#soft magic doesn't need explanations god dammit
rainboq · 3 years
So I'm like actively mad at the LiS comic now
So far, I've been pretty on board with the comics. Yeah, it's super obvious that it was made more than the original 4 issues last minute, and yeah, the amberprice timeline had a lot of padding and avoided dealing with really serious emotional stuff. But I still enjoyed it, it was nice to see Max and (a) Rachel getting along, the Pricefield and AmberPrice was good, and it gave hints for what could be with AmberPricefield (but they're cowards for it being platonic). But then the latest issue came out. Spoiler talk under the cut.
Then this shit happened.
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Max just admitted that the Max from the AmberPrice timeline is dead.
Fucking WHAT?!
I cannot fathom how this makes any fucking sense. Not only does it contradict one of the issues in Dust where Max goes to a timeline where she's dead, and it rejects her, but Max spent two years living in a timeline where she fucking died?!
She's a freelance photographer! Her livelihood depends on circulating her name! Did nobody bother doing basic background on the photographer they hired? Did nobody look at her social media and connect the dots?!
Did Max just not have a fucking bank account or credit card? Did she just not pay her taxes? Did Chloe and Rachel not bother looking into things with her at all? I honestly can't believe that Chloe wouldn't know that Max had died or gone missing.
And on that topic, what the fuck happened to this Max? Did she take Rachel's place? Did Nathan OD her and she ended up a missing person's poster? Did Jefferson just kill her? Did nobody who knew her at Blackwell (KATE?! HELLO?! KATE LITERALLY ONLY GETS ONE BACKGROUND PHOTOGRAPH ON THE MEMORIAL WALL FOR THE ENTIRE COMIC AND I AM BEYOND FURIOUS ABOUT IT!) keep searching for her after her disappearance? Someone who might, say, search social media for her occasionally and might stumble across her instagram or whatever she's using to promote herself? And the most infuriating part of this is: Emma didn't have to explain this! It's not important how Max was able to jump into that timeline! It literally doesn't matter! But then she chose to explain it poorly, and in a way that just makes no actual sense.
I guess let this be a lesson, dear reader: you don't have to explain everything. And if you feel it needs an explanation, make sure it's a good one, that makes sense. Because this falls apart if you think about it for a few seconds.
Also Kate deserved at least a cameo in the flickers, she's like, the only person at Blackwell Max was close to before shit hit the fan. The only people Max pulls out powers for are Chloe and Kate, and the only people she regularly has physical contact with. (Warren gets one awkward side hug after the rooftop, and maybe a hug/kiss in ep 5). She's someone who really mattered to Max, and she just gets crickets.
I'm going to end up writing a fix-it fic at some point, because I hate this, and the AmberPrice timeline deserves more closure.
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