#so vague fake argument on tumblr bs GO
omnigon · 7 years
TBH 90% of this website is juat the blind leading the blind. There’s a critical all time low in actual external source and fact checking for most everyone here, and most of the users are so gullible and non-self-aware that they don’t even fucking know it. So I have to fucking deal with delusional people telling ME (a highly self-aware, mostly grounded individual who hates being wrong so I correct myself continually until I’m right) that I just don’t understand what I’m experiencing. Of course, not after comparing what I experience to their fake experiences (like, explicitly fake, as in, the point is it’s not real) which seems ironic in some way. Like, if you regularly experience incorrect things, why the hell are you telling me my own internal (unknowable to you) experiences are incorrect, just because you compared the two? Even though they’re not comparable. Believing things that are fake, and what I experienced, which YOU think is fake, so it’s comparable in that, in your mind, we both believe things that aren’t real. But that doesn’t make sense. I’m not fucking delusional. I know what my internal states are at all times, and I know how my dissociative disorder works very intricately. You don’t. No one else does. If you’re prone to staunchly believing untrue things, how the hell can YOU trust YOUR internal states? It’s like the pot calling the kettle black. If I’m so incorrect for believing something I experienced is true, and you’re so correct for not modifying your worldview to accompany new information one bit because “science” (that you conveniently never linked to), how the fuck do I know you’re right? I don’t. you don’t, either.
See, people who regurgitate SJ info from their friends are dumb. They need to do some critical thinking and figure out if it ACTUALLY makes sense given the facts. But no one here even knows what the facts fucking are. But if you are going to STRONGLY SAY that XYZ CAN NEVER happen, you need some facts, ASAP. Because if you cannot defend your very, very unstable point of view with OBJECTIVE. FUCKING. FACTS. You do not deserve to hold that point of view. You certainly don’t deserve to tell others that their lived experiences are fucking incorrect. See, I have a habit of being clear-minded, and fact driven. I love the truth, and objectivity. I love it so much, it runs my life to be as REALISTIC and OBJECTIVE as possible. So I think things through, unlike most people on this site. And if I think that something you’re doing seems wrong or sketchy, there’s a reason for it.
So forgive me for being “ableist” here, but I feel like people who are not only delusional, but chronically averse to linking sources are bad places to get info from. Most people on this site are one or the other (usually the latter). Why, after linking me to a supposed “gotcha” post about how since YOU’RE delusional, I shouldn’t trust my own perceptions because sometimes “they’re wrong”. Hm. You know what seems wrong, here? A few things: You’re literally susceptable to strongly and firmly believing untrue things. Red flag for lack of objectivity, even if you can’t help it. You think that I (someone who doesn’t experience that one bit) am misperceiving reality. Fine, if you can prove that my version of reality is impossible through third party sources. But I don’t trust you once you say that you chronically believe untrue things. Another thing is, if I’m “misperceiving” reality, how do I know you aren’t? How do I know your dumb fuckbuddies aren’t? If we’re ALL CRAZY (and we are, they have dissociative disorders just like I do) Why are we talking “science” without checking with the big boys, the REAL authorities? Could it be, perhaps, science doesn’t care what dumb perople on tumblr are fighting about this week? Or, at the very least, the claim you’re making is almost untestable? Hm.
If I’m so unable to perceive what’s going on in my own mind, how come I don’t believe in other fake things? If I believe XYZ can happen in my system and it CAN’T, what else am I believing that’s ‘fake’? The answer is “It doesn’t matter because what I percieve as real is generally just as real as the average person’s perception, if not moreso.” Just because some dumb jackoff on tumblr has made it his retarded hobby to say what’s “real” and what’s “fake” in systems and to fucking circlejerk endlessly in the echo chamber of tumblr’s reblogging system doesn’t mean that I’m misperceiving reality. It means HE is. I’m not the one who circlejerks, I’m not the one stuck in a ‘fake tumblr systems’ echo chamber. I’m not the one who uses the vague authority of the term “science” to hide behind because I can’t actually defend my point of view.
It’s stupid. It’s stupid how offended over this idiot I still am. But I was never able to articulate myself and point out why that person is wrong. But thinking about it, well, he kinda damned himself by telling me he’s delusional. Makes you a lot less credible, and I won’t even trust a normal person’s scierntific claims without evidence. I know what I experience. Yeah, I can combine alters to make a “new” entity who is the sum of their parts, and I can make said entity decombine as well. Yeah, this happens willingly. And I know that’s what it is because they draw themselves. In fact, when we do this, it’s usually to get the entity to draw a picture of themselves. I’ve tried it many times, and one time it turned out horribly. One time it created a monster named “Rape God” who I will not give details about but I will say he lived up to his name. According to retard.tunglr.hell, however, it’s not possible to do this at all, and I must have mistaken it for something else. So when Rape God abused one of my other alters, I guess that must have been something else, too. Hm. 
See how stupid people on this site are, though? They’ll believe they’re right sun up, ‘til sun down, to the point where even when presented with information that contests their claim, instead of being like, “Maybe I was wrong, can you tell me more so we can understand this?” they’re just like “Uhm well, I’m delusional and sometiimes strongly believe things that are wrong so that doesn’t mean that every thing you think is right, duhhhhh” Even though they literally do not know me (I’m not delusional, so) and it’s not an argument. What you think and feel has nothing to do with what I think and feel. If you often misperceive reality, don’t tell ME not to trust MY experiences and senses, based on zero information.
Just... I wish the whole “this is fake, this means a person is faking” thing would stop. Because no one is using real scientific research or thought. Side note: Scientific reasoning does not lead someone to say “that’s fake” just because they’ve been told that. In fact, if you were going to be using REAL scientific reasoning and logic, you would first try to understand what it is. Then you would make DAMN WELL SURE that there’s evidence supporting your claim. Real science doesn’t just say “That can’t happen, it’s impossible.” It tries to figure out whether or not it REALLY IS impossible, and if so, WHY and HOW. You can’t just say “It’s impossible because science says it is” Because that’s not scientific at all. AT ALL. And it’s rude to real science to use it the way you do, as a way to control others behavior and make them out to be fakes.
I’m tired of the whole “XYZ means ur fake!!” BS this website goes on and on about. Just because someone experiences something that’s outside your worldview, doesn’t make it not real. Yes, some people fake. Yes, some people don’t know what they’re actually experiencing and think it’s something it’s not. But not nearly as many as these retards want us to think. MOST people are not fucking lying or mistaken about what their system can and cannot do. Most people’s systems are also wildly different from each other’s. It’s all about your unique brain’s unique reaction to what you had to suffer through. In my system, I get tons of variants. I have Bill Cipher, but also Big Bill Cipher, Magnemite Bill Cipher, Bill Cipher but blue, and probably a billion more. I have 2 or more of several alters, with many permutations. This probably would sound fake to a lot of people. Someone could say it’s “impossible” if they wanted to. But it’s real. I know it is, and no one on fucking tunglr can change the OBJECTIVE TRUTH, no matter how much ideological shilling they try to do.
I know what my system is, what it’s for, and how it works. I also know it’s unique, just like everyone else who’s a system. I also know that there are many systems who experience things I don’t, just like I experience things they don’t. So maybe, instead of pointing to certain things, plugging your ears and screaming “FAKE”, we should all just collectively shut up and deal with REAL fakers when they pop up. Instead of getting some bizarre system IDPOL variant, we should just stop focusing on who’s fake and who’s real. It’s so petty. Who gives a shit? This is literally not something that matters outside tumblr.
Of course, though, I wonder if any of these people are interested in fixing the environmet that leads poeople to fake disorders? Like, maybe if we stopped glorifying mental illnesses and acting like sane, mentally healthy people are the Devil, there wouldn’t BE people pretending to be mentally ill, because there would be no incentive for it. Then the stupid crusade on fakeness would be POINTLESS and you all can get back to your pointless lives. What am I saying, though? IDPOL demands we all be sliced and diced according to minority/majority on so many axes, and this website is stuffed to the gills with IDPOL BS anyway. I’m just saying, if anyone wants my help in stopping the fakers, I’ve given my advice. Stop making it seem desirable to be mentally ill. I know how tempting it would be for “that kind” of person to want to fake dissociative dirorders like this, so if we don’t give them an optimal envirinment, the stupid rules and witchhunts wouldn’t be needed.
I wonder, though, whether these people want it to be that way. It gives them purpose on tumblr to make up rules about who is and isn’t fake and what can and cannot be experienced by a human brain. Now that I think about it, that seems likely. Or, they just don’t understand that their worship of the mentally ill under IDPOL is what’s inadvertantly making this situation the way it is. Or maybe it’s a mix of all those things. This website is a mess, after all, filled with worthless idiots and I bet half of them aren’t even aware that the solution to their problems is “maybe stop focusing on ‘identity’ so much and just take each person as an idividual, on a case-by-case basis”. Because I know how much humans like to collectivise each other (all men, all whites, all NTs, etc etc etc ad nauseum), but IDPOL makes an ideology out of it. IDPOL takes it and canonises it, when we should be doing the opposite, healthy thing: treating people not as a part of a mass, but as individuals.
I don’t think most people here are even capable of breaking of of their echo-chamber-enforced little ideological bubbles. I can. I did it a while ago, and now I’m free. I’m not always right, but I know when I am. I know every human has a unique structure and experience, the ability to adapt as such granted to them by millions of years of natural selection. I know that people like to form groups and distrust those outside the group. I know that 90% of people on tumblr don’t understand any of this. They never get to the next level, the end of the thought-chain. That humans are biased towards themselves and those most like them, so even if they know, logically, on one level their ability to accurately perceive reality is lacking (delusions), they’re going to force it on others no matter what anyway. Even if their claims are unsourced (no links to studies or fucking anything), they’re going to spew it as FACT, because those inside their in-group did the same thing, and the bias in this case is against the out-group (me) so it becomes their “facts” from their friends who are RIGH(tm), against me and my unfacts and my no-group who are WRONG(tm) because it’s IMPOSSIBLE(tm) to be that way, because ooh ooh ah ah my tribe SAYS SO.
People, though we are the most intelligent species on planet Earth, are fucking stupid. I’m stupid. Most people reading this are stupid. But I’m less stupid than people who refuse to engage in actual critical thinking, than people who just listen to their equally stupid Internet buddies as a sole source of scientific fact, than people who choose to remain in their echo-chamber, never daring to see if they’re wrong. I’m not the kind of person who, after making a claim and being presented with evidence that the claim may be less than correct or absolute, will move the goalposts to dismissing the evidence presented. I’m not that fucking stupid.
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zatanna-annataz · 9 years
supermanforallseasons reblogged your post "Plea... and added:
“I know, Zee. I can’t, and I wouldn’t. I’m just asking you, as a friend: please.”
“This is how it has to be, Clark. You can’t stop it at this point, and quite frankly I don’t think I can either- whether I want to or not.”
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