#sockmonster reads trc
sockmonstergotstyle · 5 years
300 Pages into The Dream Thieves
Honestly so much has happened in the last 200 pages I can’t remember my thoughts on it all
Who the fuck is this Gray Man guy??? He’s so weird??? Like he kills people, but he also studies Anglo Saxon poetry, and he also clearly has family issues, and now he’s like ‘I’m falling in love with Maura’ Sir u had one (1) date
I keep thinking he’s gonna turn out to be someone? Bc like idk why else his identity would be so secret. But none of the characters seem to recognise him so idk
Not gonna lie when those random dickheads smashed the Henrietta model I was ready to throw hands. Square up motherfuckers
Matthew Lynch is so pure how is he related to Declan and Ronan
Also imagine having those powers tho??? Like if Niall Lynch can dream himself a wife, imagine the possibilities??? I could just dream myself a Jem Carstairs???
Why does Gansey just say ‘Excelsior’ sometimes like it’s a common exclamation shut the fuck up Nerd
Can I ship Orla and Helen even though they haven’t met
Blue and Noah kissed?? That scene was so adorable omg bc like it wasn’t this big shock romantic thing, it was just two teens being teens?? Exploring?? It was so pure and funny
Why does Gansey just always have mint leaves on hand like does he just have a pocket filled with mint leaves or what
Gansey and Adam fight so much jeez. But the funny thing is that neither of them are really right. Like they’re both in the wrong. Gansey needs to be less condescending and Adam needs to be less stubborn
Blue diving into that pond made me cringe like my eyes hurt when I open them in a pool never mind in muddy pond water yikes
“Ronan never took my car” oof
The only character in this whole series who has Big Dick Energy is Blue. Everyone else is inferior sorry
Other than Calla. Calla also has BDE
Kavinsky reminds me of every chav I’ve ever known. I bet he made flamethrowers with deodorant bottles and lighters at school
“I have a crush on Richard Gansey” oooh hunny that’s one slippery slope
Anyway yes yes I’m loving this book so far?? Like I find myself really excited to read it which is so fun bc I rarely get that feeling. Ugh why has it taken me so long to read these booksss
There’s so much discourse on main at the mo that I must just make a trc sideblog and abandon my usual content for ghosts and Welsh kings
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sockmonstergotstyle · 5 years
100 Pages into The Raven Boys
So I’m actually 143 pages in but I was enjoying it too much to remember to stop and give my thoughts
Richard “Dick” Campbell Gansey The Third is possibly the most accidentally hilarious and simultaneously Pompous character I’ve heard of akdjsksjaka
The khaki trousers and v neck jumper
The ORANGE car
Rowing club????
I keep fluctuating between ‘I hate him’ and ‘we stan’. Like one minute he’s doodling in a journal and building a replica of the whole fucking town and just generally being Nerdy Boi and the next he’s in that fucking car and offering to pay people’s wages
Also Blue so far seems like such a great protagonist. Character voice is super important to me, and I find a lot of YA female protagonists are flimsy as fuck. But so far Blue doesn’t seem like that at all
The Sargents all seem like fun people lmao
Although I cannot imagine being like ten and my whole family being like “if u kiss your true love you’ll DIE”
As someone not from the US all I have to go off for small American towns is stereotypes and Twilight so like if they don’t live in lil shaded houses with like one (1) little wooden church and elderly people who sit on porches in rocking chairs then honestly idk what I’m supposed to be picturing
Ngl my ass has lived on the Scottish border for so long that when I saw ‘Neeve’ I was like uh they spelt it wrong
I had an existential crisis when I realised Blue is younger than me. I’m officially older than YA protagonists. No thank you I’m supposed to be thirteen
It also means I can no longer think ‘it’s ok you’ll have a boyfriend when you’re that age’ ahahaha. ha.
Most of the other characters have showed up a bit now. I love how they all have really strong personalities and quirks? And I love how the lads all care so much about each other they deserve all the uwus
Also Chainsaw akdjsksjaka
It’s funny because thanks to my friend’s ramblings I know Noah is a ghost and it’s so funny reading it already with that info. Like his opening line is ‘I’ve been dead for seven years’ and they’re all just like haha classic Noah
Also the way he sometimes just stands around unnervingly like that’s exactly what I would do if I was a ghost ngl
I have kids more I could say but like I don’t want this to be a hella long post lol
But yeah I’m loving the plot so far, looking forward to it fully kicking into action. The ley line stuff confuses me slightly bc I’m thick like idfk what dowsing is? May have to do some googling
But anyway, I’m enjoying it vvv much. It’s nice to read smth a bit more laid back? Like no traumatic backstories, no torture, no bitter sweet destiny. Just like, a group of teenagers and a ghost trying find magic
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sockmonstergotstyle · 5 years
100 Pages into The Dream Thieves
I’m glad we’re finally getting a Ronan pov
He’s definitely one of the more interesting characters (although I’d say they’re actually all interesting) and his pov keeps me wanting to read, which is cool
Idk who The Grey Man is but so far he sounds just as pathetic as Whelk was
What’s up with Adam? The boy needs a break and an exorcism
Also when Blue stands up for herself. I love this song
When Gansey compared Blue to a platypus aksjska so far he’s compared her to a coffee table, a platypus and a sandwich. I don’t think I want to see him try to flirt ngl
Also I love that the usual Main Love Interest thing isn’t forced. Like I’m not having an in detail description of the curve of Gansey’s muscles shoved down my throat every 5 seconds with a ‘but I didn’t think he was attractive’ tacked on the end to remind that actually she doesnt like him at all
Everyone talks about Ronan being the dangerous unpredictable one meanwhile Adam is living in a cupboard, sacrificing himself and shouting at anyone who speaks to him
All Ronan has done is create a bird, pay Adam’s rent and throw Noah out a window
The lack of Gansey is hilarious bc all I’ve really seen of him so far is fleeting descriptions of his various polo shirts from different characters. Like there’s nothing and then every odd chapter just ‘there he is, Golf Dad’
Also I love how Neeve went and Jimi is suddenly kinda relevant. Like we just replaced one of Blue’s aunts with another
Noah’s excitement over the snow globe why is he like this
Is Ronan keeps street racing Gansey’s gonna ground him
The ‘get on top of the fridge’ vine comes to mind
Why is Blue getting like 0 page time where is she i miss her
Also I can’t believe the reason Ronan goes to church is because he saw the devil flash his dick at his dad I-
This series is full of so much random shit I love it
So far, like the first book, I’m really enjoying it! Possibly more than book 1 actually. I don’t want to put it down. It’s been a while since I reached that point where I forget I’m reading? I’m just so immersed. Good shit
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sockmonstergotstyle · 5 years
100 Pages into Blue Lily, Lily Blue
I’ve chosen to refer to it out loud as ‘book 3’ instead of trying to vocalise bluelillilililbloo
All the back to school talk is making me anxious abt my own back to school experience in a month. Which, coincidentally, is also the English equivalent of Senior year in the US, just like in the book
Difference is I only have to study 3 subjects and I can walk the hallways in my bed socks heh
I relate to Maura because I too would disappear into a cave at the first opportunity
The fact that Ronan is always just so unashamedly Ronan is my favourite thing
What, pray tell, is the Murder Squash Song
The angst to come is gonna kill me and I know it. I’m not ready. I can’t handle angst
Also I keep forgetting Gansey is doomed to die. Then every now and then I’m like oh shit yeah
Greenmantle and his wife sound like a real Cliche Villain Couple and I love it
Quick question. Is Gansey supposed to be like,,,,,, possibly autistically coded? Not to stir drama bc such statements tend to stir drama for some reason but like since book 1 I’ve thought about it. Idk he just reminds me of me in every way that has st some point been referred to as an “autistic trait” on me. When I started the series I actually half expected some form of canon. Idk I’m not saying he is I’m no professional I’m just saying there’s itsy bitsy possibilities maybe idk
Anyway moving swiftly on before the ableists find me
Are Noah’s ghostly happenings just a new thing or has he been disappearing mid conversation for years and nobody ar Monmouth has ever noticed
Why were none of my school teachers secretly murderers that would’ve been much more exciting
I’m jealous of Aurora Lynch ngl like she gets to just live in a magic forest and sleep a lot?? Sign me the fuck up
When Gansey fell into the hole tho lmao the description of him just dangling in the darkness with his stupid helmet torch felt like a metaphor for my life
Also none of them were any good at comforting him. Blue is like ‘everything will be ok there’s no way you’ll die don’t worry you’re completely safe’ meanwhile in the back Ronan is like HEY FOREST PLEASE DONT KILL HIM
I hate Malory because he’s such a horrific English stereotype but some of it is just so *clenches fist* true
Like no, nobody calls the US ‘the colonies’ but do we drink tea and complain about the health system and use the word ‘loo’? Yes most days
How are they all so chill that Maura disappeared into a cave A MONTH AGO and is still missing??? Like why does nobody seem concerned she could’ve like starved to death? Been eaten by bears??? Anything???
So I’ll keep this post relatively short lmao but yes good shit so far. I’d say currently it’s my least fave of the series so far, but still really good. I’d like to see more of Blue tho
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sockmonstergotstyle · 5 years
200 Pages into The Raven Boys
Again this is a lie I’m nearly at 300 now but honestly does anyone care
I’m gonna need to search some fan art because all I really get from character descriptions of the lads rn is “they all have brown hair, except that’s one’s is shorter” and words like ‘smudgy’ that my brain can’t comprehend
I love how different all the character are tho. Like they all have very distinct personalities
I think currently Gansey might be my favourite? Possibly because I see myself in him. Also I love how enthusiastic he is it makes my heart swell
Also Ronan because he puts so much effort into being Bad BoyTM but then takes time out of his day to feed a baby bird
Also Noah is such a creepy little shit lmao how are none of them in the slightest bit suspicious. At this point he could hover over Gansey’s bed in the middle of the night and Gansey would be like ‘haha lol nice trick Noah’
Also am I sensing a love triangle? Is this a love triangle I’m gonna have to read? A love triangle? Below my eyes? I’m gonna have to read a love triangle?
There was something so funny about that magical tree tho when both Blue and Adam are like ‘omg,,,,Death,,,,Shame,,,,,Darkness,,,,,,’ meanwhile Gansey is like AHHHH MY KING AT LASTTTTTT
That chalk horse reference came out of nowhere. I didn’t even realise that big fuck off white hill horse was famous. I’ve never looked at it and thought ‘magical’ I just think ‘lol look at that big horse’
Not to be that person but where is this Adam/Ronan content I’ve been promised
The lads make me laugh so hard. Like they go from intellectuals to typical teenage boys in 0.3 seconds. One moment it’s like “ley lines,,energy,,science,,maps” and then the next moment it’s “we build car ramp car FLY”
Do you know what I’d give to have Blue’s confidence bloody hell she takes zero (0) shit
Overall, I’m still really enjoying it! I love how strong all the different character personalities are, and the plot is so fun. I’m just enjoying this magical quest that so far doesn’t involve traumatic experiences or human sacrifice or a Greater Good
So yeah. Good shit. Little concerned for the angst to come ngl but I’m just ignoring what I know will eventually come
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sockmonstergotstyle · 5 years
So I finished The Dream Thieves
Well that was all a little stressful
I don’t really know what to say
I love the description in these books, especially the night scenes. Like Kavinsky’s parties, Ronan street racing. Like u can see it happening and feel like you’re there. It’s sooo good
I’m not gonna be able to handle all the angst to come like Blue literally just touched Gansey’s neck and I was like this is how I die
Chapter 56 tho. “Hey Lynch I didn’t leave that car for it to just sit there while you blow III”. Iconic. Moving. Inspiring. The best written chapter I’ve ever read. Maggie’s way with words is just incredible
Gansey leaves town for two days and Ronan gets into drugs and crashes a car, and Adam disappears
We actually have a new segment to this review thing now!! An entire section written by me, at the exact time of reading! My in-the-moment thoughts! So I interrupt our usual shitposting for my firsthand reaction to Adam and Blue:
Adam I pissing me off to the HIGHEST level akdjsksjaka he’s in Blue’s fave every 2 seconds like WhY WoNT YoU KisS mE and when Blue gets angry about it he’s all YoU rEallY ArE A RaGinG FemiNIsT and then proceeds to ASK AGAIN why she won’t kiss him akdjsksjaka shut the fuck uppppppppp
Like I knowwwwww he’s got shit going on but that gives him zero (0) right to treat her like that if I was Blue I would’ve blocked his number by now
And now Blue feels guilty about it??? She thinks she’s in the wrong???? Hunny no u owe him nothing
Thank you for reading my in the moment thoughts! So real! So intimidate! Anyway back to the usual
I don’t like cucumber but I’d eat cucumber sandwiches if it meant I got to sit next to Richard Campbell Gansey III
Kavinsky was so fucked up lmao like he clearly had a crush on Ronan and instead of just dealing with it like a person he stole his brother??? That’s not how u get the guy my dude
I can only picture Adam’s shitty car as the car from The Inbetweeners akdjsksjaka
Gonna start a support group for teenage boys with wayward children. It’s literally just for Gansey and Julian Blackthorn
And Jem Carstairs since he babysat Will for most of his teenagehood
Wait I think I just worked out what my type is
Why was it never explained why Niall Lynch was flashed by the Devil someone please explain
Niall sounds like a funny guy tho like everyone else with these dream powers is like making hundreds of cars and dragons and magical boxes and he just. Made a wife and a toaster.
So is the gray man important now? Is that a thing now? He’s gonna be in the other books? Ok
That cave sure sounds fun
Can Gansey just die already I don’t wanna have to deal with angst
Anyway this is getting long so I’ll just shut up. I really enjoyed this, in fact this one minght be my fave out of the two I’ve read. I’m looking forward to seeing more of Blue in book 3 tho. We stan
I’m hoping Adam gets help too. The boy is a mess. I’m trying so hard to like him but Jesus he makes it hard. Also don’t think he should be allowed alone with Blue until he gets said help since he’s nearly lashed out at her like twice now. I’m hoping his arc is gonna become one of healing as the series continues
I really don’t wanna have to deal with the Blue and Gansey angst guys I can’t do it
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sockmonstergotstyle · 5 years
200 Pages into Blue Lily, Lily Blue
Ngl I hate itI hate the angst
And all the other e m o t i o n s
I’m streSSED
First things first (I’m the realest) Greentmantle and Piper are my fave villains of the series so far lmao they’re such a cliche villain couple and I love it. Like the whole vibe they give off is amazing. Greenmantle pretending he’s having an air burial while Piper orders furless dogs? Brilliant. Perfect.
Also I’ve finally worked out something I love so much about this series, and it’s just the Dumb Bitch Energy the entire plot radiates. Like 90% of the scenes just make me think what the fuck is happening Idek how to explain it, but everything just seems stupid but nobody thinks it’s stupid. Like Malory’s dog in general. And Jesse Dittley’s house and Blue eating spaghetti hoops while casually discussing his family’s curse. Her pulling apart his garden while he comments on the fact she looks like an ant. Like almost everything that happens feels fucking bizarre and nobody comments on it and I love it
Also do I finally sense some Pynch content on the horizon
I’ve seen the name ‘Henry Cheng’ in edits before so I had one of those ohhhhh I know u moments when he first appeared
200 pages in and Adam hasn’t been hostile to anyone yet is this ~character development~
Ronan dreaming up epi pens and sting cures that he carries around in case Gansey needs it oml I’m crying in the club
Blue is exactly the person I imagine I’d be if I didn’t have anxiety. Just quippy and hotheaded and slightly eccentric. She’s who I am on the inside lmao
Cabeswater is like an annoying child like when it wants something it’s just like REEEEEEEEEE until poor Adam is like whAT
Gansey waiting for Blue to call so he can be all cool and when she finally calls he just infodumps DUCK FACTS on her until she hangs up akdjsksjaka he tried
Honestly Noah is freaky as fuck like 40% of the time he’s dorky and cute and the rest he’s like, reenacting his death or becoming tensoarent or just a disembodied voice. That bit in the fucking garden when he’s black eyed in Blue’s face??? Freakiest shit I’ve ever read in a book no thank you 0/10 would not read again
So Adam knows Gansey is gonna die and I just KNOW he’s gonna be a dramatic bitch about it like I can feel the chapters of his pitiful self loathing before I’ve even read them
Can’t believe we were robbed of Gansey and Calla’s car ride smh I wanna read that
Blue’s mood swings are so relatable tho like one second she’s fucking smooshing her face against Gansey’s and swooning over the smell of his coat and the next she’s like FUCK MEN and honestly I think that’s something every woman who is attracted to men can relate to
So thoughts so far? Am stressedIdek why really. Partly bc like dangerous caves and looming death and angsty moments, but also because I have like a book and a half left in this series and I really don’t want it to end
I know Call Down The Hawk is coming out soon but all I know is that it’s about Ronan like is it a prequel?? Will the other characters cameo??? This can’t be it pls
I’m stressed
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sockmonstergotstyle · 5 years
Tumblr media
Me, a tsc stan: IdRiS???
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sockmonstergotstyle · 5 years
300 Pages into Blue Lily, Lily Blue
So thankfully these last 100 pages have been a lot less strenuous on the old stress glands
Every conversation with Jesse Dittley radiates some kind of energy and I can’t really decide what energy that is
I still love Greenmantle and Piper. There’s so batshit crazy in the best way
A completely different way to the batshit crazy that is Gwenllian
Idk if it’s just me or if it’s just a ~womanly~ thing to relate to every mad lady in anything ever. Like Gwenllian started shouting about having three boobs and the ability to impregnate Gansey and both me and my friend were like wow mood
The Mortal Instruments has had too much of an effect on me. Gwenllian mentioned Artemus licking her away and I was theorising about Artemus maybe being Glendower making Blue his daughter and then Gwenllian turns to Gansey like ‘and you’re Glendower’s...’ and in that moment I was hit with both certainty and fear that she was about to declare them siblings
Can we call this the Cassandra Clare effect
I really didn’t need any information about Gansey’s testicles but thanks I guess
I’ve been reading too late into the night, and have finally come to that conclusion when, as Ronan was described to be getting out of a car at Aglionby, my brain provided me with that scene in Twilight when Emmet is standing in the truck, and instead of questioning it I was like yeah that’s exactly what I just read
Can Adam’s dad, like, die
Ronan is such a dramatic bitch lmao when he pulled a grossly dying version of himself from his dream just to make a point to Adam aksjska he’s so overly dramatic I love it
Adam is also dramatic but he’s like the dramatic that bores me. Like a cat meows or some shit and he’s like “the forest,,,,,,,,it has come for my lonesome soul,,,,,,,” go listen to MCR
Gansey being upset when they thought they’d found Glendower because the aesthetic was wrong akdjsksja
I can’t believe the women of 300 fox way just let Gwenllian walk around at night. Like she could STAB you
‘Sometimes Gansey forgot how much he liked school and how good he was at it” shut the fuck up
If I finish these books and unblock the tags and see one (1) meme of ‘Finding Nemo’ with ‘Nemo’ replaced with ‘Maura’ I’m cancelling the whole fandom
Overall, I’m glad there was less stress this time lol. Although I feel that is something I will not be saying by the next update, which will be when I finish the book
I only have 100 pages left of this one and then one more book, and that’s it. I don’t want that to be it. Why aren’t all series as long as Throne of Glass
I want to read but at the same time I don’t because I know at least one person who dies (I’m not referring to Gansey idk wtf is going on there) in the last book and also I just don’t want it to end hhhhhhhhh
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sockmonstergotstyle · 5 years
So I finished The Raven King
This isn’t really a normal one of these things, in fact this is gonna get deep sorry guys shotposting will continue tomorrow
Basically I just finished the Raven King like 5 mins ago, and I wanted to take a moment just to discuss what an odd affect this series has had on me?
I no longer go into books expecting them to touch me in any profound way; the Shadowhunter Chronicles did that when I was 14, nothing else needs to
But the Raven cycle has really made me go through one wild ride of introspection
And literally the bottom line of that is: I related most, and clung to, Gansey
Why is this such a big deal?
I have a lot of problems with my mental health. When I was 12-15, these issues also included depression. Honestly I don’t remember much of those years because it is only black to me now
But in that time, there was a certain type of character I related to. The underdogs, the sad people, the lonely people. The people who made me think hey, they feel like I do. And they always felt bad
I formed some of my favourite characters those days — characters who saved me from myself and the world, characters I could wrap around me like a blanket that made me feel less alone.
Lately, there has been no new ultimate fave characters, because none of them were sitting with me. I was waiting for one particularly sad character to show up and be my favourite, and it took reading the Raven cycle to make me reloads why that wait wasn’t ending
When I was 12-15, Adam Parrish hands down would’ve been my favourite. Like as I was reading the first book I knew he should’ve been the one I stuck to, because a few years ago he definitely would’ve been, and that is what has had me thinking
So the bottom line is actually more that I related to Gansey and not Adam
Because this time, instead of clinging to the sad and lonely one, the one who needed help, the one who needed a path, ininstead saw myself in the confident character. The one with passion and enthusiasm, the one who knew there was something in life and wanted to grab it.
It sounds so stupid, but somehow this series made me really learn something about myself. I no longer need to relate to the sad characters, because I’m no longer sad. Yes, I still have problems with my mental health, but I’m not in that dark space anymore. I no longer find other characters’ sorrow worthy of my whole hearted love and attention because I don’t need to anymore
It is something so small, yet somehow so big. Like, if the tsc was the beginning of the climb from that dark hole, is trc the end of it? Or at least the realisation that I’m at the end of it?
Who knows. I certainly don’t. But I do know that I finally know I’m in a better place — not a perfect place, but a better one.
I didn’t expect to gain anything personal from this series but I guess I accidentally did
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sockmonstergotstyle · 5 years
So I finished The Raven Boys
Why has it actually taken me this long to read these books
Like I’m actually frustrated. 13 year old me would’ve LOVED this. It could’ve been a childhood favourite. But no no, I read only Cassandra Clare books for 4 years
Whelk was such a shit villain lmao like he wasn’t even good at being a villain. He was just a massive loser
Gansey wearing glasses? Yes more of this please
Weak Ghost Noah reminds me of my cats. Like I can’t see them but I hear a noise and then my glass is on the floor and I just KNOW they’re near
But envious of Neeve just disappearing mid kerfuffle tbh. Why can’t I do that
That one like that said “Neeve was eating hummus” I thought it said “Neeve was eating humans” and I wasn’t overly surprised for 0.05 seconds
We started this book with high school romance woes and ended it with gravedigging
Tbh I was expecting more from the end? Idk what exactly. Something involving the whole Gansey dying thing? Idk I was just a bit surprised when suddenly it was like a month later. Felt unfinished and a bit anticlimatic
What actually happened to Adam? I am confusion
Also that last bit? An entire book and suddenly Ronan is like “BTDubs I dreamed a bird” wot
Also completely irrelevant to the end but that scene where Gansey just sadly mumbles “yee haw” with 0 context aksjska
I wish I was like Blue but I’m fairly certain I have the presence of Persephone
Also I love how like for the whole book everyone and all these visions are telling Blue she’ll fall in love with Gansey and at no point is she like ‘omg it must be true’ and suddenly falls head over heels. Instead she’s just like no thank you?? And continues persuing who she’s interested in
Overall I really enjoyed it. It was a nice fun read, nothing that depressed me or stressed me out, which was a nice change. I also really like Maggie’s writing style, like other than the ending I have absolutely 0 niggles about it. It’s not often I find a writing style I truly love
I think the only thing I can think to say is that sometimes the characters felt a bit passive? Like instead of them doing things to move the plot, things were just happening around them and they were going along with it. That was only a few cases tho, so still not a big deal
So yes! Very excited to start next book! See what Ronan is found dreaming birds into existence!
Also when the FUCK is Gansey gonna die
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sockmonstergotstyle · 5 years
I have 28 pages of The Raven Boys left,,,,,,, why am I scared,,,,,
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sockmonstergotstyle · 5 years
100 Pages into Call Down The Hawk
That’s right
It’s time lads
Initial thoughts: holy fuck I love this book
It has everything I love about Maggie’s writing and more: all the usual bullshittery handed to you by the narrator in a very matter-of-fact way, but this time with murder
All the dream shit is so funny. My favourite so far however is the cow balloon. The cow ascendant. We stan
Also the crabs
Idk why Bryde is but he talks like he’s high 24/7
I love seeing more of Matthew. Like he’s so fucking odd but in the best way
Adam’s Harvard friends are the exact same type of people as that group of college students in b99 who sing an acapella Harry Potter parody of Don’t You Forget About Me
Like. The Crying Club. I’m a fucking nerd and even I can say they are massive fucking nerds everything say they is simultaneously horrific, confusing and embarrassing I love it
Adam lying about his family mayhaps I cried
For context if u haven’t seen my trc posts that is the first time Adam Parrish has elicited an emotion in me that isn’t frustration, mild boredom or vague confusion
“Don’t make me get on a plane I’m currently chained to one of the oldest black walnut trees in Oregon” ok Richard
Also the fact that Blue 100% made him join her in changing themselves to the tree definitely as part of some save the trees protest is so in character I love them
Hope there’s no bees in that tree
Maggie’s narrator voice in this and trc will always be my fave narration. Like 90% of the book is just the narrator dragging Declan aksjska
Like it read likes ‘there’s Ronan and Matthew, loving their lives and being mildly unreasonable, and there’s Declan, the dullest motherfucker I’ve ever laid eyes on’
The floating crab taxi is how I feel spiritually
No that like is not getting context
I’m just realising I’m yet to mention the other two kinda mains and I feel that says how I feel about them so far
Although they’re definitely the underdogs in a series fronted by Pynch so I’m looking forward to getting to know them better
Jordan seems fun. Hennessy? Both? More? Idk wtf is going on there
Every time Gansey is mentioned I gain like 5 years on my life
Then instantly lose them again over my frustration at how much I love a polo shirt wearing, obnoxious car driving, over privelaged nerd who looks like the guy Megamind disguised himself as
Jfc thisnpost is far too long sorry I just have a lot of mismatched thoughts
In summary I’m loving this book so far and can’t wait to read more. Ronan Lynch is a bad bitch and I love him and all is stupid animal things
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sockmonstergotstyle · 5 years
So I’ve decided instead of rereading City of Bones I’m just going to fail my English a level and reread The Raven Boys instead
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