gyustarzzi · 6 months
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_ ★₊˚﹟🪐 '
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holy-yeosang · 1 year
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userwoosan · 5 months
I know i said id sleep but
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staytinyville · 8 months
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ATEEZ ot8 X Reader
Cowboy AU / Wild West
Series Masterlist
Warnings: None
A/N Double update for the day because I didn't get to it yesterday. Chapter 8 will be posted later today (for me). I didn't get to writing a chapter and it bothers me when I don't have one ready on time. I like to have a few chapters written for just in case.
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It was rather quick that your parents seemed to have hired the boys. They didn’t really question much of where they came from or why they were looking for work in your establishment. The only person they did question was you. 
Why didn’t you say anything? How did you meet them? How long have you known them? Do they have someone waiting for them at home? That was from your mother. 
You worked with Soenghwa for the most part. Yeosang was too busy in the backroom going over inventory and the money the hotel makes during the day. He also kept tabs of the guests list and their payments. Seonghwa worked at the bar in the saloon, occasionally making food the guests ordered. However with it being Friday, the bar was packed with people laughing and de-stressing from the week. 
“Thank you, (Y/N).” Seonghwa’s fingers grazed your hand as you handed him some empty glasses that needed to be washed. 
“You're welcome, Seonghwa.” You smiled. “Table three wants more whiskey.”
“Coming right up.” His dazzling grin made you blush, if only for the fact that he was a good looking man. He would make any woman flustered. 
“You've been such a great help, boy!” Your father patted him on the back. “Weekends are usually packed with travelers or the townsfolk who claim we have the best drinks. You're really making us stand out!”
“You got yourself one hell of a looker!” A man at the bar praised Seonghwa. “All the women would be lining up to take a glimpse at your new hire, (F/N)!”
“Thank you.” Seonghwa bashfully told him. 
The room went quiet for just a moment, some of the patrons had stopped talking to look towards the entrance of the bar. Yunho and Jongho both walked in, casually making their way over to the seats open at the bar. 
“Officers.” The man who was complimenting Seonghwa greeted, tipping his glass. 
The two men greeted the other back, moving to look over the available drinks. It was the first time they had ever gone down to the bar to sit and have a drink. You would assume it was because it was Seonghwa’s first day working there. Maybe they felt a bit more at ease with someone they knew. 
“Say, do you guys know how long you're going to be here?” The man continued. “All the people are wondering why officers from the big city are snooping in our area.”
You paused your washing of cups, but quickly went back so as to not seem like you were eavesdropping. However, looking around the bar it seemed you weren’t the only one who was interested in the conversation. 
Jongho and Yunho took a moment to look at each other before moving to take the glasses that Seonghwa had put in front of them. You realized that they didn’t even vocalize their preference of alcohol but no one else did. Seonghwa probably didn’t even realize he had given them something to drink subconsciously. 
“There have been sightings of outlaws nearby.” You took a glance at Seonghwa. “We've been sent to investigate.”
Yunho answered the man. “With that being said, should you come across any wanted man. Please be sure to tell us. We have orders from the higher ups to catch them ourselves.” He turned to the rest of the bar, calling out to those who were watching him. 
“What if we want the reward!?” Someone slurred from the crowd. 
“You can have a try but just know you will be considered a criminal as well for obstructing the law.” Jongho shrugged, looking over the area.
No one dared to make another statement after that. However there was a lot of talk about the outlaws. People would whisper about how they needed to buy more ammunition for their weapons just in case these outlaws were to come into town. How they needed to keep their wives and daughters from going out so late in the night to prevent something terrible. 
As the night progressed, the bar slowly grew to be less packed. However you would conclude that it was rather late at night when the bar dwindled down to cleaning up. The men were sure worried about their wives and daughters but they didn’t seem to mind if they left drunk at 3 in the morning. You would work around the two men who had passed out on their tables, knowing that your father would be the one to deal with them in the end. 
Yeosang had come in earlier in the night to tell Seonghwa that he was leaving. You wanted to question where it was they were staying but you knew better. Curiosity kills the cat, you know the saying. In your case, you knew it would most definitely kill you. 
The only people left in the bar, aside from the two men passed out drunk, were Seonghwa, Jongho, Yunho and you. Your father had gone to take the empty bottles out back, leaving you alone with the three men. 
“You keep staring at the piano.” You told Seonghwa as you placed the last of the glasses where they went. “Do you play?”
“Not since I was a teen. It's been a while.” The man told you.
You moved things to the side, looking over at Seonghwa for a moment. “Could you play something?” You asked him, giving him a small smile. “I'd like to hear.”
You heard a snort come from Yunho and when you glanced at the two officers, you could see the large grins they were sporting. They looked at Seonghwa expectantly, just the tad bit tipsy from nursing their drinks for so long. 
“Sure.” Seonghwa moved around the bar, making his way to the upright piano.
You and the boys moved to stand behind the man, watching as he seemed to look over the keys for a moment before touching the instrument. You had been so used to listening to your grandfather play such uptempo songs that it felt like something had been lifted off your shoulders the moment Seonghwa started playing. 
It was some classical song, one that didn’t fit the theme of the bar. It soothed others to sleep and brought a light headed feeling. It made you smile, taking a seat to listen more carefully to the man playing. You felt the song wasn’t long enough when Seonghwa played the last of the notes. 
“It's been a while since I've heard you play.” Yunho told his friend.
“It's been a while since we've heard any kind of music.” Jongho explained, taking the last sip of the beer he was holding. 
“Wish the others were here.” Seonghwa smiled sadly.
It had been a while since you had seen the others all together, but it seemed to you like they were starting to let their guards down. At least, enough to relax and enjoy where they are. Yunho and Jongho didn’t seem to be as stiff as when they came in. The example of them coming down to the bar for the first time came to mind. While Yeosang and Seonghwa were already the calm two of the group, they too looked like they weren’t struggling as much as when you met them a week ago. 
“Do you all enjoy music?” You asked, scooting in closer to the piano.
“It’s what brought us together.” Soenghwa answered. “Captain was the one who started everything.”
“We weren’t always a group of criminals.” Seonghwa sighed, fingers drifting over the keys.
Your eyes drifted over the three, watching as Yunho and Jongho seemed to be laughing to themselves, the alcohol getting to them. Well to Yunho because it seemed as though Jongho had a great handle on himself. If you didn’t know about their occupation you would assume they were like all the other men your age who came and went through the hotel. 
They looked like they were stress free as though they weren’t going around causing trouble for a lot of people. You didn’t know their stories, but hearing from Seonghwa that they weren’t who everyone claimed to be, you wanted to know all about them. 
“I couldn’t imagine.” You calmly told him.
“Us not being criminals?” Yunho called out.
“Being criminals. None of you look like you want to be.” You confessed.
 “Because we aren’t. Not when we help the less fortunate.” Jongho crossed his arms, leaning back in the chair.
Your mind began to wander around his words. You remembered the story about the robbery that took place in the town over with Harthorne. Everyone knew he wasn’t the kindest of people and was really stingy with his money. He hoarded it, not daring to spend more than he needed to. Everyone knew he was a spoiled man who didn’t lift a finger to help those who needed it. 
You figured it was them who had taken the money from Harthorne. The men at the bar didn’t tell you more about what the gang did with the money but if they claim to not be criminals you wouldn’t be off put to know where it must have gone. There was a story about a man who knew how to use a bow and arrow. He would take from the rich and give to the poor. You wondered if they had read it as well.
“You take from the rich-”
“And give to the poor.” Seonghwa ended.
“That changes things, doesn’t it?” You grinned.
“You scared?” Seonghwa teased.
He gave you a grin, which made you flush again. Yunho had leaned closer to you while Jongho waited for you to speak. There was a time when you would glare back at men who made you so flustered. You would often retort with something stupid that would cause them offense for how unladylike you spoke. However you weren’t there to make them like you. They weren’t people you needed to impress.
“Of the Park Seonghwa?” You chuckled. “Not anymore. Not after that beautiful display you just put on.”
“You should hear Yeosang play the violin. He is a master.” Seonghwa praised his friend.
They cared deeply for each other, that much was noticeable. Maybe looking at them from afar they did look like hoodlums who would shiv you because you looked at them wrong. Or in most of their cases would seduce you into their beds and leave you the next day. 
But within themselves they held each other in high regards. You saw it in the way they spoke about their captain. How they cared about each other when two of them were injured. You knew they were all they had, with being in a gang. Not many people would open their arms for them. They were a family. And it brought a smile to your face to know they weren’t the criminals people claimed they were. 
You smiled brightly. “I’ll hold him to that.”
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Series Masterlist
@thefrog3223 , @iarayara , @0rangemilk , @explorewithd , @loveforred , @bangtanxberm , @a1i33a ,
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cloudhwaa · 1 month
just realized ateez make my delulu’s trululu bc soenghwa biker?!! and mingi in a dodge?!? thats all i ever asked for
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wonuangel · 5 months
quiero alguien que entienda que necesito dormir con peluches y mi colcha blanca porque sino tengo pesadillas, que me comporto infantil por diversas cuestiones y que si lo hago es porque me siento cómoda de hacerlo, que soy demasiado timida e introvertida y que no puedo hablar con la gente, que soy muy insegura y lo mas mínimo me hace llorar, que me estreso si las cosas no salen como quiero, que constantemente tengo recaidas en la anorexia y bulimia, que tengo ataques de panico todos los dias y ya llega un punto que es dificil controlarlos, que dependo emocionalmente de mi perro, que mi cuerpo es muy debil y que facilmente me salen moretones y/o lastimaduras, que amo estar con los niños porque siento que mi misión en esta vida es protegerlos y darles amor, que me asusto facilmente al punto de llorar, que amo los peluches, que amo el maquillaje porque es la unica manera de sentirme linda, que amo el rosa pero siento que si lo uso me voy a ver ridícula, que me privo de hacer cosas por el que diran, que mi comida favorita son las milanesas y los sanguches de miga, que me gusta leer poesia, que intento mantener mi mente constantemente distraída porque sino me deprimo, que soy celosa y posesiva porque me han sido infiel mas veces de las que me gustaria saber, que no se mentir y soy muy sincera, que mi té favorito es el de manzanilla porque siempre lo tomaba con mi abuela, que mi pelicula favorita es mean girls porque siempre me hace reir, que no me gusta ser petisa y que daria lo que fuera por ser 10cm mas alta, que tengo una fijacion oral muy fuerte y que solo calmo mi ansiedad con algo en mi boca, que me cuesta mucho confiar en la gente y que por eso mismo no pido que confien tanto en mi porque me conozco y a la primera que hacen algo malo hacia mi los voy a odiar toda mi vida, que soy muy rencorosa, que ironicamente me gustan mucho las peliculas de terror, que ver una gota de sangre provoca que me desmaye, que tengo un rincon lleno de dulces pero no los como porque me da miedo engordar, que AMO cocinar y ver la gente disfrutando mis comidas, que me gusta tener todo limpio y organizado porque sino me estreso, que trato de tener una buena ortografía aunque cuando entro en confianza ni yo entiendo mis mensajes, que me gustan los apodos dulces como "bebé" "angel" etetc (por tambien eso mi user es Angel Baby), que amo los gatos y que amo que me relacionen con los gatos, que soy fanatica de hello kitty, que soy bastante vulgar para hablar pero me crie en un entorno que vivian insultando, que me rio facilmente aunque siempre este muy seria, que me divierte que me digan que soy un Cocker por mi pelo ondulado, que me gusta acariciar mis cicatrices cuando estoy muy ansiosa, que odio las verduras y frutas pero las como porque son sanas, que inevitablemente pienso en las calorias de todas las comidas, que el cover de Soenghwa - Angel Baby me volvieron las ganss de vivir y que inevitablemente lloro cuando lo escucho, que amo ir al gimasio porque me desconecta de todo, que uso lentes desde hace 15 años, que AMO LOS BROWNIES, que soy muy enamoradiza, que amo las galletas oreos y las galletas en general, que amo la ropa oversize, que amo ser consentida y mimada, que me gusta que me cuiden como nena chiquita (daddy issues) y que odio cada centímetro de mi existencia y que solo deseo a alguien que me ayude a amarme y me saque de esta soledad y tristeza que siento
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barnesbabee · 3 years
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜱᴇᴠᴇɴ - ᴡᴏɴᴅᴇʀʟᴀɴᴅ
WONDERLAND MASTERLIST ⇜ ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜꜱ - ꜱᴇᴠᴇɴ-  ɴᴇxᴛ ⟿
CHARACTER LIST: White Rabbit - Choi Jongho Absolem (Blue Catterpilar) - Kang Yeosang Cheshire Cat - Kim Hongjoong Mad Hatter - Choi San Haigha (March Hare) - Jung Wooyoung Tweedle Dee - Song Mingi Tweedle Dum - Jeong Yunho Bloody Red King - Park Seonghwa
ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ: @myunvillage @mirror-juliet @jess-1404 @earth-to-leiki [Send me a DM, an ask or comment to be added to the tag list]
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"Teach you what?"
"How to be a better man, how to have mercy, and compassion."
Unbeknownst to you, a little purple and pink cat watched every step you took. Of course, it wasn't because he cared. Cheshire (unlike many other Wonderland villagers) genuinely wasn't affected by your presence, or lack there of, but the Hatter had asked him, in exchange of a hefty reward, of course, to keep an eye on his beloved Y/N.
While watching over you Cheshire just did a whole bunch of growling and nose scrunching. He hated the sight of the King, and even worse, was the sight of such a man in love.
"Such a shame to be the bearer of bad news dear friend," Cheshire said, not at bothered by the fact that he had bad news to tell "but it seems as if Y/N will be our new Queen."
The cat twirled a strand of his coloured hair around his index finger, as he fell down onto one of the many chairs along with the Hatter's never-ending table.
The Hatter's eyes widened and so did his toothy smile.
"She's carrying on with the plan! She will decapitate him herself and become our Queen! Oh but I'm so happy I could dance the Futterwacken again!"
He clapped feverously and suggested a toast, clearly missing the meaning of Cheshire's words.
"I'm afraid you missed what I meant, Hatter. She will be our Queen, because she will be marrying the King."
The atmosphere suddenly became silent, eerie even. The Hatter's green, sparkly eyes transformed into an ugly, rage-filled, yellow. The man gripped the teacup on his hand so hard it broke, but the rage, disappointment, and growing heartbreak fogged his brain to the point where he didn't even notice the pain, nor the blood trickling down his palm.
The Hatter was rarely angry, but when he was, it was enough to scare poor Cheshire, who didn't hesitate in disappearing into thin air. Or he tried to. Before every bit of his body could be gone, the Hatter grabbed Cheshire's hair, making the cat groan in pain, and threw him on the ground.
"What has he done to her!? Was it a curse!?"
Cheshire caressed his head and stood up to look at the Hatter.
"It wasn't a curse Hatter, she fell in love. After you deceived her and the King showed her nothing but truth and love, the choice was pretty evident."
The reasonable explanation seemed to calm down the Hatter, whose eyes morphed back into their greenish colour. However the dread and panic in his face were still evident. Cheshire, still quite upset at Hatter's tantrum, could see on his friend's face an expression of someone about to spew a terrible, terrible idea.
"We must get her away from the Palace. It's gotten into her head. Let's get her back to us!"
The man-like cat floated back to his usual place in the air, twirling in the process. He chuckled audibly, showing his sharp canines in the process.
"Hmm yes, let's steal her away from the man she's come to love, so she could be with us, the people who lied to her for our own benefit. Sounds like a party if you ask me..."
"A party!?" Haigha exclaimed, his left eye twitching as he smiled widely at the mention of his favourite hobbie.
"That's where the King's behaviour comes in our favour," the Hatter said, patting Haigha's head so he'd sit back down "once he sees her take her beloved Queen away, he will show his true colours, Remember how scared and freaked out she was last time we saw her? She said he seemed really sweet while talking to her until he eventually snapped. Once he snaps, he will freak out and bring out the tyrant's behaviour and scare her away."
It was hard for Cheshire to admit, but his mad friend's plan wasn't so mad after all. It was possible to accomplish what the Hatter suggested, and there was nothing to lose, you already hated them anyway.
The Hatter slapped his thighs and stood up, fixing his big top hat in the process.
"Shall we go?"
Haigha was already standing up from his seat when Cheshire stopped them.
"Perhaps we should discuss the plan further... Something tells me we might need some help from Absolem and Bayard..."
Sneaking you out past the Card Knights would take a lot of help, and Cheshire had already worked out in his head the escape plan. It would take a little pressure on Absolem, as he managed to care even less about the people around him than Cheshire did, but the cat was sure he could get a shrinking cake out of the blue catterpillar. After shrinking you and hatter down to the size of a strawberry, Bayard (the loyal dog friend of Hatter's, that Cheshire tried his best to keep a distance of) would bring you to the White Rabbit's house, as it would be too obvious to come back to the Hatter's cabin.
The cat had no intention to help you, but he did like to see some drama and commotion in Wonderland once in a while, and this was his chance.
Whilst all of the furious planning went on on the greenlands of Wonderland, in the Palace you and the King sat opposite of each other on his bed, gossiping like two high schoolers.
"And then my best friend at the time, Anna, slept with my boyfriend and said it was 'because of a dare'. I forgave her because we had been friends for so long but then she told my crush that I smelled so I stopped being her friend."
The King nodded along and listened attentively (trying his best to cross his legs just like you, but failing miserably) to your story.
"Hm yes, yes, I understand. My best friend ate one of my tarts so I cut off his head."
You couldn't help but scoff at the way he compared the situations, although you reprehended him right after for the heartless act.
He had asked to know of your previous life, how it was back in your world, and so you sat there reminiscing your past for hours on end. Most people in Wonderland came from other places, but Seonghwa had never been elsewhere, as he was born in the Kingdom.
"So this establishment you call 'school', was it like a club you went to where you reunited with your peers?"
"No, no. School was a mandatory thing for all kids, we went there and a bunch of teachers taught us about different things."
"Hm, but all you've told me so far were anecdotes about these friends of yours, what were these classes like?"
You blushed slightly, realizing that in fact, you didn't remember shit from school, aside from past dramas.
"Well, they told us many things about earth, about what makes the world move, about how society works, and what makes things work. We learned about gravity, about numbers, about stars-"
The King's eyes lit up as if he was a child whom you had promised ice cream to.
"Yes, stars. Why?"
Seonghwa stood up from the bed in such a violent manner, he nearly fell. The man ran over to his closet, from where he retrieved an old book. The hard cover was beginning to tear, and the once white pages had become a weird mix of brown and yellow, but you took it in your hands nevertheless.
"This book once fell into the Wonderland when I was a child. I was alone most of the time, so it kept me company. I can tell from the images it talks about the stars, and I think I learned a lot from it since I stared at them a lot, but I cannot comprehend the alien language."
The King leaned against the headboard, and you laid beside him, placing your head on his chest, so you could hear his now nervous heart beating fast from the contact. Out of instinct, the King placed his arm around you and pulled you closer, as you opened the book.
You chuckled slightly, after seeing the author of the book and opening its pages.
"Seonghwa this isn't an alien language, it's Italian. Well, I guess it's an alien language to you, but it was funny that you said it that way... The person who wrote it was very influential back where I'm from, he taught the people of Earth many things about our space."
The male listened carefully as you tried your best to explain the things in the book as best as you could.
"This here is what we call the Solar System. It has nine planets, but only one of them has people, this one, where I live." You told him, pointing towards Earth.
Seonghwa noticed how your posture changed, after you remembered once more that you would never return home again, and panicked for a second. He disliked many things, but your tears had definitely gone up to his number 1 on the list.
"How about I ask for a picnic to be arranged in the garden, and at night we can watch the stars."
You turned to face him and smiled as you nodded. Seonghwa's thumb caressed your arm, and you couldn't help but to place a soft kiss on his lips, as a 'thank you'. No matter how many times you did that, the King never seemed to get used to it. He would always feel butterflies in his stomach and fireworks exploding on his chest. Sometimes you felt perverted, thinking of how he'd react if one day you decided to take it... further. You imagined how pretty he'd look... But you decided to take your time. Baby steps...
The King couldn't wait for dinner time, and you could tell from the number of times he had gone up to the window and pushed away the blinds to see if the sun was finally setting.
As he was staring out the window, you came behind him and wrapped your arms around his figure.
"Can I tell you a secret?"
Seonghwa looked around, to make sure no one was nearby eavesdropping. He wouldn't want your secret to being known.
You tiptoed so your lips could be leveled with his ear.
"You're adorable."
Once you got back down and looked into his gleeful eyes, you smiled.
"Let's keep this secret between us!" He joked along.
"Yes, I wouldn't want the other ladies to know and steal you away."
Seonghwa held your face and lovingly placed a kiss on your forehead.
"The other ladies don't stand a chance next to you princess."
Your cheeks heated up and you slapped his chest out of embarrassment. The King's face grew worried and confused.
"Why did you hit me? Have I done something wrong? It was meant to be a compliment I'm sorry I compared you to-"
You grabbed his face and squished his cheeks, making him form an adorable pout with his red lips.
"Seonghwa, it was a good thing. I slapped your chest because I was embarrassed, I was really touched by your compliment."
Once you let go of his face, the King tapped his chin with his index finger, in a pensive manner.
"I have much to learn about our future interactions, I do not understand many things."
You just chuckled and took his hand in yours.
"We have many years ahead of us, you will learn someday."
The small acknowledgment of your future made Seonghwa very happy. Never in his pitiful life had he even thought of being this happy over small actions... Last week the only thing that brought him joy was the sound of a traitor's head hitting the concrete floors of the palace's main area, but since you arrived, a smile was all it took for his cold heart to start beating again.
It didn't take long before one of the frogmen knocked on the door to inform the picnic was ready. Seonghwa didn't let go of your hand as you walked outside, to sit among the red roses.
You had finally come to terms with Wonderland's weird food. You had no choice really...
"Have you never been attracted to anyone, Seonghwa?" You asked as you munched down on a sandwich of... whatever it was.
Seonghwa's expression faded a little.
"Once. I had just become King and I thought that the next step would, logically, be the find a Queen. Every woman displeased me. All but one. She was beautiful, hair as dark as the night sky, tanned skin from the sun, and a beautiful mole under the eye. But she was cold, evil... I thought that it was a perfect match. After all, I wasn't the most caring person. But she would treat me like a servant. Our relationship was purely to serve a purpose to the Kingdom, nothing else. We slept in separate rooms and spent the day apart. We only dined together, but since I saw the same behavior from my parents I thought that that was love. Our wedding had been scheduled long before she moved into the castle, we were simply waiting for the preparations to be finished. Everything was custom made, from the clothes to the flowers on every table. The day before the wedding I walked to her bedroom and found her laying with a servant of mine. You know, back when they weren't... Frogs. I had them both decapitated, of course. And I swore off love forever. That is until you came along."
You flashed him a sad smile and set down your food. He looked awfully confused as you climbed onto his lap, but he didn't protest.
You brushed his dark hair away from his eyes. Both of them. He suddenly felt very exposed and insecure, but you kissed his cheek, reassuringly.
"Ever since I came down here you've shown me nothing but love, and honesty. You didn't try to sugarcoat who you are, or what you've done, and I appreciate your honesty. My place in Wonderland is with you."
The male smiled, and kissed you, a little more passionately than all of the previous times. The male's hands trailed down your ass, and pulled you on top of his growing erection.
"For someone who has never been with anyone you're quite good at this."
"Well I... I lied. I had a fiancé after all, and we laid together but we didn't get far. There was no kissing involved, she just wanted to get it over with since I was the one who suggested we should... do it. But she made fun of me for not being good at it and I became... insecure. I was insecure and for the longest time I've wanted to try it with you, because you give me those special butterflies but I was afraid I'd disappoint you."
"What a cold, heartless bitch!" You thought to yourself. No wonder he was so bad at human interactions, every relationship he had was a trainwreck!
You grabbed his face and placed a long kiss on his lips.
"Well then, let me lead at first. If you start feeling more confident, you can take the lead, if not, I'll stay in control, okay?"
The King simply nodded and kissed you once more. This time deeper than he had ever kissed anyone. Tongues fighting so intensely the King nearly missed the way your hand expediently undid his trousers. Your hand slipped inside his boxers and took out his length. You looked down at the dick in your hand and widened your eye.
"Well aren't I a lucky girl."
You spat in your hand and kissed him again, as your hand worked up and down his shaft. The King was surprisingly very vocal, and he didn't try to hide or suppress any of his pretty moans (and for that you were thankful.
You stopped your hand, right as he was getting riled up.
"Ready for something better?"
The King watched you strip from your panties, and he cursed the frilly dress that covered your womanhood, but as soon as you sunk down on his cock, all of his worries and anguishes washed away. It was automatic, the way he gripped your hips and made you bounce on him as he snapped your hips against yours was something he did naturally as if he truly knew what he was doing. You brought out something different in him, and the King was simply doing was his body was telling him to do.
You gripped his shoulders, overwhelmed with the feeling of having him inside you.
"S-shit Seonghwa, you're good, r-really fucking good."
"Oh yeah?"
He flipped you two around, so he could pound into you with all the strength he had. Your words of encouragement were all he needed.
Your consistent (and loud) moans got him on the edge quickly, and he knew he wouldn't last long.
"Y/N forgive me, but I don't think I can last much longer."
Your hand reached down and began circling your clit, so when he came inside you, filling you up with his cum, you came right after, with a loud cry for his name.
Seonghwa laid on top of you, his face nuzzled on the crook of your neck, trying to regain his breath. You ran your hand through his hair as you did the same, looking up at the sky.
"The stars sure look beautiful today."
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burgerkang000 · 4 years
Helplessly oblivious
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wow i do not know what to name this so if u have suggestions ill take them
You were all scattered in random places of the living room, waiting for take out to arrive, since none of you really cooked.
Once it arrived it was a mess of bright coloured hairs walking around setting the table, and you being the youngest had an advantage, so you sit back and watch your friends struggle to not break the cutlery as they set the table.
And after it was all done, you slowly slip in and butt into a conversation about slippers with Mingi and Jongho, completely oblivious to what the others were talking about because, you’d be damned if furry slippers weren’t the cosiest.
You’d been so absorbed into the conversation, you think at one point you’re spoon full of food hit your cheek but you merely brushed it away, before you tell Mingi that boots are absurd.
You were in the middle of telling Mingi and Jongho that it  was unfair they get to argue, since they have never worn heels, when a warm hand envelopes yours, and you falter a bit mid-rant, before finishing your sentence and discreetly looking at San, who was engaged in a conversation with Yeosang. And you stare at him until he looks at you and you give him the scariest looking glare you can muster and he just smirks and turns away.
You’ve been a relationship with San for a month now, but you both haven’t got around to telling the seven oblivious idiots sitting around you, and if someone bends down to pick something up, they’ll definitely see your hands together and freak out. Maybe the thrill of it, the exciting feeling of maybe getting caught and finally stop acting is the reason why you thread your fingers back and squeeze, to which San might have chocked.
And you continue the rest of dinner with both of your hands entangled and casually playing with each other’s fingers and rings. You only part when you made Mingi and Jongho agree to go shopping for heels, so that the debate can be fair. Nobody noticed the holding hands though and you briefly wonder when these idiots are going to find out, you’ll have to tell them yourselves this way, but where’s the fun in that?
And you leave the dorm and San walks you home, hand still held in his and he kisses you goodbye.
Mingi and Jongho were very reluctant when you showed up the next day enthusiastically and dragged their sorry asses out of bed to buy different kinds of shoes. What you mean by different kinds of shoes are heals for the boys, you yourself have never worn heels, but what they don’t know can’t hurt them and either way it’s not like they look at your feet every day to see what you’re wearing.
And you get in the car and drag San along too, since it’s only fair to have a referee who isn’t biased. Ok, so maybe San is biased towards you, that’s exactly why you brought him here.
And you enter the shoe store and politely refuse the clerk who asks if you need help. You’re not letting marketing strategies cloud your judgements and stray further from you’re debate that you intend to win.
Yes, this is that serious.
Jongho an Mingi were browsing through heels and you were browsing through boots, the plan was to pick a pair of boots, heels, fuzzy slippers and converse and buy the same one but different sizes that suite all of you.
And you look at all the boots lined up and gulp.
Time to pick, one of the hardest things to do.
And when your eyes were scanning the selection of boots, and you didn’t really find anything eye-catching when familiar warmth engulfed your hand. And it was a relief in the overly air conditioned store and you shuffle backwards towards the source of warmth, and lean onto his body, he noses at the crook of your neck and you both giggle, you continue browsing through boots and finally pick one, and then you move forward to pick converse tops and walk through the isles holding hands and peeking at each other, Jongho and Mingi were in some other part of the store, and you’re lucky they haven’t seen you both yet, or are you?
Finally all of you are done buying shoes and you drive back home, and as Mingi and Jongho shuffle out of the car, San leans over from the driver’s side and gives you a peck, which goes un noticed by the idiots now waiting for you to get out to test the shoes. You glare pointedly at San who gives you a cheeky grin and you suddenly want to peck him too, but you reluctantly get out the car and wave him goodbye.
Besides, you have an argument to win.
Nobody won the argument in the end, converse high won in the end, it was oddly flexible and fit, and everyone went back home sulky.
Today was movie night and everyone was scattered around the couch most of them were pushed onto the floor, and Mingi was out like a light.
San was holding your hand again, and you were leaning onto his shoulder, snuggling into his warm body, and you whisper to him.
“When are these idiots finally going to notice?” He leans closer to your ear and says,
“Who knows?”                                  
You hum and turn back to the movie. But soon enough you were bored, and you turn to San and say-
“Can we like, make-out right now?”
He gapes at you, wide eyed and blinks.
“Can I ask why?” You shift uncomfortably, this has been on your mind for a while, what if you and San never get around to telling the others and it’s too late and they get hurt, don’t these idiots deserve to know? What if you’re playing a bit too much for a reaction that you might not get?
“Want them to notice, I guess?”
He coos at you as you voice out your worry, and by the end of it you’re distressed, there might be tears at the corner of your eyes.
Thankfully San whispers sweet reassurances and then when he deemed you reassured enough, he decides to change the mood.
“We could fuck right here and they’d barely notice” He wiggles his eyebrows and leans closer.
“Just admit you’re horny.”
You groan and roll your eyes, before you can respond, San grabs your chin, and his lips clash onto yours, your arms circle round his neck and you move onto his lap, despite being accused of being horny, which you were, you were actually curious if they would notice, or you could confirm their lack of brain cells and eyesight, maybe even their ability to hear, considering the noises you might be making. And you try to peek, but you were facing the other way, practically straddling San, so all you could see was his large dumb face. You break the kiss for a second to look around, but no one has even batted an eye from the screen, Jongho and Yeosang were gaping at the television, taking turns to grab the popcorn from the bowl that was fixed between them, Mingi was on the floor sprawled like a starfish, knocked out. Seonghwa had his head resting on Hongjoong’s shoulder and his eyes were glossed over from whatever was on the screen. Yunho and Wooyoung were animatedly talking, with hand gestures and stuff; you groan and deflate into San’s shirt.
San sighs and says,
“If I hadn’t known you better, I would have thought you have a public-sex kink”
You hit his arm, but your hand more like flopped on top of his shoulder and rested there.
You hide your face at his shoulder and whine.
San sighs yet again before he tells you to get off his laugh because you’re “heavy” and asks Jongho to pass the remote. You cross your arms across your chest; admittedly a little hurt and look away.
Jongho spews a lot of threats, threats that he will take action on if San changes the show.
San replies with how he isn’t wearing his glasses and he just wants to adjust the brightness for his sensitive eyes, Jongho makes sure everyone, except Mingi, knows that San is the one with the remote and finally hands it to him.
And instead of adjusting the brightness, he grabs you by the waist and pulls you onto his lap, you were too stunned to close your eyes and he crashes his lips onto yours, literally, and you watch as he grabs the remote and dramatically press the power button.
Oh, Ohhhh. Realisation dawns on you, and you finally close your eyes and relax into the kiss, as San’s name was being yelled and protests were being thrown for the television being switched off, and total silence was followed after that, and finally you hear the chaos.
“Yeah, Choi San, you’re taking her innocence away”
You hear someone snort and say “She doesn’t have any innocence to be taken”
And you finally pull away from the grin that has grown onto your face. And then you wave like you’re on a TV show and drag San away with you and let them die from curiosity. But you San isn’t that cold-hearted, he tugs at your wrist near the doorway, and he pouts, you sigh.
“SHE’S MY GIRLFREIND, WE’VE BEEN TRYING TO SHOW YOU THAT FOR A MONTH!” he screams and you wince at how loud that was.
This of course caused more chaos on the other side.
No one says anything for a while except for the occasional exclamation of disbelief
Finally, Hongjoong asks “Why can’t you tell us that like normal people”
It’s gonna be a long night, but on the bright side Mingi is still knocked out.
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roseandmint · 3 years
soenghwa edit : What we do
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editteez · 3 years
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↳  𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐞 ღ
↳ 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞!
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cometoceantrenches · 3 years
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this is from the fansite Temperature_403 on twt!!
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sukasukahongjoong · 4 years
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My woohwa 🖤🤍
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seonfhwa · 5 years
u should change your url to soenghwagr,, just saying
im telling you i can never spell his name right. seonfhwa, soenghwagr, soneghwa, i’ve done it all
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ateezartblog · 5 years
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okay so. I’ve decided ateez in dragon age 3 au. 
Not all of it works but aesthetics :))
I’m struggling with Seonghwa and Mingi.. 
Any ideas ?  | Link to Info here
Seonghwa : Quinari Mage | Storm & Winter | Sp. Necromancer 
Mingi : Quinari Warrior | 
Hongjoong : Elf Rouge | Double Daggers & Subterfuge | Sp. Assassin
Yeosang : Elf Mage | Storm & Inferno | Sp. Rift Mage or Knight Enchanter 
Wooyoung : Human Mage | Storm & Winter | Sp. Necromancer 
San : Human Rouge | Archer & Sabotage | Sp. Artificer 
Jongho : Human Warrior | 2HW & Vanguard | Sp. Champion
Yunho : Human Warrior | S&S & Battlemaster | Reaver 
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mingis-lightbulb · 3 years
Kinktober Day 16
Day 16: Voyeurism with Kim Hongjoong
Tags:@mingissoggywaffles @beomnoi @yungisstar1117 @damissub @justforyookihyun @wooyoungsbae @blessednhighlyfavoured @do-you-actually-care @vip-hs @winterciella @hwaegyo @soft-teddybear
“You would love it if one of the guys walked down the hall wouldn’t you?”
“Such a dirty girl, You want them to see me abusing this pussy huh?”
Maybe wearing a short skirt with no panties around Hongjoong wasn’t a very good idea as it ended with you being fucked in the hallways of the dorms. He had your legs wrapped around his waist as he plowed into you, soft grunts and groans leaving his lips. “God you feel so good...my baby~” You let out a whine as you could hear footsteps coming down the hallway. He smirks and places his head in the crook of your neck. “Mhm..you’d like the idea of someone walking to see me fuckin gyou like this~” You moaned out, Hongjoong smiles and started placing kisses along your neck nibbling down.
Hongjoong was being louder than usual, you noted, his groans bouncing off the walls of the hall. You realised he was really into this, a little smirk pulled on your features as you decided to play into his game. “Yeah? I want one of your friends to see you abusing this pussy..see how well you’re doing it..” You say, hearing Joong groan at your words. His grip on your hips was tightening as his pace sped up suddenly, the sound of skin slapping against skin echoing off the walls.
“I want them to see me like this~..Know who I belong to~” You moan out. “Oh yea? You want San or Woo to come by? With me buried deep in this tight little cunt of yours~?” Hongjoong moaned into your neck as he feels you clench around his cock. “I-i’m close baby…” “I am too, go ahead and cum babygirl~” You felt that rush of your climax hit and you let out a loud cry of his name as he filled your cunt. Hongjoong panted softly as he pulled back to place a kiss on your lips. You giggle before turning your head to look down the hall. You feel your face heat up but a smirk makes its way onto your face. “Oh hi hwa~ Did you enjoy the show?.” Hongjoong looks where you are looking tlo see Soenghwa leaning against the way from a distance.
“Oh no, you two can continue~ I was enjoying the show~”
“Aww~ why don’t you come and join? I don’t mind and neither does little (y/n).”
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yunho-1999 · 2 years
For your Primmadona IF YOU DON'T PAIR PARK MF SOENGHWA I'LL KILL MYSELF I was reading it imagining him in a 3piece/black suit with the undercut omfg! also tag me in this that's my kind of shit thankssss 💖
BESTIE YOU'RE ONTO SOMETHING HERE, I can imagine seonghwa so well welp, guess we found our boy 🤪
and of course, I'll tag you <3
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