#so when his ex-husband finally returns he'll shatter his life all over again
renamusing Β· 3 months
so after the cancer storyline comes to a close (chas recovers from her surgery, aaron goes to his appointment and agrees to start regular check-ups like his mom etc) what the hell are they gonna do with him?
it's so weird that he is going through something that affects him so much but he doesn't even share scenes with any of the people closest to him except his parents. he's also barely present at dingle gatherings?
i would love to see him get more involved with the lives of his friends like victoria (the jacob drama), vinny (caught amidst the tom/belle drama), matty's wedding drama (matty is literally the brother of his best mate??), mackenzie... god, i would even take a decent apology to ethan so they could hang out as friends and take the mick out of suni and nicky.
at this point i don't even mind if they don't give him his own storyline (though i would love to see him reconnect with seb) i just need less sad aaron always absorbed in his grief and his thoughts, always shouldering the weight of the world alone.
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