#society if I had the right markers for martin’s hair
otacringe · 2 years
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TMA x Obscure Sorrows- Immerensis
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silent-raven13 · 10 months
Jealous Miles
Miles isn't the jealous type, or so he thought. His jealousy is mostly hidden with his awkward questions, or shy attitude. Normally he tries to bring up certain things casually which always sounds odd or just plain awkward. Somehow his jealousy isn't as extreme as his boyfriend's. No, Miles is always trying to be reasonable, calm and collective. He's not like his mom who ask many questions and starts investigating... tho his distant family members did say he's a lot like her. He never knew why.
Until today...
Gwen jumps happily: Isn't this great! We're going to see Hobie's concert.
Pav shimmies: Right! I am so hype!
Miles wearing his boyfriend's band shirt with tight skinny jeans and doc martin shoes: Ye-yeah! Do you see him? I can't find him anywhere. -he looks through the busy crowd wondering where his boyfriend is at-
Peter appears in the crowd with Mayday wearing black eyeliner and a black shirt. Mayday having on silly black and white makeup on to look like a skull: Hey guys! Sorry I'm late! Had to steal a shirt... you know to be punk? Ha!
Gwen looks at Mayday: You brought Mayday with you? Peter, she's a baby!
Mayday made a scowl look: BLAH!
Peter: Don't worry we practice! See. Blah! -they did the same expression-
One random guy in his punk outfit saw the two: That's what I'm talking about! BLAH! -he throws a sign of horns with his right hand- fuck society, man and lil one!
Mayday mimics the sign: hehe!
Peter: See! We fit in just fine! -he saw Miles looking over the crowd- What's up with him?
Pav: He's looking for his bf!
Peter: Ah, he's probably in the backstage with those groupies -casually saying-
Miles' eyes widen: Groupies!
Gwen: You know, bandmates always got a few sneaky links or sides. Sometimes fangirls wanting to sleep with their favorite band. -She saw Miles staring at her almost in shock- Not that Hobie will ever do that! You know he's faithful to you!
Pav: Yeah, you two are in a serious relationship!
Miles: We never said that! We just started to date and casually call each other boyfriend. -Something in him began bubbling, like a wave of anger and need-
Gwen: Ohh... Well, Hobie would never do that! You two are-
Some girls came walking pass them with their boobs out having pasties and there was black markers written names on it. One of them being Hobie's name. Peter quickly cover Mayday, who removes his hand to see: Boobies!
Peter: Hey, don't tell your mom! -he tries not to look at the women-
Gwen made a grimacing expression: Um... he's a star so he-
Another girl came by talking to her other friend: I can't believe your ex let you touch his hair! -they saw the blond girl with Hobie's name tattoo on her lower back.-
The other girl giggles: I know! He's so cute. I should've kissed him!
Pav: Ex! See, they are not together! -He frowns seeing a dark look on Miles' face. Something they never saw-
Another guy came almost similar to Miles' height holding Hobie's vest with his guy friend: Hahaha, Hobie is a fucking arse, isn't he?
The guy puts on Hobie's vest: Hahaha, well I got his jacket now!
Peter: Man, it's not looking too good for Hobie, huh Miles? Miles? -they saw him walking to the direction those groups came from-
Mayday: Ah shit!
Peter gasps: Mayday where did you learn that?
Gwen: Come on, let's go before something bad happens!
Pav: Awe, man. I fixed my hair today. Now we gotta tussle?
Miles slid his way through the crowd, at the end he saw a group of people surrounding bands that were about to play for tonight. One of them was Hobie's band. The young Spiderman looks at a crowd of women touching Hobie's arms, hair and face which tick him off. Jealousy bubbling into his stomach that left a nasty taste in his mouth.
Hobie standing trying to endure the fans: Okay. okay, stop touching my hair! I told you many times. -he scowls-
One of the fangirls lift her tank top shirt up to reveal her breasts: Hobie! Hobie, how about an autograph, please? -she cutely pouts-
Hobie sighs: Fine, whatever. Just don't touch my hair. -he only do this to seem like a badass, he didn't see nothing bad of it. He took a marker to write his name on the woman's chest- There! Now -his eyes glances over spotting his boyfriend. All his annoyance washes away and a big smile placed on his face- SUNFLOWER!
Miles merely standing there just witnessing his boyfriend writing his name on a fangirl's boobs. Now he's mad. He said nothing.
Hobie gently pushes his fans away: Excuse me, mate. This is my darling, Miles. -he happily gets to brag about his Sunflower, his hands on his lover's shoulders- Wow, you look amazing, darling. Are you wearing my band's shirt. -his eyes practically shape into hearts- I always-
Miles cut him off: Qué estabas haciendo? -going full blown Puerto Rican Spanish-
Hobie arched his eyebrows: What? -he didn't know much Spanish only a few words like Hola or Sí or Gracias. Just enough to impress or small talk with Mrs. Morales-
Miles scowls: What were you just doing? Que estabas haciendo? -his jealousy already taken over like a virus-
Hobie: Wha-what do you mean? I'm here sign-
Miles cuts him off: No- Qué acabas de hacer, ahora mismo?
Hobies: Ahora? O'Hara? -Why is Miguel brought into this?-
Miles: NO, Pendejo! What did you just did, right now? In front of me! -he's getting so mad, almost jumping into conclusions- You think, that's fucking cute? You think I would like that shit?
Hobie blinks a couple of times being surprised with his partner: Miles, I don-
Gwen calls out: Miles! We thought we lost you!
Pav ran behind along with Peter: Yeah! Oh hey, Hobie!
Hobie turns to their friends: Oh Hey- -Miles grab Hobie's face with his left hand squishing his cheeks, forcing the guitar player to look at him. He formally made Hobie lean/hunched over to get on Miles' eye level-
Miles spoke Spanish again: Estoy hablando contigo? -His Spanish firm, more serious... more Puerto Rican accent to it- Crees estoy jugando contigo? You think this is a fucking joke? -his right hand pointing, wanting his index finger at his boyfriend-
Peter: Ohhh, there's that Puerto Rican side... -Everyone in the group knows, you never want to pissed off a Puerto Rican or any Latino for that matter especially if your in a relationship with one-
Hobie: Luv, I am a bit confused -he mutters through his squish cheeks- I don-
Miles: Puñeta, no puedes escuchar? You got no fucking problem listening to your fans, huh? Huh, I'm not fucking playing with you, Hobie! -He glares still staring at his man-
Gwen softly whispers: Guys... calm down. Everyone is looking at us -the crowd around them were quiet with loud music bashing in the room. The fangirls slowly shift away from Hobie and his boyfriend seeing how mad Miles is-
Miles: Hijo de Puta, estoy hablando! Hobie, I'm fucking talking to you! Why you're not answering me? -Hobie finally sees a lot of Rio in Miles.-
Pav whispers to Hobie: Miles is jealous... he found out you were flirting with your exs...
Miles: Pav, mama bicho. Why are you taking his side, asshole! -he glares at Pav-
Pav backs away with his hands up in defense: I'm just clearing the air, don't have to be mean!
Hobie got the gist of it: Ohhh! -he never knew his boyfriend could get jealous- Luv, I wasn't flirting. Your the only one for me!
Miles: Cabrón, estas jugando comigo? Carajo, mama culo de su putas! -he didn't believe him, he's already too pissed off-
Peter going on his phone looking up Miles' use of language: Ohh, these are not good! -he winced at the use of language-
Pav innocently: What does mama bicho mean?
Peter types it in: Yikes!
Pav looks over and gasps: MILES THATS SO MEAN!
Mayday: Mama bicho!
Peter jumps: Mayday no! That's bad! Bad word! -his daughter laughs out loud-
Hobie: Luv, honest. I just did a simple autograph. I don't care for them. I'm the singer, you gotta understand I have to sign a few tits and deal with them.
Miles scowls: You need to set boundaries! How would you like it if I did that with random people, huh?
Hobie's jealousy sparked: Heh, your not in a band, Morales.
Miles:Ah, see you don't like that. I am your boyfriend -he brought his boyfriend's face closer to him- you need to respect me and my wishes! I am your half, not these bitches! Me estás escuchando? Are you listening me? Do you understand the words I'm saying coming out of my mouth? I am, your boyfriend, tu vida, tu amor!
Hobie couldn't be anymore happier, the amount of jealousy his partner is throwing and claiming his love to him. It felt all to amazing, hearts can be seen around his head. Even his whole body turned pink with magazine words with I love you all over: Yes, luv. I hear you. -he happily listens-
Miles went on: I'm not your fucking friend that you just high five. I'm tu cielo! Tu amor! Not your fucking puta! Yo no soy tu amigo! Yo soy tu cariño, tu bombón, tu CORAZÓN- -Miles touch Hobie's chest- This right here is mine! You hear me! Esto es mío! I'm not playing with you, Hobie! Tu eres mi alma! -still fuming-
Hobie hugs him: Yes, I am. Yes, I'm an idiot. I'm so sorry, luv. -he gave in. He didn't care if he was right or wrong. He's too in love with his Sunflower. He would do anything for him- I am everything for you.
Miles huffs happily: Good! Next time, I will kick your ass if you pulled that shit! -he happily got carried by his boyfriend as they make out-
Gwen saw how everyone went back to normal and she sighs: I never thought he would get that mad!
Pav: Yeah, yikes!
Peter: At least, it cool down on their own.
Gwen: MJ is gonna kill you...
Peter sighs: I know, maybe I can be like Hobie and give in!
Pav: Mmm, I don't think so!
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letterboxd · 5 years
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Villains in Love.
“That’s how we like to do drugs. Non-judgmentally.” Letterboxd talks ‘couples on the run’, moral relativism and Bill “handsome as the day is long” Skarsgård with Villains writer/directors Dan Berk and Robert Olsen.
In Villains, the new thriller from Dan Berk and Robert Olsen, who wrote and directed together, we join a couple of young lovers on the run: Jules (Maika Monroe) and Mickey (Bill Skarsgård).
Their car breaks down following a gas station robbery, so they take refuge in a nearby suburban home. After making a disturbing discovery in the basement, they quickly realize they picked the wrong house. Their situation becomes drastically more perilous when the owners, the outwardly folksy George (Jeffrey Donovan) and Gloria (Kyra Sedgwick), return home and turn the tables on Mickey and Jules.
From the title on down, the darkly comedic Villains clearly wants to play with cinematic notions of what constitutes “good” and “bad” characters. Berk and Olsen are assisted in this by four actors doing great work, but Donovan (Fargo) must be singled out for such effective use of his delightfully insincere smile.
We sat down with Berk and Olsen following the film’s world premiere earlier this year at the SXSW Film Festival.
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‘Villains’ co-directors Dan Berk and Robert Olsen.
Did the concept for this film come to you first or did you start with the characters and go from there? Dan Berk (co-writer/director): I think probably the first thing, if we’re being completely honest, was a little bit more practical. We knew we wanted to make a film in a single or a limited location because our first film Body, which we had at Slamdance in 2015, we shot that entirely in one location and it was a shoestring budget, $50,000. We shot it in eleven overnights. It was really kind of insane, but we came away from that realizing that if you own a location, you can leave your gear up, get in, shoot your day, get out, come back the next morning, turn your lights on and keep shooting.
Robert Olsen (co-writer/director): And that’s a big realm that you can fit a lot of different ideas under. We were wanting to do a kind of “lovers on the run”; a couple of amateur criminals, like in the style of Bonnie and Clyde or Badlands. We had been circling that for a while and then it kind of became like, okay, well, if it is this young couple, this inept Bonnie and Clyde, what do they run into in this single location of ours? And that’s where George and Gloria came from. What if it was this bizarro, older version of themselves? Because you look at those different movies and the couples are treated differently, morally, in different ones. Like in True Romance, you’re very much sympathizing with them throughout, whereas Natural Born Killers, they get to a certain point where you’re like: oh my god, these people have problems, it’s not good. And so we were like, well, what if Martin Sheen and Sissy Spacek didn’t stop at the end of Badlands and grew up—what would they be like? And wouldn’t that be funny to see these people run into the evil version of themselves?
DB: Once we had the practical location component and the characters, the thematic framework came next. This idea that was sort of obvious once we laid all the pieces out on the board, of this moral relativism. The idea that if you saw Mickey and Jules on the street, you’d go, like, oh those are the villains right? They just robbed a convenience store. Those people are not good people. And if you saw George and Gloria at the grocery store, you’d go, those are good upstanding citizens, look how nice their hair is. It’s tough really that that’s how we operate. And it’s sort of a “don’t judge a book by its cover” thing. RO: And just like how love plays into it where both couples have a genuine loving relationship. They are truly in love with one another, but it’s like, how much can your love for one another forgive the sins that you commit? And also love as this razor’s edge tightrope that you fall on to one side or the other. Are you going to be on the good side of love which drives you to be empathetic and imagine yourself in somebody else’s shoes? Or are you gonna fall on the bad side of love, which is like, obsession and letting love become a corrupting influence on you. So that was where we wound up and then we just got in there and started writing.
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Kyra Sedgwick and Jeffrey Donovan in ‘Villains’.
The film invites comparisons with previous “lovers on the run” movies, especially with Bill’s character being named Mickey (evoking Mickey and Mallory from NBK). Were you hoping that audiences would link these characters to that tradition? DB: We certainly didn’t wanna hide from it. We’re not running from the Bonnie and Clyde ancestor of this, and True Romance and Natural Born Killers and Badlands and all that stuff. We’d be delusional if we thought we invented the idea of young lovers. We wouldn’t go so far as to say the entire thing is an homage.
RO: We wanted there to be enough references that we were showing that we didn’t think we were the first people to ever have this idea, and at the same time you don’t want so many references that your movie’s just this clip show.
We hear a lot about the “contained thriller” as a genre these days. How did you feel your film would set itself apart from all the others? DB: I think it’s about the space that you’re in. Something we wanted to do differently here was get a sense of mood. We wanted the basement to feel different from the living room and feel different from the kitchen and feel different from Gloria’s room, so that the movie does not become visually repetitive.
RO: Had our resources been more limited, we might’ve been forced to do a situation where we were looking at white walls the entire time and I really don’t think the film would’ve worked had that been the case because the production design, the set decoration, buttresses this tone so effectively. I would say that if you removed that buttress, the entire tower would fall down. You can’t make this movie that exists in this slightly elevated lane above reality without the backdrops of your scenes; they need to get the memo too that we’re existing in a weird world. The dining room needs to have that fiery orange palm tree wallpaper. The other room needs to be cool blue. You would never design two rooms together like that but George and Gloria do. And it’s a signal, it’s a code to the audience that yes, this is a bit surreal.
DB: You can have a unique tone, but if you don’t establish it until 45 minutes into the movie, then you’ve failed. You need those visual markers to let you know that wallpaper’s just too perfect for this to take place in the exact same reality I live in.
Drug use in films is usually pretty didactic, but you have your protagonists take them in what feels like a non-judgmental manner here. RO: That’s how we like to do drugs. Non-judgmentally. [Laughs.]
DB: That was one of the first things we conceived at the script level because it’s so in line with that theme of moral relativism. We’re not sitting here saying eleven year olds should be doing coke, but we wanted to paint a portrait of characters that were levelled and had good intentions and you’d feel comfortable sitting and having lunch with them and talking about their lives, but you also see them doing things that are perceived by most of society as evil.
RO: It’s playing with the idea that you mentioned where normally, that is a signal to an audience member that this person is bad. That’s just not how real life works. There are people who do drugs that are perfectly good people. And yes, if your son is thirteen years old and his friend is trying to get him to do coke, that’s evil in your mind in that relative situation. But it’s not the same thing as murdering somebody. It’s not the same thing as keeping a person chained up in your basement.
DB: It was also a way to compartmentalize these characters, to show that their identities were very multi-faceted, that George could both have done incredibly evil things, but he’s doing all these things because he loves his wife and he actually is a good husband.
You’re keying into something that was really important to us: it’s so easy, and it’s part of the common language of film, to put a character in a box. You’re either a protagonist or an antagonist. You’re either an evil person or a good person. And it’s a challenge both for us as filmmakers and for an audience when they’re digesting this story, to try to carry both of those things in your head at once. “This is a character that is doing something I morally disagree with but I love them though. What’s going on here? This is making me feel weird.”
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It’s interesting to see Bill Skarsgård give such an “all-American” performance here. RO: We had this idea in our head of this young Johnny Depp, this River Phoenix, late 80s/early 90s heartthrob that they just don’t make anymore, and we just couldn’t find it. And then here comes Bill. We had seen him in these sort of more genre-based roles and things like that. We’d never seen him be charming like he is in this.
DB: He’s usually the opposite of charming. Like in Castle Rock and It.
RO: As soon as we Skyped with him, we were like. that’s it! He’s got it! He’s like, long and lanky but handsome as the day is long and everything too, he’s the perfect guy.
DB: Bill takes the craft very seriously but he’ll do a [comedy] bit with us for five minutes. He’s very jokey as well. We’re in love with him. RO: And he is so built for it. He has these big eyes. He has this, like, “hot Steve Buscemi” thing going on. I’m sure he and his team discussed this and [thought] ‘you’ve got nothing else like this’. So if it’s bad or whatever, we’ll slip it under the rug, but if it’s good, who knows what this could get you? He shouldn’t just play the boogey-man. There’s a lot more to him.
DB: There’s so much more to him than the scary clown.
‘Villains’ is in US cinemas now. Comments have been edited for clarity and length.
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almasidaliano · 4 years
let's rip the bandaid off. it's a race thing. "oh no racism isn't an issue" shut the fuck up. seriously, im disappointed in my people so i'm going to address yall first. my melanated Kings and Queens; darlings what are yall doing? Why are we still taking this? Why are we subjecting ourselves to this kind of disrespect?
are we really just going to sit here and let history repeat itself? going to watch them shackle and kill us all again? what are you afraid of? our ancestors were scared. they were strong in their own way, we are stronger. they kept our culture alive, our roots. they sacrifice their freedom for ours, and look at this. look at us. playing into their game, letting them run the show. have we forgotten about the 1960s? when the civil rights movements picked up? yall forget Martin, Malcolm, Rosa?
if you are African American, meaning black (yes you mixed mfs are black, you can try to tread on the fence but im sorry to tell you, the day will come when you have to pick a side and what's worse is no matter what you pick the world already decided for you.) and born in america; your ancestors are slaves. you can't tell me, your blood, your heritage, your lineage doesn't deserve defending, protection.
we have a constitution. this doctrine is the "LAW OF THE LAND" (still we have individual state laws, hmm). in this document, the rights of people of color, and women were added into the admendments. people of color had to take citizenship tests, though they were never taught to read, and english wasn't even their first language. then there was the segregation. if you skin is pigmented, you are treated differently.
low income areas, "ghettos/hood" areas were designed for the communities to run like crabs in a bucket. they require dependency or rebellion. they isolated and rationed resources, discriminated and interfered with job security, then blamed the citizens of the community for their failures. provided the bare minimum (a bar they set) and do you know why the hate continued? because still we rose.
this is why the problem started. human were created in "Gods image" (any god you believe in we will indulge the religious conversation later.) layman's terms? we are all gods.
we are not the same kind of gods though. like ying and yang right? so there is light and dark. society told us we should be afraid of the dark, that bad things happen in the dark, that monsters hide there. what's funny is that life teaches us the opposite; teaches us that monsters can dress nice and wear smiles too. there's the story of Lucifer right? Lucifer is not the Devil. the Devil in my opinion is the "God" of evil. like there is good energy and there is bad energy. the universe is made up of both. so boom right? Lucifer was right hand to God and got big headed wanted to be him couldn't boom gets casted out takes a third of angels and boom hell and allat right? so let's just break it down for a second.
alright so first, B I B L E: basic instructions before leaving earth. the Bible is written in code, one, and two it is allegorical. (all melanated people truly do need to crack open a book and get to reading.) Jesus (Yahshua) is melanated, wooly hair bronze skin? come on now. so the idea they are selling is this all power white man is saving us all. truthfully, who cares what he look like if he's here to save our souls? you would think that would be the thought process, however; for some people the truth does not get them what they want so they opt against it. Good and light became associated with white. "wear all white when you feeling godly" its supposed to holy and clean right? pale faces became the face of faith. hasn't anyone realized how blinding light is? the closer you look the less you see. they guide your focus. the stars light the night sky yet we have all of this light pollution, it is simply a means of distraction. the wind talks, did you know that? the trees whisper. nature is beautiful and most of the world will never know.
they divided us by color. our skin isn't even black, however because they are pale, pasty, white; they made us their opposite. even in their classification of us they revealed the truth. you see, white is the absence of all color. it is empty. whereas, black is compromised of every color.
did you know there are two types of humans? yes seriously. homo sapiens and neanderthals. fun fact: neanderthals are structured more chimp like. homo sapiens were living in Africa albinism was prominent so there were a lot of melanated people without melanin, getting skin cancer and dying. neanderthals came about when homo sapiens migrated to Europe and Eurasia. they mated and began creating all the many races and ethnicities we have today.
melanated people are built structurally different than white people. we are naturally stronger, faster, thicker, humane, etc than they are. this is where the hate comes from.
"jealousy is just love and hate at the same time. - aubrey" pride and envy are dangerous things. when trying to compete, they were met with failure and it manifested hate instead of motivation. look at america. it is built entirely on the ideas of others, the hardwork and manual labor of others. those leading our country have done nothing for us. they simply continue taking all the credit.
white people left Britain, and called it "fleeing from religious persecution". the truth is they were fleeing from classism. they were in their element and they were minnows and not sharks. they decided to find a new pond to swim in. they did just that. the Natives were abused, and disregarded. they pretended to be civil and took damn near everything from them, all of their legacies and memories, their safety.
white people are lazy and greedy. this is why there are so many dividing markers in our life, labels, roles. there is a grave lack of family values for them. there is this morphed idea that the world is here for them, like we are all here to aid them. they reek of entitlement. like success, joy, love and prosperity are guaranteed to them just because. it is not on them all. just like melanated people can't help their environment, neither can they. the rude awakening always comes once you become unsheltered from actuality.
the cards are stacked against us from the jump. due to our enivornments, children grow up in broken homes, homeless, or jumping from home to home. single parents run themselves ragged, over stressed. children end up in the streets trying to take some of the weight off of their parents. the world just see thugs and gangsters though. menaces to society. when the real menace is society.
still we rise. still we smile. still we laugh and we love. and its so disheartening, that those are the things festering their hatred for us. no one is perfect. no one is the worst thing they have ever done either. growth is constant.
all we have to do is decide to be ourselves. decide to impact the world the best way YOU know how. white people have talents, a multitude of gifts. instead of trying to get rid of everyone else's imagination, what about losing the fear and choosing to dream yourself? and maybe asking for help, should you need it.
who you are, is who you've always been. i mean, the you, you were before the world told you who you had to be. who you are, has and will never be dependent on anything out of your control. people use the wrong things to assess the quality of a person. things like religious views, political views, music preference, sexuality. things that do not have shit to do with you. its all more division markers.
trust yourself. fuck what society says. what does society actually know? only what they are told. think about this: pyschological control is basically brainwashing. so boom. then you got your mind, your heart and your gut. that would be logic, emotion, and intuition. your emotion and your intuition are in the same section of your body. your brain however, is all isolated while being the storage container for everything you see experience etc in life. your brain is what gets conditioned. all the preconceived notions you have about things came from somewhere. where? we know what we know because they told us. how do we know its true? the thing about logic is, it makes sense. so when your mind isn't making sense yet your heart and gut in agreement, listen to yourself. they tell you think before you speak because their conditioned processor is in your head. always follow your heart.
people on both sides still to this day suggest segregation. like folks really do not believe we can cohabitate in a productive civil mutually benefical and prosperous way and that without segregation, civil war and/or genocide is in the future. here's the thing.  they had every opportunity, to ship folks back, or even kick us out. now folks could just start up and leaving, yet we don't. we tuck our tails and put up with it. why? i think its due to fear of being a foreigner in your true motherland. fear of not being accepted there either. i also think it's due to the way our ancestors were treated; how they allowed themselves to be treated.
so look: i'm a mutt. both sides of the feud, so i can formulate a well rounded argument; however i am black. when the world sees me and when i see me too. i am black and proud, in a world hell bent on making me believe my genes deem me inferior or unworthy to anyone. i say that to say, nothing will change until we stop fighting each other and start fighting for one another. they misused and abused us. chained and locked us away like animals. beat us like animals. and before they started more actively and carelessly attacking us out loud again, they got smart. gave us rights, gave us "homes" "communities" we were grateful. for this illusion of freedom. we must get uncomfortable with this false freedom. they treated us like animals, then tried to make us the villians, fearful we would retaliate, when all we ever wanted to do was live, joyously in harmony.
they cannot stop hating us, because we will never hate them. its a losing battle for them. still, if we don't stand up and fight we will lose in the end. fear and trauma also sparks compliance in them. bears are not violent creatures. but you don't poke a bear you know? melanated people are bears. currently acting like bears at the zoo. how long are we going to let them poke the bear?
melanated people need to unite. Dr. King tried peace and it worked for a little bit. it was a bandaid fix. now it's time to try Malcolm's approach.
Thanks for listening. -Almasi.
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