#sola + woori
soladarv · 2 years
“it still feels weird being a soloist instead of promoting with you,” sola admitted, twirling her pigtail around her finger with a frown. “it makes sense, and i understand it in theory, but we just trained so long together as if we were going to be a group.... being separate from that is very odd.” @rvchase​ @woorvi​ @rvjulie​ @rvmyungji​ 
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rvdispatch · 4 years
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USER CREATED CONTENT: Fans Speculate On Who Upcoming Spotlight Soloist Debut Could Be
With Spotlight revealing information the other day saying that they are planning on a soloist debut sometime this year, fans have been scrambling to try to figure out who that debut could be. Spotlight trainees have always been fairly high profile, and even more so because of Idol Project.
The first that came to netizen’s minds is G1. She went on Idol Project without Spotlight’s permission and made it seem like she would never debut with Spotlight, and she is currently an independent trainee signed to K-Works, but is that just a ruse? Some think that maybe Spotlight is making sure everyone thinks all this to throw them off, and is planning on debuting G1 as a soloist. She wouldn’t really fit in with the normal Spotlight style, but maybe that’s what they are going for.
Another idea was Sola-- She has been training so long that she trained with Juliette, and recently, she won Idol Project. She has proven herself to be a great dancer, a solid vocalist, and a rapper too. She would be the perfect triple threat soloist.
Chase also has caught eyes-- many fans of Idol Project noted how independent and focused she seems to be, which might be traits becoming of a soloist. 
Other ideas are Woori, who seems to not play well with others, and while she is a great vocalist, her dancing needs work. Or Julie-- she did not compete on Idol Project, but she is known as Havoc and Sunny’s younger sister, so she would have the clout to carry it through.
Or maybe it’s someone we don’t even know about. Only time will tell.
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tatuajespequenos · 7 years
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Por Woori, hecho en Suwon. http://ttoo.co/p/24374
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tattoofilteres · 6 years
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Por Woori, hecho en Suwon. http://ttoo.co/p/22162
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rvdispatch · 5 years
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throughout the first and second weeks of idol project, the public has been voting on their favorite trainees. from this episode on, weekly rankings will be shared.
these grades are based on the points earned by doing weekly idol project tasks, though some of the ranks have been moved around for story progression purposes. those story moves will not affect the final group. this is just for fun, and should not be taken to seriously, and instead be used as a plotting device and for character development. If you have any questions, please contact the admin team
bold indicates a trainee that, IC, is currently in a position that will get them in the final lineup. italics indicates an NPC. striked indicates the eliminated trainees.
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rvdispatch · 5 years
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throughout the first and second weeks of idol project, the public has been voting on their favorite trainees. from this episode on, weekly rankings will be shared. 
these grades are based on the points earned by doing weekly idol project tasks, though some of the ranks have been moved around for story progression purposes. those story moves will not affect the final group. this is just for fun, and should not be taken to seriously, and instead be used as a plotting device and for character development. If you have any questions, please contact the admin team
bold indicates a trainee that, IC, is currently in a position that will get them in the final lineup.  italics indicates an NPC.
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rvdispatch · 5 years
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Episode Two aired on March 2, 2020, on MNet. Official rankings were revealed during the episode, and then posted online the next day.
Episode two gave us our first big challenge, dividing the girls by rank so there were even teams– A, B, C and D. The goal of episode two was to show the girls bonding, or on the flip side, show the tensions rising and rivalries beginning to bloom.
The second episode picks up where the last one left off, with morning in the dorm. There are shots of girls eating and cooking, calling home, stretching, and talking before it’s time to move out to the main stage. Once there, the host divides them into their teams, and assigns songs. This episode’s theme is ‘Welcoming Summer’, so the songs picked are all summer songs. There are a lot of confessionals of girls looking confused and making fun of the fact that they’re doing a summer challenge in February. Just like the previous episode, MNet has reworked the lyrics and who has what parts so everyone gets an even amount. They are set loose to choose who gets what new part, to learn their lines, and to start learning the choreography as a team.
Some teams do quite well together, and there seem to be friendships being made, particularly in the ‘Hot Summer’ group. Of all teams, they seem to be getting along the best; while a few of them bicker over lines at first (D team is very rap trainee heavy), they get over it quickly, and seem to develop bonds. B team seems to have the hardest time getting along-- cameras show Dokyoung trying to take the lead, but Woori not responding well to that. A team works hard, but many of the trainees in this grade seem very single-minded and so there is not much collaboration
After three days allotted to practicing, the girls are all herded into vans for a special surprise, and taken to an amusement park for bonding time– while they are encouraged to stay with their teams for this episode, it’s not mandatory. The bond between D team’s rappers seems to only grow, with G1 seeming to take a bit of a mentorship role with Seyeon and Somi. In the premiere, it was established that Seyeon and Ginny are good friends back at Higher, but with Seyeon growing closer with her D team groupmates, it seems Ginny is left alone-- she is quite reserved for the car ride, though if it is because she is feeling left out or because she is tired, no one can tell for sure. Woori and Hayoon, who seem to have had a spat back at the dorms, are at each other’s throats. 
The trainees are herded towards an area of the park, and all think that maybe they have a scavenger hunt or special surprise, and while it’s not a scavenger hunt there is definitely a surprise. When they get to the location, they see a stage. They are told they have five minutes to prepare before they are to perform the songs they had been given a few days before, in front of an audience of excited Idol Project supporters. 
The groups perform in alphabetical order, with A Team going first and performing Happiness. Chase seems a lot more into this performance than her performance the week before, though her vocals are dwarfed by Ginny executing Luri’s big vocal bridge perfectly. Sola appears to be having a lot of fun with her performance, and the overall stage is very good. 
B Team performs Falling In Love next, and while the talent in the group is evident, everyone seems to be on different pages. Dokyoung does not perform her best as a rapper, Woori seems distracted by her issues with Hayoon, and while Kaori performs well, her performing Giselle’s part means that her part in the stage is minimal. Nana is the clear standout for this particular performance, but the stage as a whole is lackluster. 
C Team goes next, performing Party. In a confessional played before the stage, Jinhee confesses that she feels the most burdened by this song, just because Juliette are pioneers in the industry. The performance is good, but the nerves are evident. Jinhee’s voice is a little shaky, Hyunjin and Hayoon seem unsure of themselves, and while Jieun performs well, it is clear that because of her age, she is still a little underdeveloped vocally, so some of Joori’s big notes are lost. 
D Team performs last. MNet plays confessionals before this stage too. Seyeon mentions that it probably isn’t fair to put all of the “worst” trainees in one group and then pit them in competition against the “better” ones. G1 worries about being last, as they are the finale and the last thing the audience are going to see. Somi is glad that she doesn’t have to perform her sister’s lines, but still feels a lot of pressure about performing one of Sona’s songs. When the Hot Summer performance begins, it is clear that not only are all the trainees having a good time, but that perhaps many of them have been underestimated. Somi in particular stands out a lot, having not had a chance to properly show off how good she is at dancing until now. G1 proves that she is a good leader, and also that she can pull of girl group concepts when push comes to shove. Dita still struggles a lot, but she seems a lot happier and more comfortable, and that can only be attributed to the camaraderie the team seems to have. Their performance is by no means the most technically sound, but it was one of the most enjoyable to watch, just because of how much fun they were having. 
The girls get offstage and get taken back to the main stage at MNet’s studio, and sit through deliberations. Predictably, A Team wins the challenge, but D Team gets a special shout out for their efforts. Behind closed doors, the judges wonder why New Age would even send Dita to this sort of competition show, considering how new she is. 
The girls are sent back to their dorm, and after getting into their PJs, they are corralled back in the main room, around the television. Their official publicly-voted ranks are shown, and once all the names are on the TV, they are told that the next week will hold their first elimination. They are not told how many girls will be eliminated, leaving those sitting low on the ranks feeling anxious as they go to bed. 
MNet and Idol Project do not refer to Hayoon’s Dispatch scandal at all throughout this episode, but it is clear that it is having an effect on her. Not only does she seem upset in the latter half of the episode, but her ranking is incredibly low. 
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rvdispatch · 4 years
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Episode Six Summary
Episode Five Aired April 17th, 2020, on MNet. Official rankings were revealed during the episode, and then posted online the next day.
The most exciting episode yet and the last one before the finale, Episode Six was the perfect way to wrap up the season. Each trainee was aided in creating their own solo song. They all took part in a group song, and then performed not only both of those, but the duets from the previous episode in a guerilla concert.
The previous week ended with the departure of Hyunjin, Byul, Boram, and Jieun, as well as with the shock disqualification of Woori. The remaining trainees are dismissed and return to their dorm. With only eleven of them left, they decide to bond a little, and stay up for half the night sitting in a circle playing games, talking, reminiscing about the early episode of the show, and making predictions for the future. Some of the trainees go to bed, but a few of them fall asleep right there on the floor. Woori’s disqualification is a big topic for the night, with a lot of the girls absolutely taken aback by the entire situation
All of the trainees are tired after the previous night but manage to get themselves to the main stage to find out the last challenge of the show. When it is announced that they all will be writing their own solo song, there is a divide in the room between those who are excited and those who are terrified. The excitement swells at the mention of a group song, only for the nerves to swell when it is announced that they are all to perform these songs live in a guerilla concert. The trainees are sent on their way, and all of the hurry back to their own private areas to write their songs
Some finish earlier than others, Chase and Dokyoung finishing first and therefore getting to be the first to have their songs tweaked and the music created. One by one, each trainee finishes, and we slowly see the songs come to fruition. They all seem to have very different styles. Some create classic pop songs, like Sola. Some create upbeat songs, like Seyeon. Some create sexier songs, like Dokyoung. And some, like Dita, experiment with all new genres. All of the songs end up being what the trainees want from them except Jinhee’s. After everything she’s been through, and her past as a solo artist, she seems exceptionally stressed and focused on ensuring that her song fits her brand, and is as good as her others, which seems to be spiking her anxiety
They record their songs and the group songs. There are those (Ginny, Dokyoung, Somi) who are very happy with the line distribution they got, though not everyone is happy. Chase feels a little let down by her lack of lines, and the lack of complexity to the lines she does have, and Jinhee is a little worried that all of her lines come in one burst, and she doesn’t show up for the rest of the song.
They learn the choreography for their solo songs, and the complexity in those also varies. Dita, Jinhee and G1 are among those who have simpler choreography, and others push for harder choreography. They learn the group choreography, and then have ample time to practice before the concert. Chase spends the most time practicing, only sleeping a few hours each night because she’s staying up so late and getting up so early to prepare, but not everyone matches her level of preparation (and realistically, considering the health implications, nor should they).
Most of the trainees nail their performances, but the ones that really stood out were the bad ones. Jinhee is visibly off all night— she doesn’t do well in her part in Loca, and doesn’t look engaged in the full group song. It seems like her nerves get the best of her throughout the entire night. While people expected big things from her, and even for her to maybe soar in the ranks, she shuts down onstage and is unable to finish her own solo performance. She is taken offstage, and while she pulls herself together for the group performance, she is still visibly shaken.
After the performance, the crowd is tasked with voting for their favorites. After they have cleared out, the trainees are gathered onstage and are told that since the ranks are so close, there will be no eliminations, and the final cuts will be made the next episode, during the live finale.
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rvdispatch · 4 years
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The final episode before the finale– not only will each remaining trainee get a solo song to call their very own, but they will be performing in an Idol Project Guerilla concert. Not only will they be singing their solo songs, but their group songs from the week prior, and a very special group song made for the eleven of them.
To earn points for you trainee, please complete the following tasks. These are not mandatory, and can be done at any time and still be counted. Refer back to last week’s tasks for more you can do, if you have not done them already
Weekly Confessional: post an interview or confessional about how your character is adapting to dorm life and the competition, Idol Project coming to a close, along with their reactions to this weeks big challenge.*
Drabble: Write a short drabble (IC or OOC) about your character’s biggest motivator– be it a feeling, a memory, a person, or something else– it’s up to you!
Threads: threads to do with the show can earn you points too. Para threads (200+ words) are worth more points than gif chats and one liners. Threads played out to their completion are worth even more points; if you finish a thread, submit the link to the last post in the thread to the Idol Project blog.
Self Paras: self paras to do with the show (ie practicing, dorm life, self reflection, performances, calls home) can also earn you points. These can be done as often as you’d like as long as you provide some variety in the content.
Weekly Challenge: This week the girls each have to write lyrics to their own solo song, record it, record and learn the group song, and perform both in a guerilla concert. Write a short para (IC or OOC) about your character’s reaction to all of this– we’d like to see something about the writing process, practicing, recording, the group song, and the actual performance.*
Tasks can be completed at any time. Episode-specific tasks are indicated with a little ‘*’ above, so when you complete them (even if you end up doing it in a few weeks or something), be sure to mark it as ‘EPISODE SIX”, be it as a title or in the info before your self para or something like that. Any completed tasks and challenges can be tagged ‘rivalzipdone’
For this week’s performance, as stated above, each trainee will write the lyrics to their own solo song. They will meet with an Idol Project producer, who will help them work out the lyrics and make music to go with it. They will record that, and a GROUP SONG, and rehearse choreography for both (if applicable. if their solo song has minimal or no choreography, then they will only have to rehearse for the group song). And then they will perform both, along with their group songs from the previous week in a guerrilla concert. Eliminated trainees will be returning to perform the group songs they were in. An NPC will be returning to stand in for Woori, as she was disqualified. If you find a song you would rather use for your trainee, bring it to the admins to confirm, and we can try to accommodate you. The suggestions are as follows:
Chase All Of You Say Dita Neon Dokyoung Click Click G1 I’ll Be There Ginny U&I Jinhee Restless Kaori Spotlight Nana Don’t Say No Seyeon Primero Sola XOX (both Z.Hera’s parts and the rap feature will be performed by Sola) Somi Already Go Lady
A line distribution for the group song, as well as a setlist for the guerrilla concert, will be provided under the cut
a summary of episode six will be posted april 16th
Chase -- Chungha
Dita -- Sohye
Dokyoung -- Doyeon
G1 -- Nayoung
Ginny -- Sejeong
Jinhee -- Kyulkyung
Kaori -- Chaeyeon
Nana -- Yeonjung
Seyeon -- Mina
Sola -- Yoojung
Somi -- Somi
Click Click
I Like That
Already Go Lady
Why Not
All Of You Say
Don’t Say No
I Don’t Need A Man
Get It
I’ll Be There
Very Very Very
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rvdispatch · 4 years
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throughout the episodes of idol project, the public has been voting on their favorite trainees. as always, weekly rankings will be shared.
these grades are based on the points earned by doing weekly idol project tasks, though some of the ranks have been moved around for story progression purposes. those story moves will not affect the final group. this is just for fun, and should not be taken to seriously, and instead be used as a plotting device and for character development. If you have any questions, please contact the admin team
this will be the last week where positions are moved around for story purposes-- after this week, the last rank posted before the finale will reflect actual standings based on the points you have earned
bold indicates a trainee that, IC, is currently in a position that will get them in the final lineup. italics indicates an NPC. striked indicates the eliminated (and disqualified) trainees.
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rvdispatch · 4 years
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Episode Five Summary
Episode Five Aired April 2nd, 2020, on MNet. Official rankings were revealed during the episode, and then posted online the next day.
Episode Five was easily the most exciting of the season, putting the trainees into groups, assigning them producers, and giving them their own songs-- and then giving them songs to perform with their letter classes. The big bow on top? They got to perform both songs twice-- once on the idol project stage, and once on MCountdown
The previous week ended with the producers revealing there was a problem, and this episode begins with the trainees meeting the host and judges on the main stage to be assigned their next challenge. Before the challenge is announced, however, the host reveals that the show has found out that there has been a trainee leaking information to dispatch, and that while they don’t know who it is yet, they are going to find out. 
The host reveals the challenges, and the girls go insane as the big-name producers walk in one by one. Starting with Andrew Woo, the producers announce the groups they will be working with, trainee by trainee. The girls split into their groups for the first song first, and get to work.
Most groups seem to work together quite well. The Why Not group has an instant bond and similar musical tastes, and they seem to mesh well with Jett. The Loca group is the largest, and it takes them a little bit to organize their energy and stop talking over each other, but Hyosang eventually gets them on the same page, and they start working on things that they all seem really excited about. The Sunday group, however, seems more subdued in energy, with many not wanting to put forward ideas, and with Dokyoung feeling like she doesn’t fit in stylistically. 
When it comes to the letter grade groups, it’s much of the same. D grade has the strongest bond, but it seems as though they are split on the song. Somi and G1 don’t love it, but Dita and Seyeon take to it immediately. A grade is on the same page pretty quickly, much to the approval of their producer, Sam. B grade, who has been notorious for clashing personalities, seems to be able to put their differences aside for the day. C grade has the most trouble, though, with many members not feeling their song. 
Day one is reserved for putting finishing touches on the lyrics that the producers brought and adding pieces the trainees put forward, and in the afternoon, recording the songs. 
At the end of day one, there are in-group votes for positions. For Why Not, G1 is voted leader, Kaori is voted choreographer, and Ginny is voted Center. For Sunday, Dokyoung is voted leader and choreographer, and Dita is voted Center. For Loca, Sola is voted leader, Somi is voted Center, and Chase is voted Choreographer.
The Leaders of the letter grades were decided earlier in the competition, with those being Sola, Nana, Jinhee and G1, but the teams vote on the other positions too. For A grade, Chase is voted choreographer and Ginny is voted Center. For B grade, Dokyoung is voted choreographer and Nana is voted center. For C grade, Jieun is voted choreographer and Jinhee is voted center. And for D grade, Somi is voted choreographer and Seyeon is voted center. 
After the songs are recorded, the trainees have a full day to choreograph, and two to rehearse, and on day five, it’s performance time. For the Idol Project stage, anyway. The Loca Team is heads and tails the best performance-- from choreography, to teamwork, they seem the best polished, and the audiences fall in love with them. Why Not team does very well too-- their choreo is a little sloppier, and their song is a little more out there, but they still are well-received. The Sunday team is a mess, though. While Hyuk made a good song, the choreography is not great, and many of the girls drop the ball. 
D Team once again proves that they are more than just the letter assigned to them. While they didn’t love the song at first, they seem to have warmed up to it a lot, and the audience really vibes with the message of the song. B Team, despite their differences, pulls of an incredible performance too. Despite being the A team, The I Like That performance is a little lackluster. The only standout moment is Sola’s B-Boying. It’s not a bad performance, but with all the great performances that happened before it, it’s overshadowed. 
The audience votes for their favorite pair, and the trainees are sent back to their dorm to sleep for the night. The next day is the MCountdown performances, and the footage is a little different than a typical Idol Project episode. A lot of it is more behind-the-scenes fun footage that you would see from a regular group doing music show promotions, and the MCountdown stages are spliced in on the end.
They are brought back to the main stage the day after that (day seven), and the official ranking is announced. Jieun, Hyunjin, Boram and Byul are eliminated. 
The trainees who remain celebrate making it to the last episode before the finale, but before they can go back to their dorms to rest and prepare for their last week, the host announces that they have found the leak. Woori is disqualified.
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rvdispatch · 5 years
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throughout the episodes of idol project, the public has been voting on their favorite trainees. as always, weekly rankings will be shared.
these grades are based on the points earned by doing weekly idol project tasks, though some of the ranks have been moved around for story progression purposes. those story moves will not affect the final group. this is just for fun, and should not be taken to seriously, and instead be used as a plotting device and for character development. If you have any questions, please contact the admin team
bold indicates a trainee that, IC, is currently in a position that will get them in the final lineup. italics indicates an NPC. striked indicates the eliminated trainees.
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rvdispatch · 5 years
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The newest episode is meant to pay homage to boy groups, with the trainees being divided into three groups to perform boy group songs
To earn points for you trainee, please complete the following tasks. These are not mandatory, and can be done at any time and still be counted. Refer back to last week’s tasks for more you can do, if you have not done them already
Weekly Confessional: post an interview or confessional about how your character is adapting to dorm life and the competition, along with their reactions to this weeks performances.*
Drabble: Write a short drabble (IC or OOC) about your trainee’s favorite senior! They can be close with this person or not, and it can be an idol or staff member, but write about the senior that has inspired your trainee the most!
Threads: threads to do with the show can earn you points too. Para threads (200+ words) are worth more points than gif chats and one liners. Threads played out to their completion are worth even more points; if you finish a thread, submit the link to the last post in the thread to the Idol Project blog.
Self Paras: self paras to do with the show (ie practicing, dorm life, self reflection, performances, calls home) can also earn you points. These can be done as often as you’d like as long as you provide some variety in the content.
Weekly Challenge: The girls have been divided into teams to perform boy group songs. Write a short para (IC or OOC) about your character’s reaction to all of this– we’d like to see something about the practice, getting along with their teammates, and the actual performance.*
Tasks can be completed at any time. Episode-specific tasks are indicated with a little ‘*’ above, so when you complete them (even if you end up doing it in a few weeks or something), be sure to mark it as ‘EPISODE FOUR’, be it as a title or in the info before your self para or something like that. Any completed tasks and challenges can be tagged ‘rivalzipdone’
For this week’s performance, as stated above, each team will perform boy group songs, which have been provided below. The performance suggestions are as follows:
Seyeon, Chase, Jinhee, Dokyoung, Boram, Hyori and Sohee will perform Legacy’s HER Ginny, Nana, Sola, Kaori, Hyunjin, Minji and Kiko will perform FAKE LOVE Somi, G1, Dita, Jieun, Woori, Doona and Byul will perform WHITE NIGHT
A summary of episode one will be posted on March 21st.
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rvdispatch · 5 years
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Episode Three aired on March 9, 2020, on MNet. Official rankings were revealed during the episode, and then posted online the next day.
Episode three gave us our first real look at our trainee’s skill levels, as they were put into teams to showcase their strongest skill. Trainees with multiple fields chose which skill they’d rather show off, and teams were created by the coaches and judges. The goal of the third episode was to showcase what the trainees are best at, and give them a chance to prove why they belong on the show.
After last week ending with the judges revealing that they don’t think Dita has what it takes, this week only hones in more on the insecurities she’s feeling and revealing during confessionals. As this episode is an elimination episode, Dita is sure that she’ll be the first to go. They are called to the main stage a few days later, and this week’s challenge is revealed– their individual skills are going to be put to the test. Though most trainees with multiple focuses are allowed to pick which skill they want to showcase, Somi is assigned to the rap group, because there are so few rappers. In addition to this challenge, each trainee is told to vote for who they think the leader should be of their respective letter grade groups. 
In past challenges, there was a divide between people excited and people who didn’t like the challenge, but for this week, everyone seems excited, because they’re doing what they’re best at. There are more teams, and they are all smaller than usual, so less time is spent filming the teams. Most of the episode is taken up by performances. (NPCs also had performances, but for the sake of word economy, those will not be written out)
The vocalists go first, with the Goodbye group, consisting of Dita, Woori and Jinhee. The song they picked to perform is slow and soulful, and they put a lot of emotion into their performance. The judges commend them on their line distribution, saying that they gave Dita parts that she could do well and showcased her softer voice, and that it was smart to pick a song with no choreography. 
Next is another vocal group -- Twinkle by Ginny, Jieun and Nana. In confessionals, many are revealed to be surprised that she chose to show her vocals and not her rap talent, considering she is Andrew Woo’s daughter. The three girls pick something with a bit of a retro flair and minimal choreography; that last point likely a conscious decision, considering they likely didn’t want to wind themselves while trying to show off their vocals. Ginny and Nana do a good job of sharing the spotlight, with Ginny’s voice having more power, but Nana’s showing more nuance and substance. Jieun, however, seems to fall behind. 
The dancers go next, and first for them is the Taki Taki group of Sola, Chase and Kaori. The judges, before the performance, mention that they worry a bit about how Kaori will keep up with two of the highest rated trainees on the show, but their worries seem to be in vain-- the group pulls off a very powerful and dynamic performance. After the stage, Kaori seems to be walking very gingerly on her ankle, and MNet splices in articles about how Kaori’s J-Pop career was ended by an ankle injury, but netizens accuse MNet of making it all up, as Kaori walks fine for the rest of the episode
Dokyoung and Hayoon perform 7 Rings next. While there are moments in the performance that stand out and are really good, the judges comment that it looks like the girls are trying too hard to look sexy, and it’s detracting from the dancing. The judges especially question the choice, as Dokyoung is only 17. 
Last to go is the rap team of Seyeon, Somi and G1. The girls took the track from Verbal Jint’s You Look Good, and wrote their own lyrics, for a song they call Do I Seem Happy? The performance is incredibly powerful, but in a different way than the Goodbye group. While the vocal team did a great job of conveying the emotions of the song, you can tell that the rappers put their own feelings into their lyrics, and it resonates with everyone-- during the performance, there are shots of some of the trainees watching backstage and crying. The lyrics talk about the team’s experiences being on Idol Project, and not doing as well as they wished to. G1 is the standout for raw talent, but all of the girls come to play, and the judges comment that it’s hard to pick a favorite. 
The trainees are ushered into a waiting room to sit together while the judges pick which team won, tally the votes for grade team leaders, and collect the results for the elimination. Dita has a breakdown and has to be removed from the large room and taken to one by herself. Some of the Liberty trainees spend the entire time period complaining, criticizing the judges, and insulting the trainees from other companies for outshining them.
They are taken back to the main stage, and the rap team are picked as the best stage of the week. The team leaders are revealed to be Sola from A Team, Nana from B Team, Hayoon from C Team, and G1 from D Team. 
The eliminated trainees are revealed to be Hayoon, Dami, Yoosung and Minhee. As Hayoon has been eliminated, Jinhee is named the new leader of C Team. The last shots of the episode shows the remaining trainees saying goodbye to their friends, and the four eliminated trainees leaving. 
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rvdispatch · 5 years
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This newest episode is all about skill– the girls will finally get to perform their individual skillset to the world. Those who are trainees in multiple fields were asked to pick the field they feel strongest in, and they have been divided into groups of two to three for this week’s performances. 
To earn points for you trainee, please complete the following tasks. These are not mandatory, and can be done at any time and still be counted. Refer back to last week’s tasks for more you can do, if you have not done them already
Weekly Confessional: post an interview or confessional about how your character is adapting to dorm life and the competition, along with their reactions to this weeks performances.*
Drabble: Write a short drabble (IC or OOC) about the hardest thing in your trainee’s career, be it an injury, family issues, problems with other trainees, or more!
Threads: threads to do with the show can earn you points too. Para threads (200+ words) are worth more points than gif chats and one liners. Threads played out to their completion are worth even more points; if you finish a thread, submit the link to the last post in the thread to the Idol Project blog.
Self Paras: self paras to do with the show (ie practicing, dorm life, self reflection, performances, calls home) can also earn you points. These can be done as often as you’d like as long as you provide some variety in the content.
Weekly Challenge: The girls have been divided into teams of two to three according to their position and field of choice. They will have to create a routine together– be it a rap, choreography, original song, or a cover of a song– and perform it for a live audience. Write a short para (IC or OOC) about your character’s reaction to all of this– we’d like to see something about the practice, having to collaborate, and the actual performance.*
Tasks can be completed at any time. Episode-specific tasks are indicated with a little ‘*’ above, so when you complete them (even if you end up doing it in a few weeks or something), be sure to mark it as ‘EPISODE THREE’, be it as a title or in the info before your self para or something like that. Any completed tasks and challenges can be tagged ‘rivalzipdone’
For this week’s performance, as stated above, each team will perform a skill-specific piece that they put together on their own, and do it in front of a live audience too. For the sake of keeping things organized, we have provided suggestions for stages below. If you have talked with your partner (if applicable) and have come up with an alternative you’d rather do, please message the main! The performance suggestions are as follows:
Chase, Kaori and Sola will be performing Taki Taki Dokyoung and Hayoon will be performing 7 Rings G1, Seyeon and Somi will be performing Do I Seem Happy Dita, Jinhee and Woori will be performing Goodbye Ginny, Jieun and Nana will be performing Twinkle
A summary of episode three will be posted March 9th
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rvdispatch · 5 years
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Episode Two of Idol Project is here! The second episode will still have the girls getting to know each other and getting used to one another. The dorms will be reorganized, with the girls being put into rooms with the other trainees in their grade. Rivalries will form and tension will build between some. The trainees have been divided into teams dependent on rank, and will be doing a surprise performance in those groups.
To earn points for you trainee, please complete the following tasks. These are not mandatory, and can be done at any time and still be counted. Refer back to last week’s tasks for more you can do, if you have not done them already
Weekly Confessional: post an interview or confessional about how your character is adapting to dorm life and the competition, along with their reactions to this weeks performances. It should be kept in mind that the girls have just been forced to move beds to rooms with their grade*
Drabble: Write a short drabble (IC or OOC) about the most important person in your trainees life, and how that person has affected your character’s career.
Threads: threads to do with the show can earn you points too. Para threads (200+ words) are worth more points than gif chats and one liners. Threads played out to their completion are worth even more points; if you dinish a thread, submit the link to the last post in the thread to the Idol Project blog.
Self Paras: self paras to do with the show (ie practicing, dorm life, self reflection, performances, calls home) can also earn you points. These can be done as often as you’d like as long as you provide some variety in the content.
Weekly Challenge: The girls have been divided into teams of five according to their rank, and were all assigned ‘summer songs’ to practice, as a way to usher in the warm weather. They were sent to an amusement park, as ‘bonding time’ with each other and to relax, and a surprise performance was thrown on them– they had to perform these pieces in front of amusement park patrons without knowing they had to beforehand. Write a short para (IC or OOC) about your character’s reaction to all of this– we’d like to see something about the practice, the amusement park rides, and the shock of the surprise performance.
Tasks can be completed at any time. Episode-specific tasks are indicated with a little ‘*’ above, so when you complete them (even if you end up doing it in a few weeks or something), be sure to mark it as ‘EPISODE TWO’, be it as a title or in the info before your self para or something like that. Any completed tasks and challenges can be tagged ‘rivalzipdone’
For this week’s performance, as stated above, each team will perform a summer song, given to them by the judges and coaches. The songs were picked for them, however learning the lines and choreography was up to them. The groups below include NPCS. The performances are as follows:
Byul, Chase, Ginny, Kiko, Minhee, and Sola will be performing Iris’ Happiness Dokyoung, Hyori, Kaori, Minji, Nana, and Woori will be performing Reign’s Falling In Love Dami, Doona, Hayoon, Hyunjin, Jieun, Jinhee, and Yoosung will be performing Juliette’s Party Boram, Dita, G1, Seyeon, Sohee, and Somi will be performing Haze’s Hot Summer
A summary of episode two will be posted on March 2nd.
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