#so. idk. maybe I’m allergic to migraine preventatives jdbdbdkd
bonnie-bug · 2 years
pro to my new migraine preventative injection med: I’ve only had like half a migraine since the beginning of april and i think that’s just bc it was way too fuckin hot the day before. I was getting them like 2x a week previously so that’s very good news
con 1 of my new migraine preventative injection med: it’s an injection and I hate needles
con 2 of my new migraine preventative injection med and the one that’s actually worse than needles: apparently it gives me a VERY strong injection site reaction. I look like I was bit by the world’s largest mosquito. there’s a red swollen patch on my arm like 2.5 inches long and looks exactly like a massive bug bite. and it ITCHES
#I’ve been putting on benadryl cream but I dont think it’s helping :(#I’ll try uh. a benadryl pill next I guess kdbdbdk#my neurologist actually suggested using the benadryl cream for 2 days beforehand but I forgot until the night before the injection day#to yknow. actually buy it jdbdvdk so I only did it for roughly a day beforehand but. I dont think it helped either :(#or oh god maybe it did. maybe my whole upper arm mightve been swollen like a backwards buff bicep without it#anyway I’m gonna call my doc on monday and be like hiiiii carol babe I know I keep calling for different shit#but my reaction to this med keeps getting worse is it gonna give me anaphylaxis next time ? ❤️#which. yknow. I really hope it doesnt. not just bc anaphylaxis bad but my next shot is like 4 days before we leave for canada#for uh. my grandpa’s funeral kdbdbsk SO#it IS very annoying that this is happening tho. bc other than this the med is working perfectly!!!#even better than we expexted it to tbh it’s supposed to reach full effectivity in 6 months of doses#and I’d immediately dropped to 0 migraines from the very first shot#so. I dont rly want to have to change meds even if it Does involve a monthly injection#weirdly enough my last med also made me itchy with a heightened histamine response#but that was whenever I itched myself it’d puff and raise up like a long bug bite#which then became itchy which made me scratch which made it worse which made me scratch etc etc#so. idk. maybe I’m allergic to migraine preventatives jdbdbdkd#cuz like there’s really not much the same between the two?#I think they maybe targeted the same area. cuz theres a nerve that causes a lot of migraines blah blah blah inhibit it for no more pain#but my old med was in pills and this new one. obviously is an injection. so?????#idk. I’ll just ask my doc what’s up and if I should be concerned kdbdbdk#the bon speaks
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