#so what if theres plotholes big enough to drive a lorry though
punchholesinthesky · 2 years
im annoyed at the incompetent coppers in this book I am reading.s they are blindsided by someone who uses an alias in their professional work. they think she murdered someone based solely on proximity, even though she had reason to be there and gave them the work she was doing.
like how is someone not telling you the legal name they never use a red flag? how is that lying? it's literally your job to find that shit out ffs
oh she's suspicious cause she's private???
they claim she did it cause her bootprints were near but failed to notice the lack of blood in them? or her clothes? bludgeoning someone is not a clean job
also have they looked if she was even capable of it? like what height was the murdered likely to be? how much force was used? etc ? no they have not
they say oh but we found this photo which proves you knew the victim!
no it proves they were at the same party. years ago.
it'd be pretty dumb of her to kill someone when there's a lot of evidence showing she was there. a lot of which she provided.
plus she has absolutely no motive
between this and someone else being prevented from joining her, it seems that what the evidence is saying is whoever killed her knew there was going to be someone else there, and is attempting to frame said person
so the question is
who knew about this meeting? who knew about this secret tunnel? who had access?
who had motive? who benefits from the death?
so incredibly incompetent they tried to rile her up by bringing up a painful traumatic past event.
and a completely irrelevant one at that, which they had no right to even know about
oh, also the husband, whom she was divorcing and he had shady dealings, changed his name and they did not know that either. they havent looked at his financials, who he's been in contact or anything!
just 'oh thats suspicious. anyway let's look at the girl without motive again'
and now theyre interviewing the husband again whos clearly and shamelessly redirecting them back to her
oh and ofc the main cop thinks shes cute, and is basically flirting with her to try and get in her good graces which is incredibly unprofessional
and the book is like look at this sweet guy! he doesnt wanna arrest her hes just bad at his job! hes being hard on her to overcompensate!
also, the dead wife's friends told the cops the husband was jealous and controlling, and they have also done absolutely no checking
i'm not saying the husband did it.
i'm saying the husband is the first place you look and all they did was check if he had an alibi
at 70% theyre thinking hey we should look into the husband some more.
and thats only cause a lawyer chwed them up and their boss told them to stay away from our poor girl
personally i think it's likely someone the mc works with is involved
they also have not even looked into the victim's life all that much? which seems like a logical step
they suspect the victim's gran was murdered as well, but no suspects there. its worth mentioning theres no way our girl couldve done it and yet..
idk how much longer i cant stand this
i have a low tolerance for bullshit. at least this kind
give me real problems, not idiot balls
her love interest is kind of annoying too, upset she didnt tell him thw truth about her family and background
but how is that any of his business???
she mentions at the beginning how theyve only been working together a few months
and shes understandably private due to a traumatic past.
his feelings dont seem very important
if they started going out yeah but a new friend youre not yet sure ia trustworthy?
now that she's managed to catch the husband in the act they actually discover his evil plan
say sorry but not sorry (sorry it hurt you but the questions had to be asked)
and now they say 'oh its all circumstantial we cant do anything' about the husband
and now theyre like oh hey those incriminating emails were bs actually
the same idiots who said her timestamped photos werent proof????
oh and apparently her idiot colleague /love interest hasnt spoken to her in months
yeah im definitely not reading book 2
the husband seemed so damn guilty I thought thered be a twist, an accomplice something
not the husband looks guilty cause he is and the cops are just incompetent idiots
ugh, shame i like the MC and its a cool plot but holy shit did this need edits
theres a lot of talk of ecology and bat dna but a lot of glaring plotholes
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