#someone draw cosmo with kiss makeup please
selznick · 1 year
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and hes such a fan of rock and roll too
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natandwandaseries · 4 years
A Nat and Wanda Series Mini Fic: Heart of Gold
           “Are you sure this is a good idea?”            “Are you kidding me? She is going to love it,” Wanda coaches Steve over the phone, rolling her eyes to Yelena.            “I just want to make sure. Tony thinks I should have done a surprise trip to Paris or the Maldives,”            “Don’t you get enough surprise vacations?” Wanda sighs, exasperated. “This was your idea.”            “I know but,” Yelena gets off her couch, taking the phone from Wanda.            “Is too late anyways. If she hate it, she break up with you,”            “Do you think she would?”            “No. See? Now you feel better.” She smiles, smug. “You be here at five thirty,” Yelena hangs up the phone.            “We should probably check on Nat.”            “She having existential crisis for sure,” Yelena agrees. They go up to the apartment Nat and Wanda share.            To their great surprise, they walk in on Natasha completely calm as she finishes her hair. Her hair has been blown out and styled like it had years ago before Ultron crashed their party. In a far rarer occasion than Natasha doing her hair, she has put on makeup as well.            “You okay?” Yelena asks.            “Of course,” Nat shakes the can of hairspray.            “You aren’t freaking out?” Wanda pipes in, “You are okay?”            “Yes,” Natasha fails to keep the amusement out of her voices as she looks at the pair through the mirror. She stands up from her vanity stool and heads to the bedroom, her silk bathrobe just trailing on the ground behind her. They trail behind her, completely mystified by the out of character behavior.            “Aren’t you curious what you’re doing tonight? Unless you already know?”            “I know we are going to a show and dinner, that’s it.”            “It doesn’t bug you?”            “I’m choosing to go with the flow,” She answers, slipping into her closet and closing the door.            “You feel okay? Someone slip something in food?”            “Yelena, I’m fine,” her muffled response comes through the door. She steps out a moment later, wearing a black satin shift dress, pair of heels in hand. As she steps in front of her girls, they get a view of her back, the dress is low cut with crossover pearl straps.            Nat goes over to her jewelry dresser and takes out a pair of emerald and pearl earrings with a matching bracelet.            “You aren’t freaking out,” Wanda confirms.            “I’m content, but I appreciate your concern, both of you.” She kisses Wanda’s head and bumps Yelena’s shoulder, grabbing the clutch off her side table as she walks out of the room, having since slid on the red bottoms. “Please behave tonight. I expect the apartment to be intact when I get back, and no international emergencies caused by either of you.”            “I am adult,”            “Not really.”  She pulls on her green dress coat just as there is a knock at their door. Natasha opens it and Steve is standing in a suit with a bouquet of red roses in hand.            “Happy Valentine’s day, Nat.”  Natasha’s lips twist into her hidden smile as she places a kiss on his cheek, then takes her thumb to quickly wipe away the lipstick stain. She hands the flowers to Wanda, who happily takes them. The couple leave the apartment and Wanda turns to Yelena.            “It is thanks to us that they got together,”            “To us? Took until I got here for it to happen. You had years,” She widow scoffs, “I ordering pizza, you want?”            Downstairs, Steve gets the door for Nat, and she climbs in without complaint, for once satisfied with being driven.            “What was it that you said you first thought when you met me?”            “Chivalry wasn’t dead, it was frozen in ice for seventy years,” Natasha laughs, thinking positively of that time in her life for once, with nostalgia rather than resentment.            They pull up to the Lincoln Center and walk inside, down to the orchestra seating after purchasing two glasses of champagne. The theater begins to fill up, but no one bothers them. The curtain is drawn, and the show begins.            Two and a half hours later, they step into the Russian Tea Room while Natasha nearly gushes about Don Quixote, while simultaneously critiquing a few dancers’ techniques.            “Only you could both praise and criticize as the same time,”            “I’m a woman of many talents,” She hooks her arm through his. Instead of being led to a table as she expects, they are brought to another room. The Bear Lounge.            In the center of the room is a spectacular gilded tree, adorned with lights the resemble large Fabergé eggs, recalling the pair’s first birthday together. There is a large glass bear the seems to be frozen in place while juggling, and mirrors shaped like starbursts reflects off the walls. And on the ceiling is a painting of the cosmos, stars to guide one home.                    A string quartet plays on the far side of the room and Steve pulls out a chair for Natasha as they sit in the private room, large enough for at least two hundred people, but reserved just for them.            “You really outdid yourself, Rogers,” Natasha sighs, taking it all in.            “Really?”            “It is perfect, I couldn’t have imagined a better night,” She places her hand in his, and rubs her thumb across the heel of his. The soft and intimate motion doesn’t cease until the water comes to take their order.            As their meal draws to a close, Steve pulls Natasha from her seat, and she kicks off her heels, her bare feet sinking into the lush carpet. The string quartet begins to play their song, lyrics not needed as the two begin to dance in the under a night sky of their own.
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eterneli · 7 years
☂, ♛, ☮, ✤ [ luv mi
           ☂ : Favorite weather. (x)
without a doubt his favorite weather resumes to when it’s raining, from a merciless downpour to a simple drizzle. there has always been something about the sound of droplets colliding to several surfaces across the city that built a peaceful melody in his mind, like the whole world was put on mute and only the pitter-patter was left. it is both aesthetically pleasing to watch the curtain that consumed the skies and the fog that forms when hot meets cold but also a mean to reach serenity. it’s normal for baekhyun to stand in the rain just to feel the cold drops and the freezing breeze – something about cleansing the soul. so he’s different from most people who would tuck themselves in and sleep through the day under the covers; he’d rather be out there, exposed to the rain and drenched in its grace.
but he also happens to adore snow, that heavy and chilly snowfall that consumes an entire city. in his eyes, the way it paints the streets in sheer white, makes the whole scenario dazzling and breathtaking, like a masterpiece brought to life right before his eyes. he enjoys the icy kisses of snow and finds beauty in the way it forms huge piles from minuscule snowflakes. nature looks prettier dressed in classy white and dirty streets gain a new breath of fresh air when decorated by immaculate white. 
            ♛ : Opinion on outer beauty.
it’s superficial. he doesn’t really care much for outer beauty when someone may possess decaying and ugly insides; rather than looking at someone’s full appearance, he’ll catch what people call the windows to the soul, a.k.a eyes. it takes a lot to get him to voice out someone is beautiful, and for him to actually mean it. that does not mean, however, that he does not recognize striking features. being an observant being has brought byun to unconsciously take notice of the smallest of details, which means he is perfectly able of taking notice of someone’s looks, of admiring them. when he draws, for example, taking notice of someone’s features in a deeper level is essential, and with it comes the recognition of beauty by his standards. but then again, it matters little if their personality is as despicable as his own.
his usage of dark makeup and accessories may be taken as vanity, and to some extent it is, but in reality it is just the image he has built for himself, something he feels comfortable with. a shield maybe, a barrier to keep unwanted creatures from approaching. it is through looks that people hide from what they fear most – and to him, that fear comes in the shape of deeper connections followed by disappointment. so instead of presenting himself in a pleasant manner, baekhyun opts for razor-sharp words, venom and a somewhat intimidating coat of makeup. it is all a mere cloak to keep himself in safety.
            ☮: Opinion on peace.
there are two concepts to be taken into consideration when it comes to peace to him – in an universal scale and what is called inner piece.
he believes the world is too chaotic to ever reach peace, be it in between big nations of a simple relationship between two people. divergent opinions keep both parties from falling into consensus in most cases and it leads to conflicts, be them clear as daylight or implicit in conversations. it is an extremely hard concept to achieve, perhaps even impossible, in his eyes.
however when it comes to inner peace, he’ll claim that is it the only true mean to experience serenity as a whole. because baekhyun carries a deep passion for music, his piano in special, peace comes when he’s drawn into a world of his own while playing, as if every atrocious memory faded away and left only laughter and smiles, a warmth to the heart and a feeling rather comparable to floating in the clouds. or even when he’s under the rain, simply listening to clashing droplets to the floor. it varies from person to person, and to him, specifically, those feelings are what he considers to be inner peace.
            ✤ : Do they believe in luck? 
baekhyun would rather trust in abilities and potential rather than a shallow concept such as luck. people tend to believe it is something like the cosmos conspiring in their favor, blessing their paths with flowers and guiding them to happiness – but he happens to believe that this is just an idiotic thought. succeeding in life has nothing to do with luck when every step of the way depends solely on your attitude and determination towards something. so he’ll simply laugh as someone’s face if they come up with some fanciful explanation as to what luck is – is it just too hilarious to him how futile people can be.
so no, he does not believe in luck. life has never given him proof that it exists.
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