#so you're posting all the queerbait as publicly as you can
bonearenaofmyskull · 4 months
No no Actually a lot of Bedannibal shippers don't seem to ship Hannigram, like at all. I want to know from their perspective about how they view all the text, subtext, tweets from Bryan and interviews about Hannigram. After everything that Happened in the show many claim that there is no intimacy between Will and Hannibal whatsoever and Hannibal is apparently queerbaiting. Also they claim Hannibal doesn't respect Will and Abigail at all. Also some of them think m/m ships are apparently overrated. This was the discussion I was trying to have. Somebody even said "if Fuller wanted Hannigram canon he would have made them kiss"
I don't think you really understood what I was trying to say, so I'll be a little less gentle this time.
It's rude and illogical to go up to people who don't ship what you ship and demand that they justify themselves by supporting their ship with meta.
Now, if they initiated discourse by posting one of those claims that you mentioned, unprompted, and you're expanding the discourse to their post IN A REBLOG of the post (NOT in their inbox) with a well-reasoned and cited meta discussion, then sure, what you're doing is fair game because that's the way the meta game is played on this here Tumblr dot com: if you've got a public, rebloggable post, then by all means people can publicly reblog it to disagree with you. It would be foolish of them to start something they can't finish (and in this scenario they're fully making the same mistake you are, which trying to justify a ship preference with meta, or expect others to do so). In this case, everyone is responsible for their own manners or lack thereof. And everyone is equally guilty in perpetuating a ship war, regardless of who started it. And sometimes that may even be a justifiable and important position to take.
But they do not owe you--especially if you found them in their own ship tag--any justification, response, meta, reasoning, or anything else. Even on their own post. If they do a shit job supporting their claim, then they have a shit argument, but they're well within their rights to have a shit argument and that's just a win if no one responds to your reblog.
The question here really is about the sincerity of why you're engaging at all. You say it's just to find out why they think what they think, but it sounds like they've told you exactly what they think and why they think it, and you're still pursuing it.
If they've told you all these things that you've listed here, then you have your answer. You don't need to be still engaging.
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Lol. Imagine turning off all forms of communication because you don't like people telling you support for a take sucks. I didn't need to watch the video. The time stamps were a dead give away that this was a dishonest video.
1. It doesn't acknowledge the fact that it makes no sense for CRWBY to "queerbait" because they've never shy'd away from lgbt rep.
2. All their arguments are based on the same arguments homosexual fetishizing, horny on main fuckers, that being their Maladjusted, oversexualized perception of basic platonic interactions.
3. Brings up that animators, not even the writers themselves, hyped up the two as a pair, which is where I say those animators are idiots, and gg, brought bad press to a show who's company was already receiving bad press for other, more valid reasons.
And that's just based on the time stamps. I really didn't even need to look at those to know it's the unhinged ramblings of mal adjusted nut jobs, because that's all you people are. Pissed off creeps who have nothing better to do than get pissed off over your ship NOT BEING CANON.
Additionally, and this is coming from someone with same sex attraction, guess what? I've written my share of relationships from both ends of the spectrum. I know what proper romantic development looks like because I've read and mimicked proper romance. Qrow and Clover ain't it. Hell, I've seen fan fiction writers do it far better than the what you suggest the source material was supposedly doing.
I wanna make this very clear, this isn't directed at fair game shippers, but instead the morons on their high horse about their ship not being canon. You make that part of the community look bad. Kindly get off the internet and go touch some grass. You can have your ship, that's whatever, but if you're going on a stupid tirade because the writers dare do their job and make their masterpiece in a way you don't like, then you can fuck off. Your complaints are invalid.
To non toxic shippers. Write fan fiction. Consume it, relish in the fan arts. Just because it's not the source material does not mean it can't be equally fulfilling. You are valid.
To the echo chamber idiots like the poster of this link who turned off all their shit so they can't receive any sort of flack for it. I've got 5 words for you.
Your. Ship. Isn't. Canon. Cope.
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Oh and smooth brain? Doesn't matter if you intended on it being for only 3 people. Not only did you post it on tumblr, but you included blog tags, meaning everyone who skims those tags can see them, MEANING it's fair game, no pun intended. Don’t like me responding to your garbage take on old news, then don't publicly post shit.
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thewafflewhat · 2 years
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we love a ship that has the ‘frenemies’ to ‘journey’ to ‘relationship’ glow up
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tinkdw · 7 years
so i ship destiel with all my heart. and i can't help but notice you're known for your positivity and how you think destiel is endgame which is absolutely refreshing. as a bisexual myself, jensen ackles in general towards the whole bi!dean and canon destiel makes me super upset. i understand the actors are entitled to their personal interpretations, but how do you still have hope after jensen literally saying to a fan that "destiel doesn't exist"?
So by now all conversations about destiel that i’ve seen from the cast/crew are either jokes or denial and after seeing Jensen once again denied it recently, my hope for endgame destiel just dwindled and i’m starting to think this is truly just queerbaiting. I need prescription please. Anything to get my hopes up :((
Hi, I’ve had a few asks about this so…I’m on mobile so this post will look a bit weird but here’s a link to a post more about the story side and why I think it’s endgame (I wrote this before 12x19 if I wrote it now I’d just be YELLING LOOK AT FREAKING 12x19!):
But also re just the specific Jensen had a bad day moment:
1. these panels are mainly attended by BIBROS and j2 know that. they play to this audience. When you see him at Jibcon with Misha (and Jared too) he is way more open, comfortable, having fun than at a lot of creation panels I see - he is only HUMAN and is quite private from what I can tell, doesn’t particularly like engaging with the rabid fans and is just looking for an easy way out of the attention a lot of the time.
2. Jensen looks pretty bored and disengaged during this panel, he probably had a bad day, he is not in a happy place. I think someone pushed his buttons wrongly and he flipped out.
3. Jensen often seems to think that Destiel means that Dean and Cas are secretly screwing, that there is a hidden relationship. he doesn’t see it as we do, that it is a fledging love that hasn’t happened yet. He sometimes thinks the fan art and stuff is cute and/or funny, sometimes he reacts badly and is anti shippy- he is human and sometimes he has bad days and for some “reason” he is touchy on this subject… hmm I wonder why! (Hint: destiel exists because of cockles). This is my opinion but i think most people seem to think he thinks that way from what he has said over the years so in that sense he is RIGHT to say Destiel doesn’t exist, because it isn’t an on screen canon romantic relationship yet with love declarations and kissing. Especially when he’s in a BAD MOOD!
4. if destiel was a thing that was going to be canon and in the script NONE of the actors or anyone on the show could tell us as it would be a huge plot point and probably is written in their contracts that they CANNOT say it is happening.
5. jensen is an actor. he ultimately does as he is told e.g. Being forced to do the scene about Dean liking taylor swift in season 10 when he said no - when it is CORE to the script and show, yes he sometimes makes small changes, but when push comes to shove and it is a big plot point, he has to do it and has done. He also sometimes seemed to not get performing/real dean which is hilarious - but I think someone’s sat him down since as he acts it pretty bang on these days.
6. jensen and misha have chemistry. regardless if you ship cockles or not destiel exists because of their chemistry and the fact that AFTER that was noticed it was written into the script. so jensen maybe sees destiel as an attack on his personal sexuality. he is EXTREMELY private so people questioning this in public makes him angry. when he is angry he lashes out and says stupid shit. not only about destiel but other stuff too.
7 Everyone KNOWS it exists in the show. They play the characters doing the stupid shit they do. they know. Jensen miming blow jobs, falling off his chair when a fan says Misha always has to play it so straight, ‘fake’ making out with him on stage at cons etc. if anything it just proves to me even more that it is real and endgame and they know it when jensen says stupid stuff like this because it is clearly NOT true. So its deflection and he’s just playing to the audience, he’s had a shitty day, he can’t talk about it and …. he’s just generally pretty crap at PR! He probably got in trouble for the whole “eye opener” thing, Mishas gotten in trouble for publicly shipping Destiel in the past and now is pretty silent on the matter - it’s no surprise Jensen reacts badly sometimes he’s human.
i mean I always caveat that I am endgame destiel positive and all of season 12 makes me think that they are aiming for this and God WHAT EVEN IS 12x19 IF IT DOESNT EXIST?!
The writing is the key thing for me - NOT what the actors say. You know if they keep this up and destiel is written as endgame and Jensen and misha keep eye fucking each other etc but Jensen somehow manages to put his foot down (which I doubt he would be able to anyway or want to - it would be professional suicide just before finishing this show and wanting to go do something else!) - and he refused to kiss him or whatever, they just end with an arm round the shoulder and a clearly written “this is them together” - that’s fine because it’s still canon! but I highly doubt he would do that.
SO unprofessional and stupid after all this!
I don’t think it is 100% FOR SURE that it will happen, there is still the possibility that a production thing or whatever could stop it.
But it IS written into the script, so I doubt it, as we are getting close to endgame, and more and more now, it feels to me since Dabb took over he decided hey we are doing this. Every episode pretty much since mid s11 has had more Destiel fodder and now it feels like it’s basically just a matter of time. Jensen and Misha DO play it that way and some stuff is just….so romantic they MUST freaking know now but they just can’t come out and tell people. ITS A MAJOR SPOILER!!!
so.. that is why I’m tentatively positive.
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bookshop · 8 years
So, I'm probably a generation older than you, and not easily incited to anger about silly fandom stuff. But honestly - your posts over on Twitter where you're quoting and mocking younger and harmless fans who are having some fun on Tumblr talking about TJLC? Seems beneath you, if you are a professional writer. What possible harm does it do you to let others enjoy what they enjoy? What possible good can come from you (a more powerful person) publicly mocking them?
You know what, you’re right. It was beneath me and it was unprofessional, and I apologize to you and everyone else who saw that thread and was hurt by it. That wasn’t my intent at all, but I should have recognized that my tweets were sending a message beyond just me venting to my friends on Twitter.
For context, the tweets under discussion are in this thread and consist of me and a bunch of longtime friends in fandom taking great glee in the current high level of excitement and theorizing in the Sherlock fandom. 
Like everyone else in that thread I was reacting as a fan first, and I was reacting as a queer (and genderqueer) human being first, and a longtime slash shipper first. But I should have been reacting first and solely as a journalist, and I wasn’t. 
To be clear: I fully support the Sherlock fandom and Johnlock and everyone’s right to ship whatever they like however they like. What I don’t support, as I talk about in the previous post on this blog, is actual queerbaiting, the way many fans have felt shunted to the side by the TJLC shippers in the past, or the idea that TJLC will ultimately hurt the fans who ship it. I recognize that might be a condescending position on my part, so I also want to say that I’ve read innumerable posts from people talking about how much TJLC has meant to them over the years, how much the fandom has taught them to be analytical and think deeply, given them a community of friends, et cetera. I don’t want to detract or quash the joy anyone gets in any of those things, or pretend like those things aren’t a transformative fandom value-add, because they are.
As somebody who’s been reporting on fandom conspiracy theories for years, however, my natural position on TJLC is one of skepticism. I think that’s a fair and objective point of view to hold, and I think my reporting bears that out. But I shouldn’t have indulged in mocking the shippers the way I did earlier today. So, you’re right; I’m sorry. Thanks for the message.
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