#solar pool installation illawarra
bluedogsignss · 4 years
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michaelaidenv86 · 3 years
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school-bleh · 7 years
Coastal Development EIS
Bella H
 Port Kembla
Port Kembla is situated within the Illawarra region of NSW. It comprises of a seaport, small harbour, nature reserve, housing suburb, small commercial sector, and one of Australia’s largest industrial complex’s. This industrial complex will be where all proposed development site will take place. This area is 8km south of Wollongong CBD, and approximately 90.6km south of Sydney.
Port Kembla co-ordinates:  34.4854° S, 150.8996° E
The Port Kembla Industrial area will become the new development site. This area will be developed into a self-sufficient, sustainable and ecologically friendly grounds and hotel. It will consist of a nature reserve, protected marine environment, sustainable hotel, beach area, recycling plant, permaculture garden, industrial complex historical sites, sustainable water bungalows and marina. This natural land and eco-tourist hotel area will intend to be one of NSW’s premier urban outdoor recreation spaces and a national icon of sustainability within Australian environments and lifestyle. This development will be able to produce crops, through organic farming on the land. The sanctuary and glasshouse offers unique experiences to visitors, while all the facilities that require power will be run completely on solar, wind, and tidal energy. In total, the new development will be 7.28 km², and will have the ability to spread awareness about preserving wildlife and nature throughout local schools and wider Australia.
·       On the western side of the site all previous structures will be removed and cleared. With special care and work this will allow the barren land to be transformed back into its original state, bringing back the native bushland as well as flora and fauna. This bushland will cover the whole Spring Hill area of the Industrial Complex, providing a safe habitat for the native flora and fauna. Encompassed by fencing made of bamboo it will protect the wildlife and create an enclosed natural sanctuary for endangered species. This will create a tourism aspect by creating swinging bridges and small pathways throughout this reserve to encourage eco-tourism and provide an income for the upkeep of the facility. Spanning 1.61 km² this SpringHill natural sanctuary will benefit the people and wildlife living within Wollongong and greater Sydney.
·       On the east where the land meets the South Pacific ocean the renewal of beaches will be planned to commence. 0.15km² of beach and coastal area will be replenished. To stop any erosion issues natural vegetation like grasses and spinifex will be planted, along with small native plants and shrubs. This will create a prime outdoor and recreation spot for Wollongong and greater Sydney residents as well as a hotspot for tourists as the natural iconic beauty of an Australian beach is restored.
·       The Port Kembla sanctuary hotel will be 0.21 km² and one of the most innovative and ecological buildings in Australia. The hotels exterior walls will be covered in vertical gardens, providing food and shade from the Australian sun. The hotel will have food grown from the Kembla permaculture garden, and energy supplied by the alternate methods available. A roof top garden with and infinity pool and solar panels will make the building sustainable and attractive with beautiful gardens and water from the inbuilt water treatment facility. The hotel will need a lot of staff for the upkeep and running of 1,500 rooms, creating about 5,000 new jobs, boosting the local economy and Wollongong’s tourism industry.
·       Maintaining a permaculture garden has many benefits. Not only can people produce better healthier fruit but they are able to collaboratively connect with communities and share the sustainable organic produce. Permaculture in design is intelligent, within its use if sustainable energy and resources. The aim of using a permaculture garden on the Port Kembla hotel is to minimise the impact of agriculture on the surrounding environment while still retaining a healthy production industry. This particular garden will be 1.03 km² and will be able to support the hotel in food, and produce an organic food market for the local and surrounding communities.
·       Alternative energy is the solution to creating energy without leaving a huge carbon footprint behind. It is sustainable and innovative in design and would be able to support the new hotel development for energy use and even possibly sustain the wider Wollongong area in providing cheaper and cleaner energy. Wind power will work particularly well in the seaside environment, being placed on the highest altitude of the development area they will be able to convert a strong amount of movement from strong sea breezes into clean and ecological energy
·       Solar power, placed within areas of direct sunlight within the development area will be able to create a lot of sustainable energy from the hot Australian sun. This helps combat greenhouse gas emissions and reduces the hotel and greater Wollongong’s reliance on fossil fuel to ensure a more sustainable and cleaner energy source.
·       Tidal energy is the most reliable of all alternate energy plants on Port Kembla hotel development. The perfect spot within the port and bay creates the best place to form the power and generate electricity from the tides, it is also the most reliable source of alternate energy and can give predictability to the electricity generation within the development site
  Current environment
The area encompassing the proposed development is currently being used as an Industrial complex, home to manufacturing and trading companies that produce iron and commence dealings with fossil fuel resources.  Port Kembla steelworks, Recycling management, asphalt production, and steel mill are all located within the development site. The environment itself is decapitated. Minerals and arid dirt cover much of the surface area and anything not touched with concrete, steel, or roads is lucky to grow grass at all. Most native animals could not live in these conditions save for few birds and some plants. The soil is of poor quality due to the minerals used by the companies, and the water ways and air have been associated with significant industrial pollution due to emissions of nitrogen oxides and other dangerous gases. It is likely that any waterways within the vicinity of been polluted and encompassed marine area depleted. This industrial plant employs an estimated 9,000 staff and is one of Australia’s leading manufactures. Port Kembla is also a major export location for coal, and services relative diesel powered transportation. Economically it is an integral part of NSW manufacturing and greater Australian trade.
 Potential impacts
This new development will have many different impacts, positive and negative depending on perspective. Creating a hotel of this sophistication and sustainability will take a lot of time, so short term benefits will be minimal, however in the long term the hotel with be more beneficial then the industrial complex. Creating the hotel sustainably will take a lot of time to get the proper ecologically friendly building materials. Reusing old building materials from the industrial complex and obtaining new ones from the local recycling and waste management plant will make good use of local resources. The electricity, saltwater, and food needed for the construction of the new development can be obtained from alternate energy farms, surrounding area, and permaculture gardens which will be installed and built first on the site as to provide for the rest of construction. Management of greywater, sewage, and other waste outputs from construction can be recycled and reused when the hotel is built (due to treatment facilities and operations). Any greywater or sewage created during the construction of the hotel can be safely deposited in either the permaculture gardens, or regeneration of the nature reserve to either compost or help the vegetation. Environmentally at first the project may not have any benefits but as it develops it will it will develop into a zero waste cycle with every resources having a use and benefit. Socially this project may be very controversial as the Industrial complex is a historical and iconic site of Wollongong, but the long term impacts of a sustainable hotel is superior and will last forever. No homes or houses are occupying the development site so no displacement of people will be necessary for construction.  Economically changing one of Australia’s leading steel and coal industries into a sustainable and different development will not be easy. However the coal industry is not reliable or good for the environment, whereas an innovative and ecological hotel area is. The benefits of this new and different development is not as easily seen as those of the short term industrial industry, so economically not all impacts will be good
This new development involves no habitat destruction, as the current environment is already decapitated. No deforestation, erosion, or endangering of species will happen because the main objective of the new Port Kembla hotel is to stop and minimise these potential impacts. The hotel aims to fix and replenish any damage the industrial complex has done to the environmental aspect of the development site and surrounding areas. To avoid minimise and mitigate ay future offset of any damaging carbon footprints, pollution, energy use, water, food and waste is the priority of Port Kembla. Economically the development will be able to support itself and surrounding areas with energy generation, tourism, food production, and rehabilitation of environments to sustain any potential impacts. his new development aims to create 100% zero waste, using all available ecological strategies like alternate energy, sustainable construction, permaculture agriculture, eco tourism, and awareness of environment to create an iconic and innovative hotel that will in the long term benefit our lives and those of generations to come.
Ø  https://www.rome2rio.com/s/Sydney/Port-Kembla
Ø  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_Kembla,_New_South_Wales
Ø  google maps
Ø  https://www.bluescope.com/about-us/
Ø  http://www.abc.net.au/pm/content/2015/s4348994.htm
Ø  http://www.abc.net.au/news/2011-08-22/port-kembla-steelworks/2849442
an establishment providing accommodation, meals, and other services for travellers and tourists
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