#so. bathroom i've been using for a total of like. 5 years. but the decorations and everything never changed
arielluva · 9 months
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still the same
little self-portrait thing starring my bathtub that hasn't changed since i was 7 (besides the stickers getting more faded)
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mistressmaker · 3 years
Half-Bath Remodel Reveal
Okay so it's an early reveal because I still have chair rails to put up, flooring to install, a door to paint, and I need to seal the trim, but like pretty much done???
Keep reading for more pictures, details on how I cut costs, and my inspiration for this bathroom!
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The 'original' half-bath last remodeled in the 70s
My house being 120+ years old, I'm trying to keep to that vibe while still making it feel fresh/modern. Stylistically, I've been sampling from french decor, victorian, and old country colonial.
My style of house (Upright and Wing) was mostly built by tradesmen and didn't have flashy things typical of other houses from the time period. I'm trying to incorporate some of that flashier stuff in appropriately just to give it a bit more character. Typically, Victorian homes had parlor rooms with the best finishes in the entire household. To keep to that trend, my living spaces meant for guests have the more elegant victorian/french finishes while the other rooms will have more of a rustic french country/old country colonial vibe.
Floral wallpaper has almost always been popular, but early 1900s trended toward tiny floral prints. This house was built in 1900 so the floral wallpaper felt appropriate, but I opted for a more modern, bold print.
Victorian and even colonial homes had wide trim, wide plank floors, and wainscoting/bead-board commonly in the home. (In fact my house has all those things, but in very, very bad condition with cheap soft pine). I covered the bottom half of my walls with thick 5" trim and bead-board. Chair rails will be coming soon!
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Mostly finish trim work in the half-bath
How I Saved Money with this Renovation
The vanity was found on Facebook Marketplace for $50 and repainted to go in the bath.
The vessel sink and faucet cost around ~$130 altogether. (Trying to buy a sink the size I made using this vanity and vessel sink combo would have been well over $200 new)
The chandelier was found on Facebook Marketplace for $50. The couple I bought it off of said it belonged to their parents who obtained it in the 50s/60s (french provincial was popular for a while)
The mirror I antiqued myself and got it off Facebook Marketplace for $20. Find out more here.
Breakdown of costs (minus plumbing which I budget separately because I'm replumbing the entire house):
Half-bath Total- $482.37
Toilet - $87.42
HD 10/20/21 Sink - $56.41
HD 10/20/21 Faucet - $80.03
Wallpaper - $49.08
HD bead-board - $52.98
HD Supplies - $48.27
Amazon Ceiling Medallion - $10.16
More Wallpaper - $33.08
Hardware Amazon Barn Door- $48.95
Hardware Amazon Shelving - $15.96
Keep in mind my bath was completely gutted when I started! I saved a lot of money doing this myself and thrifting items.
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karlajoyner · 4 years
Crush (Nick x Reader)
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A/n: Hey guys so it was brought to my attention and I also kinda noticed that my writing looks clustered as hell on tumblr cause I’m just not used to writing on it. So I’m gonna start typing my stories on Wattpad and transferring them onto tumblr cause it’s just easier for me since I’ve been writing on Wattpad for years. Let me know if it’s easier to read and if you guys would prefer it if I changed the rest of my previous imagines to this layout!
Requested by: Fallonburns (Wattpad)
Warnings: None I think. A kiss? I don’t know if you need to be warned about that. Okay bye!
As a member of the school dance committee it was part my job to push ideas and work out any kinks before a dance could happen. That included booking food, decorations, and of course entertainment.
"Come on y/n! Julie and her hologram band could totally blow the roof off this place and you know it" Flynn spoke as I walked down the hall towards my locker.
"Of course I know it Flynn and I know Julie would kill it but it's not my decision. Plus the dance is tomorrow. Who knows if Dinas gonna wanna add another entertainer for the night besides you?" I spoke to one of my longest friends.
"Well will you at least put in a good word?"
"I'll see what I can do" I said putting in my locker combination.
"Yes! Thank you"
Seconds later I groaned feeling my body particularly my head collide with the small metal door in a split second.
"Y/n!" I heard Flynn shout helping me regain my balance.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry" I heard a familiar voice making my heart rate pick up.
"Nick" I panted attempting to recover the air that was just knocked out of me.
"Y/n I didn't mean to really. Ethan threw the ball and I tried to catch it I-I'm sorry"
"It's cool. I'm totally fine" I attempted to play it off as I grabbed my binder from my locker.
"If totally fine means you've got a concussion then yeah you seem great" Flynn said making me scowl at her.
"Do you need to go to the nurse? I can walk you if you want" He said putting a hand on my head exactly where it had made contact with my locker door.
"Nick I'm fine really" I smiled removing his hand. I finally made eye contact with the boy who stood there smiling back at me. His beautiful blue eyes taking my breath away once more. Knocking out of the trance I glanced back at Flynn to see her eyeing me suspiciously.
“Are you sure?”
"Positive. I've gotta get to class. I'll see you later" I said pulling Flynn away from the scene in a hurry.
"Yeah, later" Nick called out to us as we continued down the hall.
"Seriously? Nick? What is it with that boy? I mean first Julie now you"
"Now me what? I don't like Nick. Julie likes Nick"
"Yeah if Nicks name started with L and rhymed with Duke" I looked at the girl in confusion.
"Nothing. Julie doesn't like Nick anymore but it seems you do and as one of your oldest friends I think it's my job to tell you to go for it"
"Last time you told me to go for something I ended up on the school dance committee. I have 500 balloons to blow up by tomorrow" I said walking towards Carrie and Kayla. Kayla sent me a smile earning a pointed look from Carrie.
"Kayla. Carrie. I hope to see you guys at the dance this Thursday" I spoke smiling at the two girls.
"Sounds interesting. But I'm busy with Nick. You know MY boyfriend" She said putting emphasis on the word my.
"Plus if Flynn's gonna DJ I just don't know if I'd make it through the night"
I put an arm in front of Flynn to hold her back before turning back to the two girls.
"Well take a flyer anyways just in case" I grinned taking one from the stack in my binder.
"Thanks" Kayla said taking the flyer out of my hands.
"I hope to see you there" I sent the two another fake smile before walking away with Flynn to our next class.
"How do you talk to her without going off on her?"
"Well for starters it takes a lot of patience. They don't say fake it til you make it for nothing" I giggled along with Flynn as she looped her arm around my own.
I strutted down the hall walking towards music room where I knew Flynn and Julie would be at this time excited to give them the news.
Suddenly I felt someone grab my arm and spin me around to face them.
“Oh Nick" I said looking up at the boy in front of me. A blush creeping onto my face as I noticed the intense look he was sending me.
"What's up?" I questioned cautiously.
"We're friends right?"
"Yeah of course why?"
"I need a favor"
"A favor? A favor like what?" I asked watching his gaze flicker to our right. I turned to see Carrie and the rest of dirty candy walking towards us.
Before I could process what came next my body collided with the cold metal lockers behind me as Nick pushed his lips onto mine.
I slowly melted into the kiss wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him closer. But he didn't seem to mind.
"Nick" Carries voice interrupted what had soon become a make out session. The boy in front of me pulled away first keeping his hands firmly on my waist.
"Oh Carrie. What do you want?"
"We need to talk"
"I'm a little busy here" He said tilting his head towards me.
"Well become unbusy"
"I would but we have nothing to talk about. I told you yesterday we're over and that's it"
"We're not over until I say we're over"
"I'd say your pretty over"
"Oh shut it y/n. I know this is fake because Nick would never like a girl like you. I mean look at yourself. Pathetic" She talked with anger evident in her voice.
"Don't talk to her like that" Nick spoke turning to stand in front of me.
“Nick it's fine. She's right"
"No she's not. I'd rather be with someone who's kind, gentle, and doesn't have the personality of a mountain lion" Nick said glaring at Carrie who stood there with a smirk.
"You'll be back Nicky. See you Friday at the dance" She said walking away her posse hot on her tail.
"Thanks for sticking up for me Nick. You didn't have to. And sorry if I wasn't believable enough"
"You were great. Amazing! And I'll always stick up for you. You know that" He said smiling down at me.
"I know. I'd just prefer it if every time we met you didn't push me against the lockers. They’re cold and made out of metal you know?" I joked making him chuckle.
"Yeah sorry about that. And I'm sorry for dragging you into this. It's just Carrie won't leave me alone"
"I kinda figured when you shoved your tongue down my throat" I giggled watching a cute grin form on his face.
"Yeah yeah. I didn't hear you complaining"
"Well I mean you're not the worst kisser" I said biting my lip watching him get flustered.
"I can do better than that. I was just under pressure"
"Then I guess you'll have to prove it to me later" I spoke confidently before turning around walking in the direction I was heading.
"Hey! Wait!" He called out after me. "Yeah?" I questioned turning around.
"Are you going to the dance?" He asked shoving his hands in his pocket
"Yeah I have to. I kinda helped planned it" I called back smiling at him.
"So I'll see you there"
"See you there" I spoke turning back around reaching the end of the hall.
I pushed open the doors to the band room open only to hear a loud thud.
"Flynn?" I questioned seeing the girl on the ground.
"Are you okay?" I asked helping her up
"She's fine" Someone else in the room spoke.
"Oh hey Julie" I grinned at the girl who sat at the piano.
"Hey y/n"
"So are you gonna explain to me why you were on the floor?"
"Sure just as soon as you explain to me why Nick had you pushed up against the lockers" My face fell in embarrassment as I looked at Julie in panic.
"Julie it's not-"
"It's okay y/n. I'm over him. I kinda moved onto someone else"
"Really. You have my blessing" She confirmed with a grin.
"Thanks. Now that that's over. You were spying on me weren't you?" I questioned turning to Flynn.
"Whaaat no. I would never"
"She was spying" Julie confirmed for me once more.
"Thought so. I'll explain everything later I came to find you guys cause I have great news" I grinned pulling out a flyer from my backpack.
"Performing at Thursday nights dance is Julie and her hologram band" I smiled showing Flynn the paper.
"Wait what?" Julie asked with a surprised look on her face.
"I haven't told her"
"You haven't told her?" I asked with an exasperated look knowing this was gonna be a long evening.
It was Thursday night and I was running around making sure everything was going according to plan.
“Hey how’s she doing?” I asked Flynn nervously biting my lip.
“Not good. Her band she can’t get a hold of them......literally” Flynn explained making me nod my head.
“It’s just it’s 11:20 already”
“I know but this means a lot to her”
“I understand. Just keep stalling with your amazing dj skills” I smiled giving the girl a thumbs up.
“Thanks y/n. You’ve been running around all night why don’t you take a break?”
“I can’t even if I wanted to”
“Come on! Look Nicks been staring at you all night. If you pull him on the dance floor I’ll play something smooth. Something slow” She smirked at me bumping my shoulder.
“No you will not” I warned the girl. Looking over to the blonde boy who was evidently looking our way. Looking at me. He sent me a smile to which I smiled back at.
“Try me” She said making me playfully roll my eyes.
“I’ve gotta go” I spoke watching Daisy at the punch table wave me over.
“Duty calls” Flynn said before I walked away.
“What’s wrong?” I asked the brunette reaching the table on the far end of the gym.
“I’ve gotta go to the bathroom can you serve punch for like 5 minutes”
“Sure” I smiled moving behind the table taking the apron out of her hands. I threw it over my neck attempting to tie it from the back.
“I’ve got it” Someone spoke from behind me taking the strings away and tying them in a perfect knot.
“Nick. Thank you” I simpered at the boy who moved around the table to stand in front of me.
“No problem. I’m glad I finally got you alone. You look great by the way”
“I know this apron is pretty great huh?” I toyed with the boy.
“You can make anything look good”
“I try. Punch?” I asked holding up a plastic cup.
“Please” I quickly served him a cup handing it over to him.
“Thanks. You did amazing with this whole dance”
“Yeah well Dina wanted it to be perfect since it’s our first dance of the year”
“Dina did not disappoint. Neither did you of course. Promise you’ll save me a dance” He asked my cheeks heating up.
Abruptly I felt a tap on my shoulder to see Daisy was back. I handed her back the apron before moving around the table where Nick was.
“Or we could dance now?” I suggested watching him put his cup down.
“Sounds good m’lady” He spoke sticking his hand out for me. I giggled taking it and letting him sweep me towards the dance floor.
I laughed along with him as he began to dance goofily to the music purposely.
“You have an amazing laugh”
“Nick if you don’t stop complimenting me it’s gonna look like I put on 10 pounds of blush by the end of the night”
“Well you don’t need makeup you know”
“That’s what all guys say until they see what you really look like”
“Well you’ve always been naturally beautiful. Even in 8th grade when you wore no makeup at all”
“Don’t remind me I looked terrible”
“Not to me you didn’t” He said looking into my eyes. For a split moment the world around us stopped moving and it felt like we were the only ones in the room.
At least until I felt someone bump into me pushing me forward into the boy.
“I’m so sorry” I said realizing his hands had caught my body.
“It’s cool are you okay?” He asked.
“Yeah y/n are you okay?” A familiar voice asked from behind me.
I turned around to come face to face with Carrie who stood there with a devilish look in her eye.
“I’m fine”
“Oh how unfortunate. You know I didn’t see you as the dancing type. You’ve always had two left feet”
“Leave her alone Carrie” Nick spoke attempting to move forward. I put my arm up to hold him back.
“No Nick it’s ok she’s not worth my time or yours”
“Whatever. This dance is lame anyways”
“Then maybe go home”
“I will. Nick care to join me?” She smirked dangling her plastic cup in her hands.
“No I’m having a good time here” Nick spoke intertwining his hand with mine. I looked down slightly smiling at the gesture.
“Wow. Fine have fun.......with her” Carrie said moving to pass by me.
I suddenly gasped feeling a cold sensation hit my body.
“Oops sorry” The witch spoke before walking away.
“What’s her problem?” I asked ready to go after her only to be held back.
“Hey, you said it yourself. She’s not worth our time” Nick whispered holding me by my shoulders.
“Your right. I don’t even think it’s worth trying to clean this up” I said pointing out the red stain on the side of my dress.
“Here. It isn’t exactly cute but it’ll help cover up the stain” He said putting his jean jacket over my shoulders.
“It’s perfect. Thanks Nick. For everything”
“This is one of the last few songs of the night. Dedicated to a very special friend of mine so grab your partners close and tell HIM or her how you feel” Flynn’s voice rang through the gym speakers.
A slow song beginning to play throughout the gym. Couples beginning to form on the dance floor.
I looked up at the girl on the stage to see her send me a quick wink. Playfully rolling my eyes I looked back at the boy in front of me, his hand lingering in the air.
“Can I have this dance?”
“Of course” I grinned taking it. Allowing him to pull me close.
We swayed side to side along to music with smiles plastered on our faces.
“You know I never thought I’d finally get here”
“Finally?” I asked pulling away looking up at him.
“Guess it’s now or never huh? Okay. Y/n I’ve had a crush on you for the longest time. So long Carrie started to notice. After she found out I rammed you into the lockers the other day she went crazy”
“Really? She was that jealous”
“Insanely. But after I talked to you that day I realized this crush wasn’t going anywhere”
“You know I’m really glad to hear you say that Nick cause I feel the same way”
“That’s good. Because I can finally prove you so wrong” He smirked leaning down and pulling me into a passionate kiss. The first (technically second) one of the many that were yet to come.
Up next: Jeremy Shada x Reader
Charlie Gillespie x Reader (Smut)
Owen Patrick Joyner x Reader
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