#someone get him a porchay bestie stat
fishy-xp · 2 years
Macau Theerapanyakul - a character study (pt.3)
a deeper dive into our favourite mafia darling
*bangs pots and pans* that’s right, two Macau character studies in one day and it’s Episode 7 time bitches
I have finished discussing Ep 2 in my first character study and though there are mentions of Macau by Vegas and Tankhun later, I might save that for when I read the novel because I know Tankhun and Macau’s relationship towards each other are interconnected more so in the novel. 
Also Macau appears for like five seconds in Ep 6 and someone already summed up my thoughts here. Therefore, we will move onto the big daddy - my darling favourite Episode 7 aka Macau Content Goldmine
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Macau’s first appearance in this episode is by his lonesome at the large banquet table, with empty seats on either side of him. Sure, maybe they saved Vegas a seat because they know Macau wants to sit next to his favourite family member, but what is the reason for there being two empty seats? Macau is so obviously isolated from the bodyguards, who are all engaged in their own conversations that Macau has to reach over to ask for something. And it’s not like it’s an ‘out of respect for our young master thing’ since Gun is seen sitting with the bodyguards and chatting along with them. Macau also stands out in his school uniform, a blaring reminder that he is a child with a massive age difference from the bodyguards and the rest of his family. And who else is wearing a uniform and know they don’t fit in at this current moment? The major family bodyguards, but even they have each other. Macau has no one. 
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Macau greets the three bodyguards as well, showing that he is respectful. Maybe Vegas told him to be on his best behaviour because he’s scheming or maybe Macau just hated being in the main family compound in Ep 2 and that contributed to his bad mood and bratty attitude during the pond scene, whilst in reality, he is mild mannered and respectful. Either way, the framing of the conversation between Porsche and Vegas during this banquet scene is reminscent of another frame, namely when Vegas shows up at the club and Pete is initially in focus before it blurs him out to focus on Porsche. This exact framing is mirrored here where Macau is in focus when Vegas greets him but that focus is quickly shifted to Porsche. It indicates that whilst Macau (and Pete) are still in view, they are momentarily pushed aside because Vegas is focused on Porsche. Even though Macau is not in focus, we can still see his reactions. The first thing is that Macau is not doing anything. He’s not eating, he’s not talking, he is simply sitting there as though he is waiting for something. The second thing is that Macau keeps sneaking glances over to Porsche, or more correctly, over to Vegas, before looking away and sighing. Put two and two together, and it becomes quite apparent Macau is waiting to speak to his brother. Why? Because he has no one else. When they gather like this, Vegas is likely the only one who talks to Macau, asks him how his day is, what happened at school and everything else under the sun. But now, with his older brother’s attention on someone else for the time being, his one companion is preoccupied and Macau can’t do anything other than sit and wait until the adults are done talking. 
Everything about Macau in this scene is set up to show how lonely and isolated he is and why he feels the need to seek attention. Sure, at home, he feels more comfortable but this does not erase any of the isolation or loneliness he feels. 
Moving onto the next Macau scene, I could be wrong but when Macau catches Porsche getting on the bike, I think he says ‘Hey P/Phi’ (Thai honorific for older people), which further indicates that Macau, to a degree, respects Porsche. Macau is still in his school uniform here which reinforces that there is a age difference between them and also that he is a child. Furthermore, I think Macau’s apology is genuine. But I also do think Vegas did tell him to apologise for evil plot reasons based on the little nod of acknowledge as they walk past each other and Macau would not have apologised if Vegas didn’t tell him too. But since Macau was put into a position where he had to in order to help Vegas, the apology became genuine because as I mentioned in pt.1 Macau did look guilty about Porsche being choked unconscious. During his apology, Macau is both making eye contact, which communicates his sincerity, but also looks down at the ground, suggesting his guilt and shame. Also the clown light-hearted music stops as soon as Macau apologises, signalling that this is not a heeheehaha moment and that Macau is being serious. He also doesn’t just say sorry, which could have easily been done if he was faking it for Vegas. Instead, he takes pauses, his blinking speeds up just prior to his apology as if he’s thinking it through and repeating what he has to say, he stutters and wets his lips. We know from Ep 9 if Macau wanted to fake an emotion, he would do it seamlessly, he lies so easily to Pete and puts on this mask of enthusiasm, but that doesn’t happen here. Here, Macau shows real emotions, this isn’t practiced nor is it a performance. He wants to apologise because he is emotionally burdened by what his actions has resulted in and this kicks in all his nervous giveaways. Vegas also watches him from a distance, waiting until he’s done rather than being right there to play up Macau’s apology as ‘ohmygod look at my bro being so nice and kind’, because even after, he straight up tells Porsche that he had to tell Macau to apologise. He knows his brother is a good person, he wants to keep him that way so he doesn’t turn out like himself, he looks proud of Macau for owning up and taking responsibility. 
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Most importantly, is the way Macau repeatedly touches Porsche on the arm and on the shoulder in this scene. Macau seems to learn this from his brother who is very touchy and I think he interprets this as a sign of intimacy, as Vegas does the exact same pat to him once he finishes apologising, a literal pat on the back side of arm/shoulder lol. Both families, but especially the minor family, lie and use words to manipulate, mansplain and manwhore their way around the mafia world, so where words cannot be trusted, it is actions and touch that depict their true feelings and emotions (as evidenced by KP whenever they fuck ahem, make love as an apology, as whatever happened in Ep 4 etc etc.) so Macau’s touches are his attempts at communicating that he is being sincere. 
Macau is a good kid. He is just a little a lot lonely. 
P.S. I hope what we see is Macau parallelling Vegas’ actions in a lot of ways but for good. I hope he becomes everything Vegas couldn’t be because of the abuse, the competition and the toxicity of the entire mafia life. Macau becomes a happier Vegas under the guise and protection of Vegas because at the very least, it’s what he deserves and Vegas would do anything to see his brother smile. 
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My boy deserves all the validating shoulder pats.  
[Part 1, Part 2, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7]
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