#so when I tell yall I'm PASSIONATE ABOUT MAC...
lastbixstanding · 2 years
Roomates to lovers troupe headcannons @
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when you both found out you two would be roommates you two were slightly annoyed at sharing an apartment with someone you didn't know
Ban wouldn't admit it aloud but Hes was also slightly grateful to have a roommate because he didn't have a single clue on how to even cook boxed mac n chesse
And for some reason he could look at you and tell you knew what you were doing
He was proven right when he saw you cooking taco soup at around 3 in the morning
"Hey I'm not judging you or anything but...why the hell are you cooking at 3 in the morning"
You looked at him with a sickly sweet smile and replied
"I was stressed"
Ban nods understandingly
" Yeah that makes since...by the way do you think you'll have any extras?"
You laugh softly and nod your head yes
Needless to say this cycle of cooking and eating together became a very common thing
how ever as you two would eat yalls 3 am meal you two would talk about things
You talked about your family
Ban talked about his experience with being one of the 7 deadly sins
You two bonded quite quickly and Both of you started developing feelings for each other
Ban fell in love with not only you but with your heart
You were kind to others and never discriminated against anyone regardless of the situation
That kindness you had in your heart was like nothing ban had ever seen
Of course ban knew you also didn't take shit from anyone
You had practically made most of the palace guards cry because they were picking on other villagers
Once again you sticking up for others without an ounce of fear in your heart made him love you even more
Eventually Ban decided to confess to you about how he felt
He did this by taking you to the fields at night when all the stars were out
He looked at the stars then back at you as the stars were shining in your dark brown eyes
"Hey..theres something i need to get off my chest..."
You looked at him in the eyes which just ended up making him blush even more
"I hope I'm not being to straightforward but I've developed feelings for you since we have moved in with each other."
You look at him with wide eyes that slowly soften and your lips raise into a soft smile
"I actually feel the same..."
Ban looks at you with as a smile perks on his face
"you-you mean it?1"
you nod
Ban leans over and places a kiss on your lips
"Good that means i can finally call you mine"
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You two had become roommates' due to the hokage deciding that you and Kakashi needed to get to know each other better since you both would start training team 7
Of course you two knew each other from childhood so it wasn't to awkward
However something both of you didn't realize was that both of you had a crush on each other.
Kakashi had developed this crush when you two were much younger
He always saw how passionate you were about becoming a Jōnin and teaching others
However the main reason he liked you was the fact that you and him were both loners
both of you didn't like very many people but when you two met each other both of you clicked automatically
You two would talk about different books, different jujitsus, and ofc it was a plus that you knew how to cook from a young age
Kakashi had literally punched people in the face for the last of whatever you cooked.
Now that you two were living together you two were able to rekindle
Both of you would stay up for countless hours just laughing at each others stories
He would help you cook (He did the best he could okay?)
Eventually he decides to confess to you because he realizes how short life really is
Kakashi ends up calling you home from town saying its an emergency
of course you get home asap only when you see him you notice he has a small box
"so i have something to tell yo-"
but before he can finish his sentence you hear a bark from the box
"Kakashi...what's in the box?..."
Kakashi smiles at you and rubs the back of his neck
"well I was trying to make this moment sweet but i guess this little guy had other ideas"
He opens the box and pulls out a puppy German shepered
"What I was going to say is i have fallen in love with you, I know this is crazy but I've loved you ever since we ere kids. And I was wondering if we could make it official?"
You smile and tackle him into a hug and ask
"Was the dog supposed to win me over?"
Kakashi scoffs
"What no way....actually...yeah that was the plan"
he kisses you on the head whispers the words
"I love you"
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bastardcatthings · 3 years
No, you know what? it's not funny (Rant)
Watching "Mac and Dennis buy a timeshare" and "being Frank" back-to-back just insanely unsettles me in regards to Dennis (and the rest of the gang's) treatment of Mac. Like, it's no secret that the gang (and specially Dennis) have started treating Mac like shit for no absolute reason (cuz he’s annoying? please, you guys SAY that more than you actually show it to us. Mac is not any more annoying than he was before. If anything, he is less annoying now that the whole bossy thing/” gay people bad” phase of his has fizzled out...) but to actually see it play out within the span of 40 minutes is just too much. And they're not even that far apart! They're only 2 seasons apart; that's only 20 episodes! Like, not even a full season in comparison to longer sitcoms! And yet such a blatant 180° shift in the characterization and for what?! It's not even funny! Not even the fucking dudebros on reddit think that Mac being excessively submissive to Dennis and just overall pathetic is funny! Like how fucked up is the situation that not even redditors are trying to laugh at him cuz obviously a man being in love with his best friend is the funniest goddamn thing in the world (they said, sarcastically, trying to not go on a rant about people who actually act like Dennis is a successful womanizer or that mac was “ruined” by coming out or keep making bird jokes about Kaitlin and God I’m getting angry again)
Shipping be damned (since most times this problem get addressed, it's in regards to macdennis) this affects the platonic friendships (the whole group dynamic) in the show SO MUCH as well. Look, sunny is not a cuddly show, nor is it a feel good one in any(conventional) ways, but it always has had a heartwarming element in the relationships that the members of the gang have with each other. While not healthy or wholesome 99% of the times, there is something almost endearing about the games that Charlie and frank play at night times. about Dennis and Dee having similar quirks that remind you, yeah! they're twins! About Charlie and Dennis sharing one (1) single brain cell, dee and Dennis still referring to frank as their dad when he's not around, Mac and Dee being unhinged together, the boys giving the first bite of the steaks to Dee and toasting to her when she tied the waiters shoe laces. Something about Mac and Charlie throwing rocks at trains just like they used to do when they were kids and of course, the holy grail of relationships on sunny (and damn me for getting back to them because I wanted to talk about mac and Charlie, AND I WILL IN A MINUTE) Mac and Dennis. doing, well, anything. No matter what they did they were always on each other’s team. Recession? boom. everybody fired but us. Mortgage crisis? Boom. We're playing realtor husbands. Dee got scammed? well we won't be baby, let's go get ourselves a new set of golf clubs. No matter what happened in the show, they were by each other’s side- literally, these guys are constantly sitting/standing/walking next to each other- so much so that you don't even notice how weird it is that they get on so great. Hell, THEY don't even notice until Dee points it out to them in mac and Dennis breakup! On the gang misses the boat, Charlie and Dee themselves said the reason they never did anything that they wanted was because MAC AND DENNIS would judge them!!! They are the DEFINITION of a package deal. And look where we are now.... anyways also gotta talk about Charlie and mac, y'know, the guys who PRACTICALLY GREW UP TOGETHER?? Remember the time when Dennis was actually jealous that Charlie considered Mac his best friend? And he was so ADAMANT about it and only started to waver after he suspected Mac might be sleeping with the waitress? The guy who told Mac: those others guys didn't get us man but I feel like you just get me we just click (kinda paraphrasing but this was the gist) THAT GUY turned into this sarcastic a-hole that just dismissively says: He's fat, he's skinny, he's muscular, it’s really a cry for help and attention......REALLY?!?!?!?and it's not even that Charlie is actually an asshole in season 13, his character is pretty much the same expect towards Mac. Because the writers needed everyone to hate mac sooo much, they forgot their characters whole backstory and relationships. Nice. Real nice guys. Speaking of the writers needing everyone to hate mac,
See, I don't enjoy seeing Dee belittled or mocked by the guys, except that I do. Kaitlin Olson really struck gold with Dee's character. She brings this air of empty confidence and slight narcissism to Dee that makes it SO MUCH EASIER to hate her. Even if you don't hate her, at least Kaitlin gives you a performance that on the surface makes you believe that Dee really has better things to do and she's not really stuck with the guys ,so that makes you feel safe about the effect this may have on her feelings and you allow yourself to laugh unapologetically to every oldie but goldie bird joke that the boys throw at her, even tho if you actually sit down later and think about it , you realize that yeah she has nothing better to do and nowhere better to be and this is her only friend group and family! but by then you have already laughed at the episode and this is just you thinking about it on overtime so the writers don't care .They achieved the goal of making you exhale from your nose. But with rob McElhanney?? yeesh.... it's just blatantly sad. There is just the surface. There is no deeper layer. There is no overtime and most importantly, there is no laughter because Rob with those big brown puppy dog eyes of his looks so goddamn sad and broken that as a person who genuinely cares about these garbage people, you can't really bring yourself to laugh at him (also points to Kaitlin for being a woman which makes her easier to hate/laugh at her misfortune since media has desensitized the masses to the female characters getting ragged on all the time especially in comedies. yay misogyny!!) I still believe that THE saddest line in iasip was said by Mac on season 13 ep.1, which was "you guys like me, right?" ......... was this really supposed to be funny? I mean shit man, with Rob's face when he said that and the defeated tone he had while saying it.... it's like in the gang broke Dee, even the guys know that when you don't defend yourself, it's just not funny back and forth anymore, it's just sad (also with dee at least they tried to come up with fun insults and jabs, which is way friendlier imo than acting disgusted by mac all the time/not even acknowledging he exists)
This of course is not to say that Rob is not a talented actor, just that it's always been that way. Dee is the punching bag and mac is the bossy guy and even tho they are much more than that, you really shouldn't try to completely swap/break these character molds after a decade. It will just fail to land. And the funny thing is that sunny prides itself on the policy that these characters do not change and grow as time passes and you know what? They've for the most part upheld this little law of theirs. Frank and Charlie and dee only suffered minor flanderization throughout the show (I like to think that the fact they all seem more normal on the first few seasons is just the natural progression of these human beings, in-universe) all the while Dennis and mac make absolutely no sense in the roles they have assumed in the show as of right now (season 14). There was a time where Dennis WILLINGLY let Mac presume the role of the brains of the trio!! Now imagine season-14-the-head-cow's-always-grazing- Dennis agree to that. Can't, can you? And that's not a good sign and that's not in-world progression (or, well, regression I guess) either since it makes no sense how he got from point A to point B. Dee started from setting a girl on fire for stealing her look pre-season one and a decade later she got revenge on her stripper ex-boyfriend by booking him a gig at his daughter’s party. You can see how she got there but how did Dennis go from being deeply invested in an argument about being a power bottom in the middle of a scheme, to visibly scoffing at Mac's suggestion to bring the bit back … I'm at a loss.
And you know what bothers me the most? What prompted me to write this monster of a text out of spite? The fact that I just KNOW that rcg (and Megan or whoever else) don't have ANY plans to take this somewhere. As much as I want to believe it, this is not Mac "gently coaxing Dennis out of the closet through patience" (they've had many opportunities to hint at that and they just didn't, in fact they chose to go the opposite direction and show us Dennis legitimately hates this whole thing coughtimesupforthegangcough) or Mac "shedding his toxic masculinity and bossiness and being more relax and happy" he's NOT happy! In fact, we have been shown (more like seen repeatedly be used as a joke) that Mac is constantly upset with his current situation (*do you think Dennis hates me? * *You guys like me, right? *) and this is not Dennis being angry with mac that he pushed Dennis in the closet but now is out himself (as much as I ADORE ADORE ADORE this take on why he dislikes Mac so much after coming out, please never stop writing about this scenario)
Look *deeeep sigh* I'm tired and I've digressed so damn much from my original point. This was supposed to be a three paragraph long shit post but somehow 4 hours later, we're here because ultimately, I (for whatever reason) care about these horrible people and I genuinely want this show that I love so much, be the best it can be and yeah maybe I care too much about whether or not a misogynistic, gay,40 something year old, FICTIONAL guy who is obsessed with his best friend and has a sticky bible, gets made fun of by his equally loser friends but hey, that's the sunny way. Getting too pumped about shit that matters too little.
But of course, in the end
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