ryoki-ph · 3 months
you're my third follower! for your award, i give you, this non-chalantly colored ribbon! congradulations! you nearly won! you know third to win is just second to lose the race! and second is just first to lose the race! and no one likes a winner!
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oh cool i like green
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sailorshanties · 1 year
Last song I listened to: “All Of Me” by Masayoshi Takanaka (This is like the millionth time I listened to this album it’s very “Me-core” if that makes any sense? Probably.)
Thing I’m watching: “Canadian Bacon” (1995 flick starring John Candy for Canada Day celebrations. Currently don’t have much to eat at the moment, so this’ll have to make up for it.)
Thing I’m reading: Attempting to read “The Garden of Forking Paths” by Jorge Luis Borges. Was recommended to me by a person on Twitter and am super duper interested so far!
Current Obsession:  Been expanding my collection of SNES games and DOOM .WADS. Recently finished a replay of “Super Mario RPG” in advance for the upcoming remake, and currently going through myhouse.wad, along with John Romero’s unofficial 5th episode for DOOM I, “SIGIL.” Enjoying all of these so far!
uhhhhhhhh @socialburden i think you’re the only person who i think would be interested in this so here you go i guess?????????
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aflo · 2 years
microdosing on living in a walkable community by crossing a 4 lane highway to get to the grocery store across the street
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#géopolitique #geopolitics #pouvoirs #power #truth #vérité #politiquementcorrect #politicalcorrectness #bienpensance #poidssocial #socialburden #penseeunique #onetrackthinking https://www.instagram.com/p/B86-SAeAz_F/?igshid=1yqxrxukn65z
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Notebook 3
Marcus Yu
America Martinez
Notebook 3
                For this ‘Zine although the Vietnam War is deeply involved with this object, the focus will remain on the object and the frameworks particularly involving this object rather than the frameworks that involve all of the Vietnam War.
              For the Mai Family and for many other refugees produced by the Vietnam War, the United States appears to be a savior for them, and for many Americans, the Vietnamese refugees appear to be a social burden when in reality these refugees are victims of exploitation colonialism. Sold upon the American Dream, these refugees flee their homelands and escape the devastation of exploitation colonialism to participate in settler colonialism.
              The relation between exploitation colonialism and settler colonialism is part of the disappearance of Indigenous Americans. By 1975 Indigenous Americans were viewed as mostly dead. In a more horrifying light, the indigenous fate was perceived to be justified by popular American culture since they were barbarians (even though that was far from the truth). For most of the Vietnamese refugees, the story of the people who lived off the land they were about to occupy hardly mattered. The survivance of the Indigenous people came second to their survivance.
              Both products of Western imperialism, but the narrative of these two groups of people are very different. Colonialism destroyed both groups’ homelands, so the Mai Family flees their homeland to occupy another people’s stolen homeland. It is cruel how the Master Narrative justifies the theft of so many nations’ land, and paints the current occupiers as righteous for letting people live with them on that stolen land.
              Tragically, this relationship persists to this day. American imperialism has not ended. America continues to bring devastation to other people’s homeland for America’s self-benefit and continues to paint itself as a savior for letting the affected refugees occupy stolen land with current Americans. Modern imperialism currently affects Trinh Mai. Her nephew served in the military for 20 years and went to the Middle East for 2 tours. After standing trial when he was a teenager, he was given a choice of prison or the military. After serving his mandatory 2 years, the nephew chose to stay in the military. His grandfather fought the Communist regime with Americans in the Vietnam War and even was sent to a concentration camp for opposing the government, and after being exposed to the military Trinh Mai’s nephew felt inspired to continue to serve the military that served alongside his grandfather. This idea that a descendant of refugees would participate in a war that creates more refugees begs the question colonialism is cyclic.
              In particular, this prayer book represents Western imperialism through the letters in the book. Vietnam was a victim of Chinese colonialism until the French came to make Vietnam a French colony. To distance Vietnam from China and to make the Vietnamese language easier for French people, the Vietnamese alphabet is Latin-based. Catholicism was also a product of Western imperialism. Another justification of colonialism, both settler and exploitation, during the 18th and 19th century, was the “need” for Christians to convert the colonized. When the prayer book was passed to Trinh Mai she transformed it using techniques she learned at San Francisco State University, an American university brought into existence due to settler colonialism.
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slimeofmylife · 3 years
i'ma pedhead, a walkster, a socialburden, a slowbie
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aflo · 3 years
oh btw auckie got blowed up for url hoarding so im gonna offload some of my stock. im deleting:
pedhead, walkster, slowbie, and socialburden
im keeping my other canon magic urls. transmute artifact is my favorite card, but it's too clunky for a url
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