#solars appearance isnt exactly as described 👍
vanillaxoshi ¡ 4 months
Elements Seperated - Human form not (really) needed
It’s nice, Gempa thinks, waking up to the warmth of your family, feeling their presence, knowing they’re all here. Safe and sound, but he needs to get up. Slowly not to wake his siblings, the earth spirit made his way out from under the blanket to welcome a new day. He glances at the clock on the table. It’s still early in the morning.
And it seems his older brother already got up too. Old habits die hard huh?
Slipping off the bed, Gempa’s form shift and changes. There’s no need for a detailed human form right away, just whatever will let them function. Both spirits ended up just looking like vaguely humanoid constructs decorated by their elements, but nobody will mind.
“Mrgh… Guys?”
Their master, Boboiboy asked in his sleepy morning voice. He must have woken up because of their absence.
“Yes, we’re here Ori” Gempa touched his forehead against Boboiboy’s, shards of mineral gently brushing Boboiboy’s bed hair out of his face.
“What day is it?”
“It’s a Sunday. You can sleep in if you want”
Boboiboy looks at his current state, surrounded by the still asleep orb elementals, chuckling.
“Yeah, I think I’ll have to be in bed for a bit”
“I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me”
A look in the fridge tells him he’ll probably need to go grocery shopping today, but for now, this is plenty ingredients for both breakfast and lunch, there are also leftovers from yesterday.
At the kitchen area, he spots Hali opening the cupboard with a limb made of red lightning, bringing out a bag of coffee instead of cocoa.
Gempa nods. He usually prefers tea but coffee doesn’t sound half bad this morning. The lightning spirit hits a few buttons, and got the coffee machine working. The delightful smell spreads throughout the house, successfully rousing another of their sibling out of sleep.
“Good morning you glorified chandelier”
“Good morning to you too, Hymenopus Coronatus”
No, Solar didn’t cast a spell on Hali. The two are simply calling each other by what they look like now. Gempa goes back to cooking after saying his own good morning to the spirit of light, seeing no reason to worry about a fight.
“I smelled coffee”
“Yeah, making some right now. Want any?”
The sudden increase in lighting for a brief moment tells huge spirit of earth that Solar just had his coffee.
A warm beverage goes well with this peaceful morning, Gempa thought, as one of his arms brought the cup to his ‘mouth’. Just this finishing touch and breakfast should be ready. Suddenly, the doorbell rang, he could hear the fastest game of rock paper scissors ever happen, and Solar walking towards the door.
It’s natural one would prefer nice home cooked meals over rations, and Fang certainly isn’t the best chef, so eating at Tok Aba and Boboiboy’s house it is then. Not that he would ever admit that out loud, it’s embarrassing. He can give a compliment when it’s due though and it shall be expressed in actions.
But either he misremembered, or something bad has happened, as the one who opened the door… Whoever it is definitely isn’t human. A body made of light with no discernible features save for limbs, hands with blackened tips, and worst of all is their head. It was like one of those ‘biblically accurate angels’ he was shown by Gopal once, golden rings intertwined together, covered in silver eyes and mystical patterns. In the middle of it all, is a white dwarf.
It took Fang a few seconds to process what in the name of stars he just saw, but he reached for the door handle and pushes it back.
“My apologies, it seems I’ve gotten the wrong house-“ the alien said as politely as possible, while frantically trying to close the door.
“Wait a minute- Child it is I- Wait no, Fang it’s me, Solar!” The light spirit was also frantically trying to convince Fang it’s him, while keeping the door open.
Breakfast was nice, but Fang wished he had a warning about the elementals not bothering to look human today.
“Please, transform properly before opening the door?”
“Sorry about that. You know caffeine has no effect on us”
The purple haired alien could only sigh and bury his head in his hands. Now he knows why all those ancient civilizations were so spooked by the elementals
- By your pal, SP Anon
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Drew the scenarios :)))
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