#solar panel subsidy in madhya Pradesh
freyrenergyservice · 2 years
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Worried about your power bill - Go solar today - Freyr Energy:
That feeling you get when your power bill arrives but you have solar panels
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centaurpowers · 1 year
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Get Solar Panel System Subsidy in Madhya Pradesh
Looking for Solar Panel System Subsidy in Madhya Pradesh? Centaur Powers and Solar Energy offers Solar System Subsidy and Solar Rooftop Subsidy in Madhya Pradesh. Get financial assistance for your solar power needs and save money while going green. Contact us now to avail the benefits!
Solar Panel System Subsidy in Madhya Pradesh
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mbmledlights · 1 month
The Future of Energy: Rooftop Solar Plants in Madhya Pradesh with MBM India Energy
In an era where sustainable energy solutions are crucial for combating climate change and reducing utility costs, rooftop solar plants are becoming increasingly popular. For residents and businesses in Bhopal and across Madhya Pradesh, MBM India Energy offers cutting-edge rooftop solar plant solutions that combine efficiency, reliability, and affordability.
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The Rise of Rooftop Solar Plants
Rooftop solar plants have emerged as a practical solution for generating clean energy right from the rooftops of homes and commercial buildings. They offer a way to harness the abundant sunlight in our region, converting it into electricity that can power everyday activities. This not only helps in reducing dependence on conventional energy sources but also contributes to significant savings on electricity bills.
Why Choose MBM India Energy for Your Rooftop Solar Plant?
MBM India Energy has established itself as a leading provider of rooftop solar plant in Bhopal and Madhya Pradesh, offering solutions that cater to various needs and budgets. Here’s why they are the top choice for solar energy:
1. Customized Solutions: MBM India Energy understands that every property has unique requirements. They offer customized rooftop solar plant solutions designed to maximize energy production based on your specific rooftop space and energy needs.
2. High-Quality Components: Their solar plants are built with high-quality panels and equipment to ensure durability and efficiency. This dedication to quality ensures that your solar system operates at peak performance and remains reliable for years to come.
3. Expert Installation: The company employs experienced technicians who handle the installation process with precision. Their expertise ensures that your rooftop solar plant is installed correctly, optimizing performance and longevity.
4. Cost-Effectiveness: MBM India Energy provides affordable solar solutions without compromising on quality. They offer competitive pricing and help you understand the return on investment, making solar energy accessible and financially beneficial.
5. Government Compliance: Their solar systems comply with all local regulations and standards, ensuring that your installation meets all legal requirements and benefits from any available incentives or subsidies.
Benefits of Rooftop Solar Plants
1. Energy Independence: Generate your own electricity and reduce reliance on the grid.
2. Cost Savings: Lower your electricity bills with solar power.
3. Environmental Benefits: Lower your carbon footprint and support a more sustainable planet.
4. Increased Property Value: Enhance the value of your property with a modern solar installation.
Get Started with MBM India Energy
If you’re considering a rooftop solar plant in Bhopal or anywhere in Madhya Pradesh, MBM India Energy is your trusted partner for reliable and efficient Rooftop solar plant in Madhya Pradesh. Visit https://mbmindiaenergy.com/solar-rooftop-plant.php to learn more about their offerings and take the first step towards a sustainable energy future. Harness the power of the sun and enjoy the benefits of clean, renewable energy with MBM India Energy’s expert solutions.
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sunnovativesolar445 · 2 years
Solar Rooftop and subsidy for Madhya Pradesh
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As per the regulations of Madhya Pradesh solar rooftop policy, the prices of all solar panels don’t have a single price.
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alishamalhotra · 6 years
In The Light Of Changing Energy Standards: Solar Panels Are A Must
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Solar panels
As per conventional definition, solar panels are devices made up of collection of solar cells that are used for conversion of light energy into electricity.
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The advantages of solar panels
Some of the promising benefits of solar panels include:
●       A great renewable source of energy. As solar energy is accessible and available in almost all parts of the globe even on cloudy days it is possible to generate some energy.
●       Solar power produces clean and sustainable energy without emitting any form of greenhouse gases or any other kind of harmful agents.
●       Reduction in electricity bills.
●       On a nationwide scale, it reduces dependency on fossil fuels and crude oils from foreign countries.
●       Solar panels can be installed anywhere even within remote areas like fields, marshes where access to regular electricity is uncertain.
●       Once you install there are no additional costs for maintenance.
●       Much safer in comparison to conventional electricity which has many hazards.
Outreach of solar panels in India
India as the most rapidly progressing nation is expected to be the largest source of solar energy within a couple of years. This is supported by the constant plummeting coal reserves of India which is predicted won’t even last till 2040-50. Also with respect to India’s, more than 72% of the rural population living under the poverty line without electricity vouchers for the implication of alternate electricity sources like solar energy.
The scope of generating solar electricity in India is huge. As India is a tropical country it receives sunshine throughout the year which can generate up to 5 trillion kWh of electricity if used properly. This statistic holds true for states like Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan and West Bengal which receive massive quantities of sunlight for several hours per day.
Governmental policies and aids
The government of India is continuously focusing on increasing use of solar energy. Already 18% of India’s energy comes from renewable sources of energy. By 2022 the target of energy generation has been set to 100GW. Initiatives and funding from the government have increased, bodies like the International Solar Alliance has been setup. Most government buildings have been mandated to install solar panels. The Indian Cabinet Ministry approved 5000 crores for the promotion of rooftop solar panels across the country under National Solar Mission. A subsidy of 30% on capital for general states and UTs, while a subsidy of 70% for special category states have been announced only for the residential installation whereas no subsidy would be given for commercial or industrial plantings.
Future prospects
Few of the futuristic policies include:
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●       Proposed solar project on Thar desert estimating to generate 2100 GW of electricity
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●       On March 2014 the biggest solar power plant in India Madhya Pradesh was inaugurated.
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●       Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission launched by Central ministry aimed at producing 20,000 MW of solar energy by 2022
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●       Gujarat has implicated some policies aiming to generate 1000MW solar energy
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●       Already 66MW has been installed for various applications across rural India.
Thus by the virtue of tropical position, remote fields, and irradiation access, with governmental policies and subsidies, the future prospects for solar panels seem pretty bright in India.
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jhasravi · 5 years
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      Dated: 18.10.2019
  Aerogenerators/Wind  Hybrid
Small wind aerogenerators in hybrid mode with solar panels are useful for off grid renewable energy based electricity generation.   The Ministry has been implementing a  programme to promote small wind turbines and wind solar hybrid systems since early 90s. Under the programme, financial support is provided for installation of wind–solar hybrid systems. The scheme was modified in 2010 with a market oriented approach and more active participation of manufacturers of these systems. Necessary provisions for quality testing of these systems were also made mandatory in the new scheme. The financial support was made on kW basis (not percentage of the cost as was in previous scheme) on reimbursement basis (no advance release as was in earlier scheme).
The scheme has been continued for the twelfth plan period with modifications on reduction in the capital subsidy to Rs. 1.00 Lakh per kW and is available only to the community users with one category of beneficiary including a minimum 10% of the annual budgetary allocations to be used for Research and Development purposes. An amount of Rs. 50.00 Crore has been approved for the twelfth plan under the scheme.
 The objective of the programme on Small Wind Energy and Hybrid Systems (SWES) is to develop technology and promote applications of water pumping windmills and aero-generators/ Wind-Solar hybrid systems including promotion by setting up of demonstration projects in North Eastern region and J&K areas.
Scheme Activities 
The program supports the following activities:
Financial support for setting up water pumping wind mills, aero-generators/wind solar hybrid systems,
Field trials & performance evaluation,
Research & Development.
Demonstration projects in N-E Region, J&K Areas:
 25 SWES projects will be taken up in special areas in N-E including Sikkim and J&K including Leh and Laddakh having capacity in the range of 10 kW on demonstration basis. Under this category financial support @ Rs. 2.25 lakh per kW can be provided.  If required, suitable consultant will be engaged for preparing detailed Project Report for implementation of these projects.
Research & Development: 
Financial support is also be provided to take up R&D projects in the thrust areas of Small Wind Energy and Hybrid Systems incorporating the possible improvements in the electronics and other components of wind solar hybrid system, particularly to make such systems workable in extreme and hazardous conditions.
Physical achievements since inception:
S.No State Installed Capacity (kW) 1 Andhra Pradesh 16.0 2 Arunachal Pradesh 6.8 3 Assam 6.0 4 Goa 193.8 5 Gujarat 20.0 6 Haryana 10.0 7 Jammu & Kashmir 46.4 7 Karnataka 39.2 8 Kerala 8.0 9 Madhya Pradesh 24.0 10 Maharashtra 1468.6 11 Manipur 140.0 12 Meghalaya 191.5 13 Pondicherry 5.0 14 Punjab 50.0 15 Rajasthan 14.0 16 Sikkim 15.5 17 Tamil Nadu 24.5 18 Tripura 2.0 19 West Bengal 74.0 20 Uttarakhand 24.0 Total  2379.20
  In case of SWES, Ministry has introduced a new empanelment procedure for the manufacturers of SWES systems, wherein type testing of aero-generators is mandatory as per international standard. IEC 61400-2 and IEC 61400-12-1 by National Institute of Wind Energy or other such institutions.
  Download Important Documents Here
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MNRE Circular dtd 5 11 2018 for IWTCS
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  For facilitation in obtaining necessary clearances for Wind Projects please contact undersigned
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Mob: +91-9999005379
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Disclaimer: Please refer to official sources before effecting a decision
    Aerogenerators/Wind  Hybrid- MNRE India Dated: 18.10.2019 Aerogenerators/Wind  Hybrid SMALL WIND ENERGY AND HYBRID SYSTEMS PROGRAM-MNRE  Background: Small wind aerogenerators in hybrid mode with solar panels are useful for off grid renewable energy based electricity generation.  
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wionews · 7 years
Cooperation between India and China over the energy sector can keep the earth safe
As part of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP21) in Paris in 2015, countries across the world came together and adopted a climate agreement whereby they indicated their long term climate goals post 2020. These goals or targets were laid out in each country’s Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) with the aim to hold the increase in global average temperature to well below 2°C.
India and China have both made significant commitments as part of their INDC. For instance, in case of India, these include reduction of the emission intensity of GDP by 33 to 35 per cent from 2005 levels, increase the percentage of non-fossil fuel electricity to 40 per cent of total electric power capacity and create a carbon sink. China similarly has made a commitment to peak Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 2030, lower carbon intensity of GDP by 60 to 65 per cent below its 2005 levels by 2030, and increase it's non-fossil fuel energy to 20 per cent of the total primary energy supply (TPES) by 2030. It has also pledged to increase its forest stock.
One problem that India faces along with the other BRICS countries includes the financing of clean energy.
In line with India’s pledge of generating 40 per cent of TPES through non-fossil fuels, India has declared an aim to have installed renewable energy capacity of 175 gigawatts (GW) of which solar photovoltaics (PV) is 100 GW by 2030. This includes increasing ground mounted grid connected solar power to 60 GW and increasing rooftop grid interactive solar power to 40 GW. Earlier, in 2010, with the launch of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission, 100 GW of solar installations were planned by 2022. 
India’s current solar generation capacity is about 13 GW in 2017. In 2016, rooftop solar contributed to an approximate total of 1 GW of generated solar power. This means that an additional 87 GW has to be installed in the next twelve years, which roughly translates to an addition of 4GW (9.6 GW) of the mounted grid and 3.25 GW (7.8 GW) of rooftop every year till 2030 (2022). Many have suggested that this is not possible.
China constitutes about 75 per cent of the Indian solar PV market. The main reason is the cost competitiveness of the Chinese, with the cost of solar modules and cells being 25-50 per cent lower than in India.
Solar power is generated by converting sunlight into electricity using either PV or using concentrated solar power (using lenses or mirrors and tracking systems to focus a large area of sunlight into a small beam) or a combination. For generating photovoltaic solar power, crystalline silicon PV module is used. This silica is used to make polysilicon, ingot, wafer, PV cell all of which are used to make crystalline silicon PV module. Eight firms worldwide make about 80 per cent polysilicon. Others buy from them. Companies who buy polysilicon may sell wafers or carry out all of the subsequent steps of the wafer, cell, and module manufacturing and assembly. Some PV manufacturers such as Yingli make their own polysilicon.
The lack of upstream segments in this value chain adds to the vulnerability of Indian manufacturers. India does not produce polysilicon, ingot or wafer. However, crystalline silicon PV module is produced in India. The share of the Indian modules is about 10 per cent with imports from China constituting about 75 per cent of the Indian solar PV market. The main reason is the cost competitiveness of the Chinese, with the cost of solar modules and cells being 25-50 per cent lower than in India. India imports polysilicon, as well as wafers, and other ingredients such as ethylene vinyl acetate, which adds to the cost of production of modules. 
Incidentally, the price of solar cells has fallen from 50 cents per kWh to 33 cents per kWh, in three years since 2010, when launch in 2010 of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission, the target of which was dramatically upgraded in 2014 to 100 GW of solar installations by 2022. In 2016, the WTO ruled against India that the domestic content requirements for solar cells and modules under the Jawaharlal Nehru Solar Mission amounted to trade-related investment measures as they favour domestic products over imported products. The Indian Solar Manufacturers Association have recently had launched an anti-dumping investigation against China, Taiwan, and Malaysia of alleged dumping of 'solar cells whether or not assembled partially or fully in modules or panels or on glass or some other suitable substrates'. 
China’s top solar module manufacturer, are in talks with India's Essel group to set up a solar module manufacturing facility in India.
It has been debated that Indian solar PV industry should be developed with support from policies of the government like a capital subsidy and lower interest loans. However, the scale of Indian manufacturing is too small (in comparison to China). Four states - Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra, account for over three-quarters of today’s installed capacity. Rooftop solar also has the potential to become a more important part of India’s solar portfolio and is being taken up by Indian Railways and on canals as well. 
One problem that India faces along with the other BRICS countries includes the financing of clean energy. It has been estimated that India might need USD 175 billion in this regard. India has emerged as the second most attractive destination for investment in renewables ahead of the US according to a ranking by Ernst and Young (EY) last year. China is the most attractive destination. The New Development Bank has sanctioned a USD 250 million loan for India to fund its renewable energy. Clearly, more is needed. 
Chinese firms such as GLC-Poly Energy, China’s top solar module manufacturer, are in talks with India's Essel group to set up a solar module manufacturing facility in India. Cooperation between China and India in this regard could go a long way in achieving the NDC target of both countries.
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solarjournal-blog1 · 7 years
7 World Biggest Solar Plants
Solar energy is one of the major alternatives sources of energy that is expected to help in significantly reducing our dependence on fossil fuels for power generation. In recent years, solar power plants are being increasingly installed by many countries across the world to cut harmful emissions and increase clean energy contribution to their energy mix.
Finite fossil fuels and vast availability of sunlight are the driving forces behind large scale adoption of solar energy in the past several years. Though their expensive to set up, solar farms hold a huge potential to reduce the use of coal for power generation. Recent advancements in energy storage technologies have boosted the confidence in reliability of solar energy as wholesale solar panel prices starts failing.
Here are the 7 of world’s largest solar plants:
Kurnool Ultra Mega Solar Park, India: The 1,000MW capacity solar park is a solar park spread over a total area of 5,932.32 acres in Panyam mandal of Kurnool district, Andhra Pradesh, India. The project is being implemented by a joint venture of the Solar Energy Corporation of India, Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation and the New & Renewable Energy Development Corporation of Andhra Pradesh. SunPower, Softbank Energy, Azure Power and Adani Power were the companies that won contracts from Indian energy conglomerate National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) to develop the massive solar park.
Longyangxia Dam Solar Park, Qinghai: Located at the Longyangxia Dam hydropower station on the Yellow River in Gonghe County in Qinghai province, China, the 850MW solar park is spread over 9.16sq km of land. It has a capacity to generate enough electricity to power 200,000 households. The park was constructed a cost of about 6bn yuan (£721.3m). The Guardian reported that the project was built with a cost of about 6 bn yuan (£721.3m), with construction beginning in 2013.
Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park in Dubai: The 800MW Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park will be located on a 16km2 site and it will be delivered in three stages. Phase A, which is 200MW, is presently under construction and is scheduled for completion in next April. The 300MW Phase B is expected to begin in April 2019 and finally, Phase C is expected to start in April 2020. Masdar aims to further develop the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park into the single largest site in the world with a capacity of 5GW by 2030. Total investment is estimated to reach $14bn. When complete, the solar plant could be able to offset as much as 6.5 million tonnes of carbon dioxide annually.
Rewa Ultra Mega Solar Park, India: The 750MW Rewa Ultra Mega Solar Park will be located in Madhya Pradesh, a state in central India. The project is led by Rewa Ultra Mega Solar, which is a joint venture between the Solar Energy Corp of India (SECI) and Madhya Pradesh Urja Vikas Nigam (MPUVN). The projects are expected to contribute to India's ambition of generating 100GW of solar energy by 2022 and to offset a million tons of greenhouse gas emissions. The project which comprises of three solar plants of 250MW each is being considered as one of the biggest single site solar projects in the world.
Solar Star Projects, California: The 579MW Solar Star project is currently one of the largest solar power project in the world, covering 3,230 acres. The Solar Star development includes two projects co-located in Kern and Los Angeles counties. Construction on the project was commenced in early 2013 by SunPower and was completed in June 2015. Solar Star projects will have more than 1.7 million monocrystalline silicon modules manufactured by SunPower. Southern California Edison signed two long-term power purchase contracts to purchase electricity generated from the projects.
Desert Sunlight Solar Farm, California: With an operating capacity of 550MW, Desert Sunlight Solar Farm is located in the Riverside County in California. Desert Sunlight Holdings, a subsidiary of First Solar was the developer of the solar-photovoltaic (PV) facility. The solar farm generates enough energy to power more than 160,000 homes and reduce 300,000mt of greenhouse emissions per year. It is owned by NextEra Energy Resources, GE Energy Financial Services, and Sumitomo Corporation of America. The facility features First Solar's thin film PV technology, which generates electricity with low visual impact, no air emissions, waste production or water use. Southern California Edison and Pacific Gas & Electric agreed to purchase 250MW and 300MW clean energy respectively from the solar plant for 20 years.
Topaz Solar Farms, California: Located in San Luis Obispo County, California, Topaz Solar Farms is a 550MW plant built by First Solar. The power generated from the plant is enough to meet electricity needs of 160,000 homes. Under a 25-year power purchase agreement, Pacific Gas and Electric Company agreed to purchase the electricity from the Topaz project about six years ago. The Topaz project, which features First Solar's advanced thin-film PV modules, offsets 377,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year.
The environmental benefits of solar farming are undeniable, but the financial benefits cannot be ignored either. There are numerous ways to finance solar farming, from investors to government subsidies, and the profit making potential only gets greater with the falling costs and increased financing options. Creating more solar energy to be released into the power grid reduces the amount of energy from non-renewable sources. Additional money can be made from selling renewable certificates. These can be sold to utilities or to individuals through the power utilities, and the result is a hefty profit to the solar farm owner.
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freyrenergyservice · 2 years
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The 1st solar city of India is Anandpur Sahib in Punjab - Freyr Energy:
The project is being implemented by the Punjab Energy Development Agency (PEDA) through the promotion and development of non-conventional energy sources in Anandpur Sahib.
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freyrenergyservice · 2 years
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This summer let the sun help you reduce your electricity bill - Freyr Energy:
Does your electricity bill give you a heart attack every month? It's time to switch to solar power!
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freyrenergyservice · 2 years
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Huge electricity bills stressing you out? Fret no more Switch to Solar today - Freyr Energy:
Huge electricity bills stressing you out? Fret no more Say yes to solar and bid goodbye to huge electricity bills.
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freyrenergyservice · 2 years
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I put my money on the sun and solar energy - Freyr Energy:
Thomas Edison got it right!
For more details, please visit our website: https://freyrenergy.com/
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freyrenergyservice · 2 years
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The Choice is Yours - High electricity bills without solar or High savings with solar:
You want to switch to a brighter future and save more or still want to struggle with high electricity bills. The choice is yours.
Get a Quote at https://freyrenergy.com/
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centaurpowers · 1 year
Harnessing Solar Energy in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh: A Comprehensive Guide to On-Grid and Off-Grid Solar Systems for Homes
Solar System for home in Bhopal
The term "solar system" describes the group of asteroids that are gravitationally connected to the Sun. The planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and other smaller bodies are all in orbit around the Sun, which serves as its centre star.
Solar System for home In Bhopal, India, a comprehensive solar power system for a residence requires a number of elements and factors. Please be aware that since then, prices and specific products might have changed, making it crucial to speak with local solar suppliers or installers to obtain the most recent information and quote that is tailored to your needs. Here is a general description of what to anticipate:
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Battery (Optional): Although most grid-connected solar systems don't need batteries (extra electricity can be fed back into the grid), some homeowners want to include battery storage for backup power during outages or to store excess energy for nighttime use.
Net metering: Net metering is a feature that is accessible in many locations, including Bhopal. You can do this to get credit for any surplus electricity you sell back to the grid. When your solar panels aren't producing enough electricity, such as on overcast days or at night, this helps offset electricity expenses.
Solar panels: Solar panels are the main device used to convert sunlight into electricity. Your energy usage and available roof space will determine how many panels you need. Generally speaking, you would prefer reliable brands of solar panels that are of good quality and efficiency.
Inverter: Solar panels provide direct current (DC), whereas dwellings use alternating current (AC). The inverter transforms the DC electricity generated by the panels into usable AC energy for your house.
Mounting Structure: To hold the solar panels on the roof, mounting structures that are both strong and resilient are required. The mounting solution chosen will depend on the kind of roof you have (concrete, metal, tile, etc.).
 On-Grid Solar Systems in Bhopal -
 On-Grid Solar Systems in Bhopal- The Indian state of Madhya Pradesh's capital, Bhopal, had been actively embracing solar energy options, including on-grid solar installations. A design where solar panels are connected to the nearby electrical grid is called an on-grid solar system, often referred to as a grid-tied solar system. Here are some pertinent details regarding on-grid solar systems in Bhopal:
Solar Installers and suppliers: On-grid solar solutions are provided by a number of solar installation businesses and suppliers in Bhopal. For the installation of on-grid solar systems on residential, commercial, and industrial premises, these businesses offer the required hardware, installation services, and support.
Government Initiatives: The government of Madhya Pradesh, like that of many other Indian states, has been pushing the use of solar energy through a number of initiatives, incentives, and subsidies. Increasing the installation of solar power systems, especially on-grid solar configurations, was the goal of these projects.
Off-Grid Solar Systems in Bhopal -
Off-Grid Solar Systems in Bhopal - Off-grid solar systems are a great choice for locations with intermittent or restricted access to the main power grid. By producing and storing electricity locally, these systems offer a sustainable and unreliant energy source.
Off-grid solar systems were being used in Bhopal, like in many other regions of India, for a variety of purposes, including:
Residential use: To power lights, fans, refrigerators, and other necessary equipment, homeowners and small-business owners installed off-grid solar systems.
Agriculture: In order to water their farms even in remote locations without grid access, farmers are implementing solar-powered irrigation systems.
Rooftop Solar in Madhya Pradesh -
Rooftop Solar in Madhya Pradesh - Like many other Indian states, Madhya Pradesh has been encouraging and pushing the use of rooftop solar power generation. The state government has established a number of measures and legislation to encourage the installation of rooftop solar panels for users in the residential, commercial, and industrial sectors.
For info:-  Industrial LED lights in Bhopal
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sunnovativesolar445 · 2 years
Solar Rooftop and subsidy for Madhya Pradesh
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Getting solar rooftop connections has been considered one of the significant vital steps people take towards a future with minimal fossil fuel dependence for energy.
This encouraged the government of our country to take and create various steps and schemes which have boosted the dependence on solar power as an energy source in our country.
So if the price of solar panels is an obstacle in your way to installing a solar rooftop, then don’t worry because, in this article, we will discuss the subsidy plan regulated by the Madhya Pradesh government 
for its people.
Why one should go for solar panels in Madhya Pradesh
There are many reasons which can prove investing in these solar panels is a worthy investment.
Firstly it’s a great start to get familiar and used to a lifestyle where the major source of energy will emit fewer carbon emissions and will have a source which can be easily used by our future generation as its presence is in abundance.
Secondly, this technology can help you cut out your electricity bills. And if your panels can generate more energy than your consumption, then you can easily get the extra energy back to the grid to get the extra benefits in tax, price and etc.
What is the general price of solar panels and the subsidies which people can enjoy?
As per the regulations of Madhya Pradesh solar rooftop policy, the prices of all solar panels don’t have a single price.
There are various factors that affect the price of these panels, which can start from the brand, efficiency, type, power generation capacity, manufacturer and etc.
Here is a roughly estimated number that can give a rough idea regarding the price for each solar capacity in kw.
 Rs. 45,000 to Rs. 70,000 for 1KW. 
Rs. 90,000 to Rs. 1,40,000 for 2KW.
Rs. 1,35,000 to Rs. 2,10,000 for 3KW.
Rs. 1,80,000 to Rs. 2,80,000 for 4KW.
Rs. 2,25,000 to Rs. 3,50,000 for 5KW.
For reference and more information regarding the incentives, you can also visit HERE.
And regarding the subsidy schemes, they enjoy subsidies up to 40% as the government of Madhya Pradesh follows as per L1 rates.
If we talk in terms of each KW of energy generated by their panels, then the rate of subsidy can be as follows.
For more than 3KW which can be up to 10KW, the subsidy on the solar panel is 20%
And for less than 3KW, it can be 40% as per the L1 rates.
Madhya Pradesh has three major DISCOM’S in Indore, Bhopal, and Jabalpur.
So as per the state government law, all these three major places have different L1 rates.
The range of subsidies can differ as per the below table.
Solar Capacity                       Indore         Bhopal      Jabalpur
1KW                                    Rs 15,640      Rs 15,295   Rs 15,200
2KW                                   Rs 31,280      Rs 30,590   Rs 30,400
3KW                                   Rs 46,920      Rs 45,886  Rs 45,600
4KW                                   Rs 54,320      Rs 52,221   Rs 51,800
5KW                                   Rs 62,080      Rs 59,682   Rs 59,200
Now we are familiar with the price rate of solar panels, including the subsidy available on them.
Now one just needs to apply for solar panels to get installed on their rooftop.
For this, one can go for the National rooftop Portal, which works for the whole country, where you can get reliable vendors and easily get your setup installed.
Even one can visit their city DISCOM’s website and can get their solar panels installed.
Now we are pretty familiar with the cost price, subsidy rate, and way to get your solar panel installed.
So without delay, get your panel installed as your state and country government is continuously working towards creating and boosting a carbon-free lifestyle which is great for both you and our planet.
So get started towards this great initiative with great deals and outcomes.
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