42frankee · 2 years
Night Owl Radio #389 ft. SOHMI and Mau P by INSOMNIAC https://ift.tt/C2oEbuX
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mothgrudge · 1 year
main family update 1.0:
somi’s name spelling has been changed to sohmi
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eardefenders · 8 months
Sherlock & Co - Mailbag Episode 2 Transcript
00:00-00:30 Intro Music
00:27-00:34 *Sounds of a violin playing fade in*
00:34 Sherlock: You see? You see what I mean?
00:37 John: I…don’t.
00:39 Sherlock: Listen! *scoffs* Listen, closely this time. Shh. *resumes playing the bit from the fade in*
00:43 John: Argh. *pause* For God’s sake.
*Sherlock keeps playing*
00:46 John: Sherlock, please mate. We’ve got questions to get through here.
*Sherlock keeps playing*
00:52 John: Maaaate. Matey, mate mate mate mate.
00:55 Sherlock: Did you hear it this time?
00:57 John: Yeah. Sure. Uhh, right. So let’s dive into the discord chat. The brand spanking new discord for Sherlock and Co members. Brimming with Stamfords, Irregulars, and Diogene-sohmy God. There’s thousands of messages. Um, right. Should probably been keeping tabs on those questions. All right I’m going to scroll up and pick one f-from um the sssixteenth of January. Here we go! Come on down…IdleVice! Uh, your question is, “If you could make a Spotify playlist for each other of your own favorite songs, what would some of the highlights be and would you be willing to share the playlists with us. Ooh hoohoho. Uuuhhm. I don’t know if I’d ever get around to actually, y’know, putting the playlist together, as, as such, but what I-I would get Sherlock to listen to. Ummm mmmm probably Elbow? Elbow are a band from the north of England. Uh, Salford I think. But they have, uh, a few strings sort of. I-I don’t know what it’s called-but, elements that involve violins. Um, and all that jazz. Heh. Uh well not jazz! Uh, literally, not jazz. Uh, yeah, Sherlock, what about me?
02:07 Sherlock: Hm?
02:08 John: If you could make a playlist of songs for me what would it be?
02:12 Sherlock: I probably would never do that, Watson.
02:16 John: Okay. Uh, could you expand on that?
02:19 Sherlock: It’s a task that I wouldn’t find that fulfil-Vivaldi.
02:23 John: Uhh, right. Vivaldi. Yep. Anything else pop into mind?
02:29 Sherlock: Pop.
02:31 John: Pop? Is that-what’s that?
02:33 Sherlock: It’s a genre of music.
02:35 John: Uh, right, you’d make a pop playlist for me?
02:38 Sherlock: I’d probably enlist Mrs. Hudson to do that.
02:41 John: Fair enough. And why pop?
02:43 Sherlock: Because it’s an abbreviation for ‘popular music’.
02:45 John: No, I know that.
02:47 Sherlock: You like popular culture, therefore pop music could very well be your cup of green tea.
02:54 John: It’s, it’s just cup of tea. Bu-uh-uh, well, okay, uh, thank you for that. Uh, back to the discord dudes and dudettes. Um, not that I was implying any kind of masculine energy to the use of the word dudes. Dudes will remain, uh, um, an-an-an-androgynous here. My…dudes. Bit like the word mate! I do throw it around. Ummm. Some people just think it’s for blokes. Don’t know why. Uh, anyway. Here we go. Leaf-onk, layff, layfonk? I hope I’m saying that right. Uh, Leif-Leif*onk* asks, ‘Has Sherlock ever hit a vape?”
03:28 Sherlock: Yes.
03:29 John: Lovely. They’d also like to know the flavor.
03:31 Sherlock: Menthol.
03:32 John: D-do you want to expand?
03:35 Sherlock: Mm, not really.
03:37 John: Did you like it?
03:38 Sherlock: It was satisfactory, I suppose.
03:41 John: *sighs* Another thrilling q and a session with the master detective. Here we go! Number one archie fan-He-he-heeyyy! Archie! Found your number one fan mate. Heh. Think they also go by potpourri. Not sure. Don’t really know how discord works because I was born in 1989. Anyway! Number one Archie fan asks, do you have a favorite classical piece? Or a favorite composer, perhaps?
04:05 Sherlock: Mozart, generally. Can often be tied to my mood. What about Vivaldi? You said Vivaldi earlier?
04:12 Sherlock: That was a recommendation to you.
04:14 John: But not you?
04:14 Sherlock: Definitely not.
04:16 John: Great.
04:17 Sherlock: Uh, Mozart, Bach, Tchaikovsky. But I am often driven by whatever phase I feel I’m in.
04:23 John: And we’re in a Mozart phase now, are we?
04:26 Sherlock: We are indeed.
04:27 John: Fab. Right, uh, Reeonk asks-ohkay, ok, I see what you’re doing now. Cause of. Cause of Jonk. Okahaha. Let’s all laugh at Jonk-John, I mean.
04:40 Sherlock: *laughs*
04:41 John (affectionately): Oh, ge-Shut up, you big idiot.
04:44 Sherlock: *still laughing*
04:45 John (affectionately annoyed): Shut it. Ha. Uhhhh, we’ll cut that bit. I swear to God. Right! Reonk, who I think also goes by Perfo, if I click here. But yes, as I was saying, millennial at the wheel. Sorry. Reonk’s first question, “Hey John, if you were an animal, what animal would you be?” Uhhhum, *clicks tongue* look, I’ve got to be something airborne. Um, uh I’m sorry, but I have to. Y-y-you can’t have the chance to fly and turn it down, so, uh, I’m a bird.
05:09 Sherlock: Or a bug.
05:10 John: S-s-sorry?
05:11 Sherlock: Bugs. Insects. They’re airborne. Hm, as is some bacteria.
05:16 John: Great, yeah. Let me just decide between a gnat and a germ.
05:19 Sherlock: By all means. Take your time.
05:21 John: I’m being sarcastic. I’m not a bug and I’m not bloody…germs. I’m. *sighs* I mean it’s too much pressure being an eagle, isn’t it. Um, *clicks tongue three times* I don’t want to be something that’s crap at flying, like a swan or a goose or something. Shoutout to Heather, by the way. Ehhh, aw come on John, come on John. Um. Ooo! Tell you what. Now this is going to sound stupid, but if it was my brain in the animal-
05:47 Sherlock: Yes, this is going to sound stupid.
05:49 John: Shh-sh-shh. Yes, if it was me. In the animal. I’m going pigeon.
05:54 Sherlock: Pigeon?
05:55 John: Pigeon. Ehh? Right, listen, ok. I can still live in the city. I cou-I could even live in my room, really.
06:01 Sherlock: You absolutely cannot.
06:03 John: What? Why not?
06:04 Sherlock: I’m not flatsharing with a bloody pigeon, Watson.
06:06 John: It’s me.
06:07 Sherlock: Yes, in the body of a pigeon.
06:09 John: Listen, let me finish my point. I’m a pigeon. I’ve got my room. I can fly about London, y’know? See all the sites, dive bomb some tourists, do a little poo on the House of Commons. I could nick a bit of decent grub. Yeah, go on walks with Archie and Mariana in the park. And no one is the wiser. If I was an eagle or a, y’know, like an albatross, I couldn’t do that, could I? No? It’d be great flying across town, even take the tube. Saw a pigeon on the tube the other day.
06:39 Sherlock: Yes, you said. Twice.
06:41 John: I could look through people’s windows, you know go in their gardens, on their patios….That makes me sound creepy, doesn’t it? Ah, pigeon! *clears his throat* The answer is pigeon. Second question, “What kitchen appliance would you be?” *clicks tongue twice and sucks air in thorough his teeth* Hm. Not being a microwave. No way, don’t get cleaned enough and, uh, having curries and bloody pizzas blowing up inside me, geezus. Uh, fridge. Maybe. Mmm, but I’d see a lot of rotting food, wouldn’t I? Especially if people are away for a while. Probably go with something fun, y’know something where I come out of the pantry or the, y’know, the cupboard or whatever, and all the family go ‘yaayyy, heyhey here he is!’-Wafflemaker, I’d be a wafflemaker. Everyone loves waffles. No one’s getting board of me. I’m getting cleaned. Perfect. Pigeon and a wafflemaker. Ha! That’s not a bad name for our band, eh Sherlock?
07:32 Sherlock: We’re not making a band.
07:33 John: Yeahhh, it was a joke. Right! It’s biscuit time! Saren says ‘Question for Sherlock: What kind of biscuits are, in your opinion, the best?
07:42: *sound of someone walking away*
07:43 John: Uhh, what’re you doing?
07:44 Sherlock: Answering the question.
07:44 John: Well, that would involve sitting down and talking into the mic.
07:48 Sherlock *sound of papers*: Here.
07:49 John: This…is an essay….on biscuits.
07:52 Sherlock: Yes.
07:54 John: By you.
07:55 Sherlock: Yes.
07:56 John: Okay.
07:58 Sherlock: Well, read it. My findings are in there.
08:01 John: Whaaa…it’s thirty-nine pages long.
08:03 Sherlock: Indeed.
08:04 John: Thi-this is supposed to be a snappy question and answer segment. Y’know it’s supposed to be a patreon reward, not a bloody punishment. *sarcastically* ‘Aww thanks for giving six quid everybody, here’s an eleven hour lecture on biscuits.’
08:15 Sherlock: They asked the question.
08:16 John: Right, ok. So, uh, he was eating a lot of custard creams the other day. Um, for those of you who aren’t British, uh, a custard cream is, uh, a sort of sandwich structured biscuit, wouldn’t’cha say?
08:26 Sherlock: Correct. Yes. A sandwich in structure. Two light shortbread pieces acting as the bread. Often stamped with a Victorian inspired Baroque design. And the filling was once a buttercream, but now is a custard flavored cream based on vanilla custard. Not egg custard.
08:43 John: Right, yeah. It’s, it’s that. Um, they’re nice. They are nice. Very moreish. Um, Ellionk, or Ellie, I think, when they’re not ‘Onk’ified, want’s to know ‘Favorite Supermarket: Tesco or Sainsbury’s?’ Um, well, both have gone downhill in recent years, I have to say. So, I’m going to go for neither and say co-op. Yeah, cause every now and again you find a really really good one. But if I’m in fantasy land, it’s M&S Foods or Waitrose. *clicks tongue* Yeah. Uh, there’s a chemistry question here from Ranger Pip which I don’t even begin to understand, so I’m going to move on. Sorry, Ranger Pip.
09:18 John (cont.): Right, last one! ‘Question for possibly John or Sherlock, not sure, lol. What is the story behind the theme tune. Just have to say whoever composed it, the musicians need an award and a shoutout on the podcast.’ Uh, yeah, well it’s a great theme tune, isn’t it? It really is. It’s called ‘Mad Prodigy’. *clears his throat pointedly*
09:39 Sherlock: Why are you making that noise?
09:41 John: Ah well, just saying mate.
09:43 Sherlock: I’m not mad. Or a prodigy.
09:46 John: Hey, uh, I-I’m not saying anything. Um, yeah, it’s it’s by a guy called Jody Jenkins. Uhhh, the reason why I don’t release it like some people asked me to is because it’s owned by a royalty free site. Um, *clicks tongue* the reason why Jody Jenkins doesn’t release it, is the same reason. I-it’s owned by a royalty free site. Uh, that’s generally how they work. I-I pay a fee. Well. Goalhanger pay a fee, use the track, and it belongs too…yeah. Audio Network. Um, I think he’s fab, yeah. But as far as crediting him out loud on the podcast, um, some artists don’t want royalty free work assigned to them. Um, they just do it for a paycheck. Some do. I don’t know him obviously and of course, I-I could piss off the company that actually owns the audio if I just mention him and uh, not-
10:34: *phone vibrates*
10:36 John: Message from Mariana. ‘You’re waffling. These people are paying us their hard earned money.’ Right! Soundproofing in these old houses aren’t what they used to be, are they? Um, *clicks tongue* yeah that’s the reason songwise. Nothing for or against Jody Jenkins. I’m just playing it safe cause these things s-scare me. *chuckles* Corporations and blech, yeah. Uh, horrible stuff.
10:54: *phone vibrates*
10:55 John: Um, message from Mariana. Right, yeah, I’m gonna wrap this up. Uh, thanks for your questions my lovely friends, we’ll be back soon. And, now to play us out, the one and only, Sherlock Holmes.
11:08 Sherlock: What?
11:08 John: Play! Play a song!
11:10 Sherlock *pleased*: Oh. Excellent! Uh, okay. Here we go!
11:14: *violin playing starts up*
11:17 John: Bye bye guys!
11:32: *sherlock’s violin playing cuts into Mad Prodigy
11:32-12:02 *Mad Prodigy carries us out to the end*
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kelperings · 23 days
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real footage of nagito komaeda not livinv past the age of 20 (hes alive and happy and actually nothing fatal is bound to happen trust guys truts me omg)
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pralinesims · 1 year
does aaron have favourite songs and if yes, which?
@90s-trait THANK YOU for sending this, I love spontaneous asks like these T_T <3
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I'm usually doing hard with picking specific songs for my OC's, but I always imagine him to be a huge lover of (especially underground) electronic music of many kinds? Though he'd probably listen to almost everything if the song speaks to him. But electro anything is a big preference!
Here are some songs that he'd listen to:
Joseph Ray - Blue Nights
Jerro - Insert
Sohmi - Somebody
Björk - Quicksand
Nora En Pure - Gratitude
Amelie Lens - Affection
Tiësto (feat. Tate McRae) - 10:35
Nondi_ - Floaty Cloud Dream
De Ambassade - Commando
Alva Noto - Uni Dia
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thedailyfrequency · 1 year
[Listen] SOHMI Transcends With ‘Recital’ EP
After mesmerizing fans with single after single, SOHMI has officially released the final track of her debut EP Recital. Rounding out the last chapter of her dance-heavy autobiography through sound, Recital is filled with ethereal soundscapes and minimal pop tech beats that open a portal into her dreamy reality. While the EP as a whole serves as a sonic extension of SOHMI’s life, the final track…
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thedjmusic · 2 years
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TDM | Discoveries of The Week 2022-10-18
DOWNLOAD: https://thedjmusic.com/music/tdm_discoveries_of_the_week_2022_10_18
DATA: 2022-10-21 TOTAL: 193 GENRE: House, Tech House, Afro House, Jackin House, Deep House, Soulful House, Funky House, Organic House / Downtempo, Progressive House, Nu Disco / Disco, Melodic House & Techno
Cover: Tensnake. New tracks and rare compositions in the weekly mix just for you.
2Sleep - Ja Era
2Sleep - Orange Juice
67th & Bird,Jay Ward - Dangerous - Jay Ward Remix
AceMyth - Alive
Afriqua - Always
Afternoon Tea - Rugged
Ajay Lux - Polygon
Alan Johnson - Duppy Season
Albert van Abbe - The Blackest Orange Turns Purple Green
Alden Tyrell - SHIFT UP
Alex Jones - Them Things
Alien D - Squiggle
Alvin Tech - Neuralink
Andy Hughes,Cory Hughes - Yummy - Cory Hughes Remix
Anfisa Letyago - Haze - Club Mix
Aranha - Wonder
Arthur Adams - You Got the Floor - Bonus Track
Atix - End of loops
Au5,EMME - Another Way
Audiotrap - I Want You To Want Me
Baker - Demons in the Dark
Beverly Hills 808303 - The American Lie
Big Drum Records - Free Your Love
Bill Converse - The Last Time
Blosso,Nytrix - Higher Than Heaven
Bobby Thurston - Check Out the Groove
Boylan,Slimzee - Ephemerol East
Boylan,Slimzee - LDNMSV
Brunson - Morf
Bunzer0 - Killit
Calagad 13 - New Era
Cashmere - Do It Anyway You Wanna - 12" Version
Centauri,Hunter Reed - Corrupt Cadence
Central Line - Walking Into Sunshine - Original Larry Levan 12" Mix
Charles Earland - Coming to You Live
Choopsie - Forgot To Blink
Chujo,Snazzy Trax - She Got Me - Snazzy Trax Extended Remix
Class Action,Chris Wiltshire - Weekend (Larry Levan Mix) [feat. Chris Wiltshire]
Coldpast,Tuff Trax - Tigerstyle
Colossi Rah - Stolen Land
Conducta,Interplanetary Criminal - Lessons (Interplanetary Criminal ‘Back 2 Skool’ Mix)
Crazy P,Hot Toddy - Love Is With You - Hot Toddy Remix
Croatia Squad - Play It Cool - Extended Mix
Crozford,FutureMade - Horizon - FutureMade Remix
CYRK - Lost Memories
DaiSu - Lightwork
Dante - Seeking for Reliability
Datra - Dono's Lab
DDD - Clockwork Reason
Dee - Rhombus
DeFeKT,Jensen Interceptor - Bipolar
Deodato - Keep on Movin'
Dez Williams - No Longer Human
Diego Infanzon - Living Together
Diego Infanzon - Never Grow Old
Distillat - Cold Stare
DJ Brownie - Know About This
DJ Brownie - Off The Chain
DJ Decay - Rinse In Brie
Dj Maaco - The People
DJ Pantha - Hurry The Fuck Up
DJ これからの緊急災害 - EASY 4 M3
DJOKO - Missing Channel
DMX Krew - Twinkle
Donnell Pitman - Love Explosion
Donsurf - Tell Me
Duskope,WZA - U Can Feel
Dynasty - I've Just Begun to Love You
Edward White - The Things U Make Me Do
Empress - Dyin' to Be Dancin'
Fantasy - Vibes
Fat Larry's Band - Lookin' for Love
Fatback Band - Is This the Future?
Finis Henderson - Skip To My Lou
FooR,Effie,Rich Ellis - Everything U Need - Rich Ellis Remix
Fossil Archive - The Heights Of Metropolis
France Joli - Gonna Get Over You - 12" Mix
Frankel & Harper - Buffalo Skank
Frantique - Getting Serious
Gary Gritness - Sodium Sulfur
Geraldine Hunt - Can't Fake the Feeling
Geraldine Hunt feat. Freddie James & Rosalind aka Cheri - Murphy's Law
Gino Soccio - Hold Tight
Greenflamez - Dont wanna let you show
Greg Henderson - Dreamin'
Guber - Wrong Ibiza - Bass Mix
Gwen McCrae - Doin' It - Remastered Version
Hexadecimal - The End
High Fashion - Feelin' Lucky Lately - Remastered
Hockins - A&F
Hockins - Who's Gonna Die
Holoe - Red Beam
ICE-T - I'm Your Pusher / Pusherman
iLee - Wake Up - Extended Mix
Illektrolab - In The Tube
Imagination - Burnin' Up
Interplanetary Criminal,DJ Cosworth - Untitled A
Jaden Thompson,Aaron Pfeiffer - Something Else - Original Mix
James Curd - I Can Still Fly
James Organ,SOHMI - The High
Jamie 3:26,Danou P - Roy Layers
Jamie Jones,Darius Syrossian - The Best Thing
J:Kenzo,Mani Festo - Deadbull - Mani Festo Remix
Joal - Make It Right
Jonny From Space - Wetland
Jose Carlos - #1 Porra
Justin Jay,Bayer & Waits - Wait for the Drop
Kitson - Lucky
Kitson - Lucky
Klaiola - Temptation - Extended
Konerytmi - Skeittilauta
Kris Baha - Revolting
Last Magpie,Grainger,Fall Forward - Es - Grainger & Fall Forward Remix
Le Lion - Stubborn
L/F/D/M - Acid Spoon
L'Impératrice,Lazywax - Voodoo? - Lazywax Remix
Lithe - Yammer
LOOPERS - Transcendence
Loose Ends - Dial 999
Lucid Distraction,DJ Bastard - Bring It Back - DJ Bastard's Bringing Back The Remix
Mani Festo - Folding Time
Mark Tammo,Stevie Jones - Anything On It
Max Pollyul - Asturias
Mike Millrain - Survive
Mike Nasty - Station 5
Minder - Simulated Hunt
Mirage - Summer Grooves
MixedMind - Clash
Modestep,Dr. Ushūu - Diamonds
Modestep,Oddprophet - Far From Blind
Modestep,Oddprophet - Far From Blind
Moppa & Dekka - All Night
Mulholland - ION-9
Mystic Merlin - Mr. Magician - 2004 Digital Remaster
Mystic State,PAV4N - Gallows
Noise At Night - Funky Soul
Notixx - Satellite
Oden & Fatzo - La Balle À Laïka
Ohm Guru,Faraa,Thc - Nothing to celebrate - The THC Rework
OnDaMiKe - Boats N Hoezz - Original Mix
Orchid - Bobma
Oscean - Drivion
Oscean - Drivion
Oscean - Multidimensional
OSO,Other Echoes - Inertia
Panoramic Barrier - Crash Boom Body
Passarani - The Fixer
Pearson Sound - Red Sky
Pelace - Echoes From The Past
PhyLo Mason - Surrender
Plunky & The Oneness Of JuJu - Every Way but Loose
Qlank - The Count
REESE - All I Need
Reflection Port Assembly,Cignol - Blue Sky - Cignol Remix
Reginald - You Are
Revan - Grey Areas
Roklem,Sebalo - Empathy
Rory Marshall,William Kiss - Numbers
Ryvahl - Send Signal
Safire,QQQAkane,Skeptical - Slowly Rushing - Skeptical Remix
Saigg - La foundation - Original Mix
Sam Shelby - Flex - Extended Mix
Sascha Funke - E-Plus
Serge Ponsar - Out in the Night
Sharon Forrester - Love Don't Live Here Anymore
Silat Beksi - Jhana - Original Mix
Soft Collision - Imago
Space Dimension Controller - Galactic Insurgents
Spectrums Data Forces - Reencarnación
Stanny Abram - Trapped Emotion
Steffi - The Red Hunter - Original Mix
Swoose - Breathe
Tensnake - How Will I Know - Extended Mix
Ternion Sound - Clutch
Terrace - Cocoons
The Darrow Chem Syndicate,-Urbano-,Jormek - Feel From You - Urbano & Jormek Remix
The Glitch Mob - Antireal
The Sun Vanished,S4ER - Stab through my Heart
Thought Trails - Energy Crew
Tiga,Der Zyklus - Easy - Der Zyklus - Quantum Matrix
Under The Radar (UK) - Sorrow
Unlimited Touch - In the Middle
Vadim Shantor - Drop It
Vedelius,Lok44 - The Crypt - Lok44 Mix
Viers - Summoning Salt
VOLTAIRE - Frequencies
WAHM (FR),Index Ñuul Kukk,Henrik Schwarz - Destiny - Henrik Schwarz Remix
Walker & Royce,Sophiegrophy,VNSSA - No Drama (VNSSA Remix)
WZA - In Your Heart
Young and Company - I Like What You're Doing To Me
Zobol - Meridian
ZOF - Bubble (Extended Mix)
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shb-music · 2 years
Sliding into a new week! This week, playing tracks from Darius, sunflwr, Touch Sensitive, Alok, SOHMI, Dale Howard, Clancy, RÜFÜS DU SOL, Dankann, myself and many more. Schöne Woche an alle! #DeepTureAdventure
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dallasdjpromoter · 2 years
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THIS THURSDAY @yottomusic + @sohmi_ at @itlldoclub ! EARLY SHOWTIME, TICKET LINK IN BIO! #musicistheanswer #itlldoclub #yotto #sohmi #anjunadeep #oddoneout #bedrockrecords #toolroomrecords #itlldodallas #iconicvenue #dfw #dfwravefam #itlldodanceclub #iconicvenue #dancemusicproducers #melodichhouseandtechno #deephousemusic #melodichouse #melodichousemusic #melodichousetecno #anjunabeats #progressivehouse #anjunafamily #thursdayparty #anjunadeepfamily #anjunadeeparty #dfwmusicscene #dallasevents (at It'll DO Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch57DkMMkie/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kimchunghaven · 7 years
Sohye: I’m just trying to be myself
Somi: Why would you want to do that?
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hanjisungz · 4 years
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42frankee · 2 years
Night Owl Radio 356 ft. Kaysin and SOHMI by INSOMNIAC https://ift.tt/N94KJEH
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angelostories · 5 years
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Dearest Yogis! I hope all of you are well and healthy! The situation of Covid-19 as it unfolds day by day is challenging at all levels of our life. There is a lot of fear around us but maybe this situation teach us what is important in our life, how to live less insecure without trying control everything, less selfish and more loving and caring. We can choose to live in our fears, confusion and worries or to stay in the essence of our practice, center ourselves and be the beautiful ones that demonstrate patience, compassion, awareness, mindfulness, love and mutual care. These are challenging times but we have to accept the situation and the new conditions. I've taken the decision to start classes online in order to stay connected, to keep practicing together, and to support us as we deal with this Pandemic. It's a time to take good care of yourself, and each other, let's practice together. This is how it will work: Classes will take place on Zoom (you can take part on your phone or your desktop, I recommend downloading the Zoom app) Each week I will send an email with a link to the Zoom meetings - the first practice is tomorrow Monday 16/03 at 18.30CET, 19.30 Gr. Schedule Tuesday - Thursday 08.00 CET, 09.00 Gr Hatha flow Tuesday - Thursday 19.00 CET, 20.00 Gr Men only Monday - Wednesday 18.30 CET, 19.30 Gr Hatha Flow Please send me your mail in my inbox so you make sure you get the Zoom meeting links. Here is the link for the first one tomorrow at 18.30 CET - 60 mins Hatha flow https://us04web.zoom.us/j/5261690627 These will all be donation based classes, payment can be made before or after the class via PayPal. You can donate as much or as little as you like - this is about us practicing together - staying strong and healthy during this challenging time! This is the first time that I have done live online classes, and I imagine it's the first time for many of you! Give yourself enough time to set up Zoom and get your mat ready at home. There may be a few technical difficulties as we all get used to this new format - but that's all part of the adventure! See you online ! Take care, Angelos 🙏🏻 #instayoga #yogapractice #yoga #onlineclasses https://www.instagram.com/p/B9w3Q-sohmi/?igshid=1ph9e89b2q565
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vtjacobgems · 5 years
HEAT ADVISORY #2 - 1/25/20
the hottest of the hot, picked by yours truly.
spotify playlist: HEAT ADVISORY #2 - 1/25/20
Love Regenerator - Love Regenerator 1
to move forward we have to consider the past and that’s just what Calvin Harris (yes, that Calvin Harris) is doing with his new project Love Regenerator. the first track feels straight out of the 90’s with the acid lead, euphoric keys and schizophrenic breaks. “CP-1” is a more straight-forward tech house banger that will be getting a lot of playtime all over. the project still has the feel of Harris’ intricate productions and knack for addictive melodies. I feel we’ll be seeing more and more artists try to capture this feel of the 90’s rave, and with the commercialization of EDM and the state of the world, I welcome a return to the grunginess and anti-establishment attitude that electronic music was originally all about .
Catz ‘n Dogz - “Body”
continuing with that old school vibe, Dirtybird has graced us with one of my favorite releases from them in a long while. a steady groover, assisted by the empowering vocals, and fire percussion - when those toms kick in?? good shit. a return to form for DB and a surefire party starter. it’s hard not to lose yourself in the midst. unleash your inner slut
Rybo, Lubelski - “Somebody Like You (feat. Sohmi)”
deep house with a tinge of acid house for the 5AM crowd. both of these Desert Hearts stalwarts are known for their psychedelic approach to 4/4 and this is no different. the airy vocals add to the atmosphere and it will have people moving well into the morning.
Papa Lu - “King”
the best of the bunch of the new Desert Hearts Family & Friends Vol. 4 compilation, a dark tech house stomper with an ever-evolving array of strong synths along a commanding sample. draws you in with light melodies and the big horn blasts give it heft. you won’t feel shy after this one
X&G - “WOAG”
the boys from SLC are back with their distinct trap sound on a new EP - off-kilter drums with a tribal vibe, metal build-ups and utter insanity at every turn. this track shows the many sides of the duo - and despite how hard they are to pin down, you know it’s gonna be hype.
the advisory this week is filled out by some lovely chill vibes from Four Tet, more prime cuts from the Desert Hearts compilation, house from the likes of Matroda, Vanilla Ace & Mike McFly, techno from Justin Cholewski, i_o & Heerhorst, trap bangers from Troyboi & Chee, and more. groooove on ya’ll
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musicandmood · 2 years
SPIN First Drop Coachella 2022: SOHMI
SPIN First Drop Coachella 2022: SOHMI
Electronic artist SOHMI moved to LA six years ago and soon attended her first festival ever – Coachella. It not only changed her perspective on what live music performance could be, it changed her life. She quit her tech job a year later and devoted herself to music full time. To be on stage in the Yuma tent in such short order was, in her words, “surreal.” With inspired sets that span the range…
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thedailyfrequency · 2 years
[Listen] SOHMI Shares Club-Centric New Single ‘Missin You’
After kicking off 2023 with the electrifying sounds of Only You, SOHMI continues to dazzle fans with the next phase of her upcoming Recital EP and her latest single Missin You.  Released on Friday, March 10, Missin You combines club-centric beats and somber yet hypnotizing melodies while serving as a testament to the intimate nature carried throughout each of her previous creations. As a perfect…
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