#campaigning for a happy aaron
renamusing · 6 months
so after the cancer storyline comes to a close (chas recovers from her surgery, aaron goes to his appointment and agrees to start regular check-ups like his mom etc) what the hell are they gonna do with him?
it's so weird that he is going through something that affects him so much but he doesn't even share scenes with any of the people closest to him except his parents. he's also barely present at dingle gatherings?
i would love to see him get more involved with the lives of his friends like victoria (the jacob drama), vinny (caught amidst the tom/belle drama), matty's wedding drama (matty is literally the brother of his best mate??), mackenzie... god, i would even take a decent apology to ethan so they could hang out as friends and take the mick out of suni and nicky.
at this point i don't even mind if they don't give him his own storyline (though i would love to see him reconnect with seb) i just need less sad aaron always absorbed in his grief and his thoughts, always shouldering the weight of the world alone.
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alaa-gaza · 12 days
Stop don't skip 🤚
This campaign is vetted by association click her
Fatima, my only child, was the one who shared with me after these massacres that I allowed her to feel after her father saw all kinds of death, bombing, and diseases.
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My child suffers from a skin disease in her body. I do not want to lose her as long as she continues to live
I don't know what her future will be like without her father and her life as an orphan 💔
Please, what amount will save me and my child from the war and entering Gaza 💔
@timetravellingkitty @tiredguyswag @brokenbackmountain @imjustheretotrytohelp
@magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @aces-and-angels @marnota @cenobutch @transmutationisms
@schoolhater @three-croissants @briarhips @kellkyy
@appsa @90-ghost @90-ghost @el-shab-hussein @nabulsi @sar-soor@sayruq
@queerstudiesnatural @appsa
@communistchilchuck @fairuzfan @neptunerings @just-browsing1222 @appsa @akajustmerry @feluka @marnota
@annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @tortiefrancis @flower-tea-fairies @tsaricides @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @vivisection-gf @belleandsaintsebastian @ear-motif @animentality @kordelilius @brutaliakhoa @raelyn-dreams @troythecatfish @violetlyric-blog @the-bastard-king @tamaytka
@4ft10tvlandfangirl @northgazaupdates
@skatehan @awetistic-things @nightowlssleep @baby-girl-aaron-dessner @friendshapedplant @mangocheesecakes @commissions4aid-
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qqueenofhades · 3 months
I think the Aaron Sorkin fic people are writing about the convention to be extremely silly. It's going to be Biden. And if Biden's health takes a downturn and he feels the need to step down its going tk be Harris. This fantasy where we skip over her to whip up two random white guys(or like maaaybe Witmer) and somehow cruise to victory instead of fragmenting the party months before the election is simply not going to happen.
Look, I'm just saying, I got an email from the Biden campaign this morning where they seemed pretty darn happy with the actual (i.e. not-bloviating media) results of the debate: $38 million raised in 4 days ($30 million from individual small-dollar donors), 10K new volunteers in a week, 3x surge in campaign volunteers for battleground states, essentially no change or even a modest boost in the polls. So I think at this point, we can cautiously conclude the following things:
The debate looked bad for Biden, perhaps, but doesn't seem to have hurt him nearly as much the incredibly bad-faith BIDEN NEEDS TO STEP DOWN NOW takes being pumped out by the NYT and its other compatriots would suggest. Especially when these same media outlets have been gleefully sabotaging Biden at every turn for years already and whose fake-sanctimonious hand-wringing "for the good of the nation" pieces honestly should get them dropped into Superhell for Bad Journalists;
Biden went to Raleigh NC right after the debate and gave a fiery rally speech that was very well received. Now, I don't know why we didn't have that Biden at the debate, but it was the same night and there clearly was not any "cOgnItiVe dEcLinE" happening there (also Biden has a stutter and has for literally his entire life, and had a cold on debate night, so it was just an unfortunate confluence of factors)
There are very few actually undecided voters in this election (once again: HOW???) and those who tuned into the debate were largely already convinced of which candidate they were voting for and this didn't do much to change their minds. Just like, you know, pretty much every other debate in the history of presidential elections.
Ordinary voters, and not mainstream media outlets with BIDEN IZ BAD goggles clamped over their eyes, were able to see Trump's insane Gish gallops, lies, and full-blown dementia; this isn't going to get any better for him when he's already lost 20%-25% of GOP voters in every state primary and still is going to be sentenced in his criminal trial;
The D.C. political elite screaming about how Biden should step down (FOUR MONTHS BEFORE THE ELECTION) and leave the Democrats to start from scratch with some Star Chamber-selected candidate with no money and no incumbency record and no organization apparatus and a divided party are either fucking weapons grade morons or working secretly for Trump, because that IS in fact the best way to lose the election;
Such speculation seems to fall chiefly on Gavin Newsom, who (to his credit) has shut down any and all suggestion that he should try to step in and take the place of an incumbent who has won every state primary with 90% or more, because he's remotely sane and understands that this year is too important to fuck around with;
I've somehow never seen any suggestion that Biden should step aside for the duly elected (brown, female) Vice President, because everyone seems to think some Young Miraculous White Guy is coming and/or should step in;
All this while SCOTUS is clearly so confident of Trump getting back in that it's willing to grant him Absolute God King status pre- and post-emptively;
Yes, Biden needs to up his game before the next debate (though that's on Fox News iirc, blargh), but I think it's far enough post-debate that we can say it was bad but did not sink him, and if anything, reinforced the fact to many ordinary, non-brainwormed voters that Biden is old (which has been the number one chief theme of news coverage for four years and is no surprise to anyone) but is a decent and principled man doing a good job, while Trump is an absolute gibbering insane orange shitmonger fascist. I don't think he did himself any favors in that regard.
....anyway. The point is, do not be fucking insane people, Biden is not going to step down and frankly shouldn't, don't read the NYT (as noted, they've openly admitted to sabotaging him for personal ego reasons so I don't know why the hell anyone would listen to what they have to say about him), this is still an eminently winnable election, and let's go get those motherfucking fascists. I want Trump in jail and all of SCOTUS and the MAGAGOP fucking crying over it because they fucking suck. Let's go.
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smusherina · 5 months
yard work - chapter 13 (regina george x reader)
fandom: Mean Girls (all media)
pairing: Regina George x OFC/Reader
summary: You'd been in the same class as Regina George since kindergarten. You'd lived on the same street even longer. Once upon a time, when life was sandbox disputes and who got the swing first arguments, you'd even been friends. Now, in junior year of high school, you doubted she even remembered you. The same couldn't be said about you. You definitely remembered her.
warning(s): derogatory slurs! several of them!
chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter 4 / chapter 5 / chapter 6 / chapter 7 / chapter 8 / chapter 9 / chapter 10 / chapter 11 / chapter 12 / chapter 14
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It was Friday. The last day of school, the night of the talent show, and just a few days before Christmas. They'd be passing out the candy cane-grams. There'd be some assembly, probably.
Your leg jittered restlessly while you tried to focus on your bio paper. What kind of sadistic fuck assigned an essay on the last day before break? The biology teacher, apparently. He had a superiority complex, you were sure. Allergic to happiness.
Your mind kept drifting back to the photo album. Surely, Regina had it. You'd put it in her locker on Wednesday, so she'd have found it first thing Thursday morning. You hadn't dared to take a peek in her locker, afraid Gretchen would sniff you out again.
Something had clearly gone down between them. Gretchen didn't sit with them at lunch, instead opting for her boyfriend's clique. She didn't seem to fit in too well and Jason didn't seem too pleased to have her there. Karen and Regina sat by themselves, conversing casually.
Cady had been banished somewhere. You'd heard talk Aaron had dumped her. You knew Janis and Damien weren't talking to her after she turned her back on them. Since the whole Kälteen bar shebang and the subsequent smear campaign Regina had doled out, she hadn't been exactly welcome at any table. From what you understood, Gretchen and Cady were on speaking terms, but Karen and Gretchen weren't, but Cady and Karen were. It was all terribly confusing.
You had a table for yourself. Some of your old friends crowded the ones nearby, quite pointedly not sitting with you. You were no longer cool, it seemed. Easier to focus on your paper, you told yourself. The cafeteria was serving chilli today. The slop was slightly too watery and the meat was a mystery, but it'd do. You'd run out of food at home. You'd wanted a goddamn Christmas dinner and a good slab of ham got pricy. Couldn't rely on Mrs George for a feast this time around.
"Hey," Someone called near you. You looked up, surprised somebody was talking to you. A boy, more specifically a jock judging by the varsity jacket. "You good?"
"What?" Your brows furrowed. "Yeah?"
He smiled smarmily. "Cool."
And he walked away. You kept looking as he went, staring after his back. His buddies were looking your way, the same kinds of grins on their faces. That was odd. Didn't bode well.
It didn't take long for you to find out why. The period following lunch was when Damien would be visiting classrooms as Santa Claus, handing out candy canes.
He walked right up to you with a grin hidden under the fake Santa beard, wiggling his eyebrows all the while.
"The whole bag..." He drawled. "Impressive."
Confused, you peered into the sack. A couple dozen candy canes filled it, apparently all for you. You picked one out, trying to ignore the sinking feeling in your stomach as well as the snickering of the boys in the back rows.
Dyke. The message was just one word. It was clearly assigned to you, your whole name displayed proudly. Your body went numb, hands holding the candy limply. There was no signature to show who they were from. People were staring at you. Damien had lingered awhile to see what'd been written to you. The grin behind his beard had turned into a shocked scowl.
"What... What do they say?" Cady, of all people, the nerve of her, asked. She was seated a few rows from you.
"Alright, Mr Leigh, thanks for-" Ms Norbury tried to intervene.
"Dyke." You read out loud. Then you pulled out another. "Lesbo." And another. "Carpet muncher." The boys had trouble holding in their laughs. Another. "Queer." There were others you didn't deign to read out loud. Freak. Pervert. Degenerate. Homo.
If not for a few people finding all this amusing, it would've been dead silent in the classroom.
"These were supposed to be checked before handing out." Ms Norbury strode up to you and promptly confiscated the candies. Her face was set, expression severe, as she regarded Damien sternly.
"I- that wasn't my job. I don't know how, how they would've..." You watched Damien try to put it together.
"Well, is it really offensive if it's true?" Dylan, if you remembered correctly, piped up. He was a sporty guy, decently popular but nothing special. Now, though, he might as well have been an A-lister with how utterly low you'd plummeted.
Murmurs spread out around you. Damien and Ms Norbury retreated to a corner of the classroom to figure out how in the hell this had happened. People were looking at you. Your skin was crawling. It couldn't be Janis who told. She was in the same boat as you and she didn't have the power to do something like this. To make the committee ignore hateful messages meant some strings had been pulled. The only other person that knew, that could realistically do this, was Regina.
You bit your lip, closed your eyes and took a deep breath. Okay. You got the message. The album had been too much. This was a sign to stay away, to forget all the sentimentalities you'd had.
"Hey, calm down now, we'll figure this out- hey!" You didn't pause to listen to Ms Norbury when you booked it out of the stifling classroom. You couldn't bear to be there any longer.
You hid in the bathroom. Both hands held against your mouth so you wouldn't make a noise, you cried long and hard. Your breathing was choppy and laboured, and in no time at all your nose was blocked off entirely. Your eyes stung and your vision blurred.
The bell rang and pretty soon people came into the bathroom. You refused to get out, pretending to take the longest shit ever. It didn't take very long for the people coming in to discuss what had gone down in one of the junior calc classes.
It spread like wildfire. You were pretty sure the boys had nicked some of the candy canes from Ms Norbury since you could hear people reading the notes out loud, the rustling of the plastic covering.
"Who even is that?"
"Who cares? A total freak is what she is. Oh my gosh, Steph, do you think..."
"Do you think she used the girls' bathroom? She's probably spread her diseases all over the seats! We're all gonna have gonorrhoea!"
You wanted to sink into the ground and never see daylight again. By the time the bell rang again, signalling the start of the next period, the rumours had inflated and grown disproportionately in severity.
Apparently, you were riddled with sexually transmitted diseases, preyed on freshmen and sold them hard drugs, behaved creepily in locker rooms, and had had a stint with Cady Heron while she was still with Aaron Samuels. You guessed that last one had to do with the time you'd dragged her into the janitor's closet to yell at her about the Kälteen bars.
In short, you were fucked. Your life was fucked. You'd hoped, so hoped, that even if you wouldn't get everything you wanted, you'd get some. You wouldn't get a high school girlfriend, wouldn't have slumber parties, wouldn't be normal. You wouldn't be Regina's friend. Fine. At least you could've had a quiet life, gone to community college and worked at the shop, had some buddies, and maybe lost your virginity one day. Not even that now. Not even a little bit of that. Your future in this town was just no longer there. You had nothing. You were nothing.
You skulked out of the bathroom once you were sure there'd be nobody in the halls. You got into your car and drove home. Just as you'd slumped down onto the couch, the house phone rang. Groaning, you went to answer. If it was your dad, missing it would mean there'd be hell to pay.
"Hello?" Your voice was croaky. It hurt to talk.
"Hi, sweetie! You don't sound too good." Mrs George's chirp greeted you. "I assume you had to leave school 'cause of that. I just happened to see you drive by. Rick got called to work last minute and Kylie's got tutoring till late. Come keep me company?"
"I'm not feeling too well, I'm sorry..." You said, holding the phone to your ear while your other arm wrapped around your body. You tried to breathe deep and not burst out crying, again. Your eyes felt swollen shut.
"Oh, I'll come by with some soup, then," She sounded so genuinely concerned.
You bit your lip. Tummy rumbling in its emptiness, you decided now would be as good of a time as any to bite the bullet.
"Actually, uh, if it's not too much to ask, and um- I-" You took in a shuddering breath. "You don't have to say yes, it's totally okay and I'm sorry if this is, like, too much-"
"Sweetpea, just ask." She chuckled.
"I don't have any food. Or, like, I have ingredients for Christmas 'cause I wanted to make dinner for myself, but I guess I forgot I have to eat before then too?" You tried to laugh, but the sound was strained. "Um, could you take me to the soup kitchen downtown?"
You could've driven yourself. You could've, in that you were capable of driving yourself, but with how your vision was impaired, how your body ached with loneliness, and how you weren't sure you wouldn't just impulsively drive into oncoming traffic, you doubted you would've survived the trip.
"No." She said bluntly. You flinched, feeling the refusal like a knife to the gut. "No, absolutely not. We are going grocery shopping and getting you food to last the rest of the damn year. I'm picking you up."
"Mrs George, I don't have money-"
"You shouldn't be spending your hard-earned money like that. Doesn't your dad send you enough to cover utilities?"
"He sends me grocery money. I gotta pay for gas and stuff on my own."
Mrs George's resounding silence spoke volumes of her opinion on that. "I'm coming to get you. I'm buying you groceries and then we're gonna meal prep. Okay?"
When Mrs George saw you, her determined attitude shifted to that of maternal worry. You fought hard not to break down, though all you really wanted to do was curl into her and cry your little heart out.
She drove you to Whole Foods, a place way out of your budget. But she insisted, so there was little you could do. She took you from aisle to aisle, prattling on and on, chatting about this and that. You listened mostly silently, humming here and there.
She picked out a lot of canned stuff, like beans and tomato purée. All that stuff was made to last forever, so you wouldn't always have to buy fresh ingredients. She bought all your favourite snacks, which she somehow remembered. When you commented on that, she just pointed at her temple with a knowing grin. Mothers never forget, she'd said.
Once you were all done, the cart was quite literally overflowing. The total nearly made your stomach drop out of your ass. Mrs Geoge simply flashed her black card and, without even a wince, paid the price. The receipt was, like, three feet long.
Carrying it all to her car was a daunting task, but a worker did come to help you. A young man, probably home from college, was all too eager to carry the bags for Mrs George.
The way he was blushing all the way up to his ears, the way she was amused by him but not receptive, made you think about what Regina had said months ago. You'd been on your way to her nail appointment and she'd gone on a tangent about how women died at menopause.
Mrs George was thriving. She was above it all. Her worth, or mortality, wasn't determined by the men around her. She'd been cheated on, continuously neglected by her husband, and put down by her teenage daughter, and still, she was beautiful. She existed independently.
In short, you were right and Regina was wrong. You saw things how they really were. She saw things tilted to the left, through a warped lens. The confirming of this brought you no comfort, she'd already ruined you and there was no redeeming herself after this, at least not for you.
"Phew, what a trip, right?" She nudged you with her elbow as she buckled her seatbelt.
You nodded along, voice still weak. You buckled in as well.
"I'll pick you up for the talent show." She said as she turned away from the parking lot. "Oooh, we should have a night in. Order some pizzas and slob around the couch. How's that sound?"
"I don't think I should go to the talent show."
"Oh, why's that?"
"Just... Something happened at school. I don't wanna go."
Mrs George frowned and glanced at you. "Honey, you know you can tell me anything. I still think you should come."
"Everybody hates me." You faced the window and crossed your arms. Very mature.
"I'm sure that's not true." She sighed. "I'm not supposed to tell you, but Regina's got something prepared for you. I think you should go see her at least."
Your face twisted in anger. "Something prepared for me- like she prepared something for me today? I don't fucking think so."
"Language." She said and you grumbled. "What do you mean?"
"Nothing. It's nothing." You rubbed your hands down your jeans. "It's not gonna be good. She's gonna humiliate me."
"It's supposed to be a surprise, but I can guarantee that she's not going to humiliate you."
"What do you know?" You turned to her with narrowed eyes.
"I've been hearing her practice, is all." She responded, tone much too light.
You studied her face carefully. "Fine."
She smiled, seemingly relieved. Then, as if to cut the tension in the car, said:
"Oh, and by the way, I'm filing for divorce." With a giddy smile on her face, she blurted it out. You just stared for a while, almost suffering whiplash from the sudden change in topic.
"Uh... Finally." You laughed a little as you said that.
"Yeah!" She laughed with you. "It's been a long time coming. I just needed to sort some things out. Emotionally and financially. I had to get rid of some investments so I wouldn't have to pay alimony."
Your jaw dropped. The Georges were, like, filthy rich. Rich beyond reason, excess income to a ridiculous degree. You'd always assumed it was Mr George's money. How archaic of you.
"I... I kinda wished you'd done it sooner." You looked forward again. She was driving carefully since the snow made the roads prone to ice.
"Me too. The girls... They... I thought that having two parents would be the most stable, safe environment for them. I was wrong."
"Yeah." You swallowed. "Um. Since we're, like, just saying things. I'm, by the way, gay. Like, a lesbian."
"That's wonderful, honey!"
"Yeah." You couldn't say you agreed.
"Should we go get you a haircut?"
"I don't need to look any more butch than I do."
"I don't know, I think you'd look dashing." She feigned light-hearted. "Regina might like it."
"Mrs George!"
Notes: More drama! Yay! Do y'all think Regina did it?
Taglist posted separately. Please comment on the taglist post to be added on there :)
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nesmamomen · 18 days
I don't know if I will survive this war or not. I want to tell you that you made me happy and were the only glimmer of hope to continue my life. If Israel kills me, my campaign money will go to the poor. I will not waste your effort with me throughout the months of war, but I am tired, guys, tired of thinking about seeing my family die in front of me in the middle of this genocide. Please support me. Stand with me. I need your support. Don't leave me alone
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@fancysmudges @brokenbackmountain @ @just-browsing1222 @mothblossoms @aleciosun @serica-e @fluoresensitive @khizuo @lesbiandardevil @transmutationisms @schoolhater @timogsilangan @appsa @buttercuparry @sayruq @malcriada @palestinegenocide @sar-soor @akajustmerry @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @feluka @tortiefrancis @flower-tea-fairies @tsaricides @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @visenyasdragon @belleandsaintsebastian @ear-motif @kordeliiius @brutaliakhoa @raelyn-dreams @troythecatfish @theropoda @tamarrud @4ft10tvlandfangirl @queerstudiesnatural @northgazaupdates2 @skatezophrenic @awetistic-things @camgirlpanopticon @baby-girl-aaron-dessner @nabulsi @sygol @junglejim4322 @heritageposts @chososhairbuns @palistani @dlxxv-vetted-donations @illuminated-runas @imjustheretotrytohelp
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silent-stories · 1 year
𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 𝐀𝐅𝐀𝐑 - 𝟏𝟎 (𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞)
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Pairing: Eddie x F!Reader
Summary: Aaron moved out and you and Eddie are together and finally, truly happy.
Part 9
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"How long do you think this campaign is going to last?" You asked Wayne sitting next to you on one of the benches in front of the trailer as you waited for Eddie to come back.
"Sometimes it takes two hours, sometimes three, sometimes four... I really can't give you an answer, kid. That boy is unpredictable when it comes to that game." He brought a cigarette to his lips.
It had been a week since Aaron had left Hawkings, you saw Eddie every day at school and almost every afternoon at your house or in his trailer and you often spent the night in his arms.
Things were going well, Eddie was pretty sure he was going to finally graduate and you were about to get a job at a new shop that just opened in town.
"He loves you, ya know?" Said the man sitting next to you blowing a cloud of smoke out of his mouth. "He doesn't talk much about his feelings but I think you're the first person he's loved so much."
"Oh trust me, I know. He shows it to me every day." A slight smile formed on your lips just as a van came into your sight and parked in front of the trailer.
Wayne made a gesture with his hand towards Eddie getting off the van "Speaking of the Devil..."
"Hey sweetheart, sorry I'm late." He placed a quick kiss on your lips as he reached you, basically ignoring his uncle sitting next to you.
You giggled.
Too sweet for the Devil. You always knew that.
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The sky was lit up with what seemed like hundreds of stars and the moon was shining almost full.
You and Eddie were lying on the roof of his trailer, your eyes were up at the night sky and you were cuddled up next to him, your head was on his chest and his leather jacket was wrapped around your shoulders because you had left yours in the trailer and neither of us wanted to go down and get it.
"Are you sure you're not cold?" You asked raising your head slightly towards Eddie.
"I'm sure." He muttered. "And you look too good in my jacket to take it back."
You rolled your eyes before your gaze fell on Bones as she walked with one paw after another on the edge of the roof of the trailer, staring intently ahead.
When you'd left your house to go to Eddie's she'd followed you and jumped into the passenger seat as if she knew you were going to see, now clearly, her favorite person.
You'd been trying to get her out for at least ten minutes but after she dug her nails into the seat and hissed at you, you gave up and decided Eddie would have an extra guest that night.
"What if she falls?" Eddie asked suddenly, you understood he was referring to the cat that was walking next to you.
"She has nine lives and always falls on her paws." You knew Bones wouldn't fall, she often climbed trees in your garden and sometimes even on the roof of your house via the balcony and she was always able to get down and stay alive.
"But it's cute that you worry about her." You added with a slight smile on your lips.
"She's my girl, of course I worry about her." He commented, a slight playful note in his voice because he knew what you would answer.
"Your girl? I'm your girl!" You exclaimed dramatically, exaggerating on purpose.
Eddie chuckled, his fingers found your hand and, and after grabbing it, he brought it to his lips to leave a kiss on the back of it. "You are."
"Mh, that's better." You said bringing his hand to your chest to play with his fingers and draw imaginary circles on the back of it.
You usually did that to calm him down when something was wrong, he was upset about something or someone made some redu comments about him or your relationship, or before a test he absolutely needed to pass so he didn't have to repeat the year again but eventually it became a habit.
"Shooting star, make a wish." You pointed up where something glowed making a trajectory across the sky.
"I'm pretty sure it was an airplane or something." He chuckled.
"Don't ruin the moment!" You exclaimed again. "Make a wish."
Silence fell between you and you lifted your head towards him, his gaze was already on you. "I have everything I need right here."
"Well, that was cheesy. Not metal at all if you ask me." You rolled your eyes knowing he was watching you, just to annoy him.
"Well, sorry if I'm trying to be a good boyfriend!" Eddie tried to sound angry but the huge grin on his face couldn't go away. He loved to bicker with you like that sometimes.
Your look softened. "You already are."
He didn't hesitate to imitate your tone.
"Well, that was cheesy. Not metal at all if you ask me."
"Oh, come on!" You exclaimed in exasperation and Eddie couldn't help but burst out laughing before wrapping a hand around your waist and if possible pushing you even closer to him. "I love you, you know that right?"
"Will you tell me I'm cheesy if I tell you I love you too?"
Eddie looked at you for a few seconds, as if the fact that there was a possibility that you loved him too had caught him off guard. "No, I won't."
You placed a hand on his cheek, pushing him towards you to make your lips meet. "I love you too."
He smiled with his mouth so close to yours that you could feel his breath on your lips, his eyes were glittering thanks to the moonlight that was bringing out the golden hues in them.
"Has anyone ever told you that you have really pretty eyes?"
Eddie hesitated for a moment. "My mom always did."
"She was right." A soft smile appeared on your lips.
When he finally kissed you, you realized you hadn't made a wish either. You didn't need it.
Your lips had to part as something jumped on Eddie's chest and he burst out laughing, resting his head on the roof.
"Bones! Get off my boyfriend!"
"Aww... someone is jealous."
"Are you talking about me or the cat?"
"Both of you."
"Don't worry, I love you more."
Eddie ran his two ringed fingers through Bones' fur as she purred, sniffing his hair curiously.
"I heard you!"
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The trailer was silent and almost completely dark when you rolled out of bed as Eddie was in a state of doze, his head resting on the only pillow on his bed and his curls scattered around his face.
His arm wrapped around your waist, ready to push you back against his bare chest before you could stand.
"Where are you going?" He whispered.
"I gotta go to the bathroom for a second, I'll be right back."
He didn't answer but his arm dropped onto the mattress after he softly caressed your side.
Your feet walked silently through the different rooms of the trailer and when you returned to Eddie's bedroom, you didn't see the desk that you hit with your arm, knocking over a notebook.
You glanced over at Eddie who seemed to be sound asleep and reached down to grab what had fallen.
When you pulled it up, a sheet fell out of it.
Before placing it back in the notebook, your eyebrows furrowed as you looked at the page.
Two stikman were on the left, one with curly hair and both smiling, the others on the other side of the paper had angry faces and smoke was coming out of their ears.
You smiled at the memory of the day you produced that awful drawing during a boring class while trying to get Eddie to come to Aaron's party.
Your smile only widened at the thought that although months had passed Eddie hadn't thrown away that drawing and he kept it in the middle of a notebook, safe.
You folded it up and put it where you got it before crawling back into bed next to Eddie and wrapping your arms around him, resting your head on his chest.
"Goodnight Eds." You murmured, thinking he was already sleeping.
Bones jumped onto the bed, looking for a space between you two to settle down.
"Goodnight Bones."
He giggled before placing a kiss on your forehead.
"Goodnight sweetheart."
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It's been a lot fun writing this series, thanks to everyone who has read up to here! <3
Tags: @jacklesdeanvessel @morning-sky7 @pipsqueakkitten @navs-bhat @michaelfuckinglangdon
Love you from afar tags: @capitanostella @enam3l @saramelaniemoon @ang3lb44by @einkitty @themorriganisamonster @esme-viridian @daisyridleyyyy @whenshelanded @eggo-segual @comfortcharactercraze @callmeyn @expiredcum21 @unholyyylita @squidscottjeans @twilight-love-nochu-main @idkatee @bakugouswh0r3 @amira0303 @greatpizzascissorstaco @ebonybloom @emxxblog @lunaryasha @cherryobx @jasminelafleur @magicalchocolatecheesecake @tracymbcm @harrypotter-imaginees @eli-flower @mrsjellymunson @tttttttttttts-things @miabiar @wayfaring----stranger @princess-eddie @omgshesinsane @littlestarfighter03 @zoeymunson @tanyaherondale @bl4ckt00thgr1n @thebook-hobbit @eris-rose-86 @ly17 @jenuhlyn @ximi1315 @avocadotoastwithegg @lomljigg @urdad-hot @1paire2vans @praline357
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otdiaftg · 1 year
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The Raven King - Chapter Seven
Day: Thursday, October 5th Time: 11:00 AM EST
"Andrew hates her, you know. Andrew's not really big on the idea of Aaron's happiness, see? So if Aaron likes Katelyn, Andrew doesn't want him to have her. Andrew might smile awful bright but he is a master of childish spite." "That doesn't make sense," Neil said. "It's complicated," Nicky said, rubbing the back of his neck as he leaned back in his chair. "I didn't really get into the gritty details last time because those aren't really Dan and Matt's business, but you're family, so I can tell you." He looked over his shoulder again. "I told you Aunt Tilda gave Andrew up, right? That's only half of it. Truth is she put both of them in the system at first. One week later she changed her mind."
"They know she gave them both up?" Neil asked. "When Andrew's foster mother called to set up that meet-and-greet, she asked Aunt Tilda how only one of them ended up in the system. Aunt Tilda told her, and Aaron heard it on the upstairs line." Nicky gestured up as if indicating Tilda's bedroom. "I don't know why the hell Andrew's foster family told him, but yeah, he knows. I'm thinking that's why he wouldn't talk to Aaron when Aaron wrote to him. He was—justifiably, I think—pissed off." "But it's not Aaron's fault," Neil said. "It was their mother's decision." "That's Andrew for you: making sense since never." Nicky spread his hands in a helpless gesture. "Finding Andrew again was a turning point for Aaron in all the worst ways. Aunt Tilda moved them cross-country, started drinking more than ever, and got heavy-handed with Aaron. Aaron got into all kinds of trouble in some sort of traumatized rebellion. He took her drugs and got into fights at school and in general grew up to be a bit of an asshole. Mom wrote me about it when I was in Germany because she was worried about him. The only good thing Aaron did in South Carolina was play Exy, and he only picked that up so games would get him out of Aunt Tilda's house. Then Dad found out about Andrew and began this years-long campaign to bring Andrew home. Told you last time, right? He wore Aunt Tilda down until she agreed to take Andrew in, then talked to the courts and Children's Services and Andrew's last foster family. He met Andrew, who apparently wasn't at all interested in a triumphant return with his mother, and introduced Aaron to Andrew. That's when things started moving. Andrew suddenly got motivated. He started behaving and toeing the line and got released on early parole about a year later." "Andrew decided he wanted a brother after all," Neil said. "So what went wrong?" "Aunt Tilda died, and Aaron blames Andrew." "Did Andrew do it?" "The night Aunt Tilda died, she and Aaron got in a fight. That's how Mom and Dad finally found out Aunt Tilda was beating on Aaron. He showed up at their place with fresh bruises and cuts. Dad called Aunt Tilda over to sort things out, but she didn't stick around long. She took Aaron and left. They didn't make it home. She went over the median into oncoming traffic and wasn't wearing her seatbelt.... It wasn't Aaron in the car. Aaron was standing in for Andrew at a study session. That was before Andrew was on his drugs, so it was a pretty easy act for Aaron to pull off. He didn't know why Andrew asked him to do it until the police called. I still don't know what happened, if Aunt Tilda panicked when she realized which son was with her or if they were fighting or if it was intentional, but... It's not like Aaron liked her, but she was his mother, you know? And Aaron never got to fix things with her, never got to understand why she was so messed up or why she messed them up so bad. Aaron can't accept that she's gone. He misses her. He can't forgive Andrew, and Andrew doesn't understand or care about how much it hurt Aaron. Stalemate."
He spoke slowly, giving himself time to think and to bleach the grief from his voice. "Andrew did care. That's what went wrong."
Art used with permission by Aymmidumps. Thank you @aymmidumps!
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fortheloveofexy · 4 months
Campaign to give Aaron Minyard the world that he deserves. I get so upset when people reduce him to nothing more than homophobic and mean. I sit here wondering if we read the same books.
Me too anon. People tend to write him off as uninteresting as well, which is infuriating to me because like... that's what he wants you to think! He's pretending to be normal to try distance himself from his trauma, but in reality he's just as much of a fucked up weirdo as the rest of the Foxes.
Like, Aaron just desperately wants to be happy and live a better life than the one he was born into. He's working so hard for it, trying to better himself by studying medicine and becoming a doctor. And yeah, sometimes in his pursuit of normalcy he's disparaging towards his loud cousin and distant towards his violent brother. Sometimes he takes it too far.
But he's got dreams and plans and he's going after them with a tenacity that is truly admirable. Something that Andrew specifically does not have for most of the series, by the way!!
And then Aaron risks losing it all in order to save Andrew. Without hesitation, he was willing to kill a man and risk losing that dream, just to keep his brother safe.
And even after all of that, he continues fighting for what he wants! He insists on joint therapy (after some meddling from Neil) and works to save his relationship with Andrew. We're talking about the guy who notably stares Bee down in complete silence during all of his past mandatory therapy sessions, willingly putting himself in family counseling to try and fix his relationship with his brother.
And when the truth of Neil's past comes out, Aaron is the only one - the only one! - who worries about Andrew's safety.
He's the only one who considers if someone like Neil - who is undeniably dangerous and who seems to have quite a strong hold on his brother - could truly be a safe partner for Andrew. It had only been several months since Drake, and Aaron had every right to question Neil's intentions. Sure, he handled his confrontation with Neil in about the worst way possible, but he is a Fox. He needed to get a reaction out of Neil, and the confrontation was always going to be ugly.
And in the end, he got what he wanted! He confirmed Neil wasn't a threat and found leverage to end the toxic deal between him and Andrew. It was manipulative as fuck and it's exactly what Neil would have done if the situation were reversed. And ultimately, it is the final step needed to truly heal his relationship with his brother.
Just... how can you not love Aaron, after all of that?
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bestfriendhelp · 15 days
Hi everyone,
I’ll be sharing updates from North Gaza every day!
I’m planning to hold some raffles to support Ezzideen and his family as they struggle to survive during this time of starvation. Unfortunately, Ezzideen’s campaign is moving very slowly, and he really needs your help.
Ezzideen’s GoFundMe has been vetted by @el-shab-hussein . It’s the second campaign on the list, so please share it.
Donating and sharing Ezzideen’s campaign isn’t just about helping after the war; it’s also about helping them survive the current starvation in North Gaza, where prices are more than 10 times the normal amount!
If you have any questions about me or Ezzideen, feel free to send me a DM or ask, I’d be happy to answer.
@gaza-evacuation-funds/ @nabulsi / @appsa / @akajustmerry / @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist / @el-shab-hussein / @sayruq / @tortiefrancis / @flower-tea-fairies / @tsaricides / @riding-with-the-wild-hunt / @vivisection-gf / @belleandsaintsebastian / @ear-motif / @ibtisams / @animentality / @kordeliiius / @brutaliakhoa / @raelyn-dreams / @troythecatfish / @the-bastard-king / @tamarrud / @4ft10tvlandfangirl / @northgazaupdates2 / @90-ghost / @skatehani / @baby-girl-aaron-dessner
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Mike Luckovich
* * * *
Defying the odds, Trump steals spotlight from JD Vance (and not in a good way)
August 1, 2024
Robert B. Hubbell
Trump's interview at the National Association of Black Journalists convention was an unmitigated disaster of campaign-altering dimensions. The only person in the US happy with Trump's miserable performance was JD Vance—who will enjoy a few minutes out of the spotlight.
It is easy to mock Trump for his calamitous interview—and we should. Taking Trump down a few notches by making clear that he is a cringe-worthy, awkward, bloviating narcissist is a good development. But he is also filled with rage, prejudice, and hate, as his answers make clear. Both aspects of Trump's 32-minute interview deserve to be highlighted—because both demonstrate that he is unfit for office (or even for polite company).
Aaron Rupar has compiled a ten-minute “super-cut” of the interview that is worth watching in its entirety. See YouTube, Trump self-immolates at National Association Black Journalists convention: a supercut.
Rachel Scott of ABC began the interview by asking Trump a tough question about Trump's prior statements about minorities, which sent Trump into a black hole of rage. Scott asked,
You have pushed false claims about people like President Barack Obama, saying he was not born in the United States, which is not true. You have told four congresswomen, women of color who were American citizens, to go back to where they came from. You have used words like ‘animal’ to describe Black district attorneys. You've attacked Black journalists, calling them a loser, saying the questions that they ask are quote, ‘stupid and racist.’ You've had dinner with a white supremacist at Mar-a-Lago. So my question, sir, now that you are asking Black supporters to vote for you, why should Black voters trust you after you have used language like that?
Trump never recovered from that question, immediately pivoting to attacking Rachel Scott as “rude,” “nasty,” and “horrible,” saying that she worked for “fake news ABC.”
Among the many horrible things Trump said during the interview was to question Kamala Harris’s identification as a Black woman and an Indian woman. Mother Jones covered Trump's challenge to Kamala Harris’s identity with this headline: White Man Tells Black Journalists His Black Opponent Is Not Black. Trump said,
She was always of Indian heritage. She was only promoting Indian heritage, I didn’t know she was Black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn Black, and now she wants to be known as Black. So I don’t know, is she Indian or is she Black?
After offending Black Americans, Indian Americans, and all multi-racial Americans, Trump doubled-down on his insensitive comments by posting on Truth Social the following statement:
Crazy Kamala is saying she's Indian, not Black. This is a big deal. Stone cold phony. She uses everybody, including her racial identity!
Racial identity is a sensitive and personal issue. Trump not only failed to show any sensitivity or understanding, but he also tried to shame Kamala Harris for her identity as a daughter of a Black father and an Indian mother. Based on social media posts and statements by Trump surrogates, it is clear the campaign believes that focusing on Kamala Harris’s racial identity is a winning strategy. Only a white billionaire living in a bubble of sycophants would believe that strategy will increase his chances of election.
Trump also said he would pardon January 6 insurrectionists convicted of beating police officers and that he would give immunity to police officers charged with killing citizens.
None of the above captures Trump's boorish, insulting, aggressive behavior toward the three Black female journalists who attempted to interview him. You should watch the video to see that behavior. At one point, Trump reached over to take the bottle of water belonging to Rachel Scott, appearing to screw the lid tightly—apparently to make it difficult for Scott to open the bottle (?). Whatever the reason, it was a weird, aggressive way to act out Trump's anger toward Scott.
Most importantly, the event reminded us of the daily chaos and ugly confrontations that typified life during the Trump administration. The Harris campaign issued a statement that made that point:
Statement on Donald Trump Showing Exactly Who He Is at NABJ
The hostility Donald Trump showed on stage today is the same hostility he has shown throughout his life, throughout his term in office, and throughout his campaign for president as he seeks to regain power and inflict his harmful Project 2025 agenda on the American people. Trump lobbed personal attacks and insults at Black journalists the same way he did throughout his presidency-while he failed Black families and left the entire country digging out of the ditch he left us in. Donald Trump has already proven he cannot unite America, so he attempts to divide us. Today's tirade is simply a taste of the chaos and division that has been a hallmark of Trump's MAGA rallies this entire campaign. It's also exactly what the American people will see from across the debate stage as Vice President Harris offers a vision of opportunity and freedom for all Americans. All Donald Trump needs to do is stop playing games and actually show up to the debate on September 10.
Trump and Vance are both stumbling as Kamala Harris projects confidence and inspires enthusiasm. That does not guarantee that we will win, but it certainly places Democrats in a strong position for the last 97 days of the campaign.
Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter
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whatsupsonnyboy · 2 years
Joseph Quinn || million words
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Pairing: Joseph Quinn x fem model reader
summary: It’s been a long time since Joe and you have been together, but it felt even longer since the last time he went with you to work. After being done with Stranger Things 4 promo he had found the time go and see you shoot and you were buzzing, unfortunately things doesn’t always go the way we want [based on this]
wc: 2.9K
warnings: body shaming (I tried to make it subtle tho cause I know it could be triggering), self-consciousness, angst (little), cute cute Joe, smut (soft and sweet), mdni!!!!, piv sex, unprotected sex (they’re a stablished couple ;) )
a/n: oh I loved this one, I really hope you enjoy it too. Sorry for any typos or thing that could possibly not make sense (I know v little about modeling and all!!) I got little to say, just as usual, reblog and comment please, likes are always welcomed too but you know, reblogging is what actually helps a writer 😉
                     requests still open (be patient tho!) | mlist  
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You were absolutely euphoric. You almost couldn’t even remember the last time Joe had had the chance to go with you to anything related to work. Since he received the call for his role as Eddie Munson in Stranger Things, his life took a 180º degrees flip and of course, yours had changed a little too. Not getting all the time as you were used to be together was the worst part, but you knew he was happy, despite all the stress and the endless days working, he was happy and as long as he was, you were too.  
He squeezed your hand when the car had arrived to the set and you looked at him, the biggest of the smiles on his face, you could feel he was excited to be there with you too. He always used to accompany you to your shoots back when he had more time, always claiming to love seeing you work.
As you entered the big building you started to feel kind of nervous and dizzy, maybe it was because of how long since you had Joe there for a shooting or because this shooting was really important for you. You were almost crying from joy when you had called Joe to explain that Savage X Fenty, Rihanna’s lingerie brand, wanted you to be part of their latest campaign.
Once the manager and the art director explained you how the photoshoot was supposed to be going, they showed you to the dressing room, where the make up artist was already waiting for you along with the hair stylist.
“I’ll see you on set baby” Joe said before kissing you goodbye and leaving you in the door. You just nodded and got inside, the nerves in your stomach building up.
You loved the outfits they had assigned you. The spicy orange lace bralette pairing with the Brazilian panties were just perfect. That one was the first one and you were already hoping they would gift it to you once you were done.
“Looking beautiful, love” one of the tech assistants, Aaron, he had told you he was called, said when he came to take you to set. “First Fenty shoot?” he asked, and you just nod your head, feeling kind of anxious. “Well, you sure will do it great, take it easy” he squeezed your arm gently and let you at the corner of the room filled with other models, some image techs, big lights, and the classic white background you were so used to. “You’re next, lookout” he said before disappearing.
You looked for Joe among the full room, but he reached you before you could put your eyes on him. His hand was on your waist as he gently kissed your shoulder. “Astonishing baby” he whispered playfully.
“Shut up” you giggled. Joe was drinking a coffee and had get rid of his jacket. His unironed shirt, two buttons undone, revealing the little chest hair and his two silver chains hanging on it. “You’re such a little whore, aren’t you” you teased him as you play with the chains.
“Hmm, If only I could kiss you right now” he whined. He couldn’t ruin your make up or your hair, which was partially hold back into two tiny braids, making your eyes look bigger and leaving your face clear.
“Behave, baby” you whispered.
“I am, trust me”.
Your little bubble exploded when you heard your name being called out. You run to the set, where the photographer was waiting for you. He asked again for your name and did a gesture to her assistant, who wrote something down on a little notebook.
“Okay, let’s do this I don’t have all day” she said in a really unfriendly way.
You had heard from the hair stylist before that Mila, today’s photographer, was a hard one, and how he tend to be pretty demanding and picky, but by her body language you could tell maybe it was even worse than what you’ve pictured.
She started to ask you for poses and ordered you to stand in a point and then in another, making weird faces after she snapped her camera button. You could even hear her hum and talk under her voice, despite you didn’t catch what she was saying it was starting to make you feel anxious.
“Is everything alright?” You dared to ask.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah” she said without even looking at you “Try to stretch more and put your right hand on your hip”
You did as you were told but after a couple more shots she didn’t seem any happier.
“Girl, you might want to ask for a push up instead” she said harshly and your eyes inevitably widened. “Your breast just not big enough, I don’t think you make justice to that”.
You looked for Joe for comfort, he was standing a few feet away from her and by the look on his face, he had perfectly heard her. He looked at you and smiled, trying to ease your nerves. You breathed in and out and imagined his voice in your head as he assured you how everything’s gonna be fine.
“Turn a little, stretch, put your right leg in front” she demanded and you silently obeyed. “Oh boy, this is nonsense…” she grunted. “Common, go change outfit, we’ll try again”.
You didn’t say a thing, maybe you have should because you felt she was being totally unfair to you. Okay, it was the first time you were doing this for the brand but it wasn’t as you didn’t know how to work. Joe followed you as you walked out the room, once you were far away enough from the set he made you stop.
“Hey, don’t listen to her okay” he said gently.
“Okay” you smiled shily, you didn’t want to listen, but the woman made it really difficult.
When you were back to the room, changed into a purple lace teddy, Joe was being approached by her. You frowned to the sight. What was she even doing, she was not only rude and unpleasant but completely insolent.
You got closer to set even you hadn’t been called yet just to observe the way he touched your boyfriend arm in a way too friendly way, but Joe immediately stepped back, a polite smile on his face but you could tell he was feeling awkward. Or at least it was what you wanted to think. When his eyes landed on you he seemed relieved and pulled a small grin, making the photographer look back at you.
“There you are!” she exclaimed and looked at you from head to toe. “Well, let’s see what we can do with this one… kinda looks better but still doesn’t fits you as it should” she remarked mercilessly.
You felt you blood boiling this time, anxiety leaving to make space for anger.
“Seems like your boyfriend is here, show him what you have girl” she said harshly as she pointed with her finger where she wanted you to stand.
You usually had a thick skin and were not easy to upset, but the whole situation was too much. You had never faced anything that came closer to that one. Joe winked an eye at you cheerfully and you swallowed hard before starting again.
Mila talked to you in such an awful way that you were having the hardest of the times trying to hide how pissed off you were getting. Not to mentions her nonstop comments on your body.
“You’re not just made for this one either… what can I say, too loose from there, too tight here” she said in a despicable way, sending waves of anger to your whole body, that would go inevitably tense.
“I-” you tried to speak but she hush you quickly and made a signal to the two other girls standing close to the set.
They were wearing the same teddy as you, same color and patron just different size.
“Common girls, lets show the newbie here how to pull this one”.
You moved from the set and stood next to Joe for a second, feeling dizzy and kind of numb, still processing the whole scenario. Mila would overpraise the girls, as if she needed to point out how good they were comparing to you. You felt absolutely sick.
“What do you think Joe boy” he addressed your boyfriend, and you felt your body tense even more, “if you don’t want to grab a drink latter with me you could always give them a try” she snapped and busted out in a laugh as if it was the best joke she had ever heard. “Either of them will for sure make a better match for you than the other one”.
“I’m done” you said angrily and rushed to the dressing room to get changed and go home. You didn’t give a single fuck if it was Fenty, Victoria Secret or Calvin Klein, you had had enough, and it was not worth your mental health.
You changed in less than an instant, grab your stuff and stormed out. Joe was outside waiting for you.
“Wait, baby” he said as he walked behind you. “Don’t listen to her, its just nonsense”.
“Is it Joe?” you replied with tons of anger and his eyes widened.
“What? Of course it is! She’s an asshole and you shouldn’t let her get you this way” he said in an exasperating calm tone.
“Are you kidding me?” you almost barked.
“You know what?” you interrupted him. The last thing you wanted is to make a scene with him in public. “Forget about it”. You stated and didn’t look behind before taking the lift to the ground floor. You didn’t wait to see if Joe was coming or not, you rushed your way out of the building as you ordered an uber.  All you wanted was to get home as soon as possible.
Once you were home, you went straight to the bedroom Joe and you have shared for the last six months. You had a hot and relaxing bath that helped easing down your nerves and anger. You really couldn’t explain how bad you have ending up feeling, the comments about your body had been awful but your last straw had been the inappropriate comments targeted directly to your boyfriend. But the worst part, if it was even possible, had been Joe’s reaction. Which had been none. How could he have stood there without saying a damn word, the only sign of disapproval had been his frowned eyebrows, but he had begged you to maintain calm and stayed there. Why would he even had asked that?
Yet, way more than furious, you were really disappointed, terrified even. What if she was right? What if you were not enough for Joe and what if he had realized just then and there, maybe that’s why he had kept silence because he was so embarrassed to see the fool he had been.
The overwhelming and burning feeling in your chest obliged you to stop your mind, torturing yourself that way wasn’t going to lead to any good.So when you went out the bathtub you put on a pajamas and got into bed, your body felt incredible heavy and your head spined uncontrollably with hundreds of intoxicating thoughts. Maybe having a little nap would help, so you took your air pods, closed the blinds and played your favorite playlist in order to help you relax.
You had just started to feel a little better when you heard the front door closing, you paused the music so you heard Joe calling out your name, but you weren’t in the mood so you just stayed silent in the darkness of the room. A brief silence followed just for it to be broken by the noise of his knocks on the bedroom door. You didn’t even move.
“Baby, I know you’re there… lets talk” he said behind the door. Silence. You didn’t feel like talking then, the last thing you wanted in that moment was seeing his face pretending to be sorry. You didn’t think he was sorry, or at least it hadn’t looked like it back on set. “Y/n please… I’m begging you”.
“Go away Joseph” you murmured loud enough for him to hear you.
You waited a minute or two, but Joe didn’t say a word, he had done exactly what you told him, go away. You played the music and pulled the volume all the way up, tears starting to fall down your cheeks.
Joe went out to buy you your favorite treats at the groceries store, he got that you were mad, but he had never intended to hurt you. He loved you so much, the idea of hurting you broke his heart, and he was feeling desperate to fix things. Everything was dead silent as he crossed the main entrance of your apartment, maybe you had fallen asleep, but as he approached your bedroom he could catch the sobs from the inside. He knocked, but you did just not answer but your crying increased. Joe didn’t knock twice, he opened the door and got inside, approaching the bed and sitting right in the edge, next to you.  
“God baby I’m so damn sorry” he whispered as he rubbed your back.
“Why-” you whined as you sniffed. “Why you didn’t say anything?”
“Because if I had, I would literally would have ripped off her head from that pretentious and impertinent body of hers” he confessed, and you looked at him with doe eyes. “That’s why. I stayed calm only so you would stay calm too baby, so you could finish the shoot because I knew how much it meant for you…” he hold your face with one hand and whipped your tears away with the other one.
“So… you don’t think she’s right?” you asked in a hushed tone.
“Have you lost your mind? I love you baby and I don’t care about nonsense bullshit some random woman says and you shouldn’t either, but I understand you got upset and I’m sorry I didn’t act the way you needed me to” he admitted, and it warmed your heart but at the same time it made you feel bad, maybe you had been kind of unfair with him. Hadn’t thought it twice before getting mad.
“Oh Joe…” you said, tears starting to roll down your cheeks again.
“I’m so in love with you, just the idea of hurting you makes my heart ache, baby. I thought for a moment you were going to dump me” he said shyly.
“I could never do that, you little dork” you shook your head in disapproval.
“You were pretty upset” he said with a more relaxed tone.
“I was, yes… but that doesn’t mean I’m crazy” you said, laughing a little when he did, whipping the rest of your tears away. “I love you so much”.
“I love you more” he stated and before you could even reply he kissed you.  
What started as a tender and sweet kiss suddenly heated up. Joe cupping your face as you gave him full access to your mouth. He tasted as cigarettes and coffee and you loved it.
“I only want you baby, and I always will” he whispered in between small kisses that he would plaster on the edge of your mouth, going down your neck. You tilt your head so he could kiss your neck better. His wet kisses sending tingles down your spine and his sophisticated and woodsy scent flooding your senses. You tangled your fingers in his curls, messing a little with his hair and pulling him closer.
“Do you want me, Joe?” you asked teasingly.
He looked up to you with a devilish smirk on his face as a respond. He hovered you, pinning your body against the mattress and when he got closer to join your lips with his again, he murmured “Let me show you baby”.
You let Joe kiss you, letting him take control over the whole situation. His soft hands undressing you slowly and gently, caressing every part of your body they reached. You absolutely loved how tender and sweet he could be. He started to take his clothes off too. You laid there, admiring him as he got naked, he was so beautiful and you were crazy in love with him, just the same way he was with you. He was completely naked when he fit himself between your legs. “You’re so damn stunning baby” he praised you as he looked you deep into your eyes. His hands slowly traced back up your legs and you sucked in a breath. “I want you so bad” he hissed with darkened eyes and went slowly into you. Feeling him inside you was one of the better feelings in the entire world. He kissed you before he started moving slowly, creating a hot friction between your skin and his. You pulled him closer, wanting to feel every inch of him against you. Joe’s face found the space between your shoulder and your neck, his breath feeling heavy as he pushed your hips in a nice and constant rhythm that made your legs shake. The sensation overtook every single thought in your brain, and you started to feel your orgasm build in your lower belly. Joe kissed you and rocked his hips a little faster and harder just to send both of you over the edge.
When he laid down next to you, he brought you closer to his naked body, you loved laying naked with Joseph, it made you feel vulnerable but safe at the same time, as crazy it could sound. He maybe hadn’t been your first love, but he was for sure the one. Before Joe, you could have only imagined being loved in a passionate, beautiful, and respectful way, being in a relationship in which empathy and communication would be always the path was what you had always craved. And Joe was perfect, Joe loved you in such a perfect way, not even million words would be enough to explain.
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I love how Cellbit really appreciate everyone in the server and is always cheering them up
Like, how he is always telling Forever how smarts he is and how he always have such great ideias and is so good in construction and crafting stuff, and always discussing with him and sharing his ideias and always listening to Forever, it really makes me happy <3
And it was not today, but he said to Forever that they are Veríssimo (Q!Forever) and he is Arnaldo (Q!Cellbit), two people from his RPG who are really important (Veríssimo is the head of the Ordo Realitas and Arnaldo was his right arm and best friend and they have a strong bond!)
And today he did the same with Baghera. Like, he really trust her and thinks she is really smart (with she sure as hell is, holy shit, she is amazing!!), and he said that if him or Forever got disqualified of the election, he would vote and make campaign for her! And when she said that she was not sure if she was really going to try to be elected he started saying that she definitely should make campaign and try to win bc she has good chances on winning!
(And in another note, cellbit said that if he is Arnaldo and Forever is Veríssimo, Baghera is Chizune and BadBoyHalo is Aaron and that just makes me cry bc they are like, the best and a very powerful group and it warms my heart that they think of them like that)
And it was so funny when they started having a little fight, that was just them joking around, and she started making questions of why he was trying to be president if he was taken by the Federation before and that he come back a little strange and with his hair white and Cellbit just got quiet for ten seconds before saying "YOU KNOW WHAT BAGHERA? I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU, BAGHERA! YOU'RE TOO SMART! I DON'T LIKE TALKING TO YOU!"
And he just turn to chat and is like dammit! She really is smart she already figured out that something is strange!
And he just told her his and Forever's plan for them to become president, and later he told Forever that he told her just because she figured out bc she is really smart and Forever was like "yeah man, she really is! But nah, is okay no worries, I trust her"
So yeah, I maybe got a little emotional on how they all are really good friends, ok? I LOVE THEM ALL AND HOW THEY REALLY CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER AND HOW GOOD FRIENDS THEY ARE!
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Hi! Could I get a redacted matchup if they're still available?
-my current favorite song is optimism (as a radical life choice) by Spanish love songs. I love the lyrics "don't take me out back and shoot me, I know my wires are faulty, I've only ever been a kids, pointing out dead dogs in the road". IDK, the whole song is pretty relatable but those lyrics really stand out visually and emotionally. I'm also tired but still want a chance to be, ya know?
-my ennagram type is 6(w5 I think) my Myers Briggs is INFP(-t?) if it matters
- I LOVE YouTube video essays. I'll watch any, mostly on videogames stuff since I don't really like playing them but I love, like, lore and stuff. I really enjoyed the defunctland fast pass one too. The longer the video the better imo though
- I don't remember my childhood imaginary friend. I used to be super extroverted and had a lot of friends so I didn't really need one? I was also so chill playing by myself so I was okay without friends too. I miss that lol
- best way to fall asleep is fan on full blast, 1 giant comfy blanket, TONS of pillows and a stuffed animal
- I did change my name, picked it off a baby name list since that's what my parents did for the first name, not super special, does come with several easy nicknames though which is cool, but no one uses them :/
- I love any of guys videos, but I really like the failed sleep aid. He may not be super relaxing but at least he's trying!!! He's so funny and chill and I like that
- I don't really like David, Aaron, Damien's(just the x listener ones, I love him w/Huxley) audios. Not super into the Tsundere kinda stuff, I'm a little too insecure for that, I like open feelings and stuff
- I don't really have a book or movie I know all the words to, I don't like rewatching/reading things I already know for whatever reason, I will but it's less enjoyable
- I'm platonically attracted to Gavin and Huxley, they'd both be soo kind and supportive in their own ways, a little hype squad
- I ramble about people when I'm tired. Human interaction stresses me out so bad,, people are hard to understand and there's a whole lot of societal pressure to be a certain way and I just don't get it and I'm so tireddd
- I don't really stop at gas stations, but it'd probably be lemonade and chips of some kind
- my current favorite playlist is my 'cringe' playlist, all the edgy alt/emo/rock songs I was into in middle school, they're not great but they're so fun, they're also my guilty pleasure media. I know people hate them but they make me happy
- other stuff - I do have anxiety so social interactions stress me out but I'm trying to get better, I'm a lot more outgoing when I'm comfy with someone, I'm also super artistic and stuff, I enjoy painting and drawing and do that stuff regularly. I believe sharing your music taste with someone is v. Intimate and I hate putting on my music for others for fear of judgement lol
I'm sorry it's so long,, thanks!
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Easy-peasy, perfect- I know just the guy. Let me work my magical, match-making powers and tell you why everything about you, especially temperaments and your music taste, make you and Asher Talbot a fantastic match.
There’s so many little, charming things that would make your everyday lives together so cute and fun. Asher’s favorite band is canonically Fall Out Boy, so we know y’all are bopping to the same playlist in the car. He’d be your biggest hype man, hanging your painting all over your apartment. Not to mention, dude could be a walking Halo video essay, you know? Come home after a long day doing adult things, and listen to him ramble about campaigns or whatever happens in those games I have no idea.
On a deeper level, you two work even better still. Not only is Asher wonderfully emotionally intelligent and available behind his goofy, silly demeanor, he is the social butterfly. That’s why he’s the Beta, the soft diplomacy to all David’s alpha-ness. Asher would be the perfect, like, emotional support golden retriever boyfriend for all social occasions: handsome, huggable, attentive to your needs, and a mood-making goofball.
The more I think/ The more I wish/ That we could lie here for hours/ And just reminisce/ On the good the bad the ugly/ The smiles the laughs the funny/ Or all the things/ We put each other through/ It's for you
This was a fun excuse for me to go through Lexi Moon and I’s emo playlists for a cute, throwback love song, so thank you for that~ I decided on NeverShoutNever because emo has always had random men with ukuleles, it seems, but goshdarnit, they sing fun songs, and I can see Asher knowing all the words to this one. He’s a big sap, and I can see him singing this when you’re feeling down or anxious, doing it silly and over the top just to make you smile.
Lasko is a runner-up for you because two introverts together can be really cute, you know? Let’s be alone together, just the two of us, vibes. However, I like Guy better as a runner up because of how bubbly and social he is. I think he’d help bring you out of your shell and manage social situations, just not quite as tactfully as Asher.
note: you don’t have to apologize for it being long the more information you send the better 💕
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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the-wraiths-wife · 6 months
I personally found Avery very very boring and basic
She was a PAIN to have as a protagonist, she was very one dimensional and Plain
And I think Lyra Kane is gonna be just as boring. I NEED some spice, some SEMBLANCE of personality
Avery's personality is white, plain, Sugar-y asf spoilt Milk.
I betchu lyras is gonna be worse—
Kinda sorry to the Lyra Kane fans tho
Like I've read so many books and after one point you can predict what type of charectors an author can write. You understand their scope and calibre.
And like, even though the Hawthornes are portrayed as these hot sexy god-like bois who make women loose their minds I NEVER ever felt it
(probably cuz I'm gay—)
But my point is, with certain charectors like - Kenji Kishmoto, Aaron Warner, Kaz Brekker, Percy Jackson, Cardan Greenbriar, Malini (from da jasmine throne), alex claremont-diaz, Lord Thyco you can like FEEL the aura, the 'hot' aura
Like their PERSONALITIES contribute to the hotness.
• Kenji's obsession with tangled, his ability to calm people, his goofiness, him genuinely giving a fuck abt people, not being a Gale Hawthorne, and his obsession for Nazeera, his willingness to sacrifice himself for his friends
• Aaron's fashion sense, his willingness to burn the world for her, to wait for her, helping her become powerful, helping her find herself i.e re-discover her past, and eating a cookie with a knife and fork ; ‘Come back here’ ‘Home’, ‘lyhfml’
• Kaz Brekker ripping a guy's eye out for his girl, finding her parents for her, freeing her from her indenture and her sexual trauma, wanting to bottle up her laugh and get drunk on it, his crazy revenge plans, ‘I would've come for you’, dropping a guy from a tower for objectifying women.
• Percy simping for Annabeth and jumping into tartarus with her and almost dying for her, respecting his mom, having a loveable persona, standing up to the gods, messing with the gods, being sarcastic and a great leader.
•Cardan Greenbriar begging Jude to come back to him and allowing her to murder/attempt to murder him again and again and making her the queen of Elfhelm so she feels one with the magic
• Princess Malini of Parijatdvipada helping her girlfriend find herself, making her remember her childhood, save her people and her culture, re-discover her magic, establish a relationship with her brother, making her truly HAPPY and WHOLE again, Refusing to burn on that pyre
•Alex claremont-diaz giving his boyfriend the strength to truly be himself, helping him ; LIKE actually doing wonders for his man, gives him the courage to come out to his family, is actually there for henry (the boyfriend) whenever he needs him, goes after Henry and their relationship, the Texas campaign—
• Lord Thyco accepting his boyfriend, showing him he's not a burden but a blessing, bringing out the best in him, helping his boyfriend and his bestfriend by not letting them die on the streets
But with the Hawthornes it's like, you're supposed to think they're hot, end of story.
Why are they hot?
The only hawthorne I actually like is Grayson, because he reminds me of Henry from red white and royal blue.
I read the whole series for him and I don't think he and Lyra should be a thing
He should be gay. Chilling somewhere FAAARRR away from the rest of the Hawthornes. With his boyfriend.
End. Of. Story.
Like but the rest of the Hawthornes are like
Jameson → ick personified
Xander → Random asf (scones? Jlb, ik you were trynna be different, just give the man a cookie—)
Nash → Don't. Get. Me. Started.
The rest of the charectors I stated as examples for hot? They had charector development, they helped their s/o-s grow with them.
I don't think the Hawthornes really did that.
And they have potential, with nash being a cowboy, Jameson loving mysteries and whatnot but it's not well executed.
Don't tell me that it's a mystery puzzle kinda book, you can't have best of both worlds.
Again, all the charectors I stated above are from action packed fun books and they have great personality.
Also shout out to Ravi Singh from a good girl's guide to murder. He has an amazing personality.
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onekisstotakewithme · 9 months
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2023 Fic Masterlist
Happy New Year! It was my first full year of writing "The West Wing" fanfic and I loved every minute of it. Aaron Sorkin's work has me by the throat... so behold: the fic round-up for the year.
Works in Progress (WIPs)
An Idea, Whose Time has Come (3/20 chapters posted) - "Could always run for President." It’s been twenty years since CJ Cregg joined Jed Bartlet’s campaign, and with another election looming, Danny makes a suggestion: CJ should run for President. So she does. And on the campaign trail, along with a new staff, a hostile incumbent, and a familiar rival candidate, CJ also has to grapple with the legacy and impact of her twenty years in public service – good, bad, and ugly – while preparing for the most important election of her career. CJ/Danny, presidential campaign shenanigans. also side Josh/Donna, Will/Kate, lots of original characters. Some smut. 14k so far. (A present for my dear friend miabicicletta 💜)
None of Us are More Than Caretakers (12 chapters) - “The president’s dead.” Three weeks before Inauguration, things appear to be running smoothly. Transition is going (mostly) well, Kazakhstan is (mostly) stable, and CJ is (mostly) happy with how things are going with Danny. Everything is taken care of. And then former president Gerald Ford dies. Set between "The Last Hurrah" and "Institutional Memory". 66k.
Off the Record (22 chapters) - “And this… thing… would be…?” “Off the record.” (Or, one missing scene per episode). Season 1 missing scenes. 31k.
A Night to Watch - “So how does it feel, watching yourself become unemployed in real time?” Tag to Election Day Parts I & II. 6k.
Fallout - It’s only been a few hours, but already the dinner with Danny feels like it was an entire lifetime ago. Tag to "Duck and Cover." 3.1k.
our secret moments (in a crowded room) - Secret Dating. Tag to "Drought Conditions". Written for the twwpress Wheel of Destiny 500 word Drabble Challenge. 500 words.
The Fall - “What do you want, Danny?” “Saw you on C-SPAN this morning, Sundance. Wanted to see how you were handling the rise to power.” “You mean you wanted to see if the fall killed me.” Tag to "Liftoff." Butch & Sundance Part II. 2.6k
You're Gonna Die Bloody (and All You Can Do is Choose Where) - The hearings will turn over every rock in her life, every email, every phone call – and of course they’ll see Danny’s name – but she can’t drag him down any further. Tag to "The Ticket", "The Mommy Problem", "Mr. Frost"/"Here Today". Butch & Sundance Part III. 2.7k
Fight or Give - Glory days are over. Nothing left but the ending – nothing left but the fall. Tag to "Internal Displacement", "Requiem", "Institutional Memory". Butch & Sundance Part IV. 2k.
The Goal for Which We Long - And then she notices the note left in the middle of her desk. Not a note, really, but one of the dignitary bingo cards she’d passed out – the one she’d given Josh by the looks of it – with the middle row filled in. She wonders why Josh would leave it there, before noticing the handwriting along the top. Tag to "The Wedding". 5k.
The Day on Which They Shall Give Their Votes - Election Day, 1998. As the votes come in, the staff of Bartlet for America waits with one question in mind: Who will be the next President? Pre-Canon. Gen. 3.3k.
When it Rains, it Pours - Or, what happens in the motel after they get out of the rain? Well, wet clothing mostly. Josh/Donna. Tag to "20 Hours in America" Parts I and II. Written for the "Woulda Coulda Shoulda: a Fest to Get Josh and Donna Together" challenge. 2.6k.
Two for the Road - “It was a tough race.” “They’re all tough races.” Or, doing the same thing multiple time and expecting different results (1992-2018). CJ & Toby friendship fic. Gen. 5.3k.
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spoofymcgee · 11 months
Trick or treat!
hel-lo! thanks for your ask!
i have been stuck in hamilton the musical hell for the past several weeks so my present wip has gotten about 8k of progress in the past. three days.
(i am getting no work done, in case you were wondering)
so a fun behind the scenes fact that i learnt from that is that in 1799, voting rights were still based on whether you owned property.
the thing was, the federalist party had a monopoly on the banks in new york, and they used that to help people who would vote for them to buy property.
this was, obviously, a general problem but specifically it was a problem for the democratic-republicans (the other main political party).
so aaron burr started a campaign to build a water company for manhattan and asked for donations from many people, including prominent federalist politicians. manhattan really needed a water company, so a lot of them provided funds for this company.
at the last moment when getting his company a state charter, though, burr added a little clause that said he could spend any surplus funds on whatever he wanted, as long as it wasn't illegal.
his charter got approved, and he. did not start a water company.
instead, he dug a well and built a water storage tank and then took the rest of the money and started a bank.
using that bank, he helped people who would vote for the democratic-republicans buy property.
this will not actually be relevant to the fic, it's just 300 year old political fuckery that i find really funny and learned about today.
happy halloween!
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