#some of my fav queer films are horror/thrillers where characters die and kill and r just generally fucked up
dangerliesbeforeyou · 2 years
call me a lil bitch or whatever but i really can never get behind those posts that r like ‘enough normal queer characters i need INSANE lesbians and FUCKED UP trans people and EVIL gays’ because tho i get wanting interesting & nuanced stories of queer characters written by and for the queer community, the way that some people online frame it as ‘queer characters that r just normal/everyday people are boring’ rubs me the wrong way, ESPECIALLY given that 90% of queer characters in cinema prior to the 90s WAS evil queer characters/villain coded queer characters/etc...
like, if one of those ‘boring’ queer characters helps a young queer person figure themselves out and gives them some kind of hope in this godforsaken hellscape of a world then i don’t really see what the problem is pfft
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