#some hw designs are funky let me tell you
russeliarat · 2 years
Ended up doing some redesign pages for some Hyrule Warriors characters for fun because what's there to do on a lazy Saturday?
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The way my rewrite works is that OOT is taken from the Child Timeline, after Link has gone back in time after defeating Ganondorf, meaning that Ruto would still be a child. So I have thusly made that change.
I wanted to keep her design relatively simple because it's so iconic, but I added a few details like the pearls and earrings to give a little bit of detail. I didn't want her to stand out as too simple in a sea of redesigned, detailed characters. The Silver Scale weapon I changed up the design a bit because it looked a little awkward with Ruto's new look.
She's also the only one I did costumes for because I loved some of the ideas but thought how tragic it was that they either didn't work or were recolours. Yesterday, my sister got me the Majora's Mask Himekawa manga, so I was overjoyed to make a design based off of Lulu. I basically just made her fins very dress-like and modified the shape of her ears and eyes to an extent. I merged the Wind Waker and Great Sea costumes to create the middle costume, which is meant to look like a one-piece bathing suit. I also took a little bit of inspiration from Marin and made her pearls into tiny flowers. The last one is the Twilight Princess costume, because that pink skin looks dreadful for something that's meant to be TP. It's probably meant to look like Rutella, but Ruto just looks sunburnt. So I mixed my inspo with Rutella and a bit of the TP Zora in general tbh. My favourite part are her ears and earrings ngl.
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I have a few problems with Volgas design and I tried hard to fix it, but I'm generally not good with skulls or very muscular men. I'd like to think I did okay though. I generally wanted to really get across that he's a dragon. This Volga would have to be coloured to truly see the difference because I want to take more from his Master Quest costume's colours instead.
I just changed up the small details to really hammer home that he's not human. In a way, you could compare his armour to Zelda's, which I may play around with their dynamic at some point. I even changed up his weapon took like like a couple giant, jagged teeth on a fancy stick.
I wanted his design to feel very over-the-top and like a masquerade costume like my redesign of Cia, and Wizzro's design in general.
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This one needs a little bit of context to how the great fairies work in the re-write. Depending on where the scenario's location is, the fairy be different. As an example, the Twilight Princess scenes (tbh I can't remember if any of those scenarios required a great fairy) will have that games respective fairy, as does Ocarina of Time. With Skyloft, I've encorparated that game's Zelda in as a way to merge her and Fi into one fighter and for plot purposes. That Zelda (I've named Dove so far for clarity) does the whole getting the pumpkin soup to Levias, though she uses her Loftwing and a bunch of fairies for help. But that leaves Hyrule Warriors, which doesn't have their own Great Fairy and has the OOT Great Fairy instead.
So I came up with this one. I have a running theme with some character designs of ancient eras, whether it be Greece, Rome, or Japan. To fit with Link and Zelda's designs, I went for the idea of a nymph for their Great Fairy, but instead of being associated with passion and positivity, she seems more upset to fit with the slightly darker theme of the re-write. This design actually merges three types of nymph actually. She functions exactly the same as the regular Great Fairies - she still sends fairies from her temple or fountain to assist Hyrulean forces.
You may have noticed that I drew some flowers at the bottom of the page, and I erased it, but there were dragonfly wings I used as reference. I used a lot of flowers with connotations of sadness, as well as magic and power, as well as ferns which are apparently associated with the fae. So yeah, I really like flowers and I used to be obsessed with Greek Mythology. Can you tell?
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