softfixup · 3 months
Improve website speed, complete fast and user friendly experience.
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softfixup · 3 months
Learn web development work from home, and build your own career. 
What does web development mean? Web development is the process of web hosting or data stored on a server, or the Internet, and the process of displaying it through a web browser. Web development refers to the process of creating websites and applications for the Internet. It involves a combination of client-side and server-side programming and includes tasks such as design, coding, testing, and deployment. Web development uses languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in the front end and server-side technologies like Node.js in the PHP back end. People who work in web development are called web developers. The scope of work of a web developer is very extensive. Starting from a simple satik wave page to various social media platforms, e-commerce sites of business enterprises, and content management systems, when we search for the necessary things in various search engines, these tasks are usually the web. Development.
Web development is usually analyzed in three parts, such as front end, back end, and full stack.
What is the front site: The front site is when we visit a website, on its first page we see some design, layout, images, text, and its UI (User Interface) / UX (User Experience) design, it is usually web The front end or client side coding of the site is called. It plays an important role in retaining the interest of the visitors.
The process of doing server-side development of the back side is called 
What is the back-end web development? The functional work of a website is the work done on the internal part of the site, other than web design and theme design, which consists of back-end servers, databases, and application logic, and is essential to ensure that the website functions properly. The back end usually converts a static web page into a dynamic web page. Back-end web development work is done invisibly or on the server side so visitors can't see it. These are mainly managed or controlled from within the website. The database management system is one of them.
What is the full stack? Full stack development is the process of designing a website to do the complete web development of the website.
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