#solar project
sssatrn · 1 month
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quick sketch of @hsncer 's solar oc, chi!
(it's really really fun to draw non-canon characters. it's like drawing fanart of my own story ^_^)
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hsncer · 1 month
'ere u go :) @sssatrn
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Lightstar Renewables Unveils Landmark Agrivoltaics Solar Project
Key Insights: Lightstar Renewables secures permits for the Nesler Road agrivoltaics community solar project, a pioneering endeavor in Illinois. The project, covering 36 acres with a 4.95 MW AC capacity, aims to supply power to 1,100 homes yearly without compromising the land’s agricultural use. It uniquely combines solar energy production with hay farming, supporting livestock nutrition during…
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wausaupilot · 11 months
Wisconsin solar projects face delays from federal review to ensure no panels used Chinese forced labor
The $400 million Paris Solar-Battery Park was initially supposed to be completed and in service by this May, but no solar panels have been installed on the 1,500-acre project site.
By Joe Schulz | Wisconsin Public Radio Work on a sprawling solar park in Kenosha County’s town of Paris is on hold as federal investigators try to determine whether solar panels purchased for the project were made with forced labor. The $400 million Paris Solar-Battery Park was initially supposed to be completed and in service by this May, but no solar panels have been installed on the…
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shannonenergyie · 1 year
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shanalikeanna · 3 months
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Based on Solar Lunacy: Chapter 13 by @bamsara
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solarmorrigan · 3 months
The boundaries of Steve and Robin's friendship quickly become all but nonexistent. They can talk to each other about anything, ask each other about anything
And Robin has questions
She's never seen a dick before, has no real intention of seeing one in the future, and finds the concept of them both mysterious and weird. But she can admit to a certain amount of academic curiosity about how they work. And then she remembers that her best friend, Steve, is A Guy™ and could surely answer at least some of her questions
Meanwhile, Steve, due to the aforementioned lack of boundaries, has all but forgotten that he never actually came out to Robin as trans. He's been merrily carrying on just assuming she already knows
These two facts collide one day at Family Video when they're both idly watching some mindless teen movie they've put on for the day while waiting for customers to show up. They reach what seems to be a very contrived skinny dipping scene, which makes Robin think, and she turns to ask Steve, "Hey, do dicks float in water?"
And Steve, without even looking away from the screen, shrugs and asks her, "How the fuck should I know?"
It takes half a minute of silence for him to realize that Robin is staring at him with no small amount of bewilderment and concern
(They later come to the agreement that they'll just have to wait and see if Steve ever gets a boyfriend, and then ask him all their dick-related queries)
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dicctor-blog · 2 months
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Solar Eclipse day
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bamsara · 1 year
working on my celestial omens fic and reading the note i posted last year that said it was a going to be only 3 chapters and only take the month of may to finish. last year.
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sssatrn · 29 days
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my friend alys made a solar OC! and i drew them!
again, not canon, but the character design is so yummy i had to try my hand at drawing them.
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hsncer · 1 month
chi art when? hm? when? hmmm??? when????? when?????? when. hm?????? chi? yeah. when?
IM WORKING ON IUT SAGDHJGFJHGASD wait i have one i can post>:3c
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depressedzee · 7 months
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The qrcodes do take to each planets' nasa site. I learned a lot of each planet while doing this work.
My favorite is Saturn! Which ones yer favorite?
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nemfrog · 8 months
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Solar system. Dream of stars. 1940.
Internet Archive
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shannonenergyie · 1 year
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hexcii · 3 months
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They haven’t slept in days
Seiji, they/them
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the-phant0m-cat · 2 months
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Starting with the good total eclipse photos (from my mom)
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And then the partial phase photos (also from my mom)
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And some pinhole projections
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and finally, the photo my dad got at the end of totality, with the sun just starting to poke out and a star still visible in the sky
Some additional notes about the whole experience, in no particular order
it's amazing how cold it got, like the temp dropped a solid 10-15 degrees Fahrenheit
the thing that no photos I have seen really capture even close to accurately, is how strange the horizon gets, it's sunset in all directions and the whole sky in general looks incredibly unnatural and surreal
the moon's umbra approaching in the seconds before and receding in the seconds after totality is SUPER COOL! looked like storm clouds in those directions
the other partial phase phenomena, were all very cool, the way the shadows changed, the shadow bands floating around the ground in the seconds before and after totality, and the way the colors distorted was something that, had it not been pointed out beforehand, I might have missed. I saw a good video by SmarterEveryDay on youtube that went over them and it was super cool to notice them irl
the fact that staring at the sun for hours straight give you really bad sunburn, and a clear line of where your glasses were on your face (ow)
I was playing with a magnifying glass and just after totality even at the most magnified I could get it, I couldn't feel it at all, and this magnifying glass was able to light fires at full sun
might add more later if I think of them
Additional notes: the experience of just after totality ended was super strange, with the sun being bright enough that it looked like full sunshine, but was still cold was so strange, there was no discernible temperature difference between being in the sun and being in shade.
Still haven't gotten over how strange the world looked in the ~30 or so minutes before totality, it didn't feel like the world had gotten darker so much as it felt like it had gotten its colors muted. it was so strange feeling
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