#somehow Ezra became the main character of this fic
lifblogs · 1 year
Summer Reading/Writing/Arting Tag
Tagged by: @evilwriter37
Tagging: @ashleybenlove, @knowerofuselessfacts, @eddieelliotmunson, @poisonedyouth, @stand-up-and-screamo, @jayalaw, @strawbearri-frog, @thetrapperstrap, @envydean, @uh-ohspaghettio, @cascigarette, @fictionalnormalcy, @flurbejurbvondurp, @iidigestive-readerii, and @thepagemasternerd
1) Describe one creative WIP project you’re planning to work on over the summer.
I just finished my first ever novelette “The Dragon Mark,” and I actually really loved being in that world. I am planning on writing a companion piece, “Zhang Jue’s Demon,” and I just want to know more too! Maybe I’ll start writing something from the character Yuxuan’s POV before he’s assassinated. He seems fun to work with. Am I planning a book? I don’t know, but I would love to stay with these characters for the summer.
2) Rec a book!
She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan! It’s great political and war fantasy and with only 411 pages it still somehow seems so jam packed! It’s also queer in its own way. Basically the main character was told her fate was nothing, to truly be nothing. So what does she do? Try to steal her brother’s fate after he dies, and she takes on his name, Zhu Chongba. So publicly, one of the main characters is a man and has roles that a man would have. Another central character is a eunuch general named Ouyang, and I love him. This takes place near the end of the Great Yuan Dynasty (the rule of the Mongols) and the rise of the Ming Dynasty.
But okay if you need a summery book read Son of a Sailor by Marshall J. Moore. Pirate Captain Quint Thatch goes back to his island home of Ember Bay after the death of his father, and is trying to hide his pirate identity from everyone. This doesn’t go very well because his crew eventually shows up, and two parts of his life collide. It’s summery, it’s fun! I didn’t even think it’d be my kind of book and I adored it. The author suggests reading it near a body of water and with a cold drink nearby, and I heartily agree!
3) Rec a fic!
Holy crap, A Thousand Lives is so good. It actually understands the Force and the Jedi! It’s a Star Wars: Rebels AU where Kanan is an Inquisitor hunting down Ezra while he slowly falls in love with Hera. The implication of a thousand versions of them existing that’s put in the epigraphs is truly fantastic. I don’t usually like Star Wars fics because of how many people misunderstand the Jedi but this one was truly amazing. I can’t wait to read it again.
4) Rec music!
Fam, I’m forever listening to the album If I Can’t Have Love, I Want Power by Halsey. I do want to update my music at some point though, see what my favorite artists have been putting out.
5) Share one piece of advice!
Find something you like and own it, without any shame. If others want to join then good! If people want to be negative about what you enjoy then they’re not worth your time. Your own enjoyment is precious, and when you work towards it you will find moments you like—or even, love—existing in.
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heya everybody!! here’s my second Kanera Week fic!! the prompt was Celebration, and I did my best to do something unique! I hope you like it!
Tag list: @kanerallels @accidental-spice @heckin-music-dork @firefoxtessa @ladywren7 @auroramagpie
keep reading for the first few lines!
“I don’t know if I’m ever gonna get used to this,” I comment as my family gathers in the cargo bay of the ship that’s been our home for years now.
“Yeah, you’re gonna need to be a bit more specific than that,” Sabine tells me dryly as she slides down the ladder and drops to her feet. Then my heart does the thing where it tries to launch itself out of my chest. Well, not literally. Obviously. Also, it’s getting kind of annoying how often it does that, considering that we’ve been dating for three months. It should’ve calmed down by now.
Or maybe the fact that it hasn’t is a good sign. Kanan still gets really excited when Hera’s around, especially when she’s talking. I feel it in our Force bond, every time.
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