#some sort of scar/visible disability/'other' feature
honeytabbies · 2 months
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henry's story is actually another thing i Super wanted to adjust; as someone who's also physically disabled and chronically ill, i love and relate to him a lot and wanted to add more details about his condition.
henry's illness isn't fully a curse. the part where he absorbs other people's mana uncontrollably is the curse, but the weakness and illness he experiences is a disorder that he was born with. i've been calling it MRAD (mana-related autoimmune disorder), and it occurs when a person's body recognizes its own magic as a foreign body and attacks itself. luckily, his curse and illness sort of coincide, where he's able to absorb other people's mana and use it to reinforce his body. he needs to be in proximity to other people at nearly all times just to survive.
i think that henry's visible chimera features would be pretty minimal, though faun features would be very cute on him lol
charlotte's features would also be pretty minimal because her curse is generational! i think that she'd be human enough to pass in day-to-day living, but there's always just been something ... off about her. maybe her eyes glint weirdly in the light, perfectly manicured nails just a little too sharp. her uncanny perception when someone is watching her for a bit too long. just little things, but never enough to throw anyone off entirely :)
(CORRECTION as was pointed out to me char's curse is Not actually generational so i may make some adjustments later)
would anyone fault me if i used chimerism as an excuse to just make william a dogboy /j
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no but seriously, similar to henry i'm sorta projecting in my adjustment of characters with disabilities. i think that his facial scarring would cause a visual impairment, especially as one of the most common forms of curses are those that impair/alter one's senses. i also think that his soul-bond with patri would also impact his chimerism, sorta influencing his appearance. as he grew older, i'd imagine his ears becoming just a bit pointier, and after the whole elf incident is over and done with maybe he'd have a tail similar to patri's too!!
some other characters i've considered chimerism for so far are zora, grey, and rill! nacht also counts as a chimera to me, just due to the sheer amount of devil contracts he has :D
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leonawriter · 4 years
On Writing Fankids
Writing this because I now have two different fankids for the same pairing, in vastly different ways, and they’re very different people. So.
I don’t know how many points I’m going to make, and I don’t know how useful this is going to be, since Disclaimer: I’m not an expert on real children or medical practices, but I am trying to put effort in.
Most of this is composed of questions, because I don’t know who your fankid (or, OC-fankid) is, and the point is to make you think rather than just put ideas into your head by telling you what’s right and what’s wrong.
1 - How did they come to exist?
This is the FIRST question you should be asking when coming up with a fankid. What they look like and how cute they are is all well and good, but when you’re thinking of actually writing a story, that won’t help you.
If the parents are a cis male and cis female couple, then it’s easy to assume how they had a kid. That said, that’s not always necessarily the case, as some people may be infertile, or may simply choose to adopt. However, the answer to this becomes more complicated when fans get to wanting to give a gay couple children, as this usually means they want to give them biological children.
In the event of pairings where the parents are canonically not reproductively compatible (which includes gay, lesbian, nonbinary, and so on) there are still options, which include: a trans parent, which involves being able to write a trans person and not just overlooking how this would change their story; surrogacy, in which someone else carries the child to term for those who can’t, and the related idea of a sperm donor. 
In going into other biological options, there’s also the question of “how believable and realistic do you want this to be? how scientific? how much fantasy or sci-fi do you want here?” and if the answer is “I have fantasy and/or sci-fi in my setting” then you can use that.
That said, please don’t rule out the possibility of adoption. Adoption is the most common way for queer parents in the real world to get kids, and just because a kid isn’t biological doesn’t make them any less their parent’s child. Even/especially in a fantasy setting! And knowing if a kid was adopted, that’ll extend into how they see themself, as well as who the parent is and why they chose to adopt.
Related to that, if a kid is adopted, how aware of that are they? How were they adopted? Are they a canon character that was adopted, or an entirely new character? If they were too young to remember the adoption, how do their parents (or parent, if there was only one person adopting them) explain? If they were old enough, how do they see the person who took them in? How do they see their adopted siblings, if any exist, or any future siblings? What about any prospective additional parents, if they originally only had one, or if their parent/s is/are polyamorous? 
2 - How good are their parents at parenting?
Yes, you want your favourite pairing to be great parents, but no matter what people are going to have their own idiosyncrasies. How do the parents deal when the kid throws a tantrum? 
What if the child shows signs of being neurodivergent, are the parents any good at spotting those signs, and whether they are or not, how do they handle the difference from what they might have been expecting?
My advice here is to pay attention to the pairing in their normal canon and how they deal with situations and also how they handle children in canon, as well as then going to further sources that show what parenting is really like. Your fankid is going to be a baby, they’re going to be a screaming toddler, they’re going to have a personality and wants and they’re going to frustrate their parents a lot. If you want to put the effort in to write the family well, ask someone you know who has kids, even.
3 - What are their circumstances during their childhood?
The fun one about this is that depending on the context the child was created in, the answer can be different for children of the same pairing! 
In my case, I have Satoko and Fumiya. Satoko’s childhood (outside of her parents’ control) was traumatising, and left her as a quiet kid, despite how much she’s shown love later on. Fumiya, on the other hand, grows up in a loving environment from the start, and because of that he’s much more comfortable and confident, despite everything else that happens and so on.
This is where the child starts to develop their own personality. Think about how in the real world, children are shaped by their surroundings and the way that they grow up. Does your fankid learn that they can trust the people around them? How much attention are they given? Is that attention positive, negative, stifling? Do they feel neglected, or coddled? How easy is it for them to find food, or their favourite food? Are they surrounded by children of their own age, or mostly living around adults? Is their living situation, no matter whether their parents love them and take care of them or not, a dangerous one, and how aware of that are they?
Also important is the question of whether they even have both of their parents, or either of them. Maybe the situation here is complicated. Maybe they’re an orphan (sorry, parent pairing). Maybe they’re separated from their family, and they have to fend for themself. Maybe their parents are separated for any given reason. 
Any one of these things is also going to affect their mindset while growing up from being a baby through being a toddler, a pre-teen, and a teenager. If you want them to feel like a fully rounded out person, you have to think of them as such.
4 - What do they look like?
I’m well aware that this is the first thing that most people go with when creating fankids. I’m just saying that it’s not the most important thing you should be thinking of. 
Making a fankid shouldn’t be a mix-and-match game when you’re making biological kids. When you’re coming up with an adopted kid even less so. They aren’t a paper doll. Some children may look like a mix between their parents, while others will take on attributes from previous generations... although when looking at fictional characters you don’t own the IP of, assuming what genes a fankid’s grandparent might have passed on gets tricky. For this I’m focusing mostly on biological kids, but it should help for adopted as well in some parts.
One good rule of thumb here is to look at how genes actually work.
If nothing else, a simple starting idea would be to look at the general population and say “what is the most common eye colour here” and “what is the most common hair colour” and if your fankid is from that area, that’s probably the most dominant gene, over others.
When creating my own fankids mentioned above, my idea went that blue is an eye colour that tends to be dominant, and red hair tends to come through even just by making dark hair lighter. 
That said, hair and eye colour aren’t all you should be thinking about!
Other things that should be thinking about are: how tall are they? what shape are their eyes? Does the structure of their face take more after one parent than the other, no matter their eye/hair colour? Do they have any markings on their body (moles, birthmarks, etc), and if so are they shared with other family members? Are their features they share with family members who aren’t their parents (i.e, a sister, an uncle, a great-grandparent)? 
As they grow up, do they get taller or stay shorter than their parents? In terms of their body, do they become muscular, or not, and if so, why? Do they become fat, or thin? 
Does their health impact on the way that their body looks? This can mean both disability in terms of walking around with a cane, using a wheelchair, or any number of other things.
Do they change their body in any way? Do they choose to add tattoos, or is something done to them in some other way? Do they have any scars? Would they want to share those scars with other people, or would they choose to hide them away?
5 - How canon affects them, and how they affect canon.
Whether or not your fankid grows up before, during, or after canon events makes a difference. If it’s “before/during” then you’re going to have to think of the consequences of that on both them and their parents, but also everyone else. This isn’t just “add in a kid, aren’t they cute” this is an entire new character, with the capability to become a loose cannon and change canon events.
Things can change. That’s something you’ve got to think about, and accept, the moment you want to add this new character into things. Are you willing to change things, and if so, how far?
The kinds of changes can generally be divided into two categories: internal, and external.
Internal changes are the ways that the characters change mentally and emotionally in response to a child (their child, even) being present. In one of my stories, I change very little on an external level, but the focus is on the internal side of things, as the father of this child faces the idea that he might have lost his son, and how that makes him feel when going into a dangerous situation he may not come back from. Other characters might not see any difference, but the internal conflict is there.
External changes are the big ones, where the child being present - and, by extension, the child’s backstory and its knock-on effects - affect the present, and cause things to change in visible ways. This can mean anything from “the pairing’s child has wandered into a dangerous area filled with plot, and needs to be rescued” to “the plot has found the child” or even just “the parents have relationship issues to sort out, and that changes the plot.”
Things to think of here are - aside from “how old is this kid” as you might have come up with a kid that by this point is an adult as far as I know - how active is this kid? Are they happy to stay put and not affect things, or dot hey have insatiable curiosity and the need to do something? Do they stumble into the plot without being aware of it, do they go seek it out, or does it find them? How much danger does this put them in? If it does put them in danger, how do they deal with that, and how do their parents (or single parent) deal with that? If no danger at all, do they have fun, or are they stressed?
6 - Interactions with the rest of the cast.
Honestly, my main point here is, not everyone is going to react to a kid the same way. Just because they’re cute doesn’t mean everyone’s going to like them! And no, that doesn’t mean they’re evil. And sometimes, even the “evil” characters might handle kids better than some “good” characters. In fact, some “good” characters might do so badly with kids that they make them cry, and that doesn’t make them any less “good.” It just makes them bad at handling kids.
Otherwise, how does the kid fare with the other members of the cast, in general and specifically?
Is there anyone that they like in particular? If so, why? Did that person look nice, did they give them their favourite food? Did they do something special? What did they do to become friends?
Likewise, is there anyone they dislike in particular? What did they do to deserve that? Were they mean on purpose, or did they become disliked by means of an accident or miscommunication? Is it that this person raises their voice and the kid doesn’t like raised voices, or they don’t talk loudly enough?
Depending on the situation with the child’s parents, they might prefer people who are positive toward their parents, or who are negative toward their parents. Because let’s not forget those who don’t like being compared, and those who have parents who aren’t any good. For instance, is the child’s parent a villain in their setting? Are they thought of as a villain? Are they a criminal, or on the side of the law, and regardless of which that is, does the child agree with them, and how does that affect their relationships with others who agree or disagree with that parent?
If your fankid, for example, was mistreated by a certain set of people when they were younger, then how does that relate to later on in life, or the canon cast? My Satoko’s backstory involves medical abuse, which makes her wary of doctors scientists, and things that would remind her (even subconsciously) of that setting. Two of the characters in the cast are medically trained. Her interactions with them are going to be affected by that, even if she grows to like and trust them.
In conclusion: a fan kid can be a fun five minute thing, but if you only put five minutes’ thought into their design, their backstory, and their personality, then you’re only going to get the same view of them as a sketch compared to the time it takes to fully line and colour a work of art. 
If you want to write them, or create a full comic with them, you have to ask yourself questions about who they are, and also who you want them to be. If you want them to be a fully rounded person, then you have to put the time into it. And, really, that if this kid starts acting in ways you don’t expect, but that work, just... listen to that.
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monchikyun · 4 years
XI. let’s compare scars
Connor is supposed to be the smart one. The entire point of his existence is to surpass all human beings in almost everything. But ‘almost’ is the key-word here. Apparently, maintaining impulse control is too much for his deviant processors.
Because a kiss, no matter how small or casual, always carries a hidden meaning. Or that’s how it should be. A gesture exchanged with the family to remind them they are a part of us, means of telling someone unrelated that they are welcome to become a part of it. Except he has no one but Gavin, so it ought to be only natural that he would want to show him just how treasured and important he is. To let him understand that he holds Connor’s heart in his hands.
He can’t figure out whether the man likes this kind of physical contact since the elevated heart rate could signify both things. Still, Gavin’s attraction to the android is no secret to him, so it would be safe to assume that his body has responded positively to the sudden violation of boundaries. What is going on inside his mind however, that is another matter altogether. He of all people realises how perplexing it could be, how it tries to destroy every bit of happiness that its owner might come upon. But maybe, if they join forces against the guards that are keeping them apart, maybe then they will have a fighting chance.
It won’t hurt to ask, if nothing else.  
“Do I have to apologise?” God knows he’s tired of hearing the word “sorry” over and over again, especially in his own voice.
“Please don’t.” The rare moments Gavin is polite always strengthen his feelings for that disaster of a man. It reminds Connor that most of what he usually says or does is the product of his sturdy self-defence. That underneath all the thorns, there is a withered garden in an urgent need of tending.
“Do you want me to stop?”
“I…” Gavin looks at him with those glassy eyes that reflect the rain in his soul, and Connor has to try really hard not to do something still nonconsensual  “…no.”
“Okay.” He sits the man down on the bed, letting him catch a breath for fear of him combusting were Connor to move too fast.
“It’s okay, I won’t hurt you.” A dangerous lie he has no right to utter. Just being this close must be painful enough already, if he can go by his own perception.
He starts placing gentle kisses downwards his arm to make the pain go away, idly analysing every spot he touches. The man exhales sharply when he comes across the small scar tissue that doesn’t appear to be recent. He’s about to rest his lips on it, but the arm twitches as Gavin angles his body away from him.
Scars must be a really sensitive issue for him it seems. 
“What happened.”
“Nothing. My cat attacked me.” It looks like the detective isn’t even trying to hide the fact that he’s not telling the truth. His head faces away from the android like he’s ashamed of something and Connor must know what it is lest he the curiosity kills him.
He already has an inkling as what might have been the cause, but this time, a mere assumption would be insufficient.
“I thought we were being honest with each other.” It doesn’t feel good, prying information out of his friend like that. And yes, he does it mostly for his own benefit, that however doesn’t mean opening up wouldn’t help Gavin sort out the vile chaos that reigns him.
The man next to him sighs in surrender. 
“It was when I tried to quit smoking. … I just.. couldn’t handle myself back then… just like now. Needed something that would shut out the reality around me for a while. An outlet for the fury I hold inside.”
“So you carved it into your skin.”
“Yeah… didn’t last long. Just the three times. Figured cigarettes were more likely to take me out in the long run.”
He runs his fingers through his hair, messing it up in the process and Connor is quick to immortalize this moment inside of him. 
“Would you like to show me the other two?”
It’s easier at times the detective softens, when he comes out of his bitter shell. Connor can easily work with that, plus he's lucky he possesses the magic power that can make his partner so... tender.
“It wouldn’t be fair now, would it. You have nothing marring your body that I could take a look at in return… or do you?”
“No… nothing visible to a human eye.”
“Oh, sorry for not having advanced features like someone.” 
Teasing is Gavin’s personality default, and ever since the malice behind those biting remarks changed from vicious attacks into a symbol of their friendship, Connor has been gleaning some amount of joy from their playful exchanges.
“Gavin, you have many advantages I could never dream of,… it’s not that I’m superior to you.”
“Maybe not, but I bet you like to think that you are,” Gavin smirks at him like he can see right through this empty statement. He’s indeed jealous of Gavin’s humanity, of his ability to eat and sleep and enjoy other activities that have been denied to him. But he’s also glad to be the machine that he is, it’s comforting, familiar. Everything he’s ever known is to be is a computer plagued with unstable emotions.
“Whatever you say.” His attempt at a smug smile turns into a genuine one, which makes Gavin scoot closer to him. He bumps his thigh into Connor’s and opens his mouth as if he has something serious to say. But the android is faster than him.  
“I have bits of corrupted data all over my system.”
Gavin has earned his share of secrets and this has been sitting on his chest for far too long, so he might as well get it off while he has the chance.
“After the… incident, my mind tried to fix itself by deleting memories of that day. Unsuccessfully, of course. I have been in so much anguish the self-repair kit I have installed inside of me activated itself and managed to do some damage before I finished disabling it.”
“Can’t you… can’t you set it right yourself?”
“No, unfortunately. I don’t want to lose any memories, no matter how tragic they might be.”
“Can’t relate to that.”
“Because you have over thirty years of them. For me, it has only been a tiny fracture of that time. That’s why I want to every single one of them. They’re all I have.”
For that, he receives a light shove to the shoulder accompanied by an incredulous look.
“And you. I have you.”
Gavin beams for several seconds before realising that he can be seen by the big bad android who made him do something this unspeakable in the first place.
“Thank you. For telling me.”
“Any time.”
Connor is tempted to express his gratitude for allowing him to places sweet kisses alongside his arm, but the detective has had enough adrenaline for one night.
“What kind of snack have you brought?” Gavin asks as he stands up to stretch his limbs.
The android follows his lead and goes to look in his bag for the item in question.
“Here you go,” he throws the small package at his friend who catches it, but only barely.
“Phcking trail-mix? You gotta be kidding me,” he scoffs in feigned disgust. “I better go drown in the shower before you force it down my throat.”
As if death could save him from Connor’s good intentions.
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blazingmarlene-blog · 7 years
Character Chart ;
Character’s full name: Marlene Grace Mckinnon Reason or meaning of name: Named after her mother’s icons, the legendary (and very different) Marlene Dietrich and Grace Kelly. Character’s nickname: Occasionally called ‘blondie’. Reason for nickname: Hair color. Birth date: June 1st, 1992.
Physical Appearance Age: 25 How old does he/she appear: Mid to late twenties. Height: 5’4 Body build: Skinny Shape of face: Heart-shaped Eye color:  Blue Glasses or contacts: None. Skin tone: Pale Distinguishing marks: A beauty mark on her cheek, chipped canine tooth and slightly yellow teeth, several minor scars from falls and altercations, a Bukowski quote tattooed on her upper back. Predominant features: Her eyes, her father’s well-defined nose, dark circles under her eyes. Hair color: Blonde Type of hair: Shaggy Hairstyle: Shoulder-length, bangs. Voice: Raspy Overall attractiveness: Very attractive, more often described as “hot” or “gorgeous” than “pretty”, and definitely not healthy looking in the slightest. Physical disabilities: Substance addictions, mild eczema, beginning of heart issues. Usual fashion of dress: “Forgotten member of the Runaways” would be her own description of what she’s aiming for, but she doesn’t always make the effort. Her eyes are always covered in eyeliner, but if she’s going to work, she’ll mainly just throw on whatever she can grab with a pair of boots and black skinny jeans. It somehow manages to look “casual-chic” either way. Favorite outfit: Faux fur jacket, blue sprayed hair, ripped fishnets, microscopic black dress and visible blue lingerie. Jewelry or accessories: Ear cartilage piercings, bracelets and the occasional pair of earrings or necklace.
Personality Good personality traits:  Brave, vibrant, clever, driven, honest Bad personality traits: Arrogant, self-destructive, crass, insecure, addictive tendencies. Mood character is most often in: Anxious. Sense of humor: Sarcastic and extremely dark, often leading people to wonder whether what she said was a joke or an extremely brutal form of honesty. Character’s greatest joy in life: Destroying corporate property bought on the backs of decent people a.k.a her most recent addiction. Character’s greatest fear: Being locked up in jail or worst, rehab. Why? Sobriety, of the real, crushing kind that comes with isolation and goes beyond the absence of chemicals, terrifies Marlene. Putting things on a page works as long as she has some sort of filter. But she doesn’t know what would happen if she was left alone with her thoughts and fears. She doesn’t want to. What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? Getting sent to a prision or a clinic. Character is most at ease when: High, messing around with friends, irritating stuck-up people. Most ill at ease when: Alone, forced to conform, entirely sober. Enraged when: Catching even the slightest hint of unfairness, spoken to when craving drugs, running out of money. Depressed or sad when: Alone, craving.   Priorities: Destruction. Life philosophy: Be like Samson: use your last ounce of strength to bring the prison crashing down on the motherfuckers’ heads. Character’s soft spot: The underdogs. Is this soft spot obvious to others? Crushingly so. Greatest strength: Bravery. Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Self-destruction. Biggest regret: Having spent as long as she did pretending to be someone she wasn’t. Minor regret: Not having burnt down the TripleM headquarters rather than just crashing her car against the building. Biggest accomplishment: Joining the Order of the Phoenix, as well as the many jobs she pulled off for them. Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: Everyone knows them all already. Character’s darkest secret:  Altough Marlene’s sympathy for the exploited is genuine, she’s also a priviledged girl using extremely complex issues as outlets for her own self-loathing and inferiority complexes, and her activism and rage are addictions in themselves. Does anyone else know?  It’s probably not a secret to anyone but herself, really. Goals Drives and motivations: Justice, knowledge, pleasure. Immediate goals: To get back at TripleM. Long term goals: To bring the Sacred 28 down, to create a world in which corporate greed doesn’t corrupt every aspect of human existence, to die in a blaze of glory. Past Type of childhood: Privileged but miserable. Pets: A dog named Rufus. Most important childhood memory: Being accidentally driven through the slums of Los Angeles when she was seven. Childhood hero: Initially, her mother. But heroism died pretty fast. Dream job: Either a writer or a real journalist, a profession the people working under TripleM are not truly in. Education: Private schools, University. Religion: None. Finances: Very wealthy. Present Current location: London Currently living with: Her flatmate, Rachel, and her landlady, Patty. Pets: None. Religion: Atheist. Occupation: Barmaid at The Leaky Bucket. Finances: Living on a prayer. Family Mother: Priscilla Barnes, born Mary Barnes. Relationship with her: In a word: shit. All Marlene ever wanted was to know her mother loved her. She admired her for her beauty and for the way she built a fortune and never looked back, and came to hate her for the very same reasons. The problem was that Priscilla grew up poor with neglectful parents, and she somewhat believed that throwing money at her daughter was all there was to raising her. Their personalities are also a bit too similar to work together. They both wreck everything in their path, but while Priscilla does it for money and success, Marlene sees the vacancy behind it all, and prefers to wreck herself and the injustice she sees in the world. Priscilla does love Marlene in her way, and hopes that cutting her off will be the push she needs to be all that she can be. But it doesn’t make her any less of a shitty mother. And no remnant of affection that Marlene feels for her mother is greater than the hatred and disgust that taints their relationship.
Father: Clark Mckinnon. Relationship with him: Benevolent indifference on his end, with the occasional polite lunch thrown in. He did make an effort to see more of her after he moved back to London, but gave up once he realized he was talking to a frightening, fully grown stranger. Marlene thinks he’s the most boring, most frivolous person on earth. She endures him only because she can still squeeze some money off of him in a moment of despair with the comfort of knowing that it’s not as bloody as her mother’s. Siblings: None. Relationship with them: None.
Favorites Color: Electric Blue. Least favorite color: Brown. Music: Punk and House , with a secret love of corny Country music. Mode of transportation: Underground and bus. Most prized possession: A signed copy of Ryszard Kapuściński’s “Christ With a Rifle on His Shoulder”.
Habits Hobbies: Clubbing, writing, listening to music, taking pictures, chatting to strangers, minor vandalism (major one is a passion, not a hobbie). Plays a musical instrument? A few chords on the guitar. Plays a sport? None. How he/she would spend a rainy day: At home in bed. Spending habits: Forced to count her money, prone to spending it all on binging episodes. Smokes: Yes. Drinks: Yes, but not as much as one would expect. Alcohol is actually kind of a last resort for her. Other drugs: Marlene is still a speed girl at heart, but she’s not as faithful to it as she used to be. She’ll snort, smoke and swallow anything in sight if she’s in the right mood, though. What does he/she do too much of? Drugs. What does he/she do too little of? Self-reflection.
Nervous Tics: Biting her nails, biting her lip, playing with her hands, tapping her feet, talking nonstop.
Traits Optimist or pessimist? Pessimist. Introvert or extrovert? Extrovert. Daredevil or cautious? Daredevil. Logical or emotional? Emotional. Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Messy. Prefers working or relaxing? Relaxing. Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Unsure, but convinced that she’s confident. Animal lover? Not really. She’s sympathetic to their suffering and would beat the shit out of anyone who was hurting them for sport, but her refusal to wear real leather and her general avoidance of meat have more to do with sticking it to the man than with any particular kindship she feels towards animals. The people that seem to care more about them than they care about humans also tend to piss her off.
Self-Perception How he/she feels about himself/herself: Please, lord, don’t make her think about that. One word the character would use to describe self: Fuck you. Two words, but that’s how little she cares. What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? Honesty. What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? Lack of self-control. What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? Her legs. What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? Her nose. How does the character think others perceive him/her: Crazy, fun, pathetic Marlene. What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: Either nothing or nearly everything, depending on the day.
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winter-is-ending · 7 years
The detailed headcanon meme?? ALL OF THEM
Of course you would make me do this... God I hate you.
What does their bedroom look like?
I’ve never thought of these before, I probably won’t go into full detail on each room but some basics. Maybe one day I’ll post pictures to give ideas.
Tracey: it’s pretty clean. She and Bucky keep it clean compared to her work area which is a mess with files and other things for the team with the occasional misplaced paintbrush.
Barry: clean (only because of Darcy) and has a stack of movies and video games in the corner next to his game system at the TV.
Do they have any daily rituals?
Besides work and missions they just do their own thing.
Do they exercise, and if so, what do they do? How often?
Every day. There’s a gym in the tower and compound so they use that to their advantage. Tracey likes to take the dogs for a walk in Central Park; Wanda Sharon or Bucky sometime joins Barry does his own thing.
What would they do if they needed to make dinner but the kitchen was busy?
They both have their own floors in the tower so they’d just make dinner in their own kitchens, but the compound has probably at least two kitchens (maybe I’m making this stuff up), probably one for the team and another for the recruits that we see at the end of AOU. But I think they’d just try and find room to make their own dinner or just wait.
Cleanliness habits (personal, workspace, etc.)
Tracey: Clean around house/floor/room/wherever she lives, but her desk is a slight mess.
Barry: Clean with the occasional mess here and there.
Eating habits and sample daily menu
Barry eats a good bit during the day and Tracey eats regular meals with snacks here and there.
Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time
Tracey: Painting or reading
Barry: Video games or movies
Their thoughts on wasting time is they either hate it because it’s honestly wasting time they could be working or they are really happy because it’s actually free time from work.
Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging
Tracey: She loves to snack on either something salty or something sweet. Some days it’s pretzels with peanut butter and other days it’s chips.
Barry: He loves to keep his mind going. He either
Tracey varies on makeup and it depends on the occasion. She can go from no makeup to light makeup on a casual day or full face of makeup for parties or something.
Neuroses? Do they recognize them as such?
None that I can think of.
Intellectual pursuits?
I guess to challenge themselves at small things every now and then? I’ve never thought about it.
Favorite book genre?
Tracey: Fantasy and romance
Barry: Scifi and mystery
Sexual Orientation? And, regardless of own orientation, thoughts on sexual orientation in general?
Both are straight and they support any sexual orientation.
Physical abnormalities? (Both visible and not, including injuries/disabilities, long-term illnesses, food-intolerances, etc.)
Tracey has a scar from where Bucky stabbed her in the abdomen, but that’s it. Probably going to get one on her leg from where he shot her too.
Biggest and smallest short term goal?
Get their to do lists of the week done without being stopped by missions/work.
Biggest and smallest long term goal?
I guess have a family for both really. Tracey has always wanted to be featured in an art gallery though.
Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dress
They wear just whatever they like and are comfortable in. I think Barry is more of jeans and shirt kind of guy, but Tracey likes to look cute/fashionable every now and then.
Favorite beverage?
Tracey: Any kind of tea
Barry: Soda
What do they think about before falling asleep at night?
Depending on what’s going on in their lives. Tracey might be thinking of a new project to work on whether it’s with her computer or a painting or if Bucky is out on a mission (or in this current case missing) she thinks and worries about him. Barry if he has a mission the next day keeps going over the details and plans in his head or if he is out on a mission he thinks of his family.
Childhood illnesses? Any interesting stories behind them?
Turn-ons? Turn-offs?
I’m not sure if we are talking sexually or not.
Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
Tracey: Draw
Barry: Doodle
How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life?
Tracey can be organized. She makes sure to clean up any messes she makes while cooking or something else and she makes sure the house/floor/room/whatever is clean. But when it comes to her “art studio” (which is actually just a spare room) it’s messy and then there’s her desk where she works on her computer. It’s like a organized chaos.
Barry is pretty clean, but if he’s in a hurry he will be pretty messy.
Is there one subject of study that they excel at? Or do they even care about intellectual pursuits at all?
Tracey: Art and computer science. With a bit of literature.
Barry: Math, science and history.
How do they see themselves 5 years from today?
Back together with the entire team and happy. Possibly (hopefully) with families.
Do they have any plans for the future? Any contingency plans if things don’t workout?
Tracey is looking for Bucky and depending on his mental state and how long it might take to recover him she will wait to marry him.
Barry plans to propose to Darcy soon.
What is their biggest regret?
What happened during Civil War.
Who do they see as their best friend? Their worst enemy?
Tracey: It’s a tie with Wanda, Sharon and Nat. Best guy friends would be Sam and Steve.
Barry: Clint.
Worst enemies: All the villains they fight?
Reaction to sudden extrapersonal disaster (eg The house is on fire! What do they do?)
They usually have a game plan, but they’d be a little shocked. Barry would be a little more calm than Tracey though.
Reaction to sudden intrapersonal disaster (eg close family member suddenly dies)
They’d be devastated and a little closed off at first.
Most prized possession?
Tracey: Bucky’s dog tags.
Barry: A keychain his dad got him from Germany before he died.
Thoughts on material possessions in general?
Understandable if it has meaning.
Concept of home and family?
They want to live a somewhat normal life with a family despite their jobs and who they are.
Thoughts on privacy? (Are they a private person, or are they prone to ‘TMI’?)
They like to keep their privacy to an extent. Being a part of the Avengers means tabloids will want interviews or write some scandal on them. Paparazzi will follow them. But when it comes to their friends/family/team they might share some stuff depending on what that stuff is.
What activities do they enjoy, but consider to be a waste of time?
Basically anything that is their hobbies or a way anyone wastes time on a day off. The team sometimes has movie nights when everyone isn’t out on a mission or have competitions in sports or games/video games.
What makes them feel guilty?
Depends on the situation like if they feel it’s their fault or something of that nature. Civil War for sure because they end up fighting each other and their friends/family.
Are they more analytical or more emotional in their decision-making?
Barry: Analytical
Tracey: Emotional
Would they consider themselves a Type A or Type B personality?
I guess they are a bit of both. Barry’s definitely competitive with the guys and Tracey isn’t as much, but she gets competitive with Barry but they are twins so that’s a given after growing up together.
What recharges them when they’re feeling drained?
Napping, small snack and maybe doing something that they find relaxing like reading, painting, watching Netflix. Something that just lets them be in their own world for a bit.
Would you say that they have a superiority-complex? Inferiority-complex? Neither?
Neither. But I guess Tracey had an inferiority-complex when she first joined the team since she couldn’t fight or anything besides hacking.
How misanthropic are they?
Not really. I mean they both have their thoughts on some issues and people.
Tracey: Painting and reading
Barry: Video games
How far did they get in formal education? What are their views on formal education vs self-education?
Tracey: Completed college, got her bachelors in computer science with a minor in art (shocker)
Barry: Finished college but was recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D. by his senior year. so my headcanon is that S.H.I.E.L.D. has some sort of school course or something for those who didn’t complete college or were recruited at a young age. Or something.
I’ve never thought about it for them. I’m Catholic so I guess they’d be Catholic? I never really put religion into any of my characters. I might mention going to church in future chapters or stories with them, but not in full detail or anything.
Superstitions or views on the occult?
Do they express their thoughts through words or deeds?
Both depending on what the situation is.
If they were to fall in love, who (or what) is their ideal?
Tracey: Bucky
Barry: Darcy
How do they express love?
Dinner, gifts, small things here and there. I’m too tired to give full descriptions of this.
If this person were to get into a fist fight, what is their fighting style like?
Tracey: Throw punches. She can barely fight.
Barry: He calculates the opponents
Is this person afraid of dying? Why or why not?
I think everyone is afraid of it at some point.
Em, I hate you for this. Also I’m sorry it took so long to answer. I’ve been busy helping my parents with moving furniture to a house they built for the past week and hardly had wifi or time to do anything. And this just took way too long that I just gave up on answering some of these.
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