dettea · 4 years
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eli greenwood for @sojusimmer‘s bachelorette challenge ❤
25 | 181cm | scorpio
geek, good, art lover
eli aka the nerd in high school who glowed up. he used to share the same history class with olivia and would sit beside her during class not because he had a crush or anything *sweats* but because olivia clearly needed some help in the history department, of course. eli wasn’t anyone remarkable in high school, he was a soft spoken boy and blended in with the shadows. despite being a very opinionated person, eli was quiet throughout his teenage years due to his low self-esteem and confidence. he couldn’t even come up with the courage to ask olivia out! (he believes that she’s really out of her league.) this all changed when he entered university and made good friends who pushed him out of his comfort zone! he started speaking his mind (which shocked those around him for the first time), and hitting the gym regularly (since he was always so lethargic). he took time into improving himself and is proud to admit that he’s a completely different person now than he was in high school. currently he’s pursuing what he has always loved and is now a freelance artist! when he came across olivia going on the bachelorette, he immediately signed up. he has let her go once, and he is definitely not going to let his second opportunity pass by!
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fun facts:
used to doodle and sketch a lot in class (he has some sketches of olivia too, “she’s just great reference,” he says.)
he would help olivia in class whenever she’s lost or is unable to answer a question when put on the spot (he would whisper answers to her hehe)
he took graphic design in university and excelled!! he found his calling perhaps?
blushes really easily (as you can see in the first picture!) he blushes whenever he laughs really hard or is flustered!
he has the nickname tomato-head in his family because of the above fact lmao
he still tries to choose his words carefully before he speaks, he’s really aware of how his words may be perceived by others.
likes yoga a lot, and he’s good at it too! (he’s flexible alright *wink wonk*)
has a younger sister, who he babies a lot. she likes to ask him for pocket money when their parents don’t give her any more, and he will give!
currently lives in san myshuno which he finds too hectic and overwhelming, he would love a more calm and quieter place
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simmei · 4 years
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🎻 Matteo Rizzo for @sojusimmer‘s Olivia 💖
Matteo was orphaned since he was very young, and was pretty much raised in an orphanage for a good part of his childhood. He doesn’t dwell too hard on the reasons behind it, but catches himself wondering what his birth parents are like every now and then. He was adopted by two very loving mothers at the age of 8, both of whom he is forever grateful for.
As a child, he was and still is very eager to please and make his adoptive parents proud. His mothers would sometimes dance together to classical music, and Matteo would join in by pretending to be the violinist playing the music in the background. Both of them would laugh at how cute their little boy is, refer to him as The Violin Prince, and then take turns dancing with him. Because of this, classical music (and really just music in general) left a very strong impression on him and he feels that very same happiness he felt all those times whenever he plays his instruments.
He picked up learning the violin when he was 10. He heard the familiar sound of a violin coming down the hallway of his elementary school. Out of curiosity, he decided to follow it to the source and stumbled upon one of his teachers playing it. He listened for a while, until the teacher realised she wasn’t alone and stopped out of embarrassment. He told her that her music was ‘very pretty’ and that he would love to learn the violin for his mothers to dance to. The teacher was moved by both his innocence and genuineness behind his reason, and agreed to provide violin lessons after school for him. Matteo kind of saw this teacher as an older sister, and his parents often invite her over for holidays and meals, seeing her as part of their family.
His talent in music was evident as he got into it, picking up the violin quickly and actually performing a full piece for his mothers to dance to on their anniversary. They were super proud of their boy, and encouraged him to pursue music if that is what interests him. He did, and eventually learnt to play the piano as well.
He doesn’t aspire to become famous for his music, and is perfectly content performing his music for just the people he truly cares about - namely his adoptive parents and his former teacher. He’s hoping to find someone else he can play for, someone who he can dance with like his mothers did, someone that he will spend his life with.
And perhaps, that someone could be Olivia.
Musical Genius // Self-Assured + Music Lover + Clumsy
24 years old
Horoscope: Sagittarius
Most people just call him Matt.
Looks like a big toughie on the outside, but is in fact a huge softie on the inside.
Acquaintances usually assume that he plays the electric guitar or drums, when he mentions he plays instruments. Contrary to his initial impression on people, he actually plays violin and piano!
He is a bit quiet, but not shy by any means. Comes off as being aloof.
Surprisingly good with children. He is a music tutor and works mostly with kids, teaching them the fundamentals. Most of his students are a bit intimidated by him at first, but grow to admire him for his patience and kindness.
He busks when he has the time, but it’s mostly because he enjoys performing for people. He collects the money he does get, but donates it to orphanages.
Might not be the best in verbal communication. He expresses himself more through actions rather than words.
Does not have much experience in the department of dating. There were interested parties in the past, but he shrugged off their advances because he didn’t even know they were flirting with him in the first place.
Rarely smiles, but when he does, it’s 101% sincere and he’s truly happy in that moment.
He loves to eat, but doesn’t really know how to ‘appreciate’ cuisine. He scarfs down his food rather than savour its taste or think about the artistry behind the dish.
He can cook... Instant noodles and fried eggs count as cooking, right?
Very close to his adoptive parents, and he genuinely loves and cares for them. He feels very strongly that he was only able to become who he is today because of them.
Lovingly refers to his mothers as mama and mommy.
Also very close to his teacher back in elementary school. She’s kind of like an older sister to him. He still refers to her as Miss Kim, like he does when he is still her student.
Can be a bit clumsy and forgetful. He misplaces things fairly often, but never his violin and your heart.
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fairefolked · 4 years
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RAFAEL MARQUES for the loml @sojusimmer’s OLIVIA SALINGER
body builder.
childish | erratic | art lover.
tol i guess? middle aged as well (25).
just v dumb tbh.
rlly likes his muscles. kinda arrogant tbh
loves a good old film. that’s art to him
idk super loves dogs who doesn’t?
knows how to play guitar yo.
doesn’t like the beach soz.
knows how to do the salsa
hi meet this dumb dumb. he grew up as the oldest in an enormous family of 12 kids. look he can’t defend his parents choices either. as the oldest obviously responsibility fell to him to entertain the kids, so he’s probs the biggest childish idiot you’ll ever meet. boyo here grew up in selvadorada, running amongst the vines and idk tripping over historical bones? he’s now v good at amateur archaeology ok. however his family moved to del sol valley when his dad opened up a mechanic when rafa was 14, and mum got a job at the local hospital.
during his teenage years he had to take on a lot of extra responsibility; i.e working in the shop on top of helping the kids out. as a result he didn’t have much time to hang out w friends, but it’s ok that suited him fine. he spent a lot of time instead buildin that muscle and lifting weights. he aspires to be the next arnold schwarz ok. he did get to go to the occasional hs party tho and he was always the dumbass jock guy who was pondering the wonders of the universe, but v stupidly; i.e. “if rabbits feet are so lucky what happened to the rabbit?”. look he’s not the brightest bulb in the shed.
as an adult, he does intend on taking over his dads shop once dear old dad retires. good thing he don’t need smarts to go to uni, he already has the experience yo. look, he’s tryin his best, and tbh he’s doing ok for himself. he’s currently manager of his dads shop. still sees the kids and mucks around all the time with them. has his own bach pad. all he needs is 12 dogs and a wife. which is where the bachelorette comes in. he’s ready to slave to her desires. ready to own her soul. bring it on olivia.
private dl if chosen ayyyy.
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talasims · 4 years
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TAYLOR BLEDSOE for @sojusimmer‘s Olivia Salinger
Childish, Neat, Good
Warning: Loooooooong backstory ahead!
Taylor Bledsoe was born in Britechester to a prestigious UBrite dean and sickly mother. In elementary school, he was usually found pulling pranks with his rambunctious older and only sister Zoey. As he got older, he began to mature and was dubbed “The Golden Boy” in his teens--and you’ll find out why. His father is a dean and his mother was a literature professor until her declining health no longer made teaching possible. Unsurprisingly, considering Mr. and Mrs. Bledsoe’s respective prestigious academic posts at the University of Britechester, they made sure that their children always placed the highest priority on their education. 
The Bledsoe family comes from a long line of ambitious academics. Taylor’s great-great-great-great-grandfather was best friends with the founder of Britechester, and together they founded one of the top-tier universities known to simkind. Everyone in relation to UBrite is guaranteed to have a passionate rivalry with anyone or anything related to Foxbury. It gives them chills just hearing the name of their nemesis--and not in a good way.
Taylor was a competitive swimmer, captain of the debate team for three years in a row, won several piano and violin competitions, was a math tutor on the side for kids, and wanted to get PhD in literature just like his mom did. He was the kid that everyone wanted their sons to emulate and all of their daughters to marry. On top of all of his accomplishments, he was known to be kind to everyone he meets, never drink, smoked, or did drugs, nor does he plan on doing any of those things; his family has always had strict standards when it came to health and addiction. Just like any other Bledsoe, Taylor was used to working hard and working smart, and was expected to do great things. He was always found in his room studying and was revered for his top-notch Bledsoe brain. Howecer, he was sometimes dubbed a “party pooper” and could come off as dense when when jokes or sarcasm went over his head, but it just goes to show that you can’t have it all.
Imagine the shock that hit the community when Taylor went to Foxbury in order to go to school with his secret girlfriend! When Foxbury admissions were told that a Bledsoe wanted to attend their university, they welcome Taylor with open arms to anger their enemies. The betrayal caused a large rift to form between Taylor and his family, but Taylor was on a high during his first act of major rebellion. He just wanted to know what it was like to do what wasn’t expected of him, and he was enjoying himself. For so long he felt like he conformed to the expectations of others and never did anything for his own pleasure. What’s the harm? Things would normalize soon enough anyway.
However, as if Taylor wasn’t a hot enough topic already, news broke out near the end of Taylor’s first semester that he got his girlfriend pregnant. She dragged him to a party and he had his first drinks. A drunken mistake led him to disgrace his family further. A month later during the winter break, his girlfriend miscarried and Taylor snapped back to reality. He gently broke things off with the girlfriend he only got out of spite, and worked on getting his family--especially his parents--to forgive him. Deep down, his rebellion wasn’t fueled by unhappiness, he was just curious to see what a loose lifestyle would be like. He’s still a good boy and always has been.
Now, that was five years ago. Taylor and his family are on better terms now, though things aren’t quite the same despite his many apologies and explanations. Zoey was the only one that didn’t judge him. Taylor graduated with a bachelor’s degree from UBrite and was about ready to start working on his master’s when Zoey signed him up for this bachelorette challenge behind his back. He was infuriated at first, but is now curious to see how things will go. He’s not quite over the mistakes he made and regrets it. Yet somehow, he hopes that he can be admired and respected again, and that maybe, somebody like Olivia can bring out an even better Taylor.
Quick facts:
His favorite colors are baby blue and beige. He thinks baby blue brings out his green eyes!
He can do many, many things, but he cannot cook.
He has an irrational hatred for tank tops and refuses to wear them. Ever.
He only goes shirtless for sleeping or swimwear. 
He’s very intelligent but can also be dense. He often fails to detect sarcasm and misses when people use word substitution to talk about a different subject.
He hates that people feel intimidated by him. He loves having friends and loves to be with others as a stress reliever.
He secretly feels alone in a crowd of people and just wants to be genuinely loved by somebody.
If he actually stayed in the dorms, he’d be the roommate that wouldn’t let you leave until you washed your dishes.
He somehow found the time to watch enough movies to become a lowkey geek and 30% of his vocabulary is movie quotes.
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desysimmer · 4 years
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✿ Harold Byers for @sojusimmer‘s Olivia Salinger ✿
Harold is a boy with a great passion for music. At 16 he auditioned for a big record company without the permission of his parents. He passed the audition, but his parents were against this passion, so after many fights he leaves home. Since that day, he has never met or talked to his parents again. For 2 years he has been part of a famous music band, he plays the guitar and is also good at singing. He may seem a little arrogant, but it's a mask to hide his clumsy being. He opens up to people after a while but when he does, he becomes very sweet and sensitive. 
✿  He is 23 years old.
✿  He is Creative, Clumsy and Self-Absorbed.
✿  He loves writing and creating songs.
✿  He loves fruit drinks.
✿  He does not like the rain very much, it makes him very sad and reminds him        of his parents.
✿  He likes animals very much but cannot keep them because of his work,               in fact he spends too much time outside the home.
✿  He loves summer and swimming.
✿  He is very photogenic, in album covers he always gets better than the other          guys.
✿  His band is made up of 5 people.
✿  He hopes that sooner or later he will be able to return to talk to his parents. 
                                      ✿  I hope you like him!  ✿
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simpeachie · 4 years
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𝔼𝕣𝕚𝕔 𝕊𝕒𝕨𝕪𝕖𝕣
𝓯𝓸𝓻 @sojusimmer 𝓞𝓵𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓪 𝓢𝓪𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓻
𝘏𝘪𝘪 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦! 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘺 𝘣𝘰𝘺 𝘌𝘳𝘪𝘤. 𝘐 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘥𝘦𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘭𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘐 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘪𝘵𝘴 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 (𝘮𝘢𝘺𝘣𝘦) 𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘪𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥. 𝘐 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘐 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘧𝘶𝘯 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘩𝘦𝘩𝘦 ♥
𝙋𝙧𝙞𝙫𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝘿𝙤𝙬𝙣𝙡𝙤𝙖𝙙 𝙞𝙛 𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙨𝙚.
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pixiegal · 4 years
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Derek Poe for @sojusimmer’s Olivia
26 | Graphic Designer | Del Sol Valley | 180 cm | Creative, Perfectionist, Loves Outdoors
Can you tell I’m indecisive as fuck because I couldn’t choose one picture?
Hailing from Oasis Springs, Derek has spent the better part of his life under the desert sun, trying to keep his rascal of a younger brother in check. They would spend days hiking the valleys and creeks around the small town, often reminiscing on their future: moving from the hellhole that was Oasis Springs and into new, better life somewhere big and vast. Derek made it. His brother did not.
The cancer that took him had been so rapid and aggressive even the doctors had been alarmed. And just like that, the one thing that anchored Derek had been lost. His parents had grown more distant than ever, leaving Derek afloat with nothing else to ground him. He moved to Del Sol Valley to live with his uncle at 16, eager move away and, maybe, for a softer beginning.
And for a time, it was. Derek, eager to please, was the golden boy: excelled in his studies, maintained a tight circle of friends, was accepted into the School of Visual Arts in NYC, nice and polite. On the surface, life was good. Truthfully, though, Derek had been living in a continuous haze that would continue well into his college years: party after party, faceless bodies in dark nights, sweet words and empty sentences - always tender, always almost present, he treated his partners with the utmost care and devotion. Even if for a night.
Recently, though, Derek’s been sobering up upon finding his footing in the world. He’s more relaxed and outgoing and although his genuine smiles are rare, they can light up the entire room. He wants to actually be present for someone (and he knows he can). It’s a new chapter, after all. 
Some facts about Derek:
His favorite color is blue.
Makes an awesome sushi thanks to his college roommate’s extremely high standards. He’s a terrible cook tho
Does have an awesome alcohol stash.
Will listen to pretty much anything, but he loves classic rock. Mostly listens to film soundtracks while working. He can recite the entirety of Pirates of the Caribbean by the music alone.
Works way better when sitting outside than in a cold office.
Specializes in real time visuals for music shows and parties. Has recently spent a few months in Tokyo and Seoul while setting some new connections for his studio.
Would laugh at your joke, no matter how bad it is. Always laughs at his own lame jokes, and a sucker for rom-coms - wait, what?
Got the disheveled prepster look going for him - letting go of soft blazers and unbuttoned shirts would be hard. But he really is sweet, once you get to know him. 
He might not express it, but he feels very strongly. Pay attention to his actions, not his words. A total giver, never a taker, as his friends would tell you. Derek denies this with all his might. He’s also the cuddly type. He denies that, too.
Has had one serious relationship that ended badly when he was 21 (turns out she was cheating), but other than that he’s had a string of friends with benefits (surprisingly, he keeps in touch with most of them).
Hope you like him, love! <3
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simvanglade · 4 years
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Tyler O’Neal for @sojusimmer ‘s Olivia
- Goofball - Clumsy - Insider
Tyler has a secret. A pretty big secret. 
He has three younger brothers, a younger sister and a cousin who he genuinely thinks lived with them, he was over so much. He’s used to being Big Daddy^TM and looking after others. He has a rich cadence to his voice that was both calming and commanding at the same time. 
He soon found, miraculously, that fairytales were a great way to keep the unruly children calm for however long it took to get a gOTDAM MOMENT OF PEACE. He read them all. Princess and the Frog, Twelve dancing princesses, Robin Hood. His favourite? Peter Pan. Ok keep that in mind.
Tyler is really good at forming bonds - probably a result of being surrounded by people all the time. He’s just got a knack for fitting in here there and wherever. He’s got a decent circle of friends and has a decent sized apartment that they all hang out at. Exactly ZERO of his friends know what he does for a living. They just know he makes a pretty penny out of it. 
The thing is... Tyler O’Neal doesn’t make the money. In fact, T. O’Malley does. T O’Malley being the pen name of the best-selling fairytale retellings this side of Windenburg. It started as Peter Pan fanfic and when that blew up, he wrote a book and when that blew up, he wrote plenty more and before he knew it his life was full of fairytales.
Still, nothing was magical. He’s looking for a connection. Someone who he can admit to being. Someone who won’t ridicule him but will support and love him. 
He’s looking for someone who makes his life feel like he’s in a fairytale. He thinks Olivia might be that someone. 
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nesrinsim · 4 years
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                                            Mason Artega
                               For @sojusimmer‘s Olivia Salinger
Age: 27
Height: 183 cm
Location: Oasis Springs
Occupation: Restaurant owner
Aspiration: Master Chef
Traits: Outgoing | Bookworm| Cheerful
     Mason is the second son of Mariette and Malcolm Artega. Unlike his older brother, Miles, who is a true player, Mason never thought about girls until now. He was born and raised in a small house near the ocean, in Sulani. As a child, Mason was always by his mother side: cooking, cleaning the house, gardening, washing dishes, and watching that Korean dramas his mother loved ( he still wanders why all the romantic scenes were in slow motion). While his brother was playing soccer with their father, Mason usually spent time in his room, reading some horror or crime books, playing computer games with his friends, or watching dramas with his mother (usually, it was the same old one). As he grew older, Mason became more and more extroverted, becoming one of “the popular” ( his look and his brother’s status helped a bit) in high school. Although he had a lot of friends, he usually made some time to help his parents or spending time with them. On his 17th birthday anniversary he received an unforgettable gift from his parents: he would become a bigger brother. After 9 months, his little sister, Marisol, was born. Because of his close relationship with his younger sister, a lot of people thought that she was, actually, his daughter (but how could she be when he never had a girlfriend?). At the age of 24 he lost his parents in a car accident, leaving behind 3 heartbroken souls. With his friend’s help, he took the custody for Marisol and moved to Oasis Springs, creating a new life away from the beach and the sunny weather. His brother, however, detested his decision, which led to no longer stay in touch with his siblings. Because he was like a father figure for his sister, he had to learn how to cook and take care of Marisol which was easier than he expected (all those years of watching his mother baking and cooking finally paid off). He was enjoying so much cooking that he decided to renounce becoming a freelance programmer and started as a dishwasher in a small restaurant. After 3 years of that accident, he learned how to go on and live happily with his sister, now a beautiful young lady. He even owns his restaurant in Newcrest!
 Random facts:
-Once, he had a huge crush on the Korean actress, Song Hye-Kyo
-He never spoke to Miles after he and Marisol moved away
- Mason loves his family very deeply
-His favorite dish to cook is Spaghetti Lasagna (maybe his sister passion for pasta influenced him)
-He had a girlfriend, but after he learned that Miles paid her to date him, they broke up
-His parents had an obsession with the letter “M” (as everybody can see from the children’s names)
-He doesn’t like going to the beach, or swimming (but he used to)
-Mason can be very funny, or very sarcastic, nothing in between (but he’s a softie inside)
-On his 18th birthday his friends prepared a special party. The second day he woke up with a headache and a tattoo on his left arm
Private download(if chosen)
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lillydovesplace · 4 years
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*** Anthony Lee Radcliffe ***
Basic Info: 25 | Heterosexual | Brindleton Bay | Bartender | Casseroles
Traits: Genius | Dog Lover | Insider | Domestic
Skills: Bartending - 7| Handiness - 4 | Charisma - 4 | Fitness - 4 | Writing - 2 | Video Gaming - 3 | Comedy - 2
Aspirations: Anthony Lee Radcliffe hopes to one day go back to school and get his degree in business.
Obstacles: The crappy customers at the bar don’t tip well enough.
Story/Background: My story isn’t complicated, and it’s one of the oldest in the book. I came from wealthy parents, and yes they are still alive just like my little sister. My family lives in Windenburg, and I live in Brindleton Bay in a small run down house that ALWAYS has problems. The truck behind me is the only valuable thing I have left in my name. I guess you’re wondering why a trust fund kid would live in such a crappy house. Well, you see, I had this thing for this girl and my parents didn’t approve of her at all. She didn’t come from money, and she didn’t want to have someone pay her way. I fell hard for her, and after one drink too many we ended up in her little house naked. You know where this goes right? She got pregnant, and my parents were furious. I tried to do the responsible thing and told her I would be there for her to help with the kid. She didn’t want me involved, in fact, she didn’t want the kid either and went to a clinic. It broke my heart, because I would have loved that kid. I would have helped, and I would have been a dang good father. My parent’s were relieved, can you believe it? They said, and I quote “good, we didn’t need that girl leaving a black mark on our family.” And that was that, I packed up the next week and left Windenburg for good. They cut me off, and haven’t spoken to me since. I’m hoping to find someone to settle down with, and have a family with.
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Mr. Anthony Radcliffe
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sojusimmer · 4 years
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hello, hi, howdy. this is my official BACHELORETTE CHALLENGE post.
a few days ago, i considered doing one of these but i got way too caught up worrying about the details so i just decided to say pluck it and do it anyways. this is going to be very casual and organic - hope that is alright with you all. ofc i might do a bit of storytelling here and there but you will have to wait and see. ok but anyways, now onto the real important info:
This is Olivia Salinger. Only child to her parents, Cecelia and Peter Salinger. She grew up in the posher side of Willow Creek - specifically the Oakenstead mansion. For the most part, she was an alright kid but once she got to high school, her grades really started to slip and her behavior was a big YIKES, so her parents were already starting to get pretty fed up with her. Then after the 4th kitchen fire during one of her parties and maxed out credit cards bills, they decided to kick her out and have her learn life the hard way. Olivia tried to stay with some friends she knew in Brindleton Bay but it didn’t really work out because she doesn’t really have friends oops so she had no choice but to rough it just until she could come up with a game plan. As she sat at the docks thinking about how her own decisions had led her up to this point, she realized that if she didn’t try and change her life now, she’d end up alone and unsuccessful. Shortly after, she got a job at a bar and started taking online classes. Eventually she applied to Britechester and got in. She spent the better half of it studying for classes and the other half pranking other students and going to parties occasionally. After doing that for a few years, she graduated UBrite with a degree in Culinary Arts. She is currently a food critic and residing in San Myshuno. Her job takes her around the city and she loves it but she is now ready to look for somebody to share the rest of her life with because eating dinner alone for the rest of her life lowkey scares her.
 Some facts about Olivia:
✓ 25 years old | 165 cm | Aries
✓ goofball, dance machine, & foodie
✓ favorite food is sushi and loves to drink
✓ grew up doing ballet but now all the dancing she does is at the night club; her favorite music is any kpop but her favorite boy group in Shinee and also BTS but everybody stans so
✓ drives a yellow Beetle bcs she saw Lindsay Lohan drive one
✓ does not believe in guilty pleasures, just pleasures BUT if she had to pick one it would have to be    chocolate
✓ comes off really sarcastic and not serious but on the inside she is a big softie and a hopeless romantic
✓ aspires to own a penthouse one day and have a lil pig named Mu like Brittany Murphy in the movie, Uptown Girls
✓ greatest fear is to wake up one day and realize she is no longer important or loved by anybody
✓ lowkey hates lobster rolls because they remind her of Brindleton Bay
✓ had a few flings and one disappointing boyfriend in high school. She doesn’t want to waste time trying to find the right guy for her so she’s taking matters into her own hands and doing it this way.
✓ I am accepting 10 sims! All males, please.
✓ no occult sims
✓ maxis mix, only! alpha skin details and clothes are fine but please try and make the hair maxis at least.
✓ gimme a detailed backstory! i love when my sims have a lil zest to them.
✓ as for outfits, please give them 1 everyday fit, 1 formal, 1 sleepwear, 1 swimwear. I will dress them up throughout the challenge but this will help give me a sense of their style. 
✓ pls tag your entries with #sojusimentry and tag me in the post!
✓ deadline is MAY 1ST!!
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