#somehow all the concept arts of Euden give me very different personality vibes. More on that later. Probably.
valeriefauxnom · 11 months
Another episode of 'missing the forest for the trees' by taking things far too literally
And today, it's models! Specifically, Euden's models, who, when I was talking with WillofWinnie and showing how the Mega Monarch Emile fight had a mini model cutscene before, some with funny expressions looking up at him, when I could have sworn I saw something.
Gala Euden's model seemed to be tinier than Euden's. (No don't worry, this isn't going to be more of the whole 5'1 semi-joke line here from earlier!).
Here's a good example of what I mean, with 3/4 of his models in a line.
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See how Base Euden just, overall has a bigger frame? Than the other two. Like, his curiass more juts outward, whereas G!Euden's plate actually cuts inward to him at a spot. So then, naturally, I laid the two on top of eachother to see if one actually had a bigger presence or if my eyes were playing tricks. And while the results aren't definitive, I think base Euden has an overall bigger 'influence'.
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Euden's entirely subsumed his G!Euden's face, not even some of the weird expression clipping you see when you do this with some other models. The actual main part of his torso is base Euden, and while G!Euden does peek out in some spots, even they kinda get overtaken by some of og!Euden's decorations, like the orange stripe on the cloth. His legs are also almost all og!Euden.
The scales tip even more for a comparison to Bondforged vs og:
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Now, here's where I give the obligatory, "there's a far more rational explanation to this than a deliberate decision" in the form of helping the game run better as well as getting more experienced with creating models with more detail in less space. Take a look at the wireframe for og! and G! Euden's models. In general, less lines mean better performance (or so I understand in my very minimalistic coding understanding)
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(Pictured: the nightmarish Euden you can see at 3am only on Halloween if you turn around and say 'triangle Euden' 3x over...)
It's kinda hard to tell, but Gala Euden overall is a bit less dense with them in spots. WillOfWinnie confirmed that overall it seems like they got better at making wireframes with fewer vertices (though summer Euden kinda throws that out the window because, as Winnie says, more skin=harder to look good with fewer lines as the lines=/smooth, round areas well).
So there's the rational explanation for that. And of course, throw in possible stylistic shifts for how they wanted the models to look and we can pretty much put this to bed instead of a grand conspiracy.
Still. Overthinking is my hallmark.
And all I can say is that it's great unintentional angst fodder that would fit nicely within the canon story. Euden's suddenly been thrust into leading a new nation in war, reeling from his only surviving parent's death and struggling to deal with the rest of his siblings for one reason or another (even if most weren't close). He's also doing vastly more exercise than whatever sword training he did at the castle between actually fighting in battles, traveling, and shapeshifting and thus expending a lot more energy.
Between that and other little differences in the models (Euden actually gets paler for his summer art and continues this into Bondforged, as you can kinda see in the face for og vs bonds overlay) is it any wonder that he might've grown a bit thinner from all that stress and constant work? My boy is out here collapsing a bit too often, it seemed, in stories too. Maybe he just wasn't eating enough to upkeep with all the crazy shenanigans going on if he was trying to temper his eating so Cleo didn't have to deal with yet another young man with the appetite of an elephant with Ranzal and Luca?
As me and my friend were injecting a bit of levity: "Maybe that's why his belt fits perfectly in his og model but all the ones after it he's got plenty extra" and "no wonder his summer trunks look like they're about to fall off without the belt: he went shopping with his previous last known sizes from before he left the castle" as further 'proof' of this obviously false theorem.
But hey, as Winnie said: "Pretty neat it can line up like that, intentional or no". And that really says it all.
Bonus round: Gotta give the award for 'most unfitting belt on Euden' to this concept art of him in the official artbook, though. I mean look at they are compared to where his body actually is! (I do like the little butterfly in the background crystal art though, aside from the whole black vs. white and red edginess).
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