#so yes technically ice cap is on spotify
Finally listened to Hard Times by The Jetzons and wow it really is just Ice Cap huh
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appledoom47 · 6 years
Some questions? What about ALL THE QUESTIONS MWA HA HAAAA
YOUR SO EVIL BUT IMMA DO IT CAUSE ILY1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Spotify. I pay for that shit2. is your room messy or clean? UHHH messy3. what color are your eyes? Blue4. do you like your name? why? I do like my name. Because I like how it’s spelled differently from how most people spell it and because I was almost named Hedwig or Blanche. 4. what is your relationship status? Single5. describe your personality in 3 words or less. Funny, loud, memes6. what color hair do you have? Brown7. what kind of car do you drive? color? I don’t have a car right now cause I totaled the old one and can’t afford a new one rip8. where do you shop? Idk the store?9. how would you describe your style? The trash bin.10. favorite social media account. My tumblr I guess?11. what size bed do you have? It’s a twin.12. any siblings? Yeah I have a sister that’s 6 years older.13. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? Really I’d be happy living anywhere in the world but like I’d love to retire to Quito Ecuador. I went there when I was younger and I fell in love with that city.14. favorite snapchat filter? I don’t use Snapchat.15. favorite makeup brand(s). I don’t wear makeup cause I have super sensitive skin, all brands make me breakout.16. how many times a week do you shower? I try to shower every day I leave the house. Keyword is try. I have depression.17. favorite tv show? NOT TECHNICALLY TV BUT I LOVE RWBY18. shoe size? 9 1/219. how tall are you? 5’1. I’m short20. sandals or sneakers? I prefer to not wear shoes at all but I live in the north so I wear sneakers so my feet don’t fall off.21. do you go to the gym? I want to but I’m poor and lack transportation.22. Describe your dream date. Anything with someone I love that truly loves me back.23. How much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? Uhhh 5 dollars.24. what color socks are you wearing? I’m not wearing socks.25. How many pillows do you sleep with? Just one but it’s like a huge body pillow. Like a real one not an anime one.26. Do you have a job? what do you do? Yeah I work at McDonald’s.27. How many friends do you have? I don’t want to put numbers to this but I have a lot of larger friend groups spread out from different discord’s and tumblr and my friends I left behind when I moved.28. Whats the worst thing you have ever done? Oh god. I’ve done a lot. Like a lot a lot of terrible things. For the purpose of this imma go with starting to chew tobacco again. I’m trying to quit again but it’s hard.29. whats your favorite candle scent? I don’t have a good enough sense of smell to really smell candles.30. 3 favorite boy names. Mathias, Benjamin, and Peter.31. 3 favorite girl names. Alice, Jane, and Martha32. Favorite actor? Don’t really have one.33. favorite actress? IMMA COUNT VOICE ACTRESS AND SAY ARRYN ZECH34. who is your celebrity crush? ARRYN ZECH35. favorite movie? Hunchback of notre dame.36. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? I used to read a lot but now I exclusively read fan fiction. So I’ll just say my fav right now is Scars by Donesses on ao3 cause that fic is FUCKING AMAZING.37. money or brains? Brains.38. do you have a nickname? what is it? Everyone irl calls me some form of my actual name and everyone online calls me Apple.39. how many times have you been to the hospital? Umm like I’ve been hospitalized once but I’ve been to the ER a lot.40. Top 10 favorite songs. DONT MAKE ME PICK. Have a playlist instead. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIc3C_O6F9TV92tQBL9Q7DPBGvpz4yhIO thats all my music I love all of it.41. do you take any medications daily? Nope. Prob should tho42. what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) depends on the day.43. what is your biggest fear? Being abandoned 44. how many kids do you want? As many as I’m physically able to have/ however many my future partner can stand.45. whats your go to hair style? I just leave it down.46. what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) it’s a small townhouse.47. who is your role model? Don’t really have one.48. what was the last compliment you received? People have been saying I’m really good at writing angst as of late.49. what was the last text you sent? I asked my mom how much money I had on the card she runs for me. It’s my card but she has the app for some reason.50. how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? I don’t remember I don’t think I ever believed in him.51. what is your dream car? I have a pic.52. opinion on smoking? Honestly I’m kinda numb to people who smoke because my mom smoked when I was growing up but I’d rather people didn’t for their health.53. do you go to college? The question here really is do I want to go back for the 3rd time and the answer is I don’t know.54. what is your dream job? Anything that I can enjoy while making enough money to live comfortably.55. would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? Suburbs.56. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? Yes always.57. do you have freckles? No58. do you smile for pictures? I try too but I’m bad at it. Most of the time I end up trying to hide my face.59. how many pictures do you have on your phone? A lot. It’s all screen caps and memes.60. have you ever peed in the woods? Yes because my dad’s special interest is hiking and he used to bring me along all the time.61. do you still watch cartoons? Yes.62. do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? Gotta go with job loyalty here.63. Favorite dipping sauce? Ranch64. what do you wear to bed? Nothing at all ;)65. have you ever won a spelling bee? No I suck at spelling I was always the first one out.66. what are your hobbies? I like editing pictures. Mostly memes.67. can you draw? Not really no. I want to get better tho.68. do you play an instrument? Yes I play piano and ukulele. Also I sing if that’s and instrument69. what was the last concert you saw? I got to see K.Flay back in October. It was rad as fuck.70. Tea or coffee? Depends on the time of day and availability71. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Dunkin.72. do you want to get married? Yes.73. what is your crush’s first and last initial? I don’t have a crush right now.74. are you going to change your last name when you get married? Probably.75. what color looks best on you? I’ve been told blue.76. do you miss anyone right now? Yeah77. do you sleep with your door open or closed? Closed78. do you believe in ghosts? Not really79. what is your biggest pet peeve? When bars fucking aDVERTISE THEIR HAPPY HOUR BUT ITS MORE THAN ONE HOUR.80. last person you called. Idk I haven’t called anyone in forever.81. favorite ice cream flavor? Rocky road82. regular oreos or golden oreos? Regular83. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? Rainbow cause I’m gay as fuck84. what shirt are you wearing? I’m not wearing a shirt right now.85. what is your phone background? It’s a monochrome mood board someone on one of my rwby servers made for me86. are you outgoing or shy? Outgoing if it’s a good day.87. do you like it when people play with your hair? I don’t know cause no one ever has.88. do you like your neighbors? I haven’t met them.89. do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? I don’t really ever wash my face. I prob should.90. have you ever been high? Yeah. I used to smoke a lot of weed.91. have you ever been drunk? I’m a recovering alcoholic 92. last thing you ate? Avocado toast. Cause I’m a fucking millennial 93. favorite lyrics right now. I’m just gonna say all the lyrics to from shadows.94. summer or winter? Summer95. day or night? Night96. dark, milk, or white chocolate? Milk97. favorite month? March because birthday98. what is your zodiac sign. Pisces 99. who was the last person you cried in front of? All the people at my work cause I had a PTSD meltdown rip. I FUCKED UP THE NUMBERING AND PUT 4 TWICE BUT THATS ALL ONE HUNDRED
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