner of my mouth twitched up, even as my abdomen was convulsing from the continued teasing. "Guess they sell flavoured lubes for a reason."
"I wouldn't need it. Not for this; like I said, it's not that bad." After a second to think, she added, "As long as you're clean. Um… no offense, but if you asked me to do this any other time…"
"I wouldn't even ask you to do it when I'm clean," I assured her. "So yeah, I get not wanting to do it otherwise. We're totally in sync with this one."
She hummed in a satisfied manner, then kissed it again, slowly pushing her tongue into the center. Trying to open me up. I didn't want that; I didn't want to fart in her face or something terrible! And it started to feel… better. Don't get me wrong, it never felt awful, but it was uncomfortable and the idea was nasty to me. But after getting used to it, I could relax into the sensation, and it was basically like a bidet. Or using a wet-wipe. Better than either of those, but not much different.
Finally, she paused, and I asked, "Whuh… what do you think? You into tossing my salad?"
"Yeah. I could do it again. Going down on your vag was better, though." She sounded a little turned on again, and I suspected it was just because what we were doing was so… unusual. I was slightly wet, too, and I hated that because it was from this! But oh well.
"Sounded like you liked it. In fact… something tells me…" It took a little effort and stretching back, but given the way we were positioned, I managed to find her hips with my toes. From there, I could drag them inward to grasp at what I thought I might find. "Yep."
"H-hey," she half-laughed, half-gasped as she felt them pressing into either side of her warm erection. It was still a little sticky at the head, but otherwise smooth and soft. "What are you doing?"
"Checking, that's all," I assured her with a laugh of my own. "Unless you want me to keep going…?'
"N-nah." She sounded a little conflicted, but mostly sure of herself. "I don't need a footjob; I told you, I usually only go once in a day."
"What's a footj… nevermind, I figured it out. No explanation necessary." Her lips pushed into my ass again, and I sighed. Then I felt her thrust between my feet and smirked into the sheets. "Interesting."
There was a little shame in her voice when she admitted, "I… didn't mean to, but it's already there, and you… actually have pretty soft feet? Is that weird?"
"It's weird that I have soft feet," I laughed breathlessly. Her talking this much with her mouth so close to my sensitive parts, both the ass and the vag she had already given the royal treatment, was making me that much wetter. "Not for you to notice, I guess." And that was me being nice, for all those people who think I can't pull it off. Both things were a little weird, but nothing criminal. No big deal.
The problem was, it was difficult to maintain those actions and positions. In order to keep my feet there, I had to kind of push my legs backward a bit instead of keeping them up and under me, which meant I was constantly tensing against her exploring tongue. Which… I think we both liked. The tongue up my ass part, not the other thing, which was all her. Did I really want this? Maybe. Not anything more than that at the moment, and maybe not that ever again, but in the moment…
"Do you want me to move back down?" she asked, hearing me panting and moaning. "You know… eat you out again? The normal way."
"N-nah," I told her. "Can't switch now. I'd probably get… some kind of disease." Then her thumb found my clit and I shrieked, "SHIT!"
"Good? Bad?"
"Good! Soooo gooood!" I confessed as she ground it against me, completely her bitch in that moment. Honestly? I know what I said, and I stand by it with my rational mind. But if she had suddenly shoved a finger in there, as long as it was all lubed up and ready to go in with minimal pain… yeah. I'd have been all about it without having any power to protest. Couldn't even believe it, and NegaKim's sensibilities were horribly offended, but it was true.
Also, Knives seemed to know her body pretty well. Though I felt her thrusting against my toes, heard her moan once or twice into me — felt it — she wasn't nearly as frustrated and frantic as before I jerked her off. Really a one-and-done kinda girl, like most dick-owners. Her entire focus was on getting that tongue deeper and deeper, making that thumb do its best to get me there again.
Her best was good enough. A lot sooner than I expected, I was coming, and it was with her tongue all the way inside the last place I thought it would go. And God help me, Orgasm Part Two was every bit as hot as the first one. Nobody, not even Scott, could ever have gotten me to let them try this out for so long, and she made me shiver all over twice in one day with something I wasn't even comfortable doing yet. Knives is a miracle worker.
No, she never splooged. Her dick was done with that for the morning, and to be honest, I probably would have teased her a lot more if she finished that way, so it was for the best. Deciding I was through with my ass being explored now that I came, I rolled onto my back and wrapped my calves and ankles around her hips instead. Just caressing her very gently with my legs.
And Knives smiled down at me. Even though I had glanced at her dick, and thought about teasing her a little more, I mostly just held her gaze. That sweet face, and its dark, glittering eyes that always looked full of laughter or mischief, was well worth my attention.
"I'd kiss you," she finally told me through her huge grin, "but I don't think you'd want me to right now."
"Not really. My own butt is on the list of things I never want to experience." When she curled around my side, I curled back, nestling in again. "Yours, I'd give one try. One. But yeah, go brush your teeth in a minute."
"I will," she giggled.
Both of us were quiet for a bit. Basking in afterglow, appreciating how our warm bodies fit together. My fingers played over the silver chain around her neck, and she let out one of the happiest sighs I'd ever heard. Then I groaned, "Work. We still have to go to fucking work!"
"Shhh," she whispered, petting up and down my stomach. "We have a little longer."
"Yeah. Alright, but not too much longer; I don't want you to get fired."
"What about you?"
"Meh. My job sucks, anyway. But you're probably going to be putting yours on a transcript or an application or some shit."
Knives moved to kiss me, but remembered at the last second and instead just nuzzled my neck. "You're so sweet, Kim. Even sweeter now than before we broke the Gorgon Maiden, but like… you were before that, too. Just less afraid of showing it now."
"More like you're worth risking that I'll make an idiot of myself," I said as I kissed her nose. Then I sat up, groaning on my way before I reached back to help her do the same. "Come here, you jerk. Use some damn mouthwash so I can kiss you again. I'd really like to be able to kiss you right now."
"Sweeeeeet," she drawled out, and I shoved her face away.
"Love you!"
Let me tell you something. The picture of true happiness. It's coming out of your room, having found some jeans and a blouse to put on, to see a naked ninja girl brushing her teeth in front of your bathroom mirror, humming just a little bit as she did so. Then smiling over at you with minty suds running down her chin. Maybe most people wouldn't think it was all that important, but God… I wanted to savour that memory. Needed to.
So I took a pic with my phone. Knives squeaked, and yelled at me to delete it as she slammed the bathroom door, but after she was through in there and dressed for work I patiently explained why I wanted it. And, as I could have expected, she told me I could keep it — while kissing me for being 'sweet' again. Though she did make me promise not to make it my wallpaper.
And so, our heroes went off to work, knowing that all they had to do was suffer through a few hours apart before they could hang out around the ol' Nintendo again. Sure, I expected that a lot of other stuff would be coming our way: Knives going back to college, long distance relationship annoyance. Meeting each other's families. Potential surgeries. The Clash At Demonhead tryouts. Gideon's long lost cousin, with the ability to suck in enemies to temporarily gain their powers, trying to take over North America. Plus, actually 'going all the way' once Knives was ready, if she ever was. Nothing's ever really tied up in a neat bow.
But none of that was happening today. The future could wait until after a few boards of Mario Party.
                                                               GAME OVER                                        [Achievement Unlocked: Happy Ending ;) ]
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