#solar thermal punk
aetherictree · 2 years
Playing around with "solarpunk without photovoltaics".
Nearly all domestic energy use is to produce heat. Heating and hot water of course, but appliances as well mostly turn electricity to heat -- washers, dryers, dishwashers etc. Rather than do some convulated system where we generate electricity and then use a heat pump to turn it to heat, we could just collect the heat directly and use that.
Heat is fairly easy to store. Insulate a tank of rock or water and you're set. Far less resource intensive than batteries, with a system that can be maintained by local mechanics and built out of scrap. Community self reliance, rather than dependence on globocorps with long supply chains.
Cheap heat might favour communal areas. You can cook food with 60-80c heat (sous vide), but installing such systems for individual homes might not be worth it. For a cafeteria however... Same goes for boiling vessels for hot drinks. A heat pump based system to produce near boiling water would make little sense in a home, but if it's shared between a few hundred people it might.
By focusing so much on electricity production, we've missed what we need the electricity *for*.
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The missing element in our sustainable energy strategy is a renewable source of thermal energy. Geothermal energy produces heat, but its potential is limited to regions that have volcanoes. Biomass is another option, but it faces many problems. If we were to try to provide an important share of heat demand by burning biomass, we would quickly come up against the limits of what the planet can produce. There is only one source of heat energy left, and it is a powerful and inexhaustible one: solar energy. We tend to see solar energy as yet another way to generate electricity, using photovoltaic panels or solar thermal power plants. But solar energy can also be applied directly, without the intermediate step of generating electricity. Basically, harvesting direct solar energy can happen in two ways: by means of water-based flat plate collectors or evacuated tube collectors, which collect solar radiation from all directions and can reach temperatures of 120 °C (248 °F), and by means of solar concentrator collectors, which track the sun, concentrate its radiation, and can generate much higher temperatures. These can be parabolic trough systems, linear concentrating Fresnel collectors, parabolic dish systems or solar power towers. Almost all of these technologies were developed at the turn of the 20th century.
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eliseuocscreator · 3 days
And if I made a BNHA Oc, with an Organic Techno quirk, but he would be one of two "punks", but one being different from the other, I will list here which one would be one of the two and the advantages:
Techno Organic(Atompunk): In Atompunk, it would make him able to use nuclear energy, making him a robot that uses nuclear energy, and can make a cannon that shoots radiation blasts, through a cannon arm, making that he can also fly through his nuclear energy, he kind of eats meat and takes isotonics (along with a pill), which makes all the meat and isotonics he eats/drinks Transform in nuclear energy. Atompunk's vision allows him to see in x-ray vision (he sees bones/muscles).
Techno Organic(Cyberpunk): In the case of cyberpunk, he uses electricity/solar energy, so he can kind of "walk", and he eats foods with vitamin D and natural juices (pineapple), so they can serve as fuel for him, Foods with vitamin D serve to heat its plasma and burn in its nucleus (the heart), and generate energy for him, and make him fly and also the electricity part, makes him shoot plasma blasts through his cannon arm (on hot days he can fire several shots, on cloudy days or at night only 6 shots(If he trains, he can shoot 18) and if he charges a little more for strong fire, does it kind of count as 3 shots). Cyberpunk vision allows him to see in thermal and infrared
Techno Organic(Biopunk): In Biopunk, let's say it would be in the style of the prototype game and Venom, but the difference is that he would have bio-armor, which would act like a bulletproof vest and armor, making him stronger, Agile, fast and flexible, his arm cannon would have a bone-like appearance with veins glowing every time he loaded a shot (and would use it as ammunition, Bio-mass, that would be Foods he ate, he needs to eat at most 10,000 calories per day). He can learn to fly, and also he can see through the neuroelectrosanguineous vision, He can see the opponent/people's nervous system and blood flow(He can see veins and even the beating heart, very useful to know if the person is lying or not), he can fly too, but that would take a while, and also, he can do natural brass knuckles, with his hand joints, his veins can glow, so to speak, he can create his own bioluminescence by adapting to the dark.
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azrael-the-lucifan · 9 months
Just saw a blazed post about solar punk and like, y’all realize solar panels require REEs to function right? REEs, which have very few regulations on their mining and as such are primarily mined in unsafe conditions by either underpaid or unpaid workers. They also don’t produce enough energy to fully sustain large scale electric needs. Not to mention they have very poor functional lifespans in hot climates and a partially useless in the far North and South in the winter. If you want sustainable energy sources might I suggest geo-thermal (for the regions where it’s possible) and nuclear for region where it’s not? The mining of radioactive materials is highly regulated and is far more ethical than the mining of REEs. And before anyone tries to hit me with “nuclear isn’t renewable!” Yes it is. A renewable energy source is defined as something that cannot feasibly be used up within the proposed lifespan of the human species. Therefore, nuclear energy counts.
A geologist who is passionate about nuclear physics.
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longhandle · 2 years
easier in ways unknown to the general
Chemical and iron advances were also made. The design of this product consists of a moveable plug or disc and a stationary ring, usually in a spherical body. This resulted in a positive circle of better materials which resulted in better means of production and so on. What is a China Check Valve A china check valve , also called a clack valve or a non-return valve, is a product that allows liquids or gases to flow through it in only one direction. Most of the time you can find a china check valve in any industrial process. This is why in general pop culture that era is referred to as "Steam Punk". Nowadays we take things such as a china globe valve or a china check valve for granted, but at that age, they could have had a world-changing impact. There are positive things that happened because of it. This type of combination is called a gravity brake. How Did the Revolution Begin? The process itself was not instant as communication means were not at the level they are today. The valve works by having a plug that can be screwed open or shut. Most of them are made out of plastic or metal. The body has two openings.
Appliances vary from home usage to even space projects such as NASA&39;s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.. For example, the income of the average person has increased drastically. This is especially true in cases of solar thermal installations. Many of the inventions actually originated from there. This also goes back to the Industrial Revolution, aiding in the specific look of the said time period. It lasted from around 1760 to anywhere around 1820-1840. One of the most popular examples of usage is for a steam locomotive. When the plug is isolated with the insides of the body nothing can go through, but if you switch the stem the other way around the plug will raise and allow passage. It is not by coincidence that around the 18th century, Great Britain wat the number one capitalistic nation. You can find this type of valves in lots of different places, For example, you surely have one of those at home. The first Ball Valve Suppliers country to take part in the Industrial Revolution was Great Britain. They are used in chemical and power plans, as well as other private industries. Their purpose around the locomotive was to prevent back-flow when water was supplied to the steam boilers.
It is said to also be the first industry to use modern ways of creating products. Incredible improvements were made everywhere. The china globe valve and many others now have lots of domestic uses from helping with the sanitary water supply to the lawn sprinkles. It had a huge trading power all around the world including with colonies in North America and the Caribbean.One of the best periods of time that propelled humans into amazing advancements was the Industrial Revolution. They are usually inexpensive. The concept of them is that they do not require manual control. The way the world functions now has its roots in that period. In these periods of time whole industries have shifted from hand working to new, more automatized methods of producing goods. In these times human workers and business owners moved into an era of operating machines. They generally work automatically when installed in the required area. Whoever the case, that time period is one of the most influential for the way we live today. Some of the main power supplies for factories and other similar installments were generated by either steam, water or both. Sometimes valves are even used in heating systems to prevent convection.
This pushed upwards the speed at which products could be created. Whether you are grateful or not, that is sure to be the case. It actually looks very similar to the sockets of a home sink. Of course, there never is a straight chart line but the trend still consists mainly of life improvements. Whatever the case might be, valves make our lives easier in ways unknown to the general public. It had the most employees and capital. Its design and construction are somewhat basic. One for the fluid to enter and another for the fluid to leave. The biggest and most important industry was the textile one. This is one of the most recognizable type of valve ever made. How Does a China Globe Valve Work? Usually, a china globe valve is different from a ball valve (even if the name seems somewhat common) and serves the purpose of regulating flow in a pipeline.
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merrikstryfe · 4 years
So let's talk about solarpunk. As a solar power professional, green advocate, and science fiction meganerd, I'll make a little thread. https://t.co/iINKOwANIz
— Craig Perko (@craigperko) July 29, 2019
First, there's almost nothing punk about it. There's no rebelling against The Man. But... there's basically none of that in cyberpunk, either, so it's hard to be mad. This is a subtype of "cozy catastrophe". I think you can TV Tropes that.
— Craig Perko (@craigperko) July 29, 2019
But with that out of the way: this is a genre directly descended from golden-era sci fi. Other descendants include Raygun Gothic and Retrofuture. I'm glad to see Solarpunk raising up, though, because those other two are completely congealed.
— Craig Perko (@craigperko) July 29, 2019
Solarpunk stands in opposition to both iFuturism and Industrial Futurism. IE, it's not sterile and glowy like those new Star Trek movies, and it's not broken-down and hopeless like the Aliens franchise. It's... homey. Like a hobbit hole made out of skyscrapers.
— Craig Perko (@craigperko) July 29, 2019
Although few people would say so, Solarpunk as an aesthetic is fundamentally about humankind completely taming nature. This isn't about humankind existing alongside Mother Nature. This is about humankind *becoming* mother nature, sun and seed and water and all.
— Craig Perko (@craigperko) July 29, 2019
Whether it's vast cities of green and white and blue, or a cottage on the ocean, these aesthetics are all about being comfortable with nature because nature is always just so darn well-behaved! And... I think that's quite lovely.
— Craig Perko (@craigperko) July 29, 2019
In raygun gothic, we tame the atom. In retrofuture, we tame gravity. And in solarpunk... we tame chlorophyll.
— Craig Perko (@craigperko) July 29, 2019
This makes it "greenpunk" rather than "solarpunk", but I guess it's a bit too late to change the name. Anyway, it's a lovely aesthetic. Now, let's talk about its relationship to reality. Obviously, it's sci fi, but let's break out the hard stuff.
— Craig Perko (@craigperko) July 29, 2019
One thing I love about most solarpunk is that there's not only a mountain of greenery, it's unmanicured. Everything grows naturally, in a dense and bumpy cacophony. That's good, because that's the only way it'll ever happen. Nobody's gonna manicure that many plants.
— Craig Perko (@craigperko) July 29, 2019
There's never any megafauna besides humans. The plants are universally as dense as plants can be, nothing grazes on them... even though they are often fruiting plants. Gonna take a lot of human intervention to keep that running...
— Craig Perko (@craigperko) July 29, 2019
Frequent use of gardens on skyscrapers, which is a pretty image but extremely unlikely. Plants are heavy. Dirt is heavy. Water is heavy. Also, dirt gets constantly washed away by rain, so you need to constantly haul more up... But it's pretty.
— Craig Perko (@craigperko) July 29, 2019
What are the plants used for? The carbon cycle is a major factor, but these plants are all unharvestable. They can't be reached on foot, so unless you've got heavy aerial drones or practice clearcutting... If they're not supposed to be harvested, it's a stagnant ecosystem.
— Craig Perko (@craigperko) July 29, 2019
Also, for some reason most solarpunk art doesn't feature any solar panels. Hello. Nor any wind turbines, tidal turbines, thermal...
— Craig Perko (@craigperko) July 29, 2019
Well, it's a cozy apocalypse, so maybe humans don't need any electricity any more and can just harvest glowfruits and CPU ferns or something. But probably not.
— Craig Perko (@craigperko) July 29, 2019
The reason is solarpunk's aesthetic: the green and blue of mother nature combine with a tidy ivory-tower white for all our manmade constructions. The beetle-black of solar panels and the overbearing untidy mess of spindly wind turbines would ruin the aesthetic.
— Craig Perko (@craigperko) July 29, 2019
There are some nice exceptions of course. Like a few pieces from @simonstalenhag. But by and large the aesthetic dominates over any sense of realism. ... it is, after all, a golden age aesthetic.
— Craig Perko (@craigperko) July 29, 2019
Still, I'd like to see people accept that a green city is a harvested city. Plants are eaten or converted into plastic. Untidy barren places exist for animals and machinery. Every roof is beetle-black, and slow-spin vertical wind turbines are probably lining the entire city.
— Craig Perko (@craigperko) July 29, 2019
That's my solarpunk vision.
— Craig Perko (@craigperko) July 29, 2019
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mxbitters · 4 years
I was wondering what type of aesthetic would you say killjoys have
OHOOO i have a pinterest board >:) oh wait!!! TWO pinterest boards!!!  but ok so i’ll make a list uh
- so y’know the dr deathdefying listening party?  those videos are a HUGE influence on the aesthetic i imagine them to have.  thermal stuff.. heat. lots of heat
- skate parks covered wall to wall with graffiti, murals, you name it.  regulars making room for parents or gangs with kids, maybe helping them learn too
- dive bars shitty venues neon lights ALL THAT absolutely
- motels.  especially with the big fancy light up motel signs. and motel bathrooms
- riot grrrl and queercore??? yeah that’s rampant out in the zones.  good for all of us
- yeah um.  mohawks.  crust punk jeans and battle jackets like HELL im sorry but theres no way there’s not a huge old school punk vibe going on there
- neon lights, even more specifically the neon boneyard in vegas
- uh im obsessed with the concept of post apocalyptic disneyland and that was one of my big killjoy posts like a year or two ago
- anything just bright cherry red.  not specifically having to do with party poison but them too i guess.  im thinkin cherry red vehicles cherry red nails and lips bay bee cherry red VINYLS cherry red leather cherry red bowie style platform boots the possibilities are endless with that color in particular and it’s one of the most powerful colors against bli’s monochrome-ness.  that being said i think that has a lot to do with party poison dying their hair that color in particular.  or im projecting.  maybe both <3
- heart sunglasses :)
- sharpies <3
- cheap halloween costumes bc i love fun ghoul and yes .
- oh whatever scene kids got going on especially with their shoes? that
- uh those posters in classrooms about the solar system
- sand art and glass art probably if you get to the right area
- tarot cards i think.  they were on the mailbox so i’m interested to see how they’re seen.  likely associated with the phoenix witch but like.... maybe they’re used for more than just divination, like tarot cards started as a game in a way so maybe they improvise new games with them.  i’d imagine them trying to find as many uses for a singular object as possible.  they can’t carry a lot with them probably so everything they have needs to count.  if that makes sense.
so there are absolutely more beyond this but bro i’m gonna be taking up everyone’s entire dash as it is :’) thank you for asking though i am absolutely overinvested in the killjoyverse and its not even funny
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alvinsylvester · 5 years
The Industrial Revolution and Improvements Such as China Globe Valve
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One of the best periods of time that propelled humans into amazing advancements was the Industrial Revolution. In these times human workers and business owners moved into an era of operating machines. This pushed upwards the speed at which products could be created. Incredible improvements were made everywhere. Nowadays we take things such as a china globe valve or a china check valve for granted, but at that age, they could have had a world-changing impact. The way the world functions now has its roots in that period.
How Did the Revolution Begin?
The process itself was not instant as communication means were not at the level they are today. It lasted from around 1760 to anywhere around 1820-1840. In these periods of time whole industries have shifted from hand working to new, more automatized methods of producing goods. Chemical and iron advances were also made. This resulted in a positive circle of better materials which resulted in better means of production and so on. Some of the main power supplies for factories and other similar installments were generated by either steam, water or both. This is why in general pop culture that era is referred to as “Steam Punk”.
The biggest and most important industry was the textile one. It had the most employees and capital. It is said to also be the first industry to use modern ways of creating products. The first country to take part in the Industrial Revolution was Great Britain. Many of the inventions actually originated from there. It is not by coincidence that around the 18th century, Great Britain wat the number one capitalistic nation. It had a huge trading power all around the world including with colonies in North America and the Caribbean.
Whoever the case, that time period is one of the most influential for the way we live today. Whether you are grateful or not, that is sure to be the case. There are positive things that happened because of it. For example, the income of the average person has increased drastically. Of course, there never is a straight chart line but the trend still consists mainly of life improvements.
What is a China Check Valve
A  china check valve , also called a clack valve or a non-return valve, is a product that allows liquids or gases to flow through it in only one direction. Its design and construction are somewhat basic. The body has two openings. One for the fluid to enter and another for the fluid to leave. You can find this type of valves in lots of different places, For example, you surely have one of those at home. They are usually inexpensive. The concept of them is that they do not require manual control. They generally work automatically when installed in the required area. Most of them are made out of plastic or metal.
Most of the time you can find a china check valve in any industrial process. They are used in chemical and power plans, as well as other private industries. Appliances vary from home usage to even space projects such as NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. One of the most popular examples of usage is for a steam locomotive. This also goes back to the Industrial Revolution, aiding in the specific look of the said time period. Their purpose around the locomotive was to prevent back-flow when water was supplied to the steam boilers.
How Does a China Globe Valve Work?
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Usually, a china globe valve is different from a ball valve (even if the name seems somewhat common) and serves the purpose of regulating flow in a pipeline. The design of this product consists of a moveable plug or disc and a stationary ring, usually in a spherical body. This is one of the most recognizable type of valve ever made. It actually looks very similar to the sockets of a home sink. The valve works by having a plug that can be screwed open or shut. When the plug is isolated with the insides of the body nothing can go through, but if you switch the stem the other way around the plug will raise and allow passage.
The china globe valve and many others now have lots of domestic uses from helping with the sanitary water supply to the lawn sprinkles. Sometimes valves are even used in heating systems to prevent convection. This is especially true in cases of solar thermal installations. This type of combination is called a gravity brake. Whatever the case might be, valves make our lives easier in ways unknown to the general public.
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