the-fiction-witch · 1 year
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Media Some Dogs Bite
Character Casey [Age Up]
Couple Casey X Reader
Rating Smut
Kinktober Day One
Kinktober Concept Frottage
Smut Dry humping / grinding / moaning / risk of discovery/ moaning
I sat mildly blushing listening to the sound of the car pull away, and soon enough Casey arrived sitting on his bed beside me.
"So" He blushed fixing his hair
"They're gone" he smiled
"I heard"
"We uhh we still have to be quiet thought my little brother's in bed"
"That's fine I'm sure we can... figure something out" I smirked putting a pillow on his rug and moving to sit on the floor he quickly joined me equally as eager I didn't waste time I took his hands giving them a soft kiss and moving them to my breast immediately he melted and excitedly began to fondle through my shirt his smile only getting wider. and soon enough from his fondling my nipples began to get hard poking through my shirt he gently rubbed his thumb across one of them I nodded and he happily began rubbing his thumbs on my nipples as he continued to fondle my breasts. I smirked and stroked his sweat elastic and he happily nodded so I began to stroke and palm his erection through his sweatpants he bit his lip hard trying to keep quiet, He smirked and moved his hand down to stroke between my legs I quickly nodded and he happily began to rub on my clit and stroke my pussy sweetly making me gasp even if we made sure to keep quiet. I made sure to rub a little hard for him which only drove him crazy his hips beginning to buck towards me.
He moved forward kissing my neck "More?" He whispered
"Yes" I gasped back and eagerly laid on my back, he smirked and moved his hands down to my waist I happily opened my legs as wide as possible and he eagerly climbed between my legs and began to grind himself
"Uhhh" he groans
"Shhh" I remind him
He nodded and bit his lip harder, grinding much harder and I even began to grind too. I smirked and pulled him into a kiss, our kisses heavy as we made out and I wrapped my legs around his waist continuing to grind "Uhh Y/n I-"
"I know, it fine Casey"
"Are uhh are you-"
"I'm fine" I nodded "Faster"
"Yeah? Right y/n" he smirked getting even faster I knew how close I was getting given the rubbing against me and I knew he was too. Until I hit my wall quickly biting on his neck as my toes curled. He then lost his mind grinding so hard and fast against me until He hit his jizz filling his boxers "Ughhhhhhhh!" He moans collapsing on top of me
"WWWWWAAAAAAAAA!" His little brother began to scream being woke up by Casey's loud moan which made us both laugh
"I'll go sort him out" he chuckled "See you in a bit" He smiled giving me a small kiss before he headed off to fix his little brother
"I'll grab you some clean boxers"
"Thank you" he calls as he left 
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starwarsimagines · 9 years
So, the wonderful and very talented @somedogsbite has wrote a one shot for me and will be writing some more in the future mainly Original trilogy, Prequels, and The Force Awakens. Not every post is going to end up being one shots but hopefully a good portion of them can be :) And in a few minuets one will be posted!!
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nenenguswatun · 10 years
cutest scene of Some Dogs Bite by #ThomasSangster and #Severino (I don't know who he is) :D so cuteeee! #SomeDogsBite #Casey
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the-fiction-witch · 7 months
oh come on...
Media Some Dogs Bite
Character Casey
Couple Casey X Reader
Rating Sweet AF
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I sat on the sofa my head on the pillow, blanket over me, watching TV, I had a little nap but I was still beyond exhausted, 
I perked up as I heard Edgar crying from the nursery, I rolled my eyes and sat up stretching and yawning, 
"You going?" Casey sat up from his chair where he too had fallen asleep but Edgar's cries jolted him back to the world of the living, 
"I'll go," I sighed,
"I'll go if you want?"
"You don't mind?"
"No, no, you stay I'll settle him." He said as he got up and headed across the apartment, he gave my head a kiss as he went,
So I smiled and laid back on the sofa tucking the covers around me tightly, and soon enough he returned bouncing Edgar on his hip, 
"The cupboard is empty,"
"Ohh yeah sorry, he was asleep when I got back from shopping so I left them there on the table,"
"No problem, come on then little man,"
"He need one then?"
"he does, he's a stanky little man." he said as he brought Edgar over, Casey sat on the floor setting Edgar on his little play mat and grabbed the changing bag, and brought it over,
"You gonna be okay?"
"Y/n. He's my lil baby man I can do it," He smiled taking Edgar's little feet in his hands and playing with them, 
"Alright," I laughed, 
He smiled and worked on removing Edgar's little onsie "How many buttons do you need? Hey little man? your mummy put you in this, didn't she? Yeah, 'cause there are six million buttons." 
"six million buttons?"
"too many buttons," 
"If I put him in the ones with snaps he breaks out and takes his pants off." I laughed, "Little man's just like his daddy constantly wants to take his damn pants off."
"Little man already understands the frustrations of pants," Casey laughed giving Edgar some kisses as he got his onesie off, "Now how does ... Ahh ohh dear,"
"The sticky bit didn't unstick."
"Just rip it, Casey,"
"But if I rip it I can't fold it up to throw it away?"
"wrap it in tissue then,"
"Ohh yeah," he nodded, "Ahhh! Christ little man you are toxic." He complained trying to work as quickly as he could getting it off and wrapping it up to throw it away, "Ughh got damn it. that smell is in my brain."
"Yeah, well I mean all he consumes right now is milk, and those little banana and honey squeeze packets,"
"How do you make milk, honey and banana smell so terrible?" 
"He's skilled,"
"Very skilled. ughh god- Ohhh my god..." He complained as he cleaned him up trying not to gag, "Ughh it touched my hand! ughhh - how do you do this without vomiting?"
"Because you get used to it Casey, you don't often do it your not used to it,"
"I guess, You know the day I look forward to the most?"
"When you can wipe your own ass little man. I will rejoice that day," he said throwing the baby wipes away, 
"Hurry up don't let him get cold," I giggled,
"Why what happens if he gets-" Before he even finished the sentence it began, "AHHHH AHHHHH OH MY GOD! STOP! Stop stop stop Edgar, stop." He whined quickly wrapping him up so Edgar would stop projectile peeing on him, "uhhh... it's on my hands, it's in my hair I feel it, ughh I'm pretty sure some touched my face," 
"You want help?"
"No. I can do it," he said, "Baby powder, just cover him just as much as possible, and then we get the new one and we... how does... now that's backwards, no... wait I flipped it both ways how am I still wrong? this is insane. and there is so much pressure in case he gets cold and starts to pee again, uhhh Y/n?"
"Yes, Casey?"
I laughed and moved down to sit with them taking the nappy and wrapping little Edgar up in his new clean nappy and his little onesie "There we are, happy little Edgar,"
"Awww, see. That's why you're my baby mama." He smiled kissing my cheek, "I love ya,"
"I love you too," I smiled, before I returned to the sofa getting cozy again, 
"you a happy little man now? a happy clean little man." He smiled picked Edgar up and cuddled him, but the moment he picked him up Edgar made the familiar giggle and rooted away, "Oh come on..."
I couldn't stop laughing grabbing another nappy from the bag and handing it to him,
"The quicker you get potty trained the better little man," 
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
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Media Some Dogs Bite
Character Casey (Age Up)
Couple Casey X Reader
Rating Cute
Concept Shopping list
I sighed shutting my office finally done with all the paperwork, I headed into the apartment jumping over the minefield of toys. As I went to the kitchen and made myself a large cup of tea in my favourite mug and had a nice long sip. I heard the door unlock and open wide to a very sweet sight Casey headed in shopping all in his hands, with edgar in his usual carrier attached to Casey's chest. 
"Hi sweetie" he smiled giving me a little kiss 
"Hi, and hello my handsome little man" I smiled pulling edgar out and giving him a soft little cuddle and a few kisses 
"Aww am I not handsome?" he pouts
"You've very handsome" I smiled giving Casey a kiss "How'd shopping go?"
"ohh you know the usual, we had to fight off the beautiful harem of sirens that came to us the moment we left the house, battled a dragon for the eggs, skipped over six karens for the milk, and got lectured by sixteen vegans to by the chicken for dinner" he explained "Pretty normal" 
"My brave worrier" I smiled putting edgar in his high chair and helping to unpack the shopping "Hummm gummy sweets, popcorn, chocolate, squirty cream, cheese strings, fridge raiders, laces, jaffa cakes, pretzels, ice cream, chicken nuggets, M&Ms, Pringles, wine, lollies, marshmallow, cupcakes," I said getting everything out the bags "Casey? did you get any veg? anything healthy? at all?"
"this is what edgar wants"
"is it now?"
"I notice a lot of ice cream"
"Edgar likes ice cream" he smiled getting one of the little milk lollipops unwrapping it and giving it to edgar who happily took it and giggled excitedly immediately starting to eat it "See how ever could you deny such a cute little boy his ice creams"
"I notice the box of condoms I asked you to buy are not in here?"
"Yeah well, edgar wants a baby brother" he smiled coming and pulling me into his chest
"does he now?" I asked 
"He would, he told me all about it at the shop. How he wants a little baby brother"
"I think Edgar likes being an only child and daddy's just using him"
"Daddy might want another baby?"
"I'll think about it" I told him giving him a kiss before getting the shopping list he left behind from the fridge, "I'll look after edgar, you are going to have to fight your way back to the supermarket and get the actual groceries." 
"the rest is in the car, I just brought these in first because of the ice cream"
"Good, go on go get them or I won't think about your proposal" 
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the-fiction-witch · 11 months
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Media Some Dogs Bite
Character Casey
Couple Casey X Reader
Rating Sweet
I sat on my little chair leaning on my elbow my chin on my hand, my eyes tired from the fluorescent light, vast darkness outside the glass windows, a few cars passing every now and then. Few customers in this late at night. I heard the door so I glanced over and saw a familiar sight, Casey headed with his baby brother in his arms, he looked tired and stressed his baby brother crying and whining unhappily. He wandered the Allies for a few minutes grabbing a few baby care items before he came to my till.
"Evening" I smiled
"Evening," he ran a hand through his hair adding pampers, baby formula, a few cheap pacifiers, baby powder, nappy cream and other baby essentials 
"I take it you're having some struggles?" I giggled 
"You could say that" he nodded "Little guy just won't calm down and go to bed" he whined trying to soothe his brother 
"You tried warming up his milk before you give it to him?" I asked as I scanned the items and packed them into a bag for him 
"Yeah warm but not too hot but it hasn't seemed to help" he says 
 "Ohh you poor thing, how long's he been like this?"
"Three days"
"Ohh, dear. You must be so tired"
"Yeah" He nods 
"And that's forty-five eighteen," I told him
"Ah." he gulped "Uhhhh... I uhhhhh" he said getting his wallet and counting out his money "Ohh I think I'm a little short"
"How short?"
"I have.... Thirty Two, seventy" He says 
"Don't worry about it. The rest is on me" I smiled taking the money he had and covering the rest myself 
"Thank you so much y/n," he says 
"You're welcome" I smiled "You know, I finish my shift at ten I could come up and give you an extra set of hands maybe I can get this little guy to sleep."
"You don't have to I don't want to keep you after work"
"It's fine I'd love to help"
"Okay, That would be a great help thank you y/n. We'll see you later then"
"See you boys later" I smiled blowing them each a kiss as they left the shop bag in hand.
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
1st Halloween Outfits
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Media Some Dogs Bite
Character Casey
Couple Casey
Rating Cute
Halloween Day 1
I heard a loud knock on the door so I got up from my desk and headed out from my office into the main part of the apartment Casey sat on the little blue playmat with Edgar the two playing with many of Edgar's little toys, Casey saw me and smiled so I smiled back as I headed to the door opening it up to see the usual amazon man.
"Hi" I smiled
"Hi," He says handing over the large box
"Thanks" I nodded heading in shutting the door behind me and setting the box down on the kitchen counter "What have you been buying?" I asked 
"...nothing," He says sheepishly 
I grabbed a knife and opened up the box to reveal a myriad of items "What is all this?" I asked
Casey got up from the floor bringing baby Edgar with him on his hip having a peek in the box "Ohh yeah, I got some things for little boy"
"Without consulting me?" I glared
"You'll love them I know you will," he says sitting Edgar in his high chair and taking the box getting out the first item "It's a Binx onesie" 
"Awww that is cute," I smiled looking at the little black onesie with orange cat paws on the feet, a little black tail, and even cat ears on the hood "That is sweet"
"I have more, I got him this little pumpkin jumper," he says showing a cute little orange fluffy jumper with seams to make it look like a pumpkin with a jack o lantern face sewn on 
"Awww that's nice a little warm for him though"
"Well it'll be good, for when we go to the pumpkin patch"
"I suppose so"
"I also got this cute little skeleton set," he says showing some black pants and a shirt with a skeleton across it 
"I like that the best that's adorable"
"No no no I saved the best for last my love," he says getting a little striped shirt and denim dungarees
"Uhhhh? not really on theme? you couldn't have got fall colours at least? make a shirt with ghosts on?"
"Do you know get it?"
He rolled his eyes taking it and Edgar into another room for a moment When he returned Edgar was dressed up in the outfit 
"Aww you look very cute darling," I smiled 
"You still don't know?"
"Uhhh does this help" he says getting a knife and holding it close to Edgar's hand
"Casey don't give him a knife!" 
"I'm trying to help," he says "It's the Chucky doll outfit" 
"Ohhh? I never saw any of the movies"
"Really? Well, I know what we're doing on Halloween," he says "But doesn't he make a cute little mass murderer?"
"He does, come here Edgar" I smiled pulling him into a cuddle "You look very handsome" I smiled giving his head a kiss "and you did good, but don't buy Edgar clothes without consulting me. Mummy knows the aesthetics best" I smiled 
"Yes dear" He laughs giving us both a cuddle 
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
Worlds Best Babysitter
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Media Some Dogs Bite
Characters Casey (Age Up)
Couple Casey X Reader
Rating Cute AF
Concept Babysitter
I made sure to put everything he was going to need on the table so there was less chance of issues, and the moment I set the last baby bottle onto the table I heard her screaming, I glanced at the baby monitor in pure habit and saw her squirming in her cot so I rushed into her little room picking her up from the cot.
"Hello little lady, what's the matter?" I cooed but the moment I picked her up she stopped crying "Ohh you just wanted attention? I know, I know you don't want me to go do you? well Mummy has to sweetheart I'm sorry, but you're going to have a fun night, Hey? A nice fun night with your best friend" I smiled bouncing her on my hip as I paced around the apartment until I heard the door "Come In" I called 
The door opened with Casey with a wide smile in his jeans and a blue button-down "Awww hello little lady" He smiled "How is my little Lisa?" He cooes offering his hands so I smiled and handed her over to him as she began to giggle excitedly 
"She's fine, just pouting" I sighed fixing my dress
"Awww your pouting your mummy is leaving? That's so cute" he cooes giving her kisses "You look beautiful" he smiled
"Thank you Casey" I smiled "I've put everything here for you"
"It's alright, we'll be fine won't we little lady" he smiled 
"You sure? because my phone gonna be off"
"Of course, I am the world's best babysitter," he says 
"If you say so" I laughed giving her a few kisses and cuddles "I'll miss you little lady, Be good for Casey okay" I told her and her response was to cough and throw her milk up all over my dress "Ohh no!" "Ohh no, Bad girl Lisa"
"It's alright" I sighed "Guess I'm wearing my backup dress" I quickly rushed to my bedroom and swapped my dress just throwing my dress in the washing I'll deal with it later quickly heading out to grab my bag
"Ohh you look just as pretty"
"Very sweet, now I'll be back by ten. My phone gonna be off. everything is on the table. and dinner is in the fridge"
"We'll be fine, we're gonna have lots of fun" 
"You sure you're gonna be okay?"
"I'm the world's best babysitter this is gonna be a piece of cake" 
"Alright, have fun, Love you" I smiled giving Lisa a kiss and giving Casey's cheek a kiss making him blush
"See you later" he smiled
"See you later" I smiled heading out of the apartment and leaving them alone.
It was a nice night, busy, full of business and nonsense, It was nice to have a little time away but I missed my baby so badly. I headed home and headed inside immediately seeing Casey on my sofa with throw-up on his shirt, his hair a mess, crayons on and stickers on his face, looking exhausted 
"Hey" I smiled 
"shhhhh!" he says quickly but Lisa begins to cry "I just got her to sleep" he whined rushing off to her room
"How'd it go?" I giggled following him into her room as he picked her up to try and soothe her 
"Not well I take it"
"she is a fussy little baby"
"she is," I laughed taking her from him and she quieted down a little
"Maybe she just missed her mummy" 
"What happened to worlds best babysitter?"
"I think I need to return that title"
"you did good Casey, thank you very much" I smiled giving his lips a kiss which turned him bright red 
"You uhh your welcome y/n"
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the-fiction-witch · 2 years
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Media Death of a superhero Character Donald Couple Donald X reader Rating Sweet AF Concept Modeling in Class 
I sat listening to the teacher making notes on my book where I needed too, I was bored as I had already read ahead in the textbooks weeks ago, I glanced around the room to the various tables around the room as the desks were in a strange sort of circle shape in this room. I noticed everyone in the room was mostly asleep or barely able to keep their heads up.
I noticed the only person who was at this second looking up,
He was in his heat his bag on the table and his hoodie on the chair, He saw we had made eye contact and immediately blushed a little returning his view to his books I smiled a little, he looked back up and saw I was still looking so he smiled at me, before returning his focus to this books.
I noticed he was being a little sneaky, his bag sat on his desk and he had his headphone in his ear and his music player hidden in his bag, and he wasn't in his workbook he was in his own little notebook clearly been doing a sweet drawing.
I waited through the rest of the lesson, until at last he let us go for lunch and of course, most people bolted for the door trying to get out of here, even the teacher leaving quickly I grabbed my things putting my books into my bag and headed over as he gathered his stuff up
"Hi" He smiled "what uhh what's up?"
"I wanted to see what you were drawing"
"Ohh? no no," He says trying to hide his book away
"Please I'm curious"
"well...." He says before pulling his book out "It's not finished" he says opening the book and flipping through a few pages until he handed it over
I saw the beautiful sketch it was... me sat in the lesson
"You made me far too beautiful"
"well that's how I see you" he smiled "You know Uhhh after lunch I have a free period, if your not busy I uhh I would like a model for my art project?"
"You mean it?"
"Of course"
"You sure you don't want someone more beautiful"
"I don't think there is anyone more beautiful"
"I'd love too" I smiled giving his cheek a kiss "Room 301 then?"
"Yeah, 301 let uhhh lets go" he blushed
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the-fiction-witch · 2 years
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I sat staring out the window watching the world go by, seeing the various buildings come and go going my best to keep my head down knowing the kinda trouble I was already in. I turned a little where my butt had gone numb from sitting on this coach seat so long I looked into the coach seeing the people, a few older couples going on a trip, a few people clearly too claustrophobic for trains, and of course people like me. who doesn't have a choice? people who are running away from something. I spotted someone who admitted I clocked a couple of stops back when he boarded. He was my age and sat in the seat across with a bag twice the size of him as well as a little baby on his knee. I didn't wanna know it's not my business.
But everyone was clearly getting annoyed with the baby's crying I rolled my eyes and jumped over leaving my bag on my seat, I jumped over to sit beside him
"uuhh hey" He smiled back
"Gimme" I sighed offering my arms
"No" he said pulling the baby closer
"Look it's not gonna stop crying, you clearly have no concept what you're doing so just give it here. I can make it stop"
"well... okay" he says handing the baby over
"Name?" I asked giving the baby a little cuddle
"Severino" he says
"aww hey little boy, Hey Severino" I smiled soothing him a little making him giggle "He your's?" I asked carefully
"Ohh no. he's my little brother"
"ahh I see" I nodded "When did you feed him last?"
"Uhh before we got on"
"must be about time, you got milk for him?"
"Uhhh yeah here" He says getting a little bottle from his bag
"Here we go little guy, you must be hungry" I smiled "there we go, there we are, fill the hungry tummy"
"whats your name?"
"Y/n, you?"
"Casey, your good with him he always screams at me"
"Maybe you're just not confident when you hold him. there like bears. they smell your fear."
"I guess, you're good with him though"
"I'm use to kids" I shrug
I helped him out on how to feed, how to hold all the stuff he clearly didn't know very well helping out where I could till we reached the end of the line and we both got off and took a seat with our stuff in the bus station and somehow I was still cuddling little Severino
"where are you boys' head anyways?"
"somewhere... far from here," He says "Hey, yeah I know little guy, what about you?"
"Same I suppose. you know you'll struggle to go wherever it your going on your own with him to look after"
"I know" he sighed
"I don't... mind tagging along. being an extra set of hands and all"
"Really? you don't mind?"
"no, it'll be nice to travel together safety in numbers and all"
"true and we would be good with an extra pair of hands your more three welcome to tag along with us, if your like that is"
"I would like too. come on lets get a hotel for the night get this one settled and plan out for tomorrow"
"Okay" he smiled "Thank you. for your help"
"Your welcome, come on else he'll never get to sleep"
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the-fiction-witch · 2 years
NSFW 30 Casey Age Up
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1. When did they lose their virginity?
He was seventeen, his mates on the other side of the wall playing Mario cart, she was nice but... it was awful
2. Do they have any kinks or fetishes?
He likes petticoats, like skirts. and admittedly nurse dresses
3. What is the weirdest place they've had sex?
on a bridge! it was an odd evening
4. What is their favourite position?
with you bent over, he can't help it he just likes it best
5. Are they dominant, submissive, or switch?
Switch usually but more submissive
6. Have they had any one night stands?
a couple early on but since you got together he's thrilled with just you
7. Would they be more likely to do it in the bed, on the couch, on the floor, or somewhere else?
8. Have they had sex in a public place?
Not to often only for special occasions
9. Have they ever been caught masturbating?
Too Many times, ever since Severino got his own bedroom he has been doing it a lot, and you often catch him
10. What does their favourite sexy underwear (to wear) look like?
plain old blue boxers
11. How often do they have sex?
Once a week or so, but he makes sure to make it last
12. Is there anybody right now they'd like to have sex with?
You of course!
13. Do they like giving oral?
he is bad at it. but he's learning
14. Do they like receiving oral?
No! he gets so loud, so overwhelmed
15. What is the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to them during sex?
he has cum to early a good amount of times, and the one time he lost the keys to a pair of handcuffs and he ended up needing tools to be let out
16. What is a song they'd listen to during hard/rough/kinky sex?
Dead girl walking
17. What is a song they'd listen to during soft/slow/passionate sex?
18. Are they into roleplay or dress-up during sex?
Maybe if you are maybe... if uhhh if you wanted to, press like a nurse or maybe like skirts
19. Would they prefer sex in the tub or sex in the shower?
Shower he loves the shower
20. If they could have sex with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?
you!.... or maralyin monore
21. Have they ever had a threesome? If not, would they?
No! and No!
22. Do they/would they use sex toys?
handcuffs and cute petticoats
23. Have they ever given someone a dirty text/letter/picture?
He likes sending dirty texts and pictures
24. Would they have sex with their best friend?
25. Is there anything they do after sex? (ex: smoke, eat, drink, cuddle?
he always cuddles you and snuggles with you until both fall asleep
26. What is something that will never fail to get them horny?
27. Do they prefer morning sex or night sex?
Night sex when its dark and quiet
28. What is their favourite body part on the opposite sex?
he loves your hips and your ass
29. What is their favourite body part on the same sex?
arm muscles
30. Do they watch porn/read dirty magazines?
he just uses your old dirty messages
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the-fiction-witch · 2 years
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I hurried over to the little barriers spotting the train emptying ready for the rest of us to board
"Alright, I have everything?" I asked
"Yeah, everything," Casey nods
"Alright then, I won't be gone long just a week," I smiled
"I know, we'll be okay" he smiled "you have a nice time with your family"
"I shall try" I smiled "I'll give you a call when I get there"
"okay. I'll be waiting for your call then" he smiled
"you two be careful," I told him
"we will" he smiled "Say bye-bye little boy, say bye-bye to y/n"
"awww you be good little boy, you be good for your big brother" I smiled giving little Severino a little kiss "and I promise I'll bring you something special maybe a new teddy or a nice lollipop"
"He'll miss you"
"I know. I'll miss you both" I smiled giving Casey's cheek a kiss "if your good and take good care of your little brother I'll bring you a present too"
"like what?"
"You'll have to see" I giggled tapping his nose "I'll call you later"
"Okay, have a nice trip"
"I shall try" I smiled getting my ticket out and heading to the barriers
".... I'm really gonna miss you"
"I'll miss you too, see you next week" I giggled waving them both goodbye
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