quinn-valentine-blog · 10 years
[Quinn happily handed over her books, a content smirk spreading across her face. Whether it was the result of not having to carry her heaviest textbook or the fact that he'd been so eager to do so, she wasn't sure. Still, it didn't falter like it normally did, and she it almost felt like it had become her resting face with Devon.] Then I guess it's a win for us both, right? [She shrugged as she began to walk, her eyes facing forward.] It's not that hard, you just need to put the work in, like with all things. [Unluckily enough, Quinn recalled that her calculus classroom was on the other side of the building. She was quietly hoping to make their walks that she'd reluctantly agreed on short and sweet, but it seemed it was going to be harder than she thought.] You need big arms to wear tank tops during summer? What kind of logic is that?
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[He smiled and took her calculus textbook out of her hands, holding it in both of him.He was glad that she hadn’t told him to go away. He would’ve respected it if she had, but getting to be around her for a little while longer made him happy.] Of course. How could I forget our agreement? I get to walk with you to class as long as I carry your books. [He looked down at the book, raising an eyebrow at it. He pretended to lift it like a weight a few times, looking back at her.] The size of this book makes me nervous for calculus, but also I feel like I’m gonna get really ripped just carrying this around. [He put it under his arm, taking a deep breath.] Who knows, if I carry this around enough, I might have big enough arms to start wearing tank tops in the summer.
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quinn-valentine-blog · 10 years
[Quinn almost rushed to say yes, but stopped short, thinking quickly on her feet. She didn't want him to but, but she needed him too. Which was more important? A few weeks ago she would have chosen the latter. But she didn't. She couldn't, and it bothered her.] But then who would carry my books to class? [She lifted her heavy calculus textbook in the air, hoping he'd understand that it wasn't supposed to be some romantic gesture, rather him returning the favor.] 
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I could um… I could go, if you wanted to be alone. [It was easy to see that her smile wasn’t real and the last thing he wanted was to bother her more than he already had. He wanted to talk with her; he always felt nice when he did. It was weird to him. She was supposed to be this off-putting person, at least to her, and whenever he talked to her, he always felt nicer after parting ways. He didn’t want to ruin whatever little friendship they had by talking to her when she just wanted to be alone. He didn’t want to lose that nice feeling.] I totally understand if you do. I won’t make you talk to me. I doubt I could.
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quinn-valentine-blog · 10 years
Yeah, I know that feeling. [She pressed her lips together, dipping her head in agreement. Sitting down with him at work felt like forever ago, a dusty memory along with their texting. But that didn't mean she hadn't thought about him during their short seperation. As reluctant as she was to admit it, she had, more than once.] No, not at all. I'm just not in the best mood. You know, it being Monday morning and all. [Quinn made her best efforts to smile properly, but even she could tell that it was visibly forced, like most of her smiles were. Knowing Devon, he'd be able to see through it pretty easily.]
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A couple of days seems like forever sometimes. [He shrugged his shoulders, unsure of what else to say. He saw her smile and he felt a ping of sadness that he couldn’t return it. He felt uncomfortable, though. He hated that he wasn’t being his usual upbeat self, but her outburst had affected him, whether she wanted it to or not. It wasn’t like they ever really talked in public. If anything, she all but avoided him completely. She probably thought it was stupid of him to come and talk to her at school. The last thing he wanted was to put her off even more. He didn’t know whether he should leave now or stay and talk.] I, uh, sorry if I bothered you.
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quinn-valentine-blog · 10 years
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quinn-valentine-blog · 10 years
[She nodded, unsure of what else to say. The fact that she was making an effort with him and bothering to start a conversation him left her slightly shocked and speechless, more so than normal. What made it even more confusing was that she genuinely wanted to know how he was doing.] A while? It's been a couple of days. [The corner of her lips edged upwards, her usual half grin making an appearance for the first time that day. She was waiting for him to smile back at her, but instead he looked slightly uncomfortable, and she wasn't sure why.]
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It’s no problem. [He put his hands in his pockets after giving the thermos to her and looked around the hallway. There were so many people. He wondered if any of them had stopped to look at the both of them talking. He wondered if other people knew how avid she was about not having close friends and if people stopped to wonder what they were doing talking. It was a weird thing to him, that people could be thinking about them without him knowing. He wasn’t sure if he liked it or not.] Uh, a little bit. My nose is still stuff a little, but at least I’m in school. How’ve you been? It’s been a while since we last talked.
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quinn-valentine-blog · 10 years
Oh. Thanks. [The gift she'd given him had completely slipped her mind, and she couldn't help but feel slightly embarrassed as she took the thermos from his hands. Hopefully, the regret wouldn't show. She wasn't exactly in the mood to make a fool of herself.] Feeling better?
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[To say that Devon was taken aback by Quinn’s outburst would be an understatement. Part of him felt the urge to just walk away, to give up and just come and find her again some other time. But, he couldn’t. He needed to return her thermos now, or else he’d forget later on. He lifted up the thermos in his hand when she shut her locker door.] Uh, sorry. I just- I wanted to return this to you before I forgot.
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quinn-valentine-blog · 10 years
Jesus christ, can you fuck off from my locker? [Monday's always left her in a bad mood, and today was no exception. From behind her locker door, she could see a figure, one that was hovering over her. Shutting her door to give them a good glare, she was caught by surprise. She hadn't expected Devon to be there.] Oh, it's you.
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quinn-valentine-blog · 10 years
Right, sorry.
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Uh - that’s my locker. Do you mind moving? Sorry.
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quinn-valentine-blog · 10 years
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I don't know if you're still sick or not, but I picked this up while I was at work because I feel somewhat guilty (yes, I still think my coffee did something to you. I wouldn't be surprised. I told you, I'm bad luck). So, yeah. See you in English.
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quinn-valentine-blog · 10 years
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MOODBOARD: Quinn Valentine
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quinn-valentine-blog · 10 years
Yeah, you and me both.
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If it's not, I might just ditch. One day can't hurt.
This is the only time I’m ever going to hope for more snow.
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quinn-valentine-blog · 10 years
Unfortunately. Though I'm hoping it gets cancelled.
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Did we have to go back to school?
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quinn-valentine-blog · 10 years
"Mhm. We'll see how long that lasts," her voice was low and defeated, without her usual sternness. She didn't want to make a big deal out of her statement, but if she knew Devon at all, he'd make a point to disagree, perhaps even to try harder at getting past the walls she'd built. Quinn could only hope that wouldn't be the case here. She hadn't said it so he could reinstate his determination, rather she'd spoken her mind like she always did. As persistent as Devon was, no one was capable of being her friend, not truly. There were people she didn't mind, that she talked to here and there, but it never extended past that. Her cynicism simply got the best of her, and especially with Ruby Grant lurking around, she couldn't afford to trust anyone. Quinn opened her mouth to say no, but stopped short, noticing the hope in his eyes. It made her feel guilty and unsure how to answer. "I don't know. I don't really want friends, truth be told. But I have a feeling that's not going to stop you." She smirked, looking away from him as he did. "Yeah, well... I mean it." Her smile faded then, and something inside of her told her to run. She even shuffled in her seat a bit, outwardly uncomfortable as a wave of an unidentifiable emotion crashed over her. "I... Um, maybe I should get back to work, or something." Quinn stood up, doing her best to shake it off.
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collide // quinn & devon
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quinn-valentine-blog · 10 years
A crease formed in between her brows, her eyes squinting at him before she shook her head. There was no point arguing with him. Quinn got the feeling that if she did, they'd just run in circles, and even that wouldn't put him off of her. She was looking for opportunities like these, yet she didn't take it, knowing how resilient he was to her gloom. Still, it didn't mean she agreed with him by any means. He had a point, but only to an extent. When she was younger, for example, she probably wouldn't have survived everything with her parents without having her grandfather and grandmother at her side. But now, as she grew older, she had no fear about venturing out in to the real world, leaving them and Arthur behind and going off on her own. That idea was thrilling, if anything. "Damn, I was hoping you weren't still stuck on that." She pressed her lips together and bowed her head, unsure of how to perceive his comment. Maybe it was indeed complicated, or maybe he just didn't want to talk about it. Either way, she couldn't help but remain silent for a few seconds. "I hope it works itself out, then." Quinn had never worn optimism well, and although her intention was genuine, it came across like a line her old therapist would say. Looking away briefly as if she had to think about it, she turned back to him with a cheeky grin. Hopefully, she thought, before brushing the notion from her mind. "Well I'm here, aren't I?"
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collide // quinn & devon
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quinn-valentine-blog · 10 years
"That's exactly it. People want a support system, but they don't necessarily need one. trust me, I know." Out of instinct, Quinn rolled her eyes, a image of her mother flickering in her mind before she clenched a fist, shoving any thoughts of her that were attempting to surface down. Quinn never thought of her mother, and even when she was face to face with the woman, she felt nothing. As a child, she was angry, but now all she felt was empty. As she grew older, she'd realized who her mother was, and that made all the difference. "Don't be. I'm just giving you shit, something you'll have to get used to in return," her eyes looked downwards as she avoided his gaze. But she looked back up once he began talking about his sister, looking him in the eye in spite of how hard it was. She'd never been much of a listener, but she knew one should do that much. "You can't see her at her new place?" Asking questions was all that she could really do given she had nothing to relate to. Surely, there would be a day where she'd move out and miss Arthur, but luckily, that day hadn't come yet. Still, she needed to show her interest, especially when she felt so weirdly honored to be the one that he opened up to. But then again, it wouldn't surprise her if he was this open with everyone. "He's alright. Definitely one of the few at school I can actually tolerate."
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collide // quinn & devon
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quinn-valentine-blog · 10 years
Quinn shook her head, dismissing the word yet again and refusing to accept his compliment. "At the end of the day, we only have ourselves, and that has to be enough. Believing that doesn't make me cool, it just makes me in check with reality." That had always been her logic and why she'd insisted on not creating any sort of attachments. People let you down one way or another, she knew that, and Quinn refused to let it taint her. She respected herself too much for that. Frowning at Devon's response, she couldn't quite figure out whether she felt somewhat sad for him or if she was just plain confused as to why he was opening up to her. No one ever did, especially this early on. Even her family kept themselves shut up in tight little boxes, never allowing themselves to unravel. The whole thing was foreign to her, but she tried not to be insensitive, especially if they actually going to be friends. "Hey, better this than you asking me if I've brushed my teeth and eaten enough, mom." She shrugged, her eyes softening. "You just miss her?" With a quick nod, she gestured to her manager that she was taking her break, removing herself from behind the counter and heading towards the seat next to Devon, speaking while doing so. "Yeah, Nate. He's on the wrestling team or some shit like that."
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collide // quinn & devon
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quinn-valentine-blog · 10 years
The Takers - Barcelona
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