sokkagatekeeper · 2 years
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sokkaquotes from my atla pinterest board compilation
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jakejeffreyperalta · 2 years
sokka is that one mf in ur class that's always like "what's the syllabus" the night before the exam and then he gets like 99/100 (1 mark cut for bad handwriting) and he's like "omgggg i did not study at all!!" everyone hates him for it but they tolerate it bc he let's them copy his homework
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sugarglider-s · 2 years
autism compels me to sokkapost continuously on this fine night. we will be back to regularly scheduled blogging probably tomorrow. thank you.
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sokkaverse · 2 years
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transparent blue spirits 4 u
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mitskiesques · 2 years
she’s a revolution leader. she has superpowers. she’s thirteen. she’s gay. she’s a jock. she has brown girl socialization. she hates bugs. she eats ants. she can’t keep both shoes on. she goes to the battlefield in her school uniform. she cries all the time. she can’t keep a plant alive. she can keep an army alive. she’s a glowstick. she’s the hope of an entire rebellion. she’s learning. she knows everything. she’s an only child. she’s an older sister. she’s the most sensitive person on the planet. she’s me irl. she’s an esfp. she likes cats. she likes kpop. she never gives up on people. she’s been stabbed in the back more than three times. she’s the heart of amphibia. she is never the same person no matter when in time you’re looking at her. she’s the most special girl in the universe. yes she’s anne boonchuy. no i dont know where im going with this
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legobatjoker · 3 years
sokka dresses like a lesbian which is why lesbians keep dating him
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deangirldisease · 2 years
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this is how i pick my favorite characters in everything. the smaller circles are for favs from media thats just a bit shit such as spn and tvd ❤️
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koheletgirl · 3 years
sokkaposting is so scary actually
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avatarthoryn · 3 years
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Join our group Avatar: Sokkaposting :3
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mazzystargirl · 4 years
i have the urls aangnation and sokkaposting saved should i change my url.
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phoenixsupremacy · 4 years
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sokkagatekeeper · 2 years
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in all levels including physical the boiling rock is just like mitski's last words of a shooting star
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sugarglider-s · 2 years
I wish to thank you fir your sokkaposting o7 doing blessed work
Thank YOU. I'm only doing what any decent person would. sokkaposting for hours on end because I love that guy a whole lot
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sokkaverse · 3 years
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someone draw this well please I beg of u
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sokkagatekeeper · 2 years
sokka is about being the sidekick. sokka is about being the sidekick to your own sister. sokka is about being a son during a war specifically. sokka is about the way boys are silent. sokka is about being the man of the house psychologically speaking. sokka is about gender. sokka is about faking bravery so much no one can tell the difference. sokka is about being afraid of everything. sokka is about the constant pursuit of knowledge and being willing to pay the price of misery that entails. sokka is about carving the paths for your heroes with a knife. sokka is about funny hairstyles. sokka is about eldest children opression. sokka is about being in love with the moon. sokka is about the love for food. sokka is about living by jokes of his own and of others’ because the universe wanted it that way. sokka is about enthusiastically debating with the universe. sokka is about murder boomerangs. sokka is about taking advantage of other people thinking you a fool when you’re actually a genius. sokka is about caring about your little siblings more than you care about yourself. sokka is about being a bastard and an emotional martyr at the same time. sokka is about not killing yourself because ppl love you and you don’t need to be strong and smart and responsible and have flawless plans go flawlessly to be allowed to exist. sokka is about having a flawless plan be ruined because the universe fucking hates you. sokka is about the supernatural being in love with the skeptic. sokka is about looking in the mirror and not recognizing your own face. sokka is about proudly making objectively bad art. sokka is about what is bad art anyway. sokka is about FUCK YOUR ELITIST ACADEMIA AGENDA. sokka is about the renaissance mindset. sokka is about it's always “we” and i don't know who the other person is yet i think it's everybody. sokka is about being extremely neurotic. sokka is about the value of community and the sacrificing of the self for the sake of said community. sokka is about going from bitchy child soldier to goofy child soldier. sokka is about everything kafka ever wrote about. sokka is about looking down when you walk, watching your every step so you don’t fall. sokka is about learning to look up when you walk, to appreciate the view. sokka is cool i think.
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sokkagatekeeper · 3 years
reminder that not only sokka added a rainbow but he also gave the sun a happy face
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