#but this was just baffling
tetriminas · 7 months
dating Miles Edgeworth headcanons (Miles Edgeworth x fem reader)
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He leaves you for a man
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FNAF movie Mike fights Moon at the Pizzaplex..
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greelin · 9 months
people when trauma victims act traumatized especially in a way that is unpalatable to them because it involves lashing out and unpredictable moods and having boundary issues rather than just being demure, sad, and consumable
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sidcrosbrainworms · 1 year
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today’s ao3 experience
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ao3usermelancholyhues · 3 months
rb for larger sample size! feel free to elaborate in tags about your process.
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minnnieminmin · 7 months
Chris Pratt using his normal voice as Garfield meanwhile Robert Pattinson over here using his most fucked up gremlin voice to play a bird that you wouldn't even know it was him until you saw the credits
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phoenixkaptain · 9 months
I really want to explore Tim “rich kid” Drake spending time with his friends and them just slowly realizing that Robin is even weirder than they thought.
Like, Arrowette complains about some press event or something that her mom wants her to go to and Robin just starts listing off advice and unspoken rules and tells her to absolutely avoid the shrimp cocktails unless she wants an early out, in which case the correct amount to eat is one and a half shrimp with only a bit of cocktail sauce, which will be enough to change her complexion and convince people she doesn’t feel well and allow her to escape to the restroom, then she just needs to slip out one of the windows-
Or Wonder Girl commenting on, like, a science fair project or something and he just goes “Science fairs are the worst. Everyone wants to buy your services to make them something, not understanding that you’re richer than they are and that an insult to you could lead to you buying their parents’ companies if they don’t shut up. They’re lucky I have an even temper…” WG: “…wat.”
Superboy is like “man, Superman’s trying to convince me to clean my room. What should I do?” and Tim just stares blankly at him because nobody has ever told him to clean his room before and he’s never cleaned his room before and he had no idea Clark was so cruel and-
Impulse: “Hey, Rob, pass me a can opener.”
Robin, staring into the drawer, fifteen can openers right in front of his eyes: “We don’t have one.”
I just want Tim to inexplicably not know some things because he’s never had to know them. I want him to explicably know things because he had to know them. I want the things he does know and the things he doesn’t to be totally backwards to everyone, who are all wondering why Robin knows how to hotwire a car but does not know how to work a vacuum cleaner.
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 6 months
Man what the hell, saw someone on Instagram say “I mean sharks are definitely machines” on a video of that wonderful woman who removes hooks from sharks’ mouths 💀 “Whether or not sharks are sentient and experience joy, idk,” they say, on a video of a shark acting distant until she had a hook taken out of her throat, after which she became very cuddly and friendly with divers and would just lay in their laps. Not to mention these new sharks with hooks would just keep appearing to get their hooks removed! Some people do anything to assign fishes the title of “unfeeling machine”..
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incredubious · 25 days
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gentle touches
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inspisart · 11 months
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dick took the news that a strange thirteen year old broke into his apartment while he was away at the circus pretty well, I gotta say
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sncwbaz · 4 months
so, watched ep 1 of the atla live action and uhm, imagine not wanting one of your main characters to depict sexism because you believe it doesn’t read well in Current Times, so instead you double down on the character’s obsession towards leadership in order to give him that extra edge. but in order to make that work u have to make his sister quietly obedient instead of an outspoken leading presence that has the potential to overshadow him. because silencing a female character in order to write out a male character’s story arc of unlearning sexism is obviously a better and less sexist outcome.
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intertexts-moving · 10 months
in my thinking about ya lit era (rereading inkheart) & retrospectively artemis fowl is still so baller. what if fairies were real & they had a militaristic cyberpunk underground world & they fucking hated u.protags are the worlds least likable pretentious irish 12 year old autistic cunt & a dyke fairy special ops cop whos his bestfriend and also thinks hes the most annoying person on earth. and his huge also autistic chill butler whose name is butler whos job is killing people.& is his other bestfriend. half the plot revolves around him resolving his daddy issues & when he finally gets his dad back his dad is like ah jesus fucking christ. you are NOT normal please be normal! other half of the plot revolves around irish fairy special ops police station drama.
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Jeremy Fitzgerald’s reaction to FNAF scooped Michael
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beesarekindaswag · 4 months
Ya know how we all collectively agree that the Lazarus pits are just ectoplasm? Well.. apparently it’s canon in DC Vs Vampires that the pits can reverse vampirism and turn someone back into a human…
Guys… GUYS -
Just imagine Danny wandering the ghost zone and ooh natural portal? Yoink.
It just so happens that the portal leads to the DC vs vampires dimension and well Vlad looks enough like a stereotypical vampire that when some dude with fangs tries to kill him who can fault Danny for a little ectoplasm blast?
And wait a minute- what just happened to the guy he shot? He’s… human now? H u h
Turns out when you shoot a vampire with ectoplasm it ALSO cures the vampirism…
The real question is : did Danny happen to land in the midst of a dramatic reveal of Dick Grayson as the vampire king and oops- no more vampire 🤩
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avelera · 2 years
If posting fic online has taught me anything, it’s that I have no idea how the reader will react to anything. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Not the faintest clue.
Fics that I think I scribbled off just to get them out there get the kindest, most rapturous feedback. Fics I slaved over, agonized over, bled my soul into get a couple tepid replies. Fics I thought were me revealing the darkness and weird kink that lives in my brain, scared to even post it for fear of judgement, get, “Aaaw that’s so sweet!” replies. Baffling.
My conclusion? You just never know. You really just can’t know. When I did a workshop with 20 other writers I would try to guess what their critique of my story would be and I was right maybe 1 in 20 times. Only one other writer would have the same critique for my story that I had. And it wasn’t even always the same person.
The encouraging part about this is, if self recrimination, the fear that you know what people won’t like about your story, is holding you back, just say fuck it! You’re almost certainly wrong! All you can do is make it the best story you can for the energy you have. And yeah, sometimes that means scribbling it out in an evening and kicking it out to the void of the internet before you can change your mind or worry about editing it more than once because then you’ll never post it.
It’s all chaos, man. You don’t get to decide what the audience thinks. All you can do is create it and put it out there for them to decide.
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dedusmuln · 7 months
yeah you support trans people but are you normal about trans men who choose to get pregnant
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