#some are very placeholdery
martianbugsbunny · 9 months
WIP ask game
so excited!!! I love being tagged in games like this
Rules: In a new post, list the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Life Is A Dance Floor, So Choose The Right Partner
Command Me To Be Well
Y'Know...*that* fic
Hello Yes Can I Offer You Some Lokius In These Trying Times
Post-Zero Hour
Fulcrum Fic
Fulcrum Fic Pt. 2 Electric Boogaloo
How Did We Meet Before We Met
Lit My Love And Watched It Burn
For Victory Is Hollow (And I Have Seen The Light)
It Never Did Run Smooth
CaptainCroc Curse AU
The Girl With The Flower Tattoo
Deja Vu
Hope (It's The Last Thing That's Holding Me)
As you can see I have a ridiculous number of WIPs because I work best if I'm working on multiple things as once but also bc I often run out of free time/motivation in the middle of a fic lol
not gonna tag 16 people tho bc I do not know 16 people lol but I will tag people I would like to play this game with!!!
@stardreamer28 @wastingstarsss @ramblingsofafanatic @mcu-supersoldiers @howmanyholesinswisscheese @ryik-the-writer @the-rum-tum-hatter @yardikins
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finefalcongames · 2 years
some evidence of our alleged video game in the works!  😤  as you can (hopefully) see, it’s a turn-based tactical. obviously very very early & placeholdery, but my partner has been making fantastic progress with the code  <3  this is some early brainstorming for figuring out some oomph for frame transitions (we’re a 2ish person team & thought it would be best to take some stylistic shortcuts on animations  😅 )
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isaacathom · 6 years
for the topdown wb project, my thought is that i either start with the map, or i start with a magic system. and the latter soounds weird, but my reasoning is that i think i want a high fantasy hard magic setting with this one (vs low fantasy soft magic, which is honestly 90% of my settings that arent urban fantasies instead), and the earlier i have a rough system for the magic the better, because i can shape the world according to that. mosttttly in a societal sense, but perhaps the physical too. and then the magic can help me determine the deities, who are gonna be pretty important figures since theyre often right in the thick of things.
on thing i also neeeeed to consider for it is races. do i want like humans elves dwarves or do i want a few stranger things? whats the gist? whats the spread? if there are mermaids, can they come on land, and if so how does that work? i honestly would really like mermaids actually bc i have very very few of those after the uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the EC incident (god have mercy on my soul) and i just like mermaids. gimme them. so lets sayyy humans, mermaids... thats a sea and an earth species, do we perhaps wants like, 2 or three species for each sort of locale? like a desert species, a mountain species, an ocean species, so forth? just because i dont think an earth/sea/sky split works as well because theres not land in the sky. where are they gonna live. (maybe there are floating islands i dont know yet but also Fuckkkk yeessssssssssssssssssss i just might).
maybe the map and species would be good first. the species not in any great detail (aka just a list of ‘i would like these, please!’) and then i can make a map which creates good (and bad) habitats for these species and a system which facilitates the map. so if i say i want a flying sapient species (like a harpy or some such) then when designing the map i might go ‘i would like really tall mountains for these creatures’ or ‘i would like floating islands for them to live on’. and especially with the latter, i can then look at my magic system and go ‘what features of this worlds magic facilitates this? why can the islands float?’ and that all flows.
so i guess the order is species (list) > map (coastlines rough, focussing on tectonic and climate stuff) > magic system (broad strokes and key points) > species (refine from system). then after that would probably be picking civ starting points (and detailing the map a lil more with that knowledge) and then, yknow, my dumbass breaks out an ipa chart and goes ‘YEEHAW’ and we have just. a nightmare of a time with that. the protolang shit is going to kill me. i hate that i want to do that. i am a fool (but i love it)
ok so. species! Human, Mermaid, Angel (standin), Dwarf (Standin)... what else? 4 does not feel like all that many. dwarves are the mountain ones, so either a desert or forest-y group. or ice!!! ooooohh an icy one could be nice. whose up to play as a polar bear? im down to just be a polar bear. Bear (standin).
how might we class humans, biome wise? if the mermaids are oceans, angels skies, dwarves mountains, bears polar... are they just the adaptable ones? thats always a little boring, but i suppose it is true for us. idk. i feel like deserts would be a good spot for another species, and class humans as a brooooadly forest group. grassland-like places are probably a free for all for the land dwellers, perhaps barring the bears and the mermaids (for what i hope are obvious reasons). whats a good sapient desert species, then? actually before i say that i should make it clear the bears arent literal bears. im thinking just Big Furry Humanoids, which may perhaps looks a lot like bears. perhaps.
deserts, deserts... desert species arent all that common, are they? its always the forests and the mountains and the seas. i blame tolkien, because why not. got no fucking deserts in england. cowards. orcs could... probably work in a desert? the big thing with deserts is a general lack of vegetation and easy water, which would make Big Bulky orcs kind of.... weird, evolution wise. i dont know enough about desert species (irl) to know much more, but camels are slow and retain moisture and all that reeeeal good, and then a bunch of the other stuff only comes out at night. perhaps a mostly nocturnal species? that might be a good angle. plus depending on the magic system the water might not be the biggest issue, so its mostly about energy conservation and not sweating it all out. sleep during the day. what would i put as a placeholder for that sort of creature? a vampire, i guess? that ones even more placeholdery than the others. plus theyre really associated with blood drinking and i dont know if thats the vibe i want for the sleepy desert bois. i guess ill just say Sleepy Desert Bois (standin) :D
so Humans, Mermaids, Angels (SI), Dwarves (SI), Bears (SI) and Sleepy Desert Bois (SI).
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okayideas · 7 years
2017/10/15 self-evaluation
For the past two-week period, I set goals for myself in game development, music, and sewing. Including a queued post for tomorrow, I have met these goals.
In game development, I was focusing on making new enemy patterns that match the concept we now have for the game’s pacing and scale. I was able to do this successfully, and I’m confident that we’re equipped to make enough enemies for many hours of diverse gameplay. It’s now time for me to turn my attention to other aspects of the game, particularly to incorporate a change to the level structure that we’ve been talking about. It happens that this change will require a fairly large modification to parts of the game engine and a more or less complete rewrite of the level editing tool, so there’s going to be a lot of behind-the-scenes activity without necessarily any visible new content.
In music, I’ve been continuing to make Mikado Entertainment System. I’m about 75% confident about a late November release. There’s also been some work towards a music pipeline for the video game, but this is lower priority and can be bolted onto the game engine as an almost independent module when I get around to it.
In sewing, I’ve been working on building a zentai suit section by section, and it’s coming along okay. Since I’ve made tights before and I’ve made gloves before, I’m very confident I can finish the thing; the only bit I’m really unsure about is making the back zipper look good.
My firm goals for 2017/10/29 are as follows: * Rewrite the game engine to support zones. Enemies need to store the ID of the zone that spawned them for use by the door-locking system, and the common case of the camera behavior needs to avoid crossing zone boundaries. * Add conditional doors to the game engine, confining the player to a single zone until all enemies that originated in the zone are defeated. The exact behavior of these doors will probably be slightly placeholdery for now. * Rewrite my level editing tool to support graphical painting of tiles without needing to manually assign individual IDs to tile images, and to support tilesheets holding at least 400 tile shapes per level (that number’s a technical target relating to tilesheet image sizes, not a number I expect to actually need all of). This will break my current roguelike-looking text-based map format, but all the existing level maps are going to be thrown out anyway. * Rewrite my internal level editing tool to support graphical placement of zones. * Rewrite my internal level editing tool to support graphical placement of common-case sprite spawn locations, but keep the spawn data structure in a hand-editable text-based format so I can work around special cases that would be harder to express graphically. * Finish the second drafts of Act 2 of Mikado Entertainment System * Make a rough chiptune version of the Mikado overture. This is likely to be somewhat abridged from the real overture, as an album doesn’t need an overture for the reasons an opera does. * Have further progress toward the zentai suit to post on both Thursday post dates.
I intend to post the music and sewing items; I might not make any video game posts, since the changes are very internal in nature.
Additional, aspirational, goals are as follows: * Make the weapon-change buttons transparent, with more transparency when walking. * Change the precision of the thumbsticks to treat a smaller thumb movement as full-speed; also make the cosmetic draw radius limit of the onscreen thumbstick cursors smaller. * Change the back-button behavior so slipping down off the right thumbstick onto a back button won’t quit the level. Possibly, add an optional setting to prevent the back button from working entirely while in an unpaused level. * Animate the tip of the beam weapon as a visual clue about its damage calculation timing (it only actually “hits” a certain number of times per second, and it should pulsate accordingly). * Fix the double-beam-weapon draw error. * Make a multi-zone level in which at least one zone itself has a multi-wave enemy spawn pattern. * Add logic allowing at least the player sprite, and possibly other objects, to treat certain tiles as diagonally split into open and wall halves. * Add to Act 1 of Mikado Entertainment System arrangements of three recitative sections which I had originally planned not to use. * Clean up the overture to second-draft quality. * Finish the zentai suit, including the back zipper. A zentai suit isn’t quite a “costume” in my opinion, but if I finish it by Halloween then I can use Halloween as a reasonable excuse to wear it around for a while.
I could conceive of achieving all these additional goals, but doing so would require me to have an uninterrupted string of good days and no creative setbacks in any medium. I’m more likely to just reach one medium’s, or a split of some music ones and some video game ones.
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