#so  yeah.  he  met  jane  almost  immediately.  threw  himself  into  clubs  and  parties  and  whatever.
bearchived · 2 years
no  ,  he  won’t  say  it  . . .  but  yes  ,   he  does  resent  ted  a  little  bit  for  uprooting  their  lives  n  accepting  the  job  in  london.
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whumpingwithirondad · 6 years
What would tony do if he finds out peter does drugs or something like that every now and then (maybe even constantly? 👀)
As you can see, we enjoyed this prompt! :Dirondadgroupie
OH MY GOD! We got an ask about Peter doing drugs!!!! I have been waiting for this all my life :D
Oh man lol I’ll let you take the reins on that one
Haha, you trust my angst writing abilities ;D
I'm actually debating what to answer to that Peter is addicted prompt. Because the first fanfic I ever thought of but never finished is about that (and yeah, in my mind it was quite long) and I'm debating whether I should just write a quick summary about that to the question
Or whether I should come up with something completely different :D
We can think of something different together!
How about Peter starts drinking to deal with his anxiety? Like a shot helps him loosen up? He does it the first time he is at a party (maybe) SI related and there is an open bar and maybe someone he knows (not Tony), gives him a sip of his own drink and Peter feels how his anxiety and mental reservations melt away.
Then he is very nervous about a test and someone offers him shot and yeah, he does great. Maybe Peter gets new friends for that and starts hanging out with them and they are ones who party hard and sneak into night clubs?
Tony and May notice nothing wrong, they just see the kid is more open and relaxed and has lot more friends. But then Peter's school work starts suffering, Tony is worried but nonchalant because the kid doesn't need school anyway.
Maybe Peter is at a party and then something happens, like the police show up and arrest him, or he drinks too much  and starts wandering around and passes out in the snow.
I think those are great idea. I think it would have to be something else that pushes him to do drigs. Maybe he wasn’t able to save someone who died in front of him or even several people. It could be that he drinks and with the mix of drugs he wonders off and passes out in the snow.
You know, in the story I never wrote, Peter was dating Gwen but met Mary Jane and fell in love. He left Gwen and then there was Green Goblin and yeah, Gwen dies when the web snaps her neck and Peter feels guilt and starts to drink to cope with things. At first, it's just shots every few hours, then he starts drinking more often and then more at a time.
And Tony suspects something is wrong but nothing is done until there is a SI party where Peter gets hammered and starts walking and doing tricks on the edge of the balcony and then Tony and other Avengers have to practically coax him down and tuck him into bed to sleep it off.
And yes to the last idea. Tony’s going fucking crazy watching his kid so all these tricks
"No, no, no, sweetie, come down," Tony offers his hands for Peter to take. "Kiddo, I'll help you down. Just- come down, come- God, don't just stand there! Help!"
And Peter's steps are uncoordinated and he almost trips over the edge. And Tony isn't afraid about Peter unmasking his identity but that the kid will hurt himself.
Tony’s heart is racing and he slowly reaches out to grab peter trying not to spook the kid too much at the moment. “Come on buddy. We’re missing the party. Don’t you want to go back there?”
I imagine Peter starts muttering and talking in his drunken state. "Tony." "Yeah, Tony is here, kiddo," the man grabs his hand but Peter pulls away. The other Avengers approached them quietly. "Go away." "Yeah, sorry, buddy, no can do." "I'm having fun!" "Can't you have fun on the ground!" The boy giggles and does a somersault, nearly falling on his head.
Tony loses about five year off his life watching Peter do that somersault. “Hey bud do you want to go down to the lab and see your new suit?” “The iron spider. I’ve seen that one already mister starks. It’s cool!” “No bud this is even a cooler one!”
Peter raises an eyebrow. "Cooler one?" "Yes, much cooler and much more awesome," Tony nods. Peter looks wary but then crouches. Tony immediately offers him his hands. "That' it, good, then another leg."
Peter gets into his feet but as soon as he takes a step, nearly falls on his face and yeah, gets the attention of all the guests."Kid, what the hell did you drink?" Tony hisses and the boy waves his hand. "Nothing-" "Don't try that trick with me, you are completely wasted!"
Peter huffs and tries to walk away but Tony has a good grip on him and steers him towards the elevator. “Lemme go!”
Tony takes them to the penthouse, the private living room and turns the boy so  they are face to face. "What the hell has gotten into you?!" Peter tries to get away. "No! We are talking this over!"
"I don't want to!" Peter fights back. "Kid, you got drunk under my roof! Do you have any kind of idea I could get into trouble?"
"Oh, so that is what you care about," Peter hissed. "It's always you, you you! When is it about me!" Tony steeled his gaze and felt like slapping the boy. Maybe it would sober him up. "Alright, kid, stage is yours. Why did you drink?"
"Because I want to damn it! You did it too when you were even  younger me! I've seen all the pictures! Don't act like you care now!" Peter pushes him away and stumbles against the coffee table as he tries to run.
"And don't you start that act!" Tony grabbed him again and held him upright. "Don't you dare say I don't care! Who held you when you cried yourself to sleep day after day? Who made countless excuses to school when you didn't want to get out of bed? Who made sure you ate at least once every day?"
"Nobody asked you to. Just leave me alone!" Peter pulls away from him and Tony can see the tears running down the kid's face. Peter manages to get away from Tony and stumble once more but this time he trips and smashes the side of his head against the coffee table.
"Peter!" Tony is by the boy's side in a second. Peter curled up and muttered a quiet 'ow'. "Okay, up you go," The man pulled the boy into a sitting position and touched his head. "Good, you're not bleeding but that is going to leave a bump." "Don't care," Peter muttered. "But I care. C'mon," He helped the boy onto the couch and fetched an icebag. He wrapped it into a towel and held it against the boy's head
He helps Peter lay down on the couch and continues to press the ice to his head. Peter seems to have been knocked out of his element by that hit and Tony uses it to his advantage. "Come on, buddy. Talk to me. I know that you know I care about you, kiddo and I want to help with whatevers going on."
"You can't help me," Peter whispers. "Try me. Peter, there really isn't anything I haven't faced during my life." The boy is silent and Tony lifts the ice bag, the bump is growing bigger. "Have you been drinking or was this the first time?"
Peter looks ashamed when he replies, "No, this wasn't the first time." Tony sighs, pressing the bag to Peter's bump once more. "When did this start, buddy?" "A few weeks ago, maybe two months. I don't know I can't remember that well."
"Alright," Tony nods to hide his shock. "A few months, we can work with that. How much do you drink? How often?" Peter sniffs and curls into a fetal position. "I- it started with just shots, not too often but then- I don't know, it made me feel better. I started drinking more." "Beer or liquors?" "Both." "Have you ever been this drunk before?"
"Worse." Tony can see the tears rolling down Peter's face. "Oh, buddy." He's angry, that's for sure, but he doesn't want to show that side of him to Peter right now. Something tells him that he needs to give all the support and comfort he can right now.
"Shh," He lays down behind the boy and pulls him close, at least the couch was large and comfortable. "It' okay, kiddo." "It's not!" Peter cried and pulled at his hair. "I'm a failure!" "You told me what is wrong. That takes so much courage," Tony should know, it had taken him decades to start combating his alcoholism. "You should hate me," Peter sniffled and tried to get out from the hold.
"Never. That's literally impossible." Tony wrapped his arms tighter, making sure that Peter wouldn't be able to escape. "I was a mess in front of everybody. They're never going to forget it and now they know I'm just a drunk."
"You're not," Peter shook his head. Tony smiled. "You're neither. Peter, this is a sickness and it can be beaten." Peter burrowed closer to his mentor. "I don't feel like it can." "You just need to believe in it." "What if I don't want to?" Peter whispered. "What if I want to keep drinking?"
“That’s not gonna be possible, buddy because I care about you and I have to keep you safe . I know yuh want to trust me I know but it’s not safe for you right now. But You’re not gonna be alone bud I promise.
"You really won't give up," Peter groaned and tried to sit up. Tony frowned: "What is it?" "Feel sick," Peter gulped and turned whiter. "Okay," Tony was immediately standing up and helping the boy. "Try to keep it in till we get to the bathroom, okay?"
Peter just nodded his head not trusting himself to talk. Tony all but carried him to the bathroom where he threw up. Luckily it all mostly went into the toilet bowl. Tony sighed kneeling down next to Peter and rubbing his back. “Let it all out bud.”
There was a knock on the door just as Tony was wiping Peter's face and shirt with a wet towel. "We're okay!" Tony called. "Do you need anything?" Steve's voice sounded and Tony got up, ruffling Peter's hair gently before opening the door. He glanced that Peter was still sitting by the toilet and stepped outside. "Could you get Peter's bed ready: bucket, maybe some towels, water, gatorade, you know the drill?"
“No problem. Want me to get Bruce up here?” Tony glanced over at Peter who looked pale and drained of all energy right now. “Not right now. Kid just needs to sleep this off, hopefully.” Tony helped peter to his feet after getting him cleaned up holding the kid steady. “Come on, kiddo. Bedtime for you.”
Tony walked Peter towards the upper level where Peter's room was in Tony's suite. It had been one of May's conditions because Peter was still a kid and needed supervision. Not that Tony objected. "My throat hurts," Peter coughed and Tony pulled him closer to his side. "I can imagine, bringing up tequila is not fun. What else did you drink? I need to know but I couldn't really tell it from the color."
“I don’t know. I think it was vodka with something else mixed in.” Tony muttered underneath his breath “must have been something alright.” They got to Peters room were Steve was finishing up setting up his bed.
"Hey," Steve whispered and pulled the covers back. "You doing okay, Peter?" Peter shrugged and noticed the night clothes Steve had set on a chair. "Okay, kiddo, let's get you into something more comfortable." Steve discreetly turned his face away while Tony stripped the boy. The soldier focused on making sure the area around the bucket was covered with old newspapers.
Peter felt like absolute crap as Tony started stripping him down and dressing him in pajamas like he was a little kid. He supposed this shame was what he deserved after tonight. “Come on, bud.” Tony finished tying his sleeping pants before turning Peter around and helping him into bed.
"Here," Tony opened a bottle of water. "Have some of this." Peter took a sip and realized how thirsty he really was. He downed half the bottle in one go and Tony chuckled. "Okay, good," He set the bottle on the nightstand and covered Peter up to his waist. The boy turned on his stomach and was out like a light in a second. Tony frowned, he had to keep an eye on the kid. Steve rubbed his neck. "So, what is this about? Peter sneaked into your liquor cabinet?"
“More like raided the damn thing. He’s gonna be feeling the shit tomorrow morning.” Tony took a seat on to the armchair next to the bed and rubbed his face. “What led him to do that. He’s ��a good kid. I’d never think he’d go around drinking underage.”
Steve shrugged: "He is still a good kid, just made a poor decision." "Or several poor decisions," Tony muttered and watched how Peter's back rose and fell with breaths. "Maybe he took influence from us? He spends so much time with adults and yeah, he has complained many times how he is the only one who can't drink," Steve suggested hopelessly.
“Maybe but there might be more going on. No one goes all out like this just to have a little bit of fun with the rest of the adults.” Steve nodded his head to Tony’s words. “You need anything else before I head out. I assume you’re gonna be sleeping here for the night.”
"Yeah, I don't dare leave him alone," Tony said, his eyes on the boy. "FRIDAY monitors him but she can't physically do anything if he starts choking in his vomit." "I don't think that is going to happen," Steve frowned but Tony shook his head. "Don't be so sure. He is a kid and drank way too much." "Are you sure you don't want Bruce to check him up?"
Tony sighed rubbing his face, “I don’t see the harm in him doing so. If anything happened to him tonight I don’t think I’d forgive myself for not having him checked our earlier.” Steve nodded his head in agreement, “I’ll go grab him.”
Tony only had to wait for five minutes but during that short time, Peter woke up with a gurgle and threw up the water he had drunk. "It's okay," Tony muttered as he rubbed the boy's back. Peter coughed pitifully and laid on the bed in a dead heap. Bruce opened the door and saw the pitiful sight. He cleared his throat. "I heard Peter is not feeling too hot?"
“You could say that. Did Steve tell you what’s going on?” Tony kept his hand buried in Peters curls trying to give him some kid of comfort while the kid whimpered. Surely because of how bad his stomach and throat were burning now. Bruce approaches the bed a frown on his face “I got the important details down.”
"Yeah, let's save the serious talk until Peter is out of danger," Tony whispered and turned his face to Peter. "Hey, bud, Brucie is here to check up on you. Maybe he'll give you some of the good stuff." "Don't promise anything for me, Tony," Bruce snapped and sat on the bed. He checked the boy's pulse and with Tony's help turned the boy on his back.
“Nooo,” Peter whined as he was turned around, jostling his stomach and and head. “You’re okay, Peter. Bruce just has to take a look at you okay?” Tony sweeper his hair back watching as Brice grabbed a penlight from the medical kit he brought with him. “Can you open your eyes for me, kiddo? Looks like you took a big fall in the living room.”
Peter shook his head but Bruce pulled his eyelid up nevertheless. "Good," the man said after the short check-up. "Yeah, seems like you don't have a concussion but you might still feel sore." Tony breathed out in relief, the one thing that would have made this night was a brain bleed. "I'm gonna take your blood pressure so just relax."
“M’tired,” Peter complained as Bruce took one of his arms and wrapped the blood pressure cuff around starting to squeeze it tight. “I bet you are bud, Bruce is almost done kiddo. Bet he just has to check a few more things but you can rest in the meanwhile kiddo.” Peter sighed after Tony’s words and just let his eyes close and drifted off quickly. “Can we get him rolled over to his side. I want to check his lungs.” Bruce asked and Tony cooed gently as he turned Peter over and the kid immediately lifted his head and put it on Tony’s lap.
Tony couldn't a tender smile. He placed a soft kiss on the boy's hair: "Little sleepy head." Bruce closed his eyes as he tried to focus on the boy's breathing and any abnormalities. Finally Tony saw Bruce relax, but only slightly. "His lungs are clear." "So-" "He is not in any immediate danger," Bruce began putting his equipment away. "He needs monitoring for the night since it's his first time drinking and we don't know-" "It's not," Tony considered Bruce a close friend, and he needed some support.
Bruce raised an eyebrow and Tony told him everything. “Jesus,” Bruce muttered as he learned everything and glanced down at the kid that he thought he knew well. Apparently the kid had a few demons he was trying to hide away. “We’re gonna get him help, Tony. We will all be there for him. You’re doing a great job now and whatever lead to this is not your fault.  Let’s try to get him through the night for now. Do you want me to stay? Otherwise I’ll come in a few hours and check him again.”
Tony fought to keep the tears at bay. "No, you can go to sleep, Peter wouldn
wouldn't want everyone to see him like this." He took in a deep breath. "I should have noticed something was wrong. There were signs but I thought it was just hormones or whatever the crap teens go through." Bruce listened intently. "You couldn't have known, Tony." "He couldn't talk to me." "But he told you now," Bruce pointed out. "Maybe it took him a while but he told you he needed help." "Not in those words," Tony shook his head. "He says he doesn't want to quit drinking."
“Probably because he feels like he can’t or doesn’t have the power to. He just needs to know that you’ll help him through it. That we all will and once he understands that then he can start getting over this. He just needs all the support he can have right now.” Tony sniffled and nodded his head. Bruce left a few minutes after promising to come back in a few hours.
Tony waited till the few tears rolling down his face had dried out. He stood up and made sure Peter was supported with pillows. The kid looked comfortable but unconscious, Tony had to check his breathing and pulse again to calm his mind. He stroked the kid's hair for a few minutes and Peter made slight voice in the back of his throat.
“Shh, you’re okay kiddo.” Tony pressed a kiss to his forehead and it seemed to calm Peter down. He tucked the blankets around the kid before laying down next to him. Peter unconsciously curled around Tony who wrapped his arms around him.
"There you go," Tony whispered. "Nice and warm." He stroked the kid's hair and hummed quietly into his ear. Peter seemed to enjoy it. The man rested but couldn't not fall to sleep. The slightest noise Peter made woke him up and prepared him to dash for the bucket if the need arose. Peter slept for an hour until he started throwing up again.
Tony sat up and quickly grabbed the bucket and directed Peter into throwing up in there instead. Thankfully it looked like Peter had only managed to make a mess of the blankets and not any of his clothes which would make the clean up process easier. “Let it out buddy. It’s okay” Tony cooed rubbing circles in Peters back.
Peter gagged and brought up more of his stomach contents. Finally the boy seemed to be done for the moment and passed out. Tony guided him gently to lie on his back on the bed. First he checked the kid's breathing and yes, it was still steady. Tony was still worried, the boy's condition seemed to be worsening. Or maybe he just imagined it all because it was his kid that was sick.
Tony thought to wait and see where the next hour would take them. He tucked Peter back into bed after getting a new blanket and throwing the other into the laundry. He told Friday to keep monitoring Peter as he laid back down next to the kid but didn’t sleep. It was only about fifteen minutes later that Peter started gagging again.
"Oh, come on!" Tony muttered to the heavens as he pulled the boy into a sitting position, before Peter would choke. He grabbed the bucket and leaned the boy's head over it. "Come on, all out, kiddo. All out." He patted Peter's back and tried to get the boy to cough harder. The kid was limp and vomit dripped out of his mouth.
He directed Friday send a message to Bruce. Peter was quickly getting dehydrated and if nothing else he needed to be on a saline drip a few hours ago. Peter kept whimpering as the last drops of vomit made their way into the bucket before he just fell into Tony’s arms.
"That's good," Tony rubbed the boy's back as he set the bucket on the floor. "You're doing so good, kiddo." Peter coughed weakly and Tony pulled him against his chest. The kid's lips were chapped and the boy smelled. "You want some water?" He took a bottle and helped Peter drink it. Or tried to. "Kiddo, hey, focus," He dripped water on the boy's lips and into his mouth.
A little bit of the water spilled out the side of his mouth and Tony wiped it away. "M'sorry." Peter mumbled as he pressed his face against Tony's chest. "Don't be sorry, bud." Tony stroked the kid's hair and rubbed his back til Bruce came back up to the room, with his medical bag and IV supplies.
"How are you doing, Peter?" Bruce smiled weakly. "Crappy," The boy coughed and winced as his throat hurt. "He's been throwing up a lot," Tony added and adjusted his hold on Peter. "Yes, that is to be expected. Have you gotten him to drink anything?" "Tried some water, wouldn't swallow any," Tony looked worriedly as the boy teetered on the edge of consciousness. "Try to stay with us for a moment, kiddo. Brucie is making you feel better." "No," Peter shook his head and shivered. "Don't-"
“We got to bud.” Tony left no room for argument in his tone. “Let’s get the IV started at least because with how much he’s thrown up he’s gotta to be really dehydrated right now. Then we can focus on everything else.” Bruce said as he got everything ready.
"No," The boy shook his head weakly. Tony gripped him tighter. "Kiddo, it will make you feel better, trust me." Bruce cleaned the back of the boy's hand with alcohol. Peter gagged at the smell. "FRIDAY, open a window slightly." Bruce approached the boy with a needle. "Now, Peter, it's only a small pinch, you know the drill." Peter jerked his hand away. Tony grabbed it. "Remember the trick, look at the wall and breathe deeply." "Don't want it," Peter shook his head. "Don't- Not worth it."
“If it’s going to make you feel better then it is absolutely worth it. Your health is important Peter.” Peter moaned after Tony’s words and Tony took his hand once more and gently held it out for Banner. “Quick pinch” even with the warning from Brice Peter still cried out the needle was inserted and Tony cooed softly.
"There, there," The man stroked the boy's hair. "You did so well, Petey." Bruce finished setting the IV and hang a bag of saline solution from a metal pole. "There, you'll feel better soon." "Your body just needs some salt," Tony nodded and rubbed the boy's arm. "You can tap out again." Peter still had tears in his eyes. "A drink would help," He whispered. Tony raised an eyebrow. "You ready to try some water?" "No," The boy shivered. "Stronger. Maybe tequila." Tony grasped the boy tighter. "You seriously have the balls to ask me that?!"
Peter whimpered at the stronger hold and Bruce reaches over placing a hand on Tony’s shoulder. “You’re holding him too tight Tony. Ease up just a little.” Tony however was growing red in the face. “No! Didn’t you hear what he just said?! After everything?!”
"I heard him but right now you are hurting him," Bruce's gaze was hard and Tony obeyed him, no matter how difficult it was. Bruce then turned to Peter. "We will not deal with your psyche tonight but know that what you are saying is concerning." "I don't care," Peter shook his head. "I want to drink. Makes me feel better."
“Trust me one day it will stop making you feel better.” Tony told him before laying him back down on the bed. Bruce was sighing as he got the rest of his things out. “The medicine I’m gonna give him for nausea is gonna knock him out pretty good Tony.” “Good he needs the rest and I don’t need to bear him talk about drinking any more.”
"It's important to listen," Bruce said as he took out an injection and began to measure the medication. "He is reaching out, means he is suffering and needs help." "But it hurts," Tony whispered. "You're my kiddo, Peter. And I love you so much," He kissed the boy's hair and Peter coughed miserably. He shivered and Tony wrapped him up in a blanket.
Tony directed Friday to increase the temperature in the room. “Is him feeling this cold normal? Or is he coming down with something else? Shit you don’t think he has a fever?” Tony looked worried and helpless as he turned to his friend hoping that Bruce could give him some answers.
"This is not ideal but normal," Bruce frowned. "Alcohol poisoning can cause hypothermia but only in extreme circumstances," the man added at Tony's shocked expression. "We just need to tuck him in. This will heal itself as soon as his body is rid of the liquor." "I can't imagine how he could have any left in his stomach," Tony muttered as he helped Peter lay down on the bed and covered him up to his neck.
“We’ll let the medicine do its job for right now. He should sleep through the rest of the night and most of the morning. He needs a second dose in a few hours though. Do you think you’ll be able to handle it or want me to come back later?” Tony looked at the dark circles underneath his friends eyes and frowned. He had done enough IVs in his life that he knew he could handle it. “That’s fine. I can do it. You get some sleep.”
"Are you sure?" Bruce checked further. Tony nodded and his friend left the extra medicine plus instructions and made Tony swear he would call him if anything happened. "Goodnight, Peter," Bruce patted the boy's knee. "Feel better." Tony sighed as the door closed. He laid down on the bed beside his kid and wrapped an arm around the boy's chest. "Rest up, okay. We're gonna have a serious talk tomorrow."
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