#some of you are being so fucking obtuse on this. bye forever
greelin · 1 year
SHUT UP! lol
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Rio & Buster
Rio: Wanna come over later? Bored Rio: Night off Buster: I can't. I've met someone and I wanna see where it goes Rio: [11 minutes later] Rio: Ahh alright, fair play Rio: Good luck and best wishes Buster: Cheers Buster: You'll find something else to do easy enough, yeah? Buster: No huge loss Rio: 'Course, not my first or only plan, McKenna Rio: 😜 Buster: I figured Rio: Where'd you two meet then? You've got time to engage in polite chit-chat, regardless Buster: The Perch Café it's adjacent to the Old Library Rio: Didn't need specifics, got my own hunting grounds you're alright 😂 Rio: how quaint Buster: Save you downloading a phone tracker app Buster: When you miss me Rio: Don't flatter yourself honey Rio: and don't be a prick either Buster: Don't need to Buster: And aren't trying to Buster: You messaged me Rio: So? That was then Rio: got yours loud and clear Rio: don't worry, not going to go mental and sabotage your relationship Rio: why would I? Buster: I can do that on my own Buster: I really like her though Rio: Lovely Buster: Don't be that girl Buster: I'm just saying Rio: Don't tell me what to be Rio: No need, like I said, the specifics aren't my business Rio: was making polite conversation, doesn't need to be more Buster: I'm sorry, yeah? I don't wanna start a fight with you Buster: I wasn't looking to start anything Buster: But it happened and I wanted you to be aware Buster: Despite what Chlo says I'm not a game playing type Rio: Again, no need Rio: not like we were gonna fuck around forever Rio: s'all good, McKenna Rio: Doing the right thing, very noble Buster: It's about time like Buster: Being on the same page is even better though, can't avoid you forever either Buster: Bailed on enough fam functions as is Rio: Sensible Rio: Your 'rents will be very proud Rio: I'll take one for the team and do it for you Rio: don't worry Buster: Not worried Rio: Never are Buster: Why would I be? Rio: Why indeed Rio: leading that #blessed life 'cos ignorance is bliss Buster: I'm working on it Rio: Why? Rio: Born into it, don't have to work a day in your life Buster: My parents would disagree Buster: They aren't gonna hand me anything Buster: I know I've tried it on plenty Rio: My heart bleeds Buster: It doesn't and I wouldn't want it to Buster: Leave it out Rio: Why should I Rio: Not said anything that isn't true Buster: Cause you were born into the same wealth as me near enough Buster: Ghetto as you try and front it Rio: And I'm not out here acting like I have to graft Rio: but no, your struggle is SO real Buster: I've never said that Buster: Striving under the stress I chose cheers Buster: Thriving with it Rio: We all know Rio: you've said THAT enough Buster: So what? I can't believe in myself 'cause you don't think I'm shit Buster: Fuck that Rio: Its the way you think anyone is surprised, or cares Rio: like no shit, white boy born into wealth Rio: you think you're the shit?! Rio: Obviously Buster: Plenty of people do care Buster: Isolate yourself all YOU want but that's how it is Rio: then please, share that joy with THEM Rio: not sorry we don't appreciate being your 'humble origins' Rio: who wants to be a stepping stone for some arrogant cunt who gets it all Buster: Nobody but then again nobody is so Buster: Your sob story is fiction Rio: And your rise to fame is too Rio: Nobody is being 'real' here today Buster: I'm not trying to be famous Buster: And I'm only trying to rise as far as passing the bar exam Buster: Sorry to shatter your illusions Rio: Whatever Rio: don't be obtuse Buster: Don't be a bitch Rio: Fuck you Rio: I'm not Buster: Go fuck yourself Buster: You are Buster: You know it Rio: Not getting out the confetti already does not constitute being a bitch Rio: Whaddya want? A blowjob? Not from me Buster: I wasn't asking you to Buster: But I didn't come here to be attached for whatever the fuck has your hackles up Buster: Like yeah I've got rich rents what do you want me to do? Disown them Buster: Christ if I wanted to talk to a jealous cunt I'd hit Chlo up Rio: Not act like you're something you're not Rio: and low blow but you knocked her up so who's the real cunt here Buster: Not gonna apologise for my kid Buster: Or you having the wrong idea clearly about who I am Rio: Didn't say that Rio: Don't twist shit Buster: Take it up with her about not taking her birth control if you're so bitter Rio: Shut up, that isn't the point, nor the one I was making Rio: Forget it Buster: I'll forget all of this Buster: No worries there Rio: Likewise Rio: Thank God Buster: Bye then Rio: Toodle-oo
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