#so... Georgiana does not exist? oop
lululawrence · 5 years
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2014/2015 Fics Written by lululawrence
Master Fic Masterpost / Buy me a Coffee?
All I Need is Oxygen (and You) (12k)
There are only two ways to navigate Bloomfield High School: become popular or make yourself invisible.
With the help of his best mate Niall, Harry’s introduction to high school hadn’t been half bad. Despite being a “bandie” – the lowest of the low in the ancient hierarchy of high school –Harry had somehow managed to survive freshman year relatively unscathed. So naturally, Harry would have been perfectly happy to resume his position of invisible trombone player number four for the remainder of high school. But one day something drastic happened, something that would change the course of Harry’s entire existence (probably).
It was the last football game of his freshman year, and the band was back in the stands after performing a rousing rendition of Bloomfield’s alma mater during half time. Harry was gracelessly wiping the slobber from the mouthpiece of his trombone when he saw him.
Louis Tomlinson.
Or...a High School AU where Harry is a bandie and Louis is the epitome of cool, so naturally, Harry must find a way to get his attention and win his affections.
This Ain't Just a Thing That You Give Up (35k)
Harry turned to Liam to whisper something about not being in Kansas anymore but his best friend was frozen to his spot with a look of complete disbelief on his face. Harry looked to his right, the direction Liam seemed to be focused on, and saw a small group of people who had paused their discussion to look towards him in confusion.
A small group including Zayn Malik and Louis Tomlinson.
Harry is fairly sure his jaw actually dropped.
"Li, is that...?"
Liam nods his head emphatically. "I'm about 110% sure that yes. It is."
The one where Harry is a baker in addition to being a college student who just happens to meet the crazy famous Louis Tomlinson while on spring break. Featuring personal assistant!niall, roommate and best friend!liam, and costar/model!zayn.
Meet Cute Ficlets (6k)
Everything is Gonna Be Alright (2k)
Louis was just expecting another boring game of basketball with his best friend, but when a man with crazy curls sits next to him, everything changes.
If You Find Yourself Here (2k)
Harry accidentally wanders into Louis' apartment.
They've never met.
Cause It’s You (That I’m Running To) (2k)
Harry did not have the best of nights last night, and this morning doesn't seem to be improving much. Until it does.
So Deep In Your Eyes (10k)
Harry finally looked up at Louis and unleashed his dimples.
He really needed to stop doing that, especially if Louis had any hope of functioning properly the rest of the night.
Harry then reached up and grabbed Louis’ hand, giving it a bit of a squeeze. The zip that went through Louis at the touch of his skin was completely unexpected and released the nervous butterflies he had thought were no longer in existence inside of him. How was it that this boy who was so much younger than him was able to create these feelings?
Harry must have read some of the emotion on Louis’ face, because his dimples got even deeper as his smile grew and he simply said, “I’m glad you are with me.”
Finally conjuring a weak smile, Louis whispered, “Me, too.”
Come Back to Me (1k) - Part one of The Long Way Home series
Louis left 5 months, 4 days, and 13 hours ago.
Against His Better Judgement (35k)
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.
Or a husband. Whatever.
The modern Pride and Prejudice AU starring Louis as Elizabeth Bennett, Harry as Mr Darcy, Zayn as Jane/Charlotte, Liam as Mr Bingley, Gemma as Georgiana, and Niall as.....well...Niall.
I Want to Live, Not Merely Survive (5k)
Harry had finally convinced Louis to go up to bed, but Louis merely tossed and turned for hours. In his sleep, Harry eventually curled himself up behind Louis, resting his hand on his stomach. Louis allowed himself to lean back into Harry's chest and worked to make his breaths match Harry's deep ones.
Feeling Harry so close behind him made Louis' mind finally drift elsewhere. Rather than the now, he was thinking about their future. Their shared future. The one that was, as of tomorrow, no longer a dream but an honest to God reality.
Winding Roads (1k) - Part two of The Long Way Home series
Louis left 5 months, 4 days, and 13 hours ago. Maybe it was finally time to go back.
You Can Call Me Your Fool (2k)
Yes, Harry was unconventional, but as soon as he flashed his smile at you and began to ask about your family, hopes, and dreams he had you. There was no way out now. You were going to come out of it a lifelong member of the Harry Styles fan club.
Paul was no exception, really, but even after seven years of being a member of the club, he had never met Harry's boyfriend.
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mimicofmodes · 5 years
Sanditon, episode 6 part ii
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“I hardly know what to think [...] about anything,” says Charlotte. “I have always felt so certain of my judgement, but now I see that I have been blinded by sentiment and naivety.” 
This feels like an intended parallel to Elizabeth Bennet (and remember, a brown sleeveless gown with a white shirt was a fairly iconic costume from the 2005 adaptation) realizing that she was wrong about Mssrs Wickham and Darcy, but honestly, it doesn’t feel anywhere near as deserved. She never thought Sidney was the type to not care about his ward being abducted, and she still doesn’t think Otis is bad. How was she blinded?
Tom now tells her the story of Eliza, a young woman Sidney loved who passed him over for an older and wealthier man, which caused him to descend into drinking, gambling, etc. until Tom paid his debts and sent him to Antigua - and we know from the earlier conversation between the Parker brothers that in Antigua he was helped out by Georgiana’s father. This is definitely an allusion to Sense and Sensibility, Colonel Brandon’s sad backstory where his father made the wealthy family ward, Eliza, marry his brother; she “fell” and was divorced, which was a social death in gentry circles, and he took on the care of her daughter. Here Sidney doesn’t marry his Eliza for money reasons and also gets his own ward at the end of the deal. But it’s both less sad and less heroic than the original, and it lays his personality problems at the feet of a woman instead of giving him responsibility for his choices in response.
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Sid does allow Otis and Georgiana to meet, which is better of him than I might have expected. Otis’s apology is heartfelt, but Georgiana feels that what happened is more important than his intentions. Where did her and Charlotte’s clothes come from? They didn’t appear to bring any with them. Charlotte catches Otis on his way out and finds that Sidney has paid his debts (another Pride and Prejudice parallel).
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Clara ups her demand to 25% of the inheritance, which Edward doesn’t really fight her on. She then makes it clear that she knows about Edward/Esther to justify it, and he pretends not to know what she means but not very convincingly. 
Babington brings Tom an invitation to a rout (Regency parties are always routs) so he can spread the word of his regatta, and asks Charlotte to come as well, but she demurs.
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Edward lies to Esther, saying that he couldn’t find the will and doubts it exists. Now that she’s back on Team Denham with no apparent thoughts of Babington, she’s wearing her signature red again. She never wants to hear about Clara Brereton again, but Edward seems not so sure, looking up as he kisses her forehead.
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Sidney offers the invitation to Charlotte again, and says that he paid Otis’s debts because “a good man shouldn’t be condemned for making one terrible mistake.” Wow, quite a turnaround! Charlotte offers him an apology for accusing him of “the worst sort of prejudice,” which is not exactly accurate to the period - racism was hardly considered the worst prejudice in the early nineteenth century. But in the viewers’ eyes, yes, it’s fair, so we can look at it as a metatextual apology. And Sidney apologizes for underestimating her, which is also good. (In the sense that it’s good for his character. In terms of what it does to Charlotte/Stringer, it’s obviously a catastrophe.)
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Charlotte gets a proper heroine’s Walk Down The Stairs In A Gown moment, and I am dying because this gown is so wonderful! For about 1822, but we’ve already established that it’s okay for 1820s stuff to be involved because I really like it! The neckline is too low, but that’s okay too!
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Tom isn’t doing well but he’s really got the spirit,
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Charlotte goes to apologize for being too headstrong and opinionated, but Sidney tells her she’s fine as she is. Brb, crying over my sinking ship again. Sidney is called away by Tom and replaced by Babington, who is clearly sad about Esther, asking if it’s possible for a woman’s feelings about a man to do a 180 in a single day. She looks at Sid, realizes that that is in fact the case, and excuses herself without answering.
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Look at that gown!! The decorated and stiffened hem is in particular a late 1810s-1820s thing, so you don’t tend to see it in most Regency dramas.
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Charlotte comes across a motherly woman, Susan, reading in a corner and spills her guts about everything that’s been happening. “It sounds to me as if you’re in love with him,” Susan says when Charlotte explains her confusing feelings. Nooooooooooooo! (But I also don’t like the message that being angry at someone means love ... ) Sidney comes in and asks her to dance. Um, who is Susan? Why did we just meet a new character solely to explain Charlotte’s feelings?
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They proceed to do the slowest dance I have ever seen in a Regency production, with the couples spaced very far apart down the line. The movements are all accurate, but done about 4x as slow as they should be, until it suddenly turns into a waltz hold, and then it’s still slow but not accurate steps either. I don’t like this at all, shipping aside. (For real!) I’ll admit that my knowledge of Regency dance is not academic and maybe I’ve been fooled by inaccurate reconstructions that I’ve been taught, but it feels Wrong.
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Tom takes Charlotte’s next dance (which is relatively more accurate), and Sidney catches sight of a woman who is probably Eliza across the room. Look at those sleeves! Very Gothic. Tom seems to be dropping hints that Sidney’s in love with her, but oops! He just meant the newly widowed Eliza Campion. (I don’t think putting her in red and Charlotte in gold is accidental color-coding.) Charlotte’s left watching Sidney happily chat with Eliza as the dancers begin to whirl around her on the floor.
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