#someone come talk to me i’m so serious. hi 👋
eye-of-yelough · 5 months
someone needs to come and have a conversation with me before i die of loneliness and boredom. by the way
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everlasting-rainfall · 5 months
Hi again👋🥰 I'm the one who sent Figarland Garling's request for PAGES AU and after Reading your Headcanons about the Figarland Family I came up with another idea for our dear Red Crescent 🌛❤️ Like what if the reader was sentenced to death for some reason (perhaps she was an escaped slave or a member of the revolutionaries) She proposed a duel to escape the execution, and of course she lost, but somehow it aroused Garling's interest, and he decided that instead of completing the execution, she now belonged to him alone, and no one could look or talk to her except him I bet his superiority complex will make him see his girlfriend as a perfect goddess whose attention no one deserves but him (I really don't mind if he decides to kidnap me or protest at his house. I will actually tie myself up and hand him over and I might turn into a simp or bimbo for him 🤤🤤)
I hope things get better and you are well 💋 (no matter what problems you are facing)
Hey! Sorry that it took me so long to get to this as like I’ve said, I’ve been dealing with some personal issues that I’d rather not go into detail about but I’m working on it now and I sincerely hope that you enjoy this!
Here’s hoping that I hear more from you in the future so before I get too distracted, let’s get right into it!
Celestial Dragon Bullshit, Slavery, Execution, Violence, Isolation, Implied Noncon, Delusions, Kidnapping
Also Keep in Mind that I do not support or condone the actions of any Celestial Dragon, they are disgusting creatures who are barely even human and don’t deserve the time of day
So as you said, you are someone whose about to be judged and executed but of course there needs to be a reason so let’s imagine that you were like someone who had ties to the revolutionary army like you weren’t a full on revolutionary yourself but you did provide aid to them
Now of course, this is dangerous like in the eyes of the world government. You might as well have just stepped all over their flag and let’s say that you got into some serious trouble as a result of this, you were originally going to be killed outright but lucky you! Or rather unlucky you in a bad way, a celestial dragon just so happened to spot you and what do you know? You’re kinda cute… 🤢
Narrowly escaping execution, you’re now a slave to a random ass celestial dragon which in all honesty? Probably way better to have been killed in all honesty as bitchass celestial dragon gonna be a bitchass celestial dragon and they’re awful to you
You’re moreso treated like some kind of doll or pet to be commanded than an actual person like legitimately, they’ve tried to show you off to fellow dragons like you’re some kind of cool toy they got, not even a trophy
Anyways with the constant dealing with the bitchass celestial dragon who has you like the daily abuse and the fact that they never see you as human like legitimately they probably see an actual bug as more human, something was bound to happen
And suddenly you’re on trial for trying to kill the person who was your “master”, whether you succeeded or just severely injured the fucker is completely up to you but either way. Let’s say you practically butchered the fucker
As you’re standing there before the judge, the red haired man reads off the crimes that you committed and the evidence against you is damning to the point where it’s clear the death sentence is coming
You can’t let this be where you perish though so just before Garling sentences you to a very painful execution befitting of someone like you (His words, not mine), you interrupt him much to the pearl clutching gasps of the dragons and shout out that you want to duel
Duel for your freedom against Figarland Garling himself? It sounds absolutely crazy but he’s clearly interested so he rises from his chair and tells you the rules that if you can beat him then you go free but if he wins then the sentence continues
No sort of armor is provided to you but luckily, you’re at least given a weapon although it’s not one of your choosing and he doesn’t seem to be wearing armor either so maybe you can do this?
The duel is begun via a starting pistol from one of the holy knights and you barely have enough time to dodge Garling’s first strike as he moves so fast that it’s terrifying
While you’re scrambling to get to a safe distance away, Garling is pleasantly surprised as not many dodge his first strike but no matter. Probably an accident so he strikes again and wouldn’t you know it? Another narrow dodge!
Man’s honestly starting to have fun as you can’t hit him and your attacks can’t even be called attacks so much as they’re desperate swings of a weapon but somehow, you’re dodging his attacks quite well (although they’re all just based on luck) and by the time that the duel has finally ended
You’re lying on the ground with a deep slash across your chest and his sword in your face, you’ve lost but Garling doesn’t intend to get rid of you as you’re quite interesting. Not only did you dodge his attacks but with those dodges, you became the person whose last against him the longest
Honestly you’re too good to execute so once he’s declared the winner and the applause has died down, he sheaths his sword and reads out your sentence as it’s no longer death but you will be taken to his home and serve him
Some dragons probably are murmuring as what is he thinking? But Garling doesn’t care as he demands you to be taken away and have your wounds treated, there’s a little bit of hesitation but soon you find yourself passing out as you’re carried off
When you wake up, you’re now living in Garling’s home as one of his servants which is probably like a “God fucking dammit” moment for you but oddly enough. Garling doesn’t treat you as poorly as the other guy did
Like yes, you are still a servant but Garling never really has much for you to do for him and most of the time. He simply wants to speak with you as you work on whatever small thing that he’s making you do or have you accompany him on a walk around the property
It’s so weird to you especially as you’ve never seen another servant around Garling’s home like you’re aware that they exist but you’ve never seen them and when you decide to ask him? He tells you that when you’re stuck in your quarters is when they’re in the house
You might try to ask why you’re not out then as you’re just like them but he’d more than likely tell you to not compare yourself to them, it’s so weird
Part of you thinks that Garling simply keeps you in this position because he wants to be able to show you and specifically you off like you’re a toy or trophy later but when the day does come that he meets up with other nobles, he goes alone like he doesn’t even indicate that he wants to bring you with him
So you aren’t being treated different for the purpose of being shown off but could it possibly be for then?
It seems like the answer comes when he wants to take you to meet the guard dogs one day, those giant Tibetan Mastiff’s that you’ve heard about having ripped any intruder or enemy to shreds if they so much as feel like the Figarland Family is threatened
Maybe you were being well cared for so you could be fed to them? Possibly… But that answer quickly dies when you’re taken to them only to not be fed to them but to be introduced to them as Garling makes you hold out your hand to be sniffed by them
Honestly the worst thing that they all do is lick your hand once, the Pomeranian Leader of the Guard Dogs doesn’t even touch you and simply yips at you like some kind of greeting
After this, Garling’s odd behavior is taken up a few notches as he barely asks you to do anything for him now and rarely gets mad at you like seriously… You once broke a vase just to see how he would react and he simply told you to be more careful… He didn’t even tell you to clean it up when he’s told you that he’s made other servants clean up broken objects only to execute them afterwards…
When the day comes that Garling starts to buy you outfits and refer to you as “Dearest one” and “Star” alongside touch you just a little bit too long, that’s when you start to realize what might be happening as he appears to be trying to ease you into a life as his partner
It all makes sense now to you… This is the only reason that he would be treating you differently…
You need to get out of here…
Avoiding Garling while you make a plan of escape isn’t easy as this man can read you like a book and it’s not like you can just stay in your room all day as the man will come and let himself in when he lets you out of your quarters
It takes such a long time of careful planning and on a night where he told you that starting tomorrow night, you would be sharing beds with him. You put your plan into action as you left your room and walked silently through the halls once you were sure that he went to sleep
You snuck outside and only made it halfway across the property before the loud howls of the guard dogs started to ring out, you started to slap yourself internally as you didn’t account for the possibility that he would get up to check on you or to make it so that you would start sharing beds that night
Running across the property hoping to find a wall that you could vault yourself over or an exit that you could rush through and escape the red haired man through was pointless as within minutes, you had the guard dogs rushing at you from the darkness
Their teeth sunk into your ankles causing you to scream as you were dragged back to the main house where Garling is waiting for you dressed in his pajamas sitting in a chair looking less than pleased
It kind of feels like you’re back at what was supposed to be your execution in all honesty and when Garling speaks, his voice is cold to the point where it sends a chill down your spine like you’ve seen the reaper in the flesh
He’s angry and he demands to know why you’ve run away from him after all that he’s done for you and when you hesitate to speak, he impatiently slams his fist against the arm of the chair and commands you to respond
“I… I just want to go home! I want to go home and forget about all of this! I want to go back to my old life!”
“Why on earth would you want something like that? I can make you so much more happier here with me… I can make all of your troubles go away if you’d just embrace me instead of leaning away…”
“Please… You’ve done so many nice things for me but I don’t want this… I want my life back, I want to live in my old town with all the people…”
“You want them instead of me? When they don’t even deserve to lay eyes on you, let alone stand in your presence? Disgusting… Don’t you realize how perfect you are?”
It’s after this that Garling winds up going into a long speech about how you’re some kind of goddess and beautiful thing that no one deserves to lay eyes on except him, you are the most beautiful thing that he has ever seen and clearly he must keep you away from those who are unworthy
The entire thing freaks you out so much more than the thought of him killing you does especially when he starts to talk about the life that he has all planned out for the two of you that apparently he’s been planning since the very moment that you somehow managed to last as long against him as you did back at your execution
Which now in hindsight to him was just an awful, awful thing that never should have happened as clearly the bastard who you attacked had it coming but not because he was a Disgusting Celestial Dragon but because he kept you from meeting him
He pulls you into his lap at some point during this and although you try to struggle briefly against him, you know that there’s no escape when you hear a low growl from the guard dogs that threatens you to try to run and Garling’s arms tighten around you in his embrace
Once you’re in his arms, he tells you about his desire to come home to you after a long day, he would find you untainted by the gaze of those who are unworthy and you would greet him with a beaming smile
Your outfit would look absolutely lovely on you and hug you in all the right places to show off every inch of your perfect body no matter what sort of body type you may have, he would approach and you would welcome him home with a kiss as he caressed you
The two of you would enjoy your dinner together and retire to your bedroom for the night where he would slip your outfit from your shoulders and make love to you as you moaned out his name and begged for him to impregnate you
Garling almost looks happy as he describes all of this like it’s his dream come true that he’s telling you about, he looks into your scared eyes and chuckles just a little
He pulls you ever so closer to him to where you can feel his nice smelling breath fanning across your face…
“You look so scared, darling… But don’t be afraid and don’t run either… I’d find you anywhere that you ran from me and drag you home even if a million eyes had been laid upon you… This is where you belong now…”
“Shhhh… No need for words… Just lean into me and allow me to bind us together…”
And with that, Garling leaned in and pressed his lips onto yours in a kiss that felt as cold as ice… You wanted to run, you wanted to scream and push him away, you wanted to get far away from here…
But none of that was going to happen and as you felt one of his hands starting to slip underneath your clothing…
You knew that you weren’t going anywhere…
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bahllinsqrews · 9 months
It’s me, 🪽anon 👋 I wanted to tag @inkysocker in this too so I hope they see this. (If not I’ll send it to them too.)
I agree with you and @inkysocker’s posts on the Ni-ki situation exactly. People have the right to disagree with writing smut about Ni-ki-that’s their opinion and they 100% have the right to feel that way-but if they don’t like it, they should block it and move on. Jungwon is only a year older than Ni-ki and people have been writing smut about him for a long time, and no one bats an eye. Why is there such a double standard? People argue saying “Ni-ki just turned 18”. So, I’m curious to ask them-what exactly is the right time to start writing it by -your- standard? If people wait 3/4/5 months, it would be fine? I don’t get it. And why do people have to abide by -your- standard? It comes off as one of the biggest instances of virtue signaling I’ve ever seen
Look, I watched i-land too. Ni-ki quickly became my favorite because of his talent, sense of humor, humility and kindness-believe me, I’m protective of him too. I get it if some people can’t see him as an adult now because they’re having a hard time separating who he is now from who he was then. But the reality is, he’s growing up and he’s not a little kid anymore. Of course he’s still young and still has his innocent side but he’s certainly not as innocent as some people think he is-because they don’t think about him as a real person, they only see the perfect image that he chooses to show us. And I can understand why. I know kpop companies warp and mold idols’ images into what they want them to be seen as and it’s easy to forget that, once you become a fan and you’re deep in it. I feel like I get lost in it too sometimes. I’ll be honest, I lost my virginity at 17 and was thinking about sex long before that. If people think Ni-ki doesn’t have sexual thoughts like a normal 18 year old, they seriously need to be realistic. In addition, if people think he isn’t trying to shed his “cute”/“baby” image, they really need to get a grip too. Of course he’s still the youngest member-but this year (and esp lately) if you just look at the pictures he himself chooses to post and the tik-toks/dances he himself chooses to do you can tell he’s trying to be more serious and mature.
I have been so absolutely disgusted with the hate and vitriol I’ve seen towards people who have written anything nsfw for Ni-ki or who have talked about doing it. They literally have people telling them to k¡ll themselves, s1it, jump etc. it’s so, so sickening, not to mention triggering. It’s not funny/edgy and cute to tell someone to harm themselves or k¡ll themselves when someone posts something you don’t like-and people just say it like it means nothing. If you can’t properly articulate your stance and express your feelings about something without telling someone to k¡ll themselves, it makes you seem ignorant, immature, and honestly too lazy and vacuous to do so. It certainly does not make you seem like the better person. I know the people saying these things are young and callow but it is so hard to see. They don’t understand the weight their words hold. They have no idea what others are going through and how the recipients of their hate will react to being told to k¡ll/harm themselves. I think about how they would feel if someone actually killed themselves because of the hate they gave them and I would hope that they would actually feel sorry and ashamed but it seems like they’re so far in their narcissistic bubble with their moral grandstanding and so grossly desensitized to saying it in normal conversation that they’d be like “whatever” or “good, they deserved it”. These people are seriously not as edgy and cool as they think they are. They’re immature, twisted, and toxic. Seriously, they give me sociopath vibes. They really think they *hold the torch of wisdom and morals* meanwhile they’re telling someone to s1it their wrists and k¡ll themselves. Make it make sense. In reality, they seem like worse people than the ones they send hate too. And they’re also calling people fat and ugly and fatherless (😀?) when all else fails lmao. What is this, the 4th grade? I’d laugh if I wasn’t so disgusted. Like pls….you’re not funny 💀 Definitely exposes their elementary school/middle school selves, you can really tell how young they are when they respond in that way. Like if you don’t like it, block it. Yet instead they choose to go out of their way to send kys messages…. I can’t fathom how telling someone to k¡ll themselves makes you a better person than them.
It just makes me sick and sad honestly. I’m glad you’re strong because ik you’re probably getting a lot of hate for what you’re doing, but you always respond to it in a mature way, when you do choose to respond to it. Yeah, always feel free to delete as many hate messages as you want, don’t even give them attention. I hope it doesn’t get to you too much and I hope you’re doing well and continue to do well. Just know you’re definitely not alone and have a lot of people who feel the same way. 🩷 And I already talked about the people who send hate to you and others and the kind of people they really are.
(Sorry it was so long-I have a lot of thoughts about this)
This exactly sums up what everyone needs to hear. And a lot of people would agree without hesitation, I have screen shots of people insulting me in my Dms and comment sections and this just embodies what I am trying to get across. STAY IN YOUR CORNER OF TUMBLR!!
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monsterkong · 26 days
Teaming Up for Success: My New Chapter with Andy Carter
Hey there, wonderful people! 😊
Today, I have some incredibly exciting news to share with you all. This is a big moment for me, and I can’t wait to let you in on what’s been happening behind the scenes. If you’ve been following my journey, you know that real estate has been my life for nearly two decades. But now, I’m embarking on a new chapter, and it’s going to be amazing.
From Solo Agent to Dynamic Duo: My Real Estate Journey 🏘️
I started my real estate career back in 2005. It was a different time, and I was a different person. But from the very beginning, I knew that real estate was where I belonged. By 2012, I was all in, working full-time and loving every minute of it. But here’s the thing—I’ve always been something of a lone wolf. 🐺 I moved from one brokerage to another, learning the ropes, building my business, and carving out a niche for myself in the industry.
Then, one day, I met Andy Carter. We connected on the investment side, and from the start, it was clear that we had something special. We had the same drive, the same vision, and the same determination to succeed. But for years, we worked separately, each of us pursuing our own goals.
That all changed recently when we started having some serious conversations about the future. We talked about what we could accomplish if we joined forces, about how we could dominate the market as a team rather than as individuals. And let me tell you, those conversations were a revelation. 💥
The Big Shift: Joining the Andy Carter Team 🎊
And now, here we are. I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve officially joined the Andy Carter team! 🥳 This is a huge step for me, and I couldn’t be more excited about what lies ahead. Andy and I are combining our strengths, our expertise, and our passion to create something truly special in the real estate world. Together, we’re going to make a big impact.
This couldn’t have come at a better time. I have to be honest—there was a point where I started to feel a bit burned out. I wasn’t feeling the same passion for real estate that I once did. I even took a step back to explore other projects. But nothing gave me the same sense of fulfillment that real estate did.
Then, I had a conversation with Andy, and everything changed. He reignited that fire within me, and suddenly, I was excited about real estate again. 🔥 I knew that I had to get back in the game, and joining forces with Andy was the perfect way to do it.
What’s Next: New Listings and Fresh Opportunities 📈
Now, I’m back in action, and I’m more motivated than ever. We’ve got some fantastic listings coming up—Huntington, Naples, Downey—you name it. And this is just the beginning. Andy and I have big plans, and we’re going to be shaking things up in the real estate world.
Working with Andy has been nothing short of inspiring. He’s the kind of leader who knows how to bring out the best in people, and I’m incredibly grateful to be part of his team. Together, we’re going to achieve great things, and I’m so excited to see where this journey takes us.
Stay Tuned: Exciting Times Ahead! 📢
I can’t wait to share this journey with you. There’s so much more to come, and I’ll be keeping you updated every step of the way. Whether you’re a client, a friend, or just someone who’s curious about real estate, I’m glad to have you along for the ride.
So stay tuned for more updates, more listings, and more exciting news. This is going to be an incredible journey, and I’m so glad you’re here to share it with me.
Talk to you soon! 👋
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