marahuyos · 6 months
Hi! You wouldn't happen to be the wroter of the persona fic Start Of a New Fool would you? If so, may I ask if you ever intend to finish it? I am reading it currently and I adore how you have written Izanami and Jiraya!❤️
This is such an awkward post for the new year NAUSHHSBSHS but i honestly had no plans on continuing SOANF for the longest time because of me having not much of a fixation towards the game anymore + other irl responsibilities
Thank you for coming from my old blog/ao3 to tell me about this! Im sorry that this would disappoint you but the months have been violent on me JNSNSNS
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snowpeawritings · 4 years
15. The Priestess
Philemon seems to enjoy seeing his Wild Cards live on with their lives…
Persona 4 Golden X FeMC!Reader
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05/16/MON-After School | Yasogami High
“It was definitely Kanji Tatsumi. No doubt about it.”
The Midnight Channel had brought your team another sense of unease. The silhouette of the delinquent was still fresh in your mind. Even after the event where he saved you and Nanako from that creep, his ruthlessness and anger shown on TV and in the Midnight Channel still scared you.
“It would be difficult to warn a man such as he.” Izanami stated, crossing her arms. “The results could even lead to physical violence.”
Tomoe nodded towards her. “A feckless youth like he is bound to get violent when he sees us. If only I was corporeal I would have taught this runt a lesson.”
Jiraiya scoffed at her. “Bold words.”
“Anyway,” Chie interrupted, “he’s really scary, isn’t he? Did you see the news the other day?”
“Yeah, I saw it.” Yosuke replied.
“You mean the special on biker gangs?” Yukiko said. “I saw it, too.”
She then looked down. “She wasn’t like that when he was younger, though…”
When she said that, you all turned to her, surprise clearly written on each of your faces.
Chie was the first to break the silence. “You know him, Yukiko?”
She nodded at her. “Uh-huh, but we haven’t talked to each other in a long time. His family runs a textile shop, and we’ve been a customer of theirs for many years. So I speak with Kanji-kun’s mother from time to time.”
The memory of Kanji saving you and Nanako from that creep resurfaced. You looked over to Izanami and thankfully she understood your wary glance.
Yukiko continued. “Why don’t we go there now? We might be able to talk to him in person.”
“I agree.” Chie said. “Besides, we can ask if anything strange happened too.”
Konohana shivered. “Do you think he’ll murder us when he sees us?!”
Chie slumped. “I’m sure he’ll only murder us. Besides, he probably won’t hurt us inside his own home.”
“Then it’s settled.” Yosuke said in finality. “We’ll go there right now.”
He turned his head to you, looking for confirmation. You nodded.
“If all else fails,” Chie continued, “we hope that our Personas can clobber him using textiles!”
The rest of you except Tomoe (who looked proud) looked at her in shock.
05/16/MON-After School | Tatsumi Textile Shop
The textile shop was an old Japanese building, complete with paper sliding doors and tatami mats. The numerous textiles that were displayed all range from colorful patterns to normal colors. To you, it wasn’t anything special. But for the female Personas, they were ecstatic. Immediately as soon as you entered the shop, Izanami, Konohana Sakuya and even Tomoe made a beeline towards the numerous textiles being displayed. It was painful to have all of you keep your emotions in check when they attempted to pick them up. Even Chie had to choke back a scream when Tomoe picked up a yellow-colored textile.
Trying to keep your expression back to normal, you looked at the woman who attended the shop, only to see someone else talk to her.
The boy was wearing all blue, with a blue cap atop his head with blue hair peeking from below. His blue coat and plaid pants stood out from your uniforms as he turned to see your group. He only gave a little nod as he walked past your group.
“What’s up with him?” Yosuke asked as soon as he was out of the store.
Chie only shrugged. “I dunno.”
“Yuki-chan!” The older woman gasped. Your group immediately turned to her. She was an old woman but she still seemed youthful at heart, wearing a traditional kimono and sitting near the textiles. Immediately you have to bite back a scream when Izanami picked up a piece that was dangerously close to Kanji’s mother.
As calmly as you could, you and the group asked what you needed from the woman. Yukiko tried her best not to worry her by mincing her words but it would ultimately lead to Kanji being pictured as a rebel punk. You thought that this would warrant enough attention for your Personas to be brought back to normal but you see Izanami and Konohana dress Tomoe up in a scarf. At that point, you just gave up.
Speaking of Personas, Jiraiya was the only one who wasn’t as excited as the others. Instead, he looks at the textiles boredly, lingering his stare on the women for a little while before moving on. He notices a scarf hanging near them and he immediately floats over to it. Without thinking, he decided to grab it outright and wear it around his neck. Red did always suited him well and combined with the white butterflies? He wasn’t an insect person but he had to admit the patterns looked so nice on him.
He sauntered to Yosuke, who was away from the group. “Hey, I look good in this, yeah?”
At first, it didn’t register with him. But when he realized it, he gasped and glared at Jiraiya. “Dude! You can’t just wear that thing when one of us isn’t a Persona user!” He whisper-yelled, not wanting to draw attention to him. Still, he decided to humor the frog and looked at the scarf. In that moment, he felt a sense of deja vu.
“This scarf…” He muttered. “Hey, Chie, c’mere a sec.”
The girl turned to him and gasped at the sight of Jiraiya wearing one of the scarves of the store. She hurried to them and dragged Jiraiya down by his scarf so it wouldn’t be obvious.
“The hell is wrong with you?!” She whisper-screamed at him. “Are you trying to cause her a heart attack?!”
“You can pummel him later, Chie.” Yosuke intervened. “But look at the scarf he’s wearing.”
Ignoring Jiraiya’s choking, she looked at the scarf. Like Yosuke, it brought her a sense of deja vu until it hit her. “We saw this inside the TV!”
At that moment, you and Yukiko turned to the two. Jiraiya was down on the ground, trying to catch his breath while Yosuke and Chie sheepishly held the scarf in their hands.
“Oh?” The woman asked them. “Do you want to buy that scarf?”
Yosuke tried to ignore your glare. “No but um… Did Ms. Yamano happen to have a scarf like this?”
The woman tilted her head. “Ms. Yamano? Why yes. It was a special order she placed.”
The team’s eyes widened. Chie took the time to return the scarf where it belonged as the woman continued her story. “She actually ordered a pair, but in the end, she said she only wanted the women’s scarf. It left us with no choice but to sell this one separately.”
Izanami, Konohana, and Tomoe were still blissfully trying out the textiles.
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“… How the hell did you three manage to scrape by with some scarves?”
You stared aghast at the female Personas-each sporting a scarf that matched their clothes and tied to where they liked it: Izanami wearing a black and yellow scarf that replaces her usual white neck scarf beneath her coat, Tomoe with a green scarf that matched Chie’s jacket wrapped around her bicep, and Konohana with a red scarf with pink petals wrapped around her neck.
“Don’t worry!” Konohana said to you. “Izanami managed to get money from you to pay the scarves!”
“She did what.”
Your Persona chuckled when you sent her a death glare. “Consider this as a gift for us women.”
Yosuke said your name. “You can strangle Izanami later but we need to reconsider this entire case.”
The adrenaline from running away from Kanji after hearing his dilemma on going to school after a long time still thrummed within you but you calmed yourself down. “Okay… Let’s figure this out one more time.”
He nodded. “Remember the common points we were talking about? His mom fits the pattern. She’s a woman, and she knew Ms. Yamano. But it was her son who appeared on TV… So what does that mean?”
You pondered for a moment. “Kanji is definitely the target. The Midnight Channel wouldn’t lie.”
Yukiko nodded at you. “That’s right. Maybe it’s similar to my case because of my mother. She fits the criteria more than me yet I was the one targeted.” “Does that mean it’ll be the kid again instead of the mother?” Chie asked. “But if that’s true, then the killer’s motive makes no sense at all. It’d have nothing to do with silencing witnesses or revenge or anything.”
“Y’think we’re on the wrong track?” Yosuke questioned. “Maybe even the first case had nothing to do with grudges or revenge. Or is there some kind of secret in the textile shop itself…?”
“Unlikely.” Jiraiya piped up from behind Yosuke.
“Oh, you’re alive.”
“Can it, woman. Anyway, I did a whole check around the building. I can confirm there’s no hidden passageways or traps or anything in that building.”
“How do you know that?” Yosuke asked him incredulously.
“Dude,” Jiraiya tested the word and you had to bite back a laugh on how uncomfortable he looks. “I am a ninja. The greatest ninja, might I add. I searched the damn place like a madman. I can confirm there’s nothing wrong with the store.”
Yukiko hummed. “Either way, we can’t just ignore it.”
Tomoe spoke up. “Didn’t we hear that runt talk with the hat-wearing boy? Maybe we’ll find our answers there.”
“Oh yeah!” Yosuke said. “It’s his first time going to school after the new year. It would be really suspicious if he just showed up at school out of nowhere.”
“Then it’s settled.” Izanami stated. “We’ll intercept Kanji Tatsumi after school and see where that takes us.”
The idea sounds good enough. But with two loudmouths on your team, you were sure this stakeout would become a disaster.
Chie practically vibrated where she stood. “A stakeout? Oh, I’m excited!”
“Don’t get too excited.” You chided her. “We need to be quiet if we want to get answers.”
You looked at the team, seeing that they’re all in agreement with the plan. “Let’s rest up. We have a big day ahead of us and there’s no telling what’s in store.”
They all nodded. All of you were ready to figure out the case.
05/17/TUE-After School | Tatsumi Textile Shop
Underneath the torii gate by the shrine, you waited patiently for Yukiko to come back. Your foot tapped idly against the concrete, your eyes watching the shop but occasionally fleeting over to Izanami. Her clawed fingers kept fiddling with her new scarf and despite the mask, she looked happy wearing it.
You’ve elected to ignore the hole in your wallet (both metaphorically and physically). “You seem happy wearing that.”
She stopped her fiddling and looked at you. “I am. It’s not often I get to have a luxury such as this.”
Your mind thought back to her memories as a goddess. She clearly was not the real goddess that you’ve read and yet she retains memories of the real one. Hell, even Jiraiya said he had memories of him being a ninja and Tomoe saying that she was in war once. If they’re having deja vu being important figures of Shinto lore, then it doesn’t make sense that they’re here under your beck and call.
Remembering what you’ve read, you decided to ask her. “Izanagi doesn’t bring you gifts?”
She flinched. You watched her with widened eyes. “Did I say something wrong?”
Izanami clutched her scarf and you feared her fingers would leave holes. “It’s-It’s nothing. Just… When you said that name I-I felt so… scared. Yet so angry I…”
Your arm raised up awkwardly, wanting to comfort her but before you could, Yukiko and Konohana came back with drinks. You turned to her and Izanami composed herself like she didn’t have a breakdown.
You have to bring this up one day.
“Here.” Yukiko said, handing you the drink that you wanted. Grabbing it, you thanked her as you uncapped it.
She looked at the shop. “Nothing seems to be happening, which is good. Though we can’t be too comfortable.”
Konohana visibly shook. “You think the killer will come by?”
Izanami comforted her by placing a hand on her shoulder. “If they do, I’m here to protect you.”
“We’re here to protect you two.” You corrected, giving Izanami a side-eye glance. “Don’t worry too much.”
Yukiko blushed lightly. “Th-Thanks… I’m counting on you two.”
She looked back at the store then looked down at her drink. “It would be scary if they did show up… But I’ll do what I can if they do. You all saved my life… I don’t want to be the only one doing nothing.”
You said nothing, not wanting to break her spiel. As if she realized that, she jumped up from her stupor. “Oh! I’ve been rambling again, aren’t I? I’m sorry, I’m just so nervous…”
Without thinking, you punched her shoulder lightly. “Don’t worry about it for the last time, Yukiko. You and Konohana are a valuable asset to the team just like any of us. Don’t start belittling yourself because of what happened in the TV World.”
From your words, you can see the immediate effect. Both Yukiko and Konohana’s eyes shined at your praise and you inwardly gulped. Is this what Jiraiya meant?
“I… Thank you,” Yukiko said your name, “it’s strange. Normally, I’m so confident when talking to other girls and yet… You make me feel like I can do anything. No wonder I’m having so much fun hanging out with you, Chie and Yosuke.”
Thou art I… And I am thou
Thou hast established a new bond…
It brings thee closer to the truth…
Thou shalt be blessed when creating Personas of the Priestess Arcana…
Persona Time
“… You two are ridiculous.”
Tomoe said dryly, looking at her master and Yosuke hiding behind a tree as they scouted Kanji and the mystery boy. If she was alive, she would’ve felt her soul leave her body from how absolutely cringe it was to see them huddle behind a goddamn tree like they were reenacting a comedy skit in a play.
“I don’t know Tomoe,” Jiraiya said, leaning his elbow on her shoulder, “maybe he likes it-”
The pained yelp didn’t deter the teens who were still watching Kanji. Despite that, Yosuke sighed and removed himself away from Chie. “This is ridiculous… Some stakeout this is…”
Chie got up from the ground and placed her hands on her hips. “You think the others are having any luck?”
He shrugged. “If the killer does show up there, then…”
He trailed off, thinking about what he was about to say. If the killer did show up, then…
He suddenly had an itch on his leg. Like he was about to hightail it out of the park and sprint towards the textile store. But he held it back down, for your sake. He knew you were tough, you can make it out of there, right?
“Hey, earth to Yosuke.” Chie said, snapping her fingers to shake him out of his daze. “What’s gotten into you?”
“Huh?!” He stammered, feeling that his face warmed all of a sudden. “N-Nothing! Besides, pipe down, we’re on a stakeout!”
She was taken aback by his voice and scoffed. “Geez, it’s not like we’re close to them or anything. Besides, I wanna ask a question.”
He crossed his arms, not liking where this is going. “Go ahead.”
“How are you with ____?” She asked innocently. “You two are closer than the last time I saw you two.”
He immediately choked and averted his eyes from her questioning gaze. His hand flew to his face to cover the blush as he tried to come up with a response. “Chie! Wh-Where did that come from?!”
“Like I don’t see you going ‘partner this’ ‘partner that’ everytime we go inside the TV World! I swear, I feel like there’s something going on between the two of you that I don’t get!”
He choked once more but before he could respond, Jiraiya swooped in the middle and shoved Yosuke away. “Oh, green lady, the amount of times that Yosuke is hopelessly pining for ____! It’s disgusting really, but I don’t blame him one bit with that body!”
“Jiraiya/Frog!” Both Yosuke and Tomoe exclaimed, one in embarrassment and one in anger.
Chie laughed triumphantly. “So there is something going on! Oh man, I wonder how she’s gonna reject you like Yukiko did with you!”
“R-Rejection already?!” Yosuke screamed. The word felt heavy in his heart but he covered it up as much as he could. “Now you listen here–”
“Hey!” A voice called out. Immediately they could feel fear grip their hearts. “The hell are you two doin’ there?!”
Sad to say, the mission failed.
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muabannhadatquan7 · 3 years
CẦN BÁN GẤP NHÀ HXH, TRẦN XUÂN SOẠN,F. TÂN HƯNG, QUẬN 7 - 3 TẦNG, 88M2 GIÁ CHỈ 7,99 TỶ Cần bán gấp nhà , khu vực sầm uất nhiều tòa nhà văn phòng cho thuê. QUẬN 7 - 5 PHÚT QUA QUẬN 1 - DIỆN TÍCH KHỦNG 88M2 CÔNG NHẬN ĐỦ - HẺM XE HƠI SÁT MẶT TIỀN ĐƯỜNG - SỔ NỞ HẬU CỰC ĐẸP. +Vị trí gần mặt tiền, phù hợp ở, mở văn phòng công ty. Gần chợ Tân Quy, siêu thị Coopfood, Bách Hoá xanh, trường học các cấp. Gần Khu Him LAm, siêu thị Lotte, chỉ mất 5 phút qua quận 1. +Kết cấu: 1 trệt, 2 lầu, đúc BTCT cực kỳ kiên cố. 5PN, 4WC, 2 phòng bếp. phòng khách rộng. Tầng nào cũng có ban công, có giếng trời thoáng mát. +Hẻm xe hơi, hẻm thông. Hiện tại chủ đang cho thuê hợp đồng 15 triệu/ tháng. + Sổ nở hậu cực đẹp, hoàn công đủ, pháp lý chuẩn công chứng ngay trong ngày. Diện tích: 4m x 22m nở hậu khủng, công nhận đủ 88m2. KHÔNG LỘ GIỚI Giá chào chỉ: 7,99 tỷ còn thương lượng. CAM KẾT NHÀ THẬT GIÁ THẬT Liên hệ: NHẬT KHÔI. Q7.22 - Chuyên nhà phố Nam Sài Gòn. - Hỗ trợ vay ngân hàng, tư vấn xây dựng, pháp lý mua bán nhà đất miễn phí. - Nhận ký gởi bán nhanh nhà đất - Xin lỗi không tiếp môi giới và báo chí
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#MuabannhadatQuan7 #NhadatCafeland source https://nhadat.cafeland.vn/can-ban-gap-nha-hxh-tran-xuan-soanf-tan-hung-quan-7-3-tang-88m2-gia-chi-799-ty-2020137.html
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gelasssoek · 3 years
Mutton yakhni pulao. Yakhni Pulao is a flavorsome dish of rice and meat. It is not difficult to make just a correct recipe is required. The below recipe has an authentic taste.
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What is Lamb/ Mutton Yakhni Pulao? 'Yakhni' mean bone broth while 'Pulao' is a aromatic rice dish. Aroma in pulao is attributed to whole spices, kept in a spice bag or sachet d'épices. With the distinctive flavor of spices and the savory aroma coming off from the succulent Mutton and the long-grain rice, this Mutton Yakhni Pulao recipe is the perfect dish for your next feast at home.
Hey everyone, it's me again, Dan, welcome to my recipe site. Today, we're going to prepare a special dish, mutton yakhni pulao. One of my favorites. This time, I'm gonna make it a little bit tasty. This is gonna smell and look delicious.
Yakhni Pulao is a flavorsome dish of rice and meat. It is not difficult to make just a correct recipe is required. The below recipe has an authentic taste.
Mutton yakhni pulao is one of the most favored of current trending foods in the world. It is appreciated by millions every day. It's simple, it's quick, it tastes yummy. They are fine and they look fantastic. Mutton yakhni pulao is something that I've loved my whole life.
To get started with this particular recipe, we must first prepare a few components. You can have mutton yakhni pulao using 27 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you cook it.
The ingredients needed to make Mutton yakhni pulao:
{Take 1 kg of Mutton mix botian.
{Get 750 gm of basmati rice.
{Get of For yakhni.
{Take 1 of onion whole.
{Get 1 tbsp of ginger garlic paste.
{Take 2 tbsp of fennel seeds(soanf).
{Take 2 tbsp of coriander seeds(sabit dhania).
{Prepare 2 of star anise.
{Make ready 4 of green cardamom.
{Make ready 2 of big cardamom.
{Make ready 1 tbsp of cumin seeds.
{Prepare 1 tsp of black pepper corn.
{Take 4 of cloves.
{Take 1 piece of cinnamon stick.
{Take 2 of bay leaves.
{Make ready 1 tbsp of Salt.
{Prepare 4-6 of green chillies.
{Make ready of For gravy.
{Prepare 1 tsp of Black cumin seeds.
{Get 1 tbsp of ginger garlic paste.
{Take 1 tsp of fennel seeds powder.
{Take 1 tsp of Black pepper powder.
{Take 1 tbsp of green chilli paste.
{Make ready 1 cup of yogurt.
{Take 1/2 of fried onion.
{Make ready to taste of Salt.
{Prepare 1/2 cup of cooking oil or ghee.
Mutton Yakhni Pulao Recipe, Learn how to make Mutton Yakhni Pulao (absolutely This Mutton Yakhni Pulao recipe is Excellent and find more Great recipes, tried & tested recipes from NDTV Food. Delicious Mutton Yakhni Pulao is ready to serve. Ad yakhni shamil karke boil karain aur chawal shamil kar lain. Fry the onions till golden, remove and set aside.
Steps to make Mutton yakhni pulao:
Wash the meat,put spices at one place.
In a muslin cloth tie the coriander and fennel seeds together to make a spice bag..
Put altogether with meat and 8 cup of water and cook for 1-1/2 hour until meat get tender..
Now take out meat from yakhni and strain the yakhni.keep aside..
For gravy heat ghee in pot add Black cumin and ginger garlic paste,add cooked meat and fry well.
Now add yogurt,green chilli paste,black pepper powder,salt,fennel seed powder and fry for 3 to 4 mints.
Now add prepared yakhni according to your rice,bring it to boil,now add soaked rice in it and mix it and cook it till the rice are 3/4 cooked and water is dried..
Add fried onion and put a lid on it and put it on dum for 10 to 15 mints on very low flame..
Serve it hot with achar and salad.
How to make White Yakhni Mutton Pulao Recipe at Home. Mutton Yakhni Pulao Recipe by Cooking with Asifa Beef yakhni pulao recipe is a rice dish made by. Mutton Yakhni Pulao Urdu Recipe, Step by step instructions of the recipe in Urdu and English, easy ingredients, calories, preparation time, serving and videos in Urdu cooking. Mutton Yakhni Pulao is an easy aromatic rice and meat dish that takes little to no effort. Pulao (aka pilaf), is a meat and rice dish commonly cooked in Central Asian, South Asian and/or Middle Eastern. + Yakhni Pulao Recipe: Our easy-to-follow mutton yakhni pulao recipe shows you how to make this famously delicate and flavoursome rice and meat dish at home with minimum fuss and muss.
So that's going to wrap this up for this special food mutton yakhni pulao recipe. Thank you very much for your time. I am confident that you will make this at home. There's gonna be more interesting food at home recipes coming up. Remember to save this page on your browser, and share it to your family, friends and colleague. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!
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kishansahani333 · 4 years
Mixture of 2 part celery seeds (ajmoda) with 1 part of anise seeds (soanf) and 1 part of sugar is to be chewed for quick relief of gas. Ginger taken with a little carbonate of soda and fried asafoetida (hing) is useful. https://www.pediatriconcall.com/articles/alternative-medicine/flatulence-gas/flatulence-gas#1909
0 notes
snowpeawritings · 4 years
13. Marie
Philemon seems to enjoy seeing his Wild Cards live on with their lives…
Persona 4 Golden X FeMC!Reader
> . . .
05/01/SUN-Early morning | Shopping District, South
With a wallet packed full with money, you strolled through the shopping district. Even though it was slightly cloudy, the weather was pleasant as people still roamed about the district.
From beside you, Izanami looked at the list that she wrote down herself. “So we’re starting with your books...”
“I finished them all in one night.” You said to her, remembering how your knowledge improved despite your eye bags.
“Then we see new weapons in Daidara’s shop.”
"Chie and Yukiko need to catch up."
"And... You need ingredients to make the boxed lunches."
You sighed but you didn't oppose the Dojimas idea that you were making the boxed lunches. Nanako was too excited for the long weekend and even Dojima wanted to spend time with his daughter. Even if you hadn't known them for long, you wanted to try and get them to bond together soon. You had thought to follow Nanako's suggestion and go to Junes instead so you wouldn't cook but you feared that Dojima wouldn't like to listen to the catchy tune over and over again.
Seeing the bookstore, you walked towards it but stopped when you spotted a familiar girl walking outside. She held a book in her hands and by the look of her eyes, she seemed excited by it.
"Marie?" You said to her. She yelped at your call, fumbling over her book rather comically before hiding it behind her back. Her face was flushed deeply with red as she regarded you with a glare.
"Wh-What are you doing surprising me all of a sudden?!" She screeched, not caring about the bystanders watching. "S-Stupid! You're stupid! I hate you!"
You blinked at her outburst before looking down at her book. "I didn't know you know the concept of buying stuff."
One of her eyebrows raised up. "B-Buy? What the heck is that?"
Your eyes widened. "You mean you stole that book?!"
As if on cue, the owner of the bookstore knocked on his window, mouthing some unintelligible words and pointing at Marie's book. If it wasn't for the glass window, you were sure that everyone in the area would hear his cussing.
"How could you have no money when I pay to remember Personas from Margaret?" You questioned her, already fishing out your wallet.
"How should I know?!" She replied back, stepping behind Izanami as if she could stop the man.
Izanami shook her head. "Good grief..."
"Don't you have a curfew when you go back to the Velvet Room?" You asked her once you resolved the stolen book problem. Even though the poem book was fairly inexpensive, it already made a dent on your finances just for the books.
Marie's face huffed even more. "What do you take me for? A kid?! Just so you know, I'm not gonna help you when you go back inside that stuffy car!"
You shrugged. "You were the one who had no concept of monetary value."
She choked but she didn't refute back. The poem book that had been the center of trouble was back in her hands, unscathed and paid for. You wondered if she liked to read or write poems.
Beside you, Izanami seemed to have vocalized your thoughts. "Do you like poetry, Marie?"
She stiffened from your Persona's question but her red blush gave her answer away.
"Not much to do in the car unless I come in, huh?" You said to her, lips quirking into a smirk at the thought of the three people inside the limousine just waiting for you to come back. Come to think of it, they had a bunch of drinks inside the vehicle-are they all adults then?
She clicked her tongue and looked away from you. “Don’t take words out of my mouth! It’s not like I wanted for you to come by!”
“Sure…” You drawled out. “Anyway, you want to join me on my shopping spree?”
Her blush slowly died down. “S-Shopping?”
Izanami nodded to the list that she’s holding. “We have quite a few things we need to get now that we have a new team member.”
Marie regarded her with a nod before crossing her arms. “Okay. And it’s not because I’m bored out of my mind waiting in the car.”
You chuckled at her response as you entered Daidara's shop with her. It was apparent that she's never been inside the shop, for her eyes widened at the sight of different weapons and armor that covered the walls. You continued to watch her childlike wonder before Daidara cleared his throat.
You turned to him, turning your back against Marie as you hauled your materials to his counter. "Oh, and Marie? Don't touch anything."
Before you could repeat yourself, a crash followed and soon a feminine screech inside the shop.
Your eye twitched as you looked at Daidara with a grimace. "Would taking the most expensive weapons be enough for compensation?"
Behind you, Izanami sighed. "Good grief…"
05/01/SUN-Afternoon | Junes
You had considered your options for buying ingredients. On one hand, you wanted to support local businesses and their products...
On the other hand, maybe Nanako would be happy to hear that you made lunches out of ingredients from Junes.
You decided on the latter, Izanami dragging Marie as she tried to carry the bag of new weapons in one hand.
"What's this place now?" Marie asked you, looking around the underground grocery. Before anyone became suspicious, Izanami handed you the bag as you carried it on your back. The added weight made you groan but you continued on as you grabbed a cart.
"It's a grocery store." You replied to her, rolling the cart to the ingredients section. "I'm gonna cook for my family."
"Family?" Marie tested the word, almost sounding funny when you saw her struggling with it.
"Yeah," you said before realizing how awkward it would be to leave it at that, "is Margaret not like your relative or something?"
Marie shrugged, walking beside you in stride as she looked at the different types of miso paste brands. "She keeps annoying me so I don't think I want her as a relative."
"Huh…" You sighed out, getting the miso base as you went to another section of the store. "What's up with the Velvet Room anyway? Did you want to be inside a car for the rest of your life?"
You didn't hear her for a while except her boots tapping against the floor as your cart was steadily filling with ingredients. Marie was oddly quiet, so quiet that you and Izanami looked back at her. The girl looked like she was deep in thought, her eyebrows drawn in as though she was having an existential crisis.
Before you could ask her if she was okay, a familiar voice called your name. Yosuke was carrying a crate filled with canned tomato sauce as Jiraiya followed him, obviously bored out of his mind. Adorably enough, Jiraiya was wearing the same Junes apron. How did people not freak out over a floating apron, you didn't want to ask.
"What brings you here?" Yosuke asks you before heaving the heavy crate down on the floor. You winced when you heard an audible crack when he straightened his back.
"Just shopping to cook for Golden Week." You replied to him. "Work being too hard on you?"
He groaned tiredly. "No kidding. Just when I thought I can relax, there's a stupid sale that's happening just for the week."
You patted his back as an apology for the pain he experienced and many more in the upcoming week. 
"And what are you doing?" Izanami questioned Jiraiya, who was busy fiddling with his apron that surprisingly fitted him.
"Moral support." He said simply. "Can't really touch objects without people thinking Junes is haunted so I try my best. Besides, the apron looks good on me."
"Speaking of…" Izanami trailed off, looking at the apron. It was definitely not Asian size as it stretched to accommodate Jiraya's body. She wasn't aware that there were sizes that were big enough to fit an almost 7 ft. tall being.
"Y'know, you don't have to hide it." Jiraiya said, snapping her out of her thinking. "You'd look good in an apron. Or would you rather wear mine…?"
She let out an aggravated sigh before igniting her fingers with electricity and zapping Jiraiya's side. He let out a high-pitched yelp, his body convulsing before he squirmed away from the goddess. His scarf was burned to a degree as smoke emanated from his body.
"You never change." Izanami said dryly. "And how does the apron fit you? And how is anyone not screaming at the sight of a floating apron?"
Jiraiya made a sound in his throat, an alternative to how he doesn't seem to have a mouth. He then looked down at his apron, a hand lifting and fumbling at the fabric before letting it drop.
"I honestly don't know."
While the Personas were talking, Marie, who was busy watching you comfort a crying boy, went to watch the Personas. She walked over, arms crossed as she stared at the other Persona that belonged to Yosuke.
Jiraiya took notice of the new girl's stare and immediately floated over to her, a flirtatious line ready in him as he--
"Get away from me." Marie said to him in her absolute, most dead voice.
Jiraiya, currently shocked that she could see him, dropped down from his floating stance as he scrambled on the floor. The sight was surprising but comical to Izanami as she laughed at the sight of the ninja frog struggling to recover from the attack.
Hearing Jiraiya’s struggling sounds, you looked to where your Personas are. The sight of Izanami laughing at Jiraiya and Marie staring at the two of them.
“Wait—” Yosuke gasped out, looking at Marie. “She can see them?!”
“Weird story.” You said to him. “Anyway, you think you can ring me up with some ingredients?”
"Huh? O-Oh sure…"
He then led you towards the section that you needed, all the while conversing with you about plans for Golden Week. It soon spiralled into having a talk about personal things that you two like. You felt closer to Yosuke than before.
"Oh yeah… When did our Personas can touch stuff?"
"... No clue."
Persona Time
After walking Marie back home (and quickly explaining about Skill Cards), she plopped down on the sofa as she sighed from how tired she was. Feeling the book inside of her bag, she fished it out and stared at the hardbound cover.
"You seem to have enjoyed your day out."
She flinched then glared at Margaret, the woman looking at her with the annoying stare that she didn't like. It's the type of stare that it makes her feel like Margaret is prying at her secrets. She hates it.
"Shut up." She said to Margaret, not even bothering to put up a fight.
The elder woman chuckled, her nails tapping against the Persona Compendium in an elegant manner before speaking again. "I'll be willing to let you out more as long as you try not to make too much noise inside the room."
Marie choked before glaring at her.
"Like that."
Marie clicked her tongue before looking away. Grabbing her notebook and pencil from her bag, she angrily wrote on the paper, all the while muttering about a certain platinum-blonde woman.
Both Margaret and Igor stared at her, unamused of her usual antiques. They really can't wait for you to come by again.
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snowpeawritings · 4 years
12. Konohana Sakuya
Philemon seems to enjoy seeing his Wild Cards live on with their lives…
Persona 4 Golden X FeMC!Reader
> . . .
4/30/SAT-Early morning | Yasogami High School
Walking towards the school gate, you and Izanami had to pause from all the pink. The figure looked like someone from that Phoenix Featherman series but they have a thing for cherry blossoms. The pink person fidgeted behind the school gates, having to jump and yelp when a student goes past their body.
Oh, and Yukiko is there.
“Very pink.” Izanami remarked after a beat of silence.
“No kidding.” You remarked back. Deciding that standing there forever would do you no good, you walked over to Yukiko, who was trying to play off having your Persona fidget like it was normal. Once she sees you, she visibly relaxes as she lets out a nervous smile.
“Good morning...” She murmured, never meeting your eyes.
You nodded in her direction. “Feeling better?”
“Y-Yeah... I’ll be coming to school again, so... That’ll be nice.”
She still hasn’t met your eyes, deciding to keep her gaze on her shoes. “I caused everyone some real trouble... I’m sorry.”
A beat, before she shook her head. “No... 'sorry’ isn’t quite right...”
Yukiko finally lifted her head, her eyes meeting yours as she smiled fully. “What I mean to say is, thank you.”
A smile crept up on your lips, returning her smile. Yukiko then goes on how her mother has recovered and that the maids have been busy trying to help with the inn. She continues on to say that her head was clearer now after the incident, though she wasn’t expecting the consequence that comes with...
“I’m surprised your not freaking out more about them.” You said to her, cocking your head to the pink figure.
Her cheeks blushed a little. “To be honest... I fainted around 3 separate times when I saw her.”
You blinked. “Ah.”
“A-Anyway, what about you?” She said, trying to force down her embarrassment. “I think I saw that you have the same thing as I do.”
You furrowed your brows before looking behind you. Izanami wasn’t behind you as usual. You whipped your head around, only to blink at your Persona being clung onto by Yukikio’s Persona. By the looks of things, the pink figure calmed down a lot.
"Um..." Izanami started when she noticed you and Yukiko's stares. "I just started talking to her then she... Well, she at least calmed down."
"That's odd," Yukiko said, "Konohana Sakuya has only calmed down when she's with me."
Despite the long name, the pink Persona hadn't even noticed her user calling out her name. She continues to clutch Izanami's arm, going so far as to bury her helmet (helmet face?) on her shoulder. The sight was cute but you remembered that you were still loitering outside the school gate.
"I'll see you later, Yukiko." You said to her. "I might be late for class."
Her eyes widened. "Oh! Right, I-I'll see you soon!"
You walked over to the two Personas, grabbing Sakuya's arms and attempting to pry them off of Izanami's arm. "Please let go."
She only whimpered, clutching the arm tighter to the point Izanami was wincing. "B-But I only just met her!"
"P-Please, Konohana Sakuya!" Yukiko pleaded, getting her Persona's hand. "______-san will be late!"
She whimpered even more, burying herself further into Izanami that the petal shield that surrounded Sakuya dug her sides. While you two were trying to pry your Personas off from each other, the sight of Yasogami's popular girl Yukiko and the transfer student waving the air around them was a spectacle that the onlookers had walked on so early in the morning.
4/30/SAT-After school | Yasogami High School
"... I see. A bottom."
The resounding smack that resonated in the school roof top couldn't be louder.
"You can't ignore the truth, you yellow-suited hag!"
Another smack, this time with the yelp of Jiraiya and another insult from Tomoe. Beside you, Izanami let out an aggravated sigh before standing up to deal with them, leaving you, Yosuke, and Chie to talk about Yukiko and the team's current predicament. Chie and Yosuke sat on the roof's seating area while you stood up, leaning against the bench next to Yosuke.
As you three were still chatting, footsteps that were coming closer distracted you. You turned your head to see Yukiko with two bowls of instant soba in each hand. Konohana Sakuya was with her, still cowering behind her as she comically staggered behind Yukiko's back. However, once she peeked her head out behind Yukiko's hair, she perked up immediately when she spotted Izanami.
The Goddess who invites, whom was still busy trying to diffuse the fight, suddenly got pushed over by an unseen, pink force before trying to balance herself on her knife shoes. It was amusing to watch, seeing the usually calm Persona flailing her arms and her knife shoes threatening to slice the others before centering herself upright with Sakuya clinging to her back.
"... What's the female equivalent for simp?"
"I will have your head, frog."
"Um..." Yukiko said nervously. "S-Sorry to keep you waiting. The soba is yours, right Chie?"
Chie nodded eagerly, getting the soba from Yukiko's hand. "Thanks! Ooooh, that smells so good..."
She took one more long whiff. "These instant noodles are just the thing to help me through club... How much longer do I have to wait on this?"
"It still needs a few minutes." Yukiko chastised before sitting down next to Chie.
With her noodles now safe in her lap, Chie turned her head towards you and Yosuke. "So why're we here...? Oh yeah, we were going to ask Yukiko what happened."
Beside you, Yosuke winced slightly before sucking in a breath. "Yukiko-san, I hate to bring up stuff you'd rather not think about... But I need to ask you again. Did you recall anything about when you got kidnapped?"
The mood was immediately ruined. Even Tomoe and Jiraiya ceased their fighting as Konohana Sakuya let herself down from Izanami's back.
The girl in question had set her head down, eyebrows furrowed. "No..."
"I guess it wouldn't be that easy..." Izanami huffed.
"I thought I might remember something if I let it sit for a while, but as time passes, it only gets hazier..."
From behind you, Izanami had stepped closer with Konohana Sakuya following suite. The pink Persona had stepped closer to her user, patting her back before Yukiko continued.
"I think... The doorbell rang at the entrance... And someone called for me..."
However, Yukiko shook her head before staring straight at your group. "But when I woke up after that, I was already in the castle... I'm sorry."
Chie fretted immediately. "No need to apologize. But does that mean her visitor is the culprit!?"
"I don't know..." Yosuke said. "If it's true, then that's one daring criminal. What kind of killer would ring the doorbell?"
"An experienced one, most likely." Tomoe added. "However... With that in mind, have the authorities have any leads?"
Yosuke shook his head at her. "The police are probably looking for witnesses... but I don't think we can expect much from them. Heh, as if the culprit wore bright yellow clothes at the scene of the crime."
Jiraiya snickered as he nudged Yosuke's shoulder. "Be careful who you say that to."
Tomoe's gaze locked on behind Yosuke's head. Even with the helmet, you were sure she was glaring daggers at the teen.
Oblivious to her Persona's wish for violence, Chie sunk her head down. "I wonder why whoever it is would do stuff like this."
"We won't know until we confront 'em ourselves..." Yosuke replied to her. "But we can be sure of one thing. It's no coincidence that people keep ending up in that place."
He continued, eyes firm with anger. "Someone on our side is definitely kidnapping them and throwing them into the TV. It's murder, all right..."
Murder was a heavy word but you never would have guessed that you would be the one to almost see it firsthand. The gravity of the situation that Yukiko could've died was something that kept you wide awake.
Remembering Saki and how devastated Yosuke must feel, you were sure he shared the same feelings.
"Oh yeah!" Yosuke's shout brought you back from your reverie. He cocked his head to you as he grinned at Yukiko. "This guy and me are gonna catch the culprit ourselves! The police are out of their league on this case, but we got Personas."
Not wanting to have Yosuke lose his wind, you nodded at the girls. "We'll catch the guy. Don't worry, Yukiko."
Chie raised her fist in the air. "I wanna help too! I can't believe someone would throw people into a place like that. I'm gonna sock whoever's doing this!"
"Chie..." Yukiko breathed out.
With that, you, Yosuke and Chie tried to figure out what could be the killer's next move as well as possible motives. In you discussion, you pointed out that the one thing that stood out from Yukiko's story is how she willingly opened the door for the killer without any hesitation. Even if the killer was daring, like Yosuke said, it still wouldn't make sense for Yukiko to just open the door like that for everyone.
You three were so into your discussion that you didn't hear Yukiko's: "... Let me help too."
The three of you looked over to her in surprise. Her expression showed no hesitance.
"I want to know why this is happening. Especially if someone hates me so much they want to kill me. I don't want to run away from myself anymore."
And with her small speech done, Yosuke jumped down from his seat and smiled. "Alright! Then let's all work together and catch this asshole!"
Seeing the determined faces of your newfound group, you felt as though you can do anything. Even if the group is sort of messy, you wouldn't rather have anyone else for team members.
"Oh yeah, we never really introduced our Personas, huh?" Chie said suddenly. "Well, I'll start. This is Tomoe, my Persona!"
Tomoe stood rigidly, like a proud warrior. "I look forward to working with you, Yukiko-san."
"Introductions huh?" Yosuke said. "Well, alright... This is my Persona, Jiraiya. If he causes you any trouble, please don't direct it onto me."
His Persona scoffed nudging Yosuke with his foot as he laid back against the air. "I'm a part of you. You share just as much of my feelings you know."
"And this is Izanami." You said, gesturing over to your Persona. "Though, I don't think we need to introduce ourselves after that fiasco at the school gate."
"Oh hoh?" Jiraiya drawled out, suddenly placing himself in between you an Izanami, his arm across Izanami's shoulders. "And what, pray tell, happened while I was gone, hm?"
"Don't take it the wrong way." Izanami said sternly pushing off Jiraiya's arm. "Konohana Sakuya is just... Extremely shy."
With her name being uttered, the pink Persona immediately hid behind Yukiko's back. The petals that surrounded her shivered from how much she was shaking.
Jiraiya was indifferent at the sight. "Still. Simp."
Yukiko stared at your Personas in both awe and fear. How were you three already so accustomed to floating beings?
"Um..." Yukiko started. "This is Konohana Sakuya... A-As you can see... She's quite shy."
Sakuya could only let out a meek 'Hello." before sinking back into Yukiko. Suddenly you sensed deja vu.
"Well, you don't need to feel shy around us!" Yosuke said, trying to coax Sakuya from Yukiko. "Sure, Jiraiya might be a prick, but he means well."
"Shy girls are a turn-off." Jiraiya said quickly. "No offense but I'm pretty sure she'll get frightened by a falling leaf if it happens."
Yosuke glared at him. "Don't be a dick!"
Sakuya shuffled from behind before raising her head so that it's visible. "Um... I won't mind at all. A-And I hope that I won't become a hindrance in your mission...!"
Even her voice sounded so shy, despite it being a hollowed version of Yukiko's voice. You looked over to Izanami, a knowing look on your face.
She sighed before stepping in front of Yukiko. "We're happy to have you, Konohana Sakuya. But please don't let your shyness affect the battles ahead."
With that, Sakuya sat upright and nodded. "I-I won't let you down!"
"I will skin you alive."
"I know you may need to rest some more Yukiko but we have to go to the TV world again." You said to her. "There's someone we want you to meet."
"Oh..." She said, slightly nervous at the thought of going back inside. "Okay..."
"Before that though..." Yosuke intervened. He looked down at the bowls that were still covered. "Aren't those done by now?"
Chie gasped before getting her chopsticks and removing the lid. "I almost forgot! Oohhh this smells so good when it's done!"
Yukiko followed, her own instant fried tofu wafting in the air before she grabbed her chopsticks and took a bite. Before they could even take another bite, four presences were felt behind them. It was like something was weighing down on their backs which prompted them to look behind.
"How peculiar!" Izanami gasped out from behind Tomoe, looking at their instant food. "I never knew udon could be carried around so easily!"
"What sort of sorcery is this?" Tomoe questioned behind Yukiko. "When I looked before they were dry as leaves! Now they're soft!?"
Jiraiya whistled. "Damn, I never knew anyone could get udon so easily. This takes me back."
Even Konohana Sakuya removed herself from Yukiko as she stared at Chie's bowl. "It's almost like magic...!"
Both Chie and Yukiko trembled nervously against the deities awe-stricken stares and questions over the magic of instant noodles. You and Yosuke looked at each other. While the scent did made you hungry, you don't think you'll be able to trade this scene for a bite of noodles.
So instead, you and Yosuke sat back down on his spot as you two watched as the girls try to fend off the Personas from touching their food. Maybe the trip can wait.
> . . .
Persona Time
While you and Yukiko were busy talking, Izanami took the initiative to talk to the pink Persona. She knows what it feels like to have no idea on how you were brought to this world, especially when you have memories of a different life. If her theory was right, then maybe this Persona could be a deity in a past life.
Besides, it’s nice to have another Persona to talk to.
“Hello there.” Izanami greeted her, bowing her head slightly. The other Persona jumped, her petals fluttering before she turned her helmet head towards Izanami.
The goddess raised her head up before trying to soften her voice. “I am Izanami. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
She responded with a small nod.
Izanami faltered slightly. “Well... what is your name then?”
She buried her helmet in her hands, petals ruffling. “Ko-Konohana... Sakuya...”
Despite the shaky voice, the name brought a sense of familiarity to the major goddess. She tried to remember the times she was a goddess, recounting the times with her husband. But yet... she recalls nothing. She let out a sigh before looking over to the still embarrassed Sakuya.
“You do not have to be shy around us.” Izanami comforted her. “We are... what humans call ‘in the same boat’. So you don’t have to feel like you’re out of place.”
While Izanami was speaking, Sakuya slowly lowered her hands, her yellow eyes seeing Izanami in a new light. A light that for some reason she feels she’s safer when she’s with her. A hazy part of her memory surfaced, a time that she was a goddess and not the Konohana Sakuya she is today.
She vows to stay by Izanami’s side.
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snowpeawritings · 7 years
Cold Shoulder: Cuphead/Mugman X Reader
Imagine that: Cuphead and Mugman injured during a rough boss battle and you come in to help them.
Inspired by the Betty Boop episode where she literally froze the Devil and Hell with a cold stare
I’d like to take a moment to thank @ask-mugs, @sippybois, @ninjahaku21art, @cupsndmugs and all the other Cuphead blogs. Your content is always what keeps me to write more Cuphead!
Reader is gender neutral
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“Hot...” You muttered. “Too hot...”
You panted as you hopped over another flaming crevice. The cave seemed to stretch forever. It didn’t help that the hottest flames of hell are crawling everywhere together with imps trying to mess with you. You definitely made the mistake of wearing a long sleeved shirt. This place will kill you.
Still, you continued on. You had no weapons or the skills that Cuphead and Mugman possess to protect you. Nevertheless, you’ve escaped through the clutches of numerous devils to make it this far.
You’re not going home without the two brothers.
Heaving out one last battle cry, your legs took you deeper in the cave to see a gigantic opening. Fire rose up in every possible hole as the fire imp’s throne itself is made out of fire.
Speaking of which, the fire imp danced jovially as his crown jangled with the jewels attached to it. Below him are tinier versions of him dancing around a fallen Cuphead and Mugman. With newfound strength, you ran to the dancing group, pushing past the imps to shield the two brothers from them.
“What’s this, baby doll?” One imp drawled out, coming near to you. “What’s the big idea?”
You shoved him off, your hand having black coal on it. “Go away.”
“What’s the matter, toots?” The Imp King guffawed. “Don’t ya know who I am?!”
“A singed worm, no doubt.” You replied back. The imps screeched loudly, the flames in the room flailing dangerously. You felt a tug on your sleeve. You looked down to see Cuphead’s battered but concerned face.
“(Name)... Just go. We can handle this.” He groaned.
You shook your head, curling your arms to hold both Cuphead and Mugman close to you as you stood up. Giving the imps a cold stare, you snapped your shoulder back as ice started to form on it. The imps surrounding you immediately started shivering and soon they became ice sculptures.
Bringing yourself to the King, you sauntered over to him. The ice in your eyes never melted despite the heat of the cave. Once you and the Imp created eye-contact, the ice from your eyes froze the Imp from the feet up. Just like him, the flames surrounding you disappeared as ice and snow covered the cave.
Turning your head to the other imps, they immediately froze in place in fear of your stare. 
You cocked your head upwards. “Bring us home.”
They nodded frantically, bringing themselves below you to lift your body on top of the furry bodies. They carried you out of the now-snowy haven of the cavern. The sweat you’ve accumulated before now froze over your skin like a suit. Though that didn’t really matter at all. The two brothers’ well-being comes first.
You hugged the two shivering brothers tightly. “We’ll be home soon, boys.”
“And then what happened next?!” Cuphead asked, literally on the edge of his seat.
Tossing another log into the fire, you went back to your place with a steaming bowl of stew in your hands. “And then when I carried you two, I gave those rascals the cold shoulder.” You paused to take a spoonful of the stew. “Froze them in place, I did. Gave them a run for their money.”
Cuphead laughed at the end of your story, his blanked slowly coming off from his movements. Mugman stayed calm but his grin was present. His blanket was wrapped tightly around him as he took a spoonful of the stew.
“Golly,” Mugman said, “I didn’t know you can do that, (Name).”
You chuckled. “I have a few more tricks upon my shoulders.” You placed your bowl on the floor and gazed at the two brothers with ice starting to form in your eyes. “So you better not cross me next time.”
Both brothers stiffened and nodded their heads vigorously, the liquid inside their head sloshing.
‘I’m glad that both of you are alright. But next time when you two go on an adventure, make sure you know who you’re up against.”
Both of them looked down. “Yes, (Name).”
Their eyes widened when they felt your hands pat their heads. “Finish up your stew. I’ll be with you when you two are going to sleep.”
After a few more laughs exchanged between the three of you, you went up to their shared bedroom. Holding Cuphead in one side with Mugman in the other, the three of you dozed off into a happy slumber. A slumber where even in your dreams you three are together.
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snowpeawritings · 4 years
13 and 24?
Ask game!
13. What is your planning process?
- Tbh I just sit down, stare at the screen until I add some words then suddenly god just possesses me and goes to town KFDJNSDF
- I dont really have a “solid” planning process though I am sticking to a schedule for some series because I dont want to randomly update. Though, for me, I’m most comfortable starting a piece with a dialogue and then following with the world-building!
24. How many WIPs (work-in-progress) do you’ve got?
- 1 and its for soanf!
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snowpeawritings · 5 years
breearts replied to your post “11. Waiting P.1″
I know that my opinion may never be seen since your pretty popular on tumblr but I would just like to oath my love to this fanfic I just love it sooo much especiAlly when we get to have different interactions that the actual game has had, hope you can keep updating I love your work ~Bree P.S English isn’t my first language so sorry if my words sounds off
I AM!!!!!!!
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YOUR OPINION MATTERS BC THIS SERIES IS MY PRIDE AND JOY AND I ACCEPT ANY OPINION FOR IT (srsly pls do comment i live for validation for the series)
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