#some of the people at my place of employment are gullible idiots who believe anything they see online because they don’t have experience
cinematicbookworm · 1 year
Man the average right leaning person really is just the most gullable people like shit some times I forget how stupid some people can be and then they open their mouths and start talking about aliens and demons on planes after watching some video online of some lady going crazy on a plane talking bout a passenger being not real like the woman was probably haveing a mental break and y’all are really out here talking bout demonic fucking possession of the person who is being screamed at by someone clearly having a break from reality shits crazy
#like could there be life on other planets sure is that what’s happening here no y’all realize than when ever our government is about to try#to mobilize our military that we always see an uptick in supposed ufo sitings because ya know they are trying to distract the populous#like do the reading and you see that at almost every major uptick in ufo mania that it corrosponds with the beginning of a major military#action or something else that the government doesn’t want the average person focused on#also most ufos or UAPs as they are now called are just classified testing of aircraft or weapons systems or they are actually weather#phenomena cause natures fucking stranger than fiction sometimes#the likelihood of any ufo or uap sightings being actually extra terrestrial is slim to none#coming from a military family who actually where aerospace engineers who helped to develop some of those super secret weapons and planes#the government ain’t smart enough or well organized enough to hide something that big that convincingly for this long#some of the people at my place of employment are gullible idiots who believe anything they see online because they don’t have experience#with things or people who are actually involved in the things they are talking about#also those hearings that congress had were not interviewing the people who claimed to have seen uaps no they were interviewing people who#claimed to have interviewed people who had seen them as in they didn’t actually have any evidence#it’s like if I someone who has worked with the parks system interview someone who claims to have seen Bigfoot and then testified infront of#congress to the fact that this person told me they had seen Bigfoot it doesn’t actually prove that Bigfoot exists
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archivepolarisornah · 5 years
The meeting | Hayden
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A walk around town always done him some good to regain control of his temper whenever he few off the handle. The incompetence of some of the men under the rankings almost astounded him if it didn’t already infuriate him to no end. Hayden slipped a cigarette into his mouth and sparked a match to light it, drawing in a deep breath in an attempt to soothe his damned soul. Passing the other establishments in town, he headed towards the social hub of Mount Olympus. He approached all sorts of commotions coming from inside and out of the bar and drinks flowing meant money was steamrolling in. Hayden finished his smoke and made his way through the parting sea of customers to the front of the bar.
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James had a habit when it came to having a free day, and that was enjoying a drink. However, he couldn’t recall things being this busy last time he came to check out the club. Rather it was pathetically empty that very first time that he even ended up leaving early. This sudden change was both unexpected and unwanted. He found himself sighing as it took ten minutes to even get a bloody drink now. His patience was running rather slim.
Should have gone for a drink at home. He muttered to himself, inaudible throughout all the noise. As he turned, drink in hand his eyes crossed with a particular individual. He gave him a simple nod. He knew too well that respect is something earned, and it wasn’t like him to be impolite without reason.
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Hayden walked straight behind the bar and was handed a drink by one of his lackys. He must admit, they’ve been trained well enough to give him something without him even asking. He stood back and watched the crowd growing around the bar. Drinks and money being exchanged like rapid on the stock market.
He spotted James and gave him a respectable nod. He had nothing against the man and they’re paths never quite crossed enough for them to ever become more than acquaintances but Hayden wasn’t going to burn bridges unless he had good reason to.
Deciding to step in and intervene, Hayden lifted up the side of the bar and motioned for James to come in. There was a separate space in the back for people that wanted to drink and socialise in peace without the drunken animals surrounding them. He figured he owed the guy the gift of keeping his sanity instead of leaving him around screeching customers and blaring music.
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James couldn’t help but roll his eyes as the customers pushed and yelled and most of them were drunk way too quickly. He couldn’t believe that one of them just finished a beer and already clung to one of his pals as if they were love-struck teens. Oh lord.
He did, however, get distracted when Hayden returned the nod and James smiled, seeing he got a drink himself. Hayden had quite an air around him that just either scared you, made you immediately respect him or lured you in.
When he made a movement for James to follow, James did just that. Wondering if the air was also reflected in the way Hayden talked to others. It wasn’t as if he didn’t understand that air. But it certainly made him curious.
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“Well this is certainly a lot more quiet.”
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Hayden turned and leaned against the bar now that they were away from the rowdy crowds. “Yeah, this area is for business people and the fair few that I believe deserve peace and quiet to enjoy a drink.” he shrugged.
Reaching into this pocket, he pulled out a cigarette and lit one up, breathing out a cloud of smoke “Smoke?” he asked, holding out his packet to offer James one out of courtesy.
“So what brings you into my bar, its not often you’re seen around here. Those employees of yours finally drive you mad?”
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“It certainly looks like a great place to hold discussions.” At the Neverland hotel, that would be his office, and that at times lacked the professionalism since Tina and Peter decided they could walk in at any time. He should consider putting a lock on that door. For his own sanity as well.  “Then I certainly am glad to have received the believe I belong to those people.” He smiled.
“Yes, though I smoked more when I was younger.” Age started to catch up on him and he’d try to lessen.
“You reading minds now?” He couldn’t contain an eyeroll but eventually had to nod. “Threw Tina in the pool so the tantrums are worse. Peter is well Peter.”
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“Well you certainly put it to good use, it makes me want to expend my own office.” James couldn’t help but smile. Fun guy that Hayden, pretty easy champ to talk to huh? “Of course, ever since I was a child I knew that I had to earn money.” Not everyone got to knock on daddy’s door asking for help when in trouble. “Been with a certain crowd in my youth, you got to start somewhere.” Especially as an orphan.
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“Guess you can do stuff like this as well.” He inhaled deeply just to blow out some smoke and to inhale it. “Back in the day that used to be a thing, smoke tricks such as the ghost inhale.” He rolled his eyes. “We don’t remain forever young but old habits don’t die easily.”
He rolled his eyes. “To be fair I could have done worse than throwing her in a pool while jumping along-” He could have dropped her alone. “And you know her she is a trouble maker. She thought she could flirt with me to turn me into an embarrassment. She was also pretty drunk.” He shrugged. “The water sobered her up quite quickly.”
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“Smoke tricks. There’s a throw back that shows our age” he smirked “Nothing wrong with ageing. Whiskey and wine age well” he shrugged and motioned to his bartender to bring over the bottle and leave it next to them.
“Wait you jumped with her?” he asked “Why is she complaining, you jumped in too.” He didn’t see the problem but then again he also knew that if he did that to Megan that she would hit the roof “Trouble maker is a terms I’m most familiar with thanks to Megan.” It seems like James and himself had the same issue with trouble making staff “Well you were being considerate sobering her up.”
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“Yes, we are officially ageing well.” James returned the smirk. “With age comes wisdom, after all, can’t say the kids at my place have plenty of those.” He nodded. “Can’t say no to a good whiskey.” He was more hard liquor than refined wine, but he could appreciate both.
“Didn’t know if she could swim.” He would have to jump after her if she couldn’t. “Because it’s Tina?” That should be reason enough, she could complain about anything if it included James. “How is Megan doing?” He didn’t care in particular but it wasn’t bad to keep this small talk going. “True, I’m a nice guy after all.” He wasn’t always but one could say he improved a little from the time when he was fresh out of the orphanage.
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“Couldn’t agree more.” he said raising his glass “I can’t speak for you’re lot but I can assure you, mine definitely don’t.” he replied, taking a swig of his drink. He poured them both another glass and placed the bottle to the side of the table.
“You didn’t know?” he repeated, a smirk crossing his face. He wasn’t going to lie, it was funny. Hayden figured that it wasn’t James’ fault that Tina didn’t find it funny, but he sure as hell did. “Megan is Megan. Too sarcastic for her own good and a pain in my ass.” he shrugged. She was of no concern to him but the deal they had is what tethered them together. “Isn’t that what employees should thank their employers for after all. We’re considerate people.”
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“Well, I can’t say I hate it when people agree with me. I feel like at work that’s a rarity. And one of the issues of the agreement is working in itself. I swear the amounts of times I want to kick out Peter is rather pathetic, but I can’t abandon the kid.” He sighed. “He got lucky to have a roof and food above his head without paying rent- I know if I request it from him he’ll just run away and I am not in the mood to chase his ass.” Honestly, if it wasn’t for Tina he wondered if he would have been this patient with him.
“I wasn’t sure no, and the little princess seemed like she was scared so, safety first I suppose.” She was as red as a lobster and cursed his whole being. It was fun, though the anger afterwards wasn’t. She could be so moody at times, and then she would surprise him by lowering her walls. “She is a trouble maker.” And yet he was fond of her. “Yeah, I found her phone number on the floor - seems like someone threw it away. Well, I suppose we both know the pain in our ass when it comes to working then?” A tiny smirk came on his lips.
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“I couldn’t agree with you more, I’d say we are the most considerate people in the whole joint.”
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“That’s true. The down side of working with idiots and kids.” he shrugged “Kids these days will never know the value of money and hard work. We didn’t get things handed to us and nowadays most of them expect everything to be given to them for free.” Hayden’s age truly showed at times, even he had to admit that.
“Fair enough. At least you cared enough to give a thought about the girls safety. That was more of a thought than I would have given about it.” To be honest, Hayden would have let anyone who annoyed him enough to drown but he figured that most people had a conscience. “I’d throw it away too” he muttered “What’s working if you don’t have one employee that’s a pain in your arse. Unfortunately all of mine are”
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“Touché.” For a moment his guilty subconsciousness slipped to smee. Well, the issue with the man was he was way too gullible. “Sometimes I wished I had a new addition to the staff, someone who is both capable and you know doesn’t treat me like a villain simply because I’m an adult male. Seriously, for someone who pays these dimwits, they truly lack respect.”
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“Of course I care, I lack staff so if she drowns that would seriously be an issue.” He rolled his eyes. It was because he fancied her, and he absolutely hated it, especially with her recent betrayal. He shrugged. “I wouldn’t be happy if my info was just laying on the ground honestly. And hey all of mine are as well, maybe Smee isn’t but he doesn’t make work easier.”
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“Well if you find one, let me know when you start seeing pigs fly because that will be when the miracle happens that a new addition like that joins the workforce” he smirked “They all lack respect because they expect everything to be done for them or they expect to get to the top of the world with minimum amount of effort.”
“You’re not wrong there. Can’t be down a staff member this time of year” he shrugged “Idiots, James. They’re all idiots. We’re stuck having to spoon feed all these kids when its about time they grow up and take responsibility for their jobs and actions”
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James couldn’t help but roll his eyes. “I wouldn’t see why Neverland isn’t the most-” He couldn’t come up with the correct term. Fishy? He shrugged. “Well you do make a fair point, I don’t think we’ll get an addition to our staff anytime soon.” He sighed deeply. “They do. It’s like they think they owe the place yet when you threaten to cut their earnings they think it’s unfair. Though I wonder I’m just paying them for the work they do. One of my staff members takes a nap. Peter basically lives in Neverland sitting on his lazy ass. And smee, Smee gets seduced by Tina and the idiot falls for pretty much everything she says.”
He emptied the whiskey Hayden had poured in for him in one go. The burn felt nice against his throat. “They are. I didn’t become a boss so I could become a babysitter.”
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