#sofiya nott
advance-emmeline · 5 years
Seeing Henry had helped more than she thought. Maybe it was just seeing him alive and in one piece. So many people had died and she couldn’t help but worry for the dwindling list of people she had left to her. Especially those who weren’t Order members, who may not know how to protect themselves. People like Sofiya, who already had enough trauma to deal without her adding to it all.
She stepped into Sofiya’s shop, fiddling with the lunches she had packed for the both of them and entirely unsure whether not she had overstepped with all of this. 
“Thought you might like some company and a bit of lunch.” She said, attempting to smile.
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kingmeshacklebolt · 5 years
He hadn’t spent much with Sofiya lately. Though, he’d not spent much time with Valka lately either. If he broke rules while looking for Anson he didn’t want to risk her going back to that horrid place. She’d done enough for this job and this war. 
Now he sat in his empty apartment without Anson, feeling too small in this place by himself. Cloud and Nimbus sat curled up on Anson’s side of the bed. Elrond had flopped down on his feet. When he’d Floo’ed Sofiya in a desperate attempt at company, he hadn’t even been sure whether or not she would show. Now she stumbled out of his fireplace and he could almost cry in relief at a familiar face still unharmed.
“Sofs, hey.” He said, voice cracking. “Long time no see.”
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smokehqs · 4 years
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Occupation: Freelance Divination Consultant Age: 22 Gender: Female Pronouns: She/her Blood status: Pureblood Allegiance: Neutral Faceclaim: Olivia DeJonge
You were the Victim. The word deserves a capital V– but not Churchill’s V for Victory, but a V for Vendetta. You can’t help thinking everything that’s happened is your fault, or at the very least because of you. The things your father did. The way your brother sold his soul. The way your sister can’t look you in the eye. Each newspaper headline seems to be screaming at you to repent for your sins, branding your scarlet letter deeper and deeper.
Sofiya was born a minute before midnight on October 12th which set the stage for the rest of her life. It seemed to her she spent most of her time being chased by bad luck, and very narrowly escaping it. Tripping down the moving staircase, falling of the broom, being born a bastard, getting her hair burnt in class, getting sorted into Hufflepuff and loosing all her quills. It seemed she was always at the wrong place at the wrong time, despite her meticulous planning and genuine talent for the divinatory arts.
In school, she was friendly to most, but always had few friends. Like a good Nott, she never strayed too far from pure blood, a separation that seemed to come naturally. What could she have in common with muggleborns anyway? It was simply more practical. A point of view she didn’t hide, but wasn’t particularly willing to debate over.  She was always known for being polite, with a few exceptions during her Hogwarts years.
To Sofiya, the war was always present, even before it made it to the papers. Living with her father, she had been raised respecting the Dark Lord.  While her profile was… unfit to be a soldier, her family expected her to support their path in whichever way she could. Still, her role in the sidelines left her feeling an outsider in family conversations. As her father and siblings became increasingly involved, she became excluded, getting sent to the other room like a child. She minded at first, but then she developed some apathy for the situation, using their meetings as an excuse to practice her cooking skills or to go have tea with the wives. She couldn’t understand why someone would risk their lives for blood purity, not that it was completely irrelevant, but it was hardly life and death.
Until it was.
It was normal day. A future mother had called her in for a catoptromancy reading, and she’d accepted. The appointment was late in a summer afternoon, after tea. Had Sofiya dared to check, the leaves would’ve warned her of the terrible things bound to happen, but she didn’t. Halfway through the reading, a dark omen became clear, but before anything could be done, the unspeakable happened. See, the child’s father was a muggle. Curses spoken over and over, unforgiving, by voices familiar voices. All directed to a small, fragile, very obviously pregnant woman. In a moment of bliss, she used one herself. Crucio. Crucio. Crucio. Until the recipient threw himself out the window. She ruined everything, and it made no difference, the deed was done and her client dead. The wands turned on her, leaving her knocked out on the floor until the next morning.
When she woke up, she was being accused of murder by the press and interrogated by what seemed to be every auror but her sister. Most of her family wouldn’t visit her at the hospital. Every “worried call” from the people in her old life felt like a threat, and everyone outside her old life thought she was a murderer. Even after Dmitry got the investigation dropped and turned the eyes to her father, Sofiya couldn’t believe the situation she was in. Soon after she was checked out, one of her childhood best friends died, her father was arrested, and her engagement broken off.
At the height of the war, Sofiya is currently looking to find peace, with what happened to her, her reality, and the outside world, which she willingly distanced herself from in order to fit into pureblood society. With violence increasing and her siblings on the frontline, Sofiya is finally questioning how she could have condoned this war for so long.
Dmitry Nott: Brother, close
Valentina Nott: Sister, estranged
Regulus Black: Formerly engaged
Gisela Rosier: Close friends before her death
Alaric Kane: Despises
Quinn Brown: Harassed in school
Adelaide Boot: Despised by
Ofelia Coelho: Unsettles
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upinsmoke-gossip · 5 years
Have you heard any rumours of new hookups?
This is a good question, always a source of juicy gossip. I can’t swear to any of these, but trust me when I say there are hints.
We all know that Sofiya Nott is a romantic disaster whose mother put out an ad trying to get her a date, but it seems to me that she should have been watching her daughter’s eyes. It looks to me like she’s been making heart eyes at Vanja Novak, and I think his pedigree might match to Ms. Nott’s mother’s standards… even if his fashion doesn’t.
Are Benjy Fenwick and Gilderoy Lockhart a thing yet, or are they still making puppy faces at each other? I know they broke up, but they strike me as a pair of lonely guys that just found that old, soft jumper you should have tossed and didn’t stashed away in the back of their closet. Comfort can be seductive at times.
And then there’s Nathan Chastain and Cassidy Runcorn. From what I’ve heard, Cas gets around as much as the common cold, so maybe it’s nothing, but the hand on Nate’s ass says that it was probably something for at least one round.
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@nottsofiya @vanja-novak @benjy-andthejets @staygoldengilderoy @nathan-chastain @casruncorn
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kvetayaxley-blog · 6 years
       Sleazy gossip magazines were horrible. It was nothing new for Kveta, but “Witch Weekly” had driven her mad the past few times. She wanted columns about the latest fashion trends and tips for hosting a holiday soirée, not unfair vindication and personal jabs. Then again, it wasn’t a jab at her thank Merlin. It was at Sofiya. While Kveta would never claim to be particularly close to the youngest Nott sibling, she still didn’t want anything to upset her. Sofiya was important to Dmitry and by extension, important to Kveta. 
      She appeared bearing gifts: chocolates, nail polish, face masks, and comfy clothes. A blanket charmed for weight was draped over her arm as she moved to sit, uninvited. “You know what you need? Proper pampering, your other friends are useless darling.” Kveta hummed, shuffling through the nail polish selections as she eyed Sofiya, trying to decide the best color. 
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nottsofiya · 4 years
Eurydice Nott, her paternal grandmother, never got around to liking Sofiya much. She seemed to know things no one else did, always talking about how predictable people were. Sofiya was two when Eurydice first started saying she’d be a Hufflepuff, and she was six when her grandmother started telling her she would never bring anything but shame to the Nott name. After her death, when Sofiya was fourteen, Eurydice’s wand took a liking for her, but she doesn’t use it since it feels like stealing. Instead, she has a shoebox in her childhood room containing the wand, a pensive vial she’s never looked at, and a tarot deck with, particularly violent art. 
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valentinanottt · 5 years
Voicemail (Dmitry)
“Thank fuck you never answer your phone. Not that it would matter if you did, you wouldn’t understand, but how is that new? You never understand me. Never. I learned Russian for you, I learn sign language, we never seem to speak the same language and don’t pretend, I didn’t do that for my mother or our father, I did that for you and don’t lie, don’t play dumb, why are you always so stupid? I miss my brother, but I can hardly remember having a problem. I was eight and I still feel like I miss you, but I just want you out of my way most of the time. Is this what having siblings is supposed to be like? I want back that lost time, I want... I want a big brother to tell about my life and that’s pathetic, it’s so pathetic, I don’t need a big brother. I don’t need anyone. Fuck you for running off to Russia and staying gone. Fuck dad for not letting me go with you. Or not sending Sofiya, at least you’d both be safe and out of my way.”
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nrcissablk-blog · 6 years
Can't sleep
“I can’t believe Regulus left us for him. Sofiya Nott was a perfectly suitable match. Barty Crouch is totally inappropriate.”
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carrows-heir · 6 years
down in flames // sofiya
Sometimes Amycus wondered how he had gone and gotten so wrapped up in Nott family drama.  He had been born with one (1) sister, and that was plenty, thank you very much, so there was absolutely no need for him to have anything to do with the way Sofiya Nott had been behaving.
On the other hand, it had been humiliating. Stopping to protect a Mudblood and then needing hospitalization? Amycus knew Sofiya, or at least, he had, once. They had practiced hexes together. Amycus had taught her how to do real damage with a Stinging Hex. He had laughed with her when she had done it right for the first time.
And since everyone seemed inclined to treat her like she might fucking break at any moment, maybe a dose of reality would do her good. They could always use a woman like Sofiya Nott working with them.
This is the logic that placed him at Nott Manor, greeted with familiarity by the House-Elf that opened the door and led into the sitting room, where Sofiya was perched comfortably in a deep armchair. Amycus looked at her stoically.
“Wasting more time, are we?” he said, and sat down next to her on the sofa. “Want to practice dueling or something instead?”
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upinsmokepromo · 4 years
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Occupation: Up to player Age: 23 Blood status: Half-blood Allegiance: Neutral Faceclaim: Willa Holland, Natalia Dyer, Haley Lu Richardson, Marlo Kelly
You always had a knack for seeing how things worked, for taking apart the toaster or a bicycle and putting it back together. That didn’t extend to people. You don’t know how others can just fit in, how they can find a place in a conversation without stumbling over their words. You’ve gotten better, can trick people into thinking you belong with them, but you’ve never gotten over the feeling you don’t belong.
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Benjy Fenwick: Cousins
Sofiya Nott: Harassed by in school
Emma Vanity (Deceased): Looks up to
Madailein Brown: Siblings
Dirk Cresswell (Fled): Finds interesting
Micha Ollivander: Jealous of
Iliana Solace: Old friends
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nicholas-chastain · 5 years
# sofiya
Name in Nic’s phone: Sofiya Nott (Seer)
picture: X
ringtone: generic ringtone
last text sent: 
how about that drink?
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sofiyaxnott · 6 years
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sofiya nott;; a biography
[TW: physical violence]
The explosion on August 5, 1979. The attack of Diagon Alley. To some, it gave a reason to hate. To others it gave them reason to show their true colors. To everyone, it showed them who they really were. To Sofiya Nott, it showed her a terrifying place inside herself, unaware of where she was supposed to be or who she even was. It created a troubled young woman who would learn to fight as much as she could, but it always seemed fruitless. Hope dwindled. Then it returned. Then it dwindled some more. Her life was full of ups and downs, flashbacks, night terrors, fear of the outside world and others, a guilt complex and a startle response that made everyone laugh. It was also full of love, devotion, dreaming and creativity. Her life became a constant game of tug of war against herself. It was heartbreaking to witness and even worse to live it.
As the youngest Nott, and a girl no less, she never had to want for anything. But, the truth is, she never wanted much. The Hufflepuff inside her made her humble and kind. Not wanting or jealous. She was used to a lavish lifestyle and expected to keep that up in her everyday life, but that was the extent of her wants. It’s what she was born into and what she knew. However, she was always willing to share her fortunes with others. Loyal to the end to both her blood family and her chosen family for she knew she was blessed with such a lifestyle.
Her family was complex. When it came to loyalty, they expected it from everyone 100%. And that loyalty should be to the family before all else. Sofiya gave herself to her family. If there was anything that needed to be done, she was there. If she had to stand up for her family, she would. She was loyal. But when the attack happened, they were less supportive; all except Dmitry. Valentina was never a fan of Sofiya and even after the event, she kept her distance. Her parents told her the catchphrase every mentally ill person loves to hear: “snap out of it”. But Dmitry. He cradled her and continued to treat her like an angel, promising her that nothing would ever happen to her again. She saw him as her confidante and closest friend, despite his hard outlook on life. She trusted him more than anyone else.
Nothing would happen to her again. The words would ring in her ears. The truth is, she had been headed to Obscurus Books looking for information on specific potions when the attack happened. There was a young girl in the shop who looked out at Sofiya, raised her hand when Sofiya tried to run in to help her. When that happened, a wix had lifted their wand, about to cast the Crucio curse on Sofiya when another person stopped him saying they couldn’t get caught. But because the curse was half said, it did torture Sofiya. So instead of saying the curse completely, the two rushed to the woman and beat her within inches of her life. She was left for dead in the streets of Diagon Alley before someone came to her aid and took her to St. Mungo’s where she was taken to the Janus Thickey Ward, or Ward 49, where they held those with long-term or permanently injuries. Between the beating and the curse, she was in Ward 49 for a great deal of time but recovered enough to be let out. She had to go back for sessions but was able to live in the outside world at the family manor, given specific instructions to focus her work on healing.
One might believe this gave her every right to become a member of The Order, to defeat the people who did this to her and the innocents who were killed and harmed. However, she looked at the two sides of the coin and realized they were both focused on death. With all the death and pain she continued to go through, she wanted nothing to do with harm in any way. She wanted to heal and couldn’t do it while being part of anything she didn’t believe in. And she didn’t believe, whether it be for “the good” or “the bad”. Both sides were wrong, they only justified them differently. It angered Sofiya.
There was a war raging, but what they didn’t realize is that Sofiya Nott was a war within herself.
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smokehqs · 4 years
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Occupation: Model Age: 20 Gender: Non-binary Pronoun: He/him Blood status: Pureblood Allegiance: Order (Defected death eater) Faceclaim: Ezra Miller
You were never meant to be the prince. That honor fell to your brother, you were merely the spare. You were content with this, however. You idolized Sirius and your status as the second son gave you choices the eldest never has. Both were torn from you the day Sirius left. You want to not care, the way you know you’re supposed to. But you wouldn’t hate him so much if you didn’t love him. The truth is you’re afraid. You’re in too deep to turn around now and you know any day you may be asked to do something you’re not sure you can do. You’re just hoping to keep your head above water until this war is over. Even so, you know you’re not likely to see the other side.
Regulus Black was the youngest. Sirius was the heir, and between that and Sirius’s outbursts he got most of the attention. Regulus was fine with that, content to hide in his room with his books and avoid his mother’s screaming. He was a good son when there wasn’t much expected of him. That changed as he grew older and started to crack under the stress– but unlike his brother, he directed his frustrations inwards and began to implode. He’d always been anxious, but he began to have panic attacks behind closed doors and cut himself in places where it wouldn’t show. Few people knew his secrets though– he was as good of a liar as he was a Quidditch player.
He really started to fall apart during the summer before fifth year. Sirius leaving was just the cherry on top of the pile of disaster– he couldn’t understand how his brother could just leave him and his cousins, largely because he was far too loyal to ever do the same. He doesn’t talk to his brother because the idea of doing so is just too painful. It was around this time that he realized whatever his parents have planned for him is not something he wants any part in. It was better if people saw him as merely decorative– a loyal pureblood, but not a smart or useful one. He dropped his grades (it turns out it’s bloody hard to do that without it being obvious) and he started drinking hard.
That didn’t make his parents very happy, though, and he suffered for it. He returned to school from the Christmas holidays that year with a barely-healed fracture in his rib. But he returned from summer holidays with a mark in the shape of a skull etched into his arm, something that only served to strengthen his resolve. He’d be a Death Eater, but not a devoted or useful one. The devoted and useful ones got killed– he’d be a pretty face with access to family money and nothing more. It turned out that being unreliable was the best asset he had.
Narcissa Malfoy: Cousin
Barty Crouch Jr.: Best friend from Hogwarts
Delilah Carrow: Friends
Sirius Black: Estranged brother
Antonin Dolohov: Used to idolize
Sofiya Nott: Formerly engaged
Gilderoy Lockhart: Boyfriend
Sylvanie Fortescue: Competitive with
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upinsmoke-gossip · 5 years
Who’s just having an awful, awful time right now?
Has Lily Potter stopped throwing up in the streets yet? I consider that an awful time if only for my shoes. And soon enough, she’s going to end up fat and achy with swollen ankles and all those other nasty symptoms of growing another life. It sucks to be her, if you ask me.
What about Delilah Carrow? Is she still going by Carrow? I know she seemed pretty happy with her little dog, but she had a birthday recently and I bet it was a reminder to her that she has a dead sister and a dead husband. I hear she was seen leaving flowers at a grave, so it seems like death instead of life is on her mind.
I don’t know what it is about her, but Sofiya Nott has an unfortunate air about her that always makes her seem unlucky to me. I’m not sure what she’s suffering from other than existing, but that’s my take.
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@fortunexflower @delilahxcarrow @nottsofiya
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nottsofiya · 5 years
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Dear Father, 
Sometimes I worry I won’t find out you’ve died, I worry Valentina would forget to let me know.  I sometimes wish you wouldn’t die so far from home. (Not an invitation to escape prison.)
 I counted the miles when they sent Valentina there, and then I blacked out because I drank too much and I don’t want to do the math again, but I’d look it up if I could speak at your funeral. But who knows? Maybe I’ll die before you. What would you say at mine? What would you have said, if I had died in that attack? I had a dream in which my mother knew what to say, but I couldn’t understand any of it. 
Don’t get too scared, I won’t die. I’m staying out of trouble.
Death reminds me that my birthday is coming up. Not spending the last one with you was strange, I felt like a Hogwarts kid. But lonelier, I suppose. I wish you hadn’t joined a cult. People should know you from the way you always remember the most random things or for writing a book. You always said you’d write a book. I wouldn’t mind if they knew you because of your crude humor or your difficult temper. But you chose to be known for joining a terrorist cult, and now I have to worry I won’t learn you’ve died. I don’t mean to scold you, I just wish you had chosen us. I thought, when I was attacked, that you would finally choose us. 
I would often feel sad when you let me ramble on without letting me know if you were listening, but now it makes writing you easier. I sometimes use a dictating charm, so it feels the same. Remember when you taught me to play the piano? That was lovely. I’ve been visiting home more often, I’m trying a divination thing that involves cheese and my apartment smells like a war zone, so I’ve spent a lot of time in your office and in your piano. I also took some of your books. I might move back home someday. If I get married. (I still hope I’ll get married.) It’s a good place to raise children. Would you love your grandchildren if their blood wasn’t of your liking? Again, don’t get scared. I just would like to know. 
Valentina looked changed when she came back. I didn’t tell her that, of course. Did you see her? If you did, did you believe your eyes? I know Azkaban can break anyone, and if Valentina can be anyone so can you.  If you came back, and this is not an invitation to escape prison, I wonder if you’d still be the same. I knew you when you were a quirky man, and I would miss that if you come back a shell of it. I miss you anyways. 
Sofiya Nott
P.S. Aurors that read my letters please know I am not in any way endorsing or promoting prison breaks. 
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valentinanottt · 6 years
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AU Valentina Nott
i: Gets sorted into Hufflepuff and cries when her parents are pissed about it. ii: Takes comfort when Sofiya is also sorted into Hufflepuff and starts to bond with her. iii: Works hard because she loves learning and gets a reputation for being willing to help younger students: iv: Attaches herself to her brother when he comes home from school, unwilling to lose either sibling when her parents are so disappointed in her. v: Encourages her brother to join the order so they can help protect the right for everyone to do magic together.
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