#so yeah tomorrow they're taking my grandma to get an x-ray and I'm hitching a ride with them
mialhell · 10 months
vent post because my friends deserve better and I just need to spill it out
maaan I am just upset now
so yesterday i was going out to buy clothes (my uniform for university) and just before getting into the bus I twisted my ankle. It hurt like a bitch but I didn't want to procrastinate on my uniform so I went anyways
3 hours walking on my twisted ankle because the pain wasn't that bad, I could move just fine, my body was just telling me I shouldn't
so we go home after 4 and a half hours and trying on 6 pairs of pants, I'm walking a little funny but the house is right there. I get home and it's just the tiiiiiniest bit swollen. I stopped moving it and an hour later I tried to walk, it hurt! a lot!
so now I got lectured about how I twisted my ankle on purpose subconsciously because I was doing something I didn't want to do, and how this coincides oh so suspiciously with my grandma breaking her leg and wow I still went and overdid it walking around to make it worse, huh?
why am I even being so dramatic about this? why do I have to make myself feel better? I should just not feel bad about this and fix it, feelings don't fix shit
I'm just the worst because accidents don't exist and the only reason I twisted my ankle is because I wanted to waste money and time
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